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November Improv Jam with TBC Spain | Teatre de l'Enjòlit
Nov 25, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
TBC's Monthly Improv Jam
Come and play, YAY! An improv jam is a fun inclusive event where absolutely all are welcome, no improv experience required. We all play some improv games together, have some laughs, meet other improvisers and generally be merry. Whether you've taken improv classes before or you will be dipping your toes into improv for the first time, we'll be happy to play with you. Note: This is nota workshop, performance, nor open mic nightLimited tickets available, so buy early!
Tickets: €5 online, €7 on the door
Information Source: TBC Improv Spain | eventbrite
English stand up comedy - Two Shades Of Grey | Teatro Metamorfosis
Nov 27, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
2 Shades of Grey brings together two veteran comedians, Chris Groves (TV3) and Mauricio Lombardi (iUmor) for an unforgettable night of comedy. Each Monday at 21:30, the Metamorphosis Theatre comes alive with laughter as these seasoned performers share the stage for a split-hour of side-splitting humor and timeless wit. With decades of experience and countless stories to tell, these comedians deliver sharp observations, hilarious anecdotes, and a comedic chemistry that's pure magic. From life's absurdities to the quirks of aging, no topic is off-limits. Join us at the Metamorphosis Theatre for 2 Shades of Grey and experience the kind of humor that only comes with age. Don't miss out on a night of laughter suitable for all ages! TICKETS: 8€ (with drink included) 7€ (Groups of 4+ with dring included) 10€ (ON THE DOOR (drink included))
Information Source: Secret Comedy Club | eventbrite
Chris and Mauricio have QUESTIONS? | Teatro Metamorfosis
Nov 27, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Chris and Mauricio bring you a whirlwind of chaotic fun as they combine elements of a chat show, talent show, stand-up comedy, and improv. Expect unpredictable laughs, spontaneous conversations, and plenty of surprises as they tackle life’s big and small mysteries. From discussing life’s absurdities to showcasing the unexpected talents of their audience, this show has something for everyone. It’s a wild ride that leaves you with more questions than answers—but a lot of laughs along the way.
Information Source: Secret Comedy Club | eventbrite
Hot Juans • Spicy Comedy Game Show in English | The Comedy Clubhouse
Nov 28, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
From the creators of 'Drink Drank Drunk' and 'Absolute Chaos' comes the spiciest show in town! Join us for Hot Juans, a comedy show where four comedians will finally answer the age-old question: can you eat outrageously hot sauce and still perform comedy? Featuring standup and improv fun with some of the best comedians in Barcelona, we'll supply them with some amazing food from Nikki's Kitchen, and thoroughly douse it in hot sauce provided by ONIMA. There'll be laughter, tears of joy, and most likely tears of searing unbearable pain, all for your enjoyment! Hosted by Luke Messina and Stuart Kennedy, it's going to be a show to remember, and delicious too! So come to the Comedy Clubhouse and find out who the real Hot Juan is. And remember; if you can't handle the heat, get off the stage (or at least be sick in the bucket)! Fire in the hole! One Thursday a month Show starts at 10pm (come early to grab a drink and find your seat) Tickets: 5 euros online, 7 euros at the door Where?At The Comedy Clubhouse - Barcelona's dedicated English Comedy Club. At The Comedy Clubhouse we're committed to providing a space for people to relax, chat, meet new people, make mistakes, develop their craft, say stupid things, laugh, cry, detox from the internet AND learn that stepping outside your comfort zone doesn't have to be that uncomfortable. Basically we're bringing community back baby! How?We run 20+ different shows a week of all different types and have had massive stars like Louis CK & Michelle Wolf perform at our club. We produce sketches and funny videos every day on our Instagram of us goofing around. We have Improv jams, Improv Workshops, Open Mics, Friendly Bartenders, Yoga Lessons, Writing Sessions & More! What People Say About Us?We have an average rating of 4.9 Stars on Google across OVER 500 REVIEWS! People that come here love the friendly tone that we set, and they enjoy having a place they can relax and be themselves. Here are some nice things people have said recently 'Pure laughs and silliness every time! Love the weekly Fat Goose shows, nice mix of newcomers and comedy pros :)' - Joe 'Funky chunky is a great plan to enjoy comedy on a Monday night. Mixed new and professional comedians trying out their jokes and brilliantly hosted by Luke and Hannah' - Albert 'A kind of hotspot for English speaking Comedy in Barcelona. A pleasant friendly bar in the main floor and a middle sized show venue in the basement. What I have seen had a nice atmosphere and was full of laughter as well. Especially the Midweek Crisis on Wednesday was a hilarious show where also little or bigger problems of audience members became funnily solved away.' Stephen Some People Don't Like Us!Some people don't like us, that's ok, we're not for everyone. Around 1% of the people that come here, find something they don't like. Sometimes people complain about the lack of drink variety, or about the chaotic feel of the place. Other people find that the open mic comedy event they attended didn't meet the standards they are used to on Netflix. If you come to The Comedy Clubhouse, please understand that it is a work in progress. We are constantly changing & improving and trying to develop new talent. - It's the Sagrada Familia of comedy. Just give us another 140 years and it'll be perfect :) Get Involved?Join our WhatsApp regulars chat for a weekly update on all the different things we have going on. Or Follow us on Instagram (@TheComedyClubhouseBcn) or subscribe on YouTube... Or just come and hang out. We're here every day :).
Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite
Improv for young women (teens) | Heaven Massage Barcelona
Nov 28, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Uncomfortable in silence or even with friends? Not know what to say sometimes? socially anxious? If your daughter would like to feel freer to be herself then this series of classes are ideal for her. Lead by a therapist in Gestalt Psychotherapy and a certified Applied Improvisation Practitioner- Jessica- will ensure your daughter laughs and relaxes. Improvisation is the art of not overthinking and going with the flow. Everything is invented and everyone playing says silly things--together. A safe space is created where we enter into a lab- a LAB where we Listen Accept Build We LAB to the offers and calmly and confidently respond-not react with anxiety. We breath and say what comes to mind. calmly. We listen to the offer life and friends and the pushing woman on the bus gives us. Then, we choose how to respond. We learn how to say. ¨No. yes. yes..if and most importantly, ¨ Yes, And¨ We are practicing our no and yes and our ability to deal with improvised situations and trust our gut feeling. This class builds self-assurance. This class builds connections between humans. This class gives girls the chance to be themselves and try out answers to find what feels right for them. Join us ------------- 18 euros 20% of profits goes to Fundacio Ared. A Catalan nonprofit that helps women who were in prison reskill so they can have brighter futures. Thank you for supporting us at Engage Team Communications. ------------------ About Engage Jessica Breitenfeld is the founder of this communication strategy consultancy. She won Top Female Speaker in Europe in 2022 with Toastmasters. She runs Barcelona's premier Public Speaking Club for women with Barcelona Activa's Lidera program. She trains the city's entrepreneurs through the BCN Welcome programs and she is the VP of BWN. Barcelona Women's Network. She is a Motivational humorist who speaks on authenticity and her favorite hashtag is #Selflike She is a certified Gestalt Therapist. She has taught teens and children since she was 24 years old as the ESL English as a second language coordinator at the Canadian International School of Cairo, Egypt. She has lived in 5 continents, she will have travelled to 60 countries (by the end of october's TedX talk in Pakistan) and she is dedicated to women getting their ideas the respect they deserve. www.JessicaBreitenfeld.com
Information Source: American Society of Barcelona | eventbrite
contraforma[B]barcelona - 28 de noviembre | BAU · College of Arts & Design Barcelona
Nov 28, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Reuneix-te amb nosaltres en la segona trobada de contraforma.barcelona, el nou col·lectiu tipogràfic de la ciutat. Dos fantàstics tipògrafs ens acompanyaran presentant el seu treball en aquest esdeveniment :) Álvaro Franca
Álvaro Franca dissenya tipografies des de 2013. Ha treballat en estudis a Londres i Amsterdam, i ha completat màsters en disseny de tipografia tant a EINA com al Plantin Instituut, a més d'una llicenciatura en Disseny Gràfic a Rio De Janeiro. Va fundar Naipe Foundry el 2018 i ensenya tipografia en el programa de Màster en Disseny Gràfic d’ELISAVA. Pablo Navarlaz
Pablo Navarlaz és un dissenyador gràfic i de tipografia basat a Barcelona. La seva passió per la tipografia l’impulsa a explorar contínuament noves idees i enfocaments en aquest camp, creant peces de disseny versàtils que equilibren estètica i funcionalitat. Es va graduar amb una llicenciatura en Disseny i Innovació a Elisava el 2024. No t'ho perdis i acompanya'ns per a una tarda plena de lletres a Barcelona! Gràcies al patrocini d’El Águila, convidem a la primera cervesa :)
Reúnete con nosotros en el segundo encuentro de contraforma.barcelona, el nuevo colectivo tipográfico de la ciudad Dos fantásticos tipógrafos nos acompañarán presentando su trabajo en este evento :) Álvaro Franca
Álvaro Franca diseña tipografías desde 2013. Ha trabajado en estudios en Londres y Ámsterdam y completado másteres en Diseño de Tipografía tanto en EINA como en el Plantin Instituut, además de una licenciatura en diseño gráfico en Río de Janeiro. Fundó Naipe Foundry en 2018 y enseña tipografía en el programa de Máster en Diseño Gráfico de ELISAVA. Pablo Navarlaz
Pablo Navarlaz es un diseñador gráfico y de tipografía basado en Barcelona. Su pasión por la tipografía lo impulsa a explorar continuamente nuevas ideas y enfoques en este campo, creando piezas de diseño versátiles que equilibran estética y funcionalidad. Se graduó con una licenciatura en Diseño e Innovación de Elisava en 2024. ¡No te lo pierdas y acompáñanos para una tarde llena de letras en Barcelona! Gracias al patrocinio de El Águila, invitamos a la primera cerveza :)
Information Source: Contraforma Barcelona | eventbrite
•Barcelona Improv Group• Improv Comedy • Double Trouble, The Duo Jam •EN | Barcelona Improv Group
Nov 29, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Whether you're a total newbie or a seasoned pro, drop your name in the hat to be paired up for a delightful duo scene. Nervous about getting up there? We'll pair you with an expert. Just wanna get on stage and do stuff? This scene work jam is for you! 8.00pm Signups & Bar Opens
8.30pm Jam Starts 7€ presale / 9€ on the door
BIG Students receive a 30% discount
Information Source: Barcelona Improv Group | eventbrite
RavenWave Ep1 | Carrer de París, 186
Nov 29, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
RavenWave Ep1 will take place at Sala Slow on November 29, 2024, from 11:00 pm to 6:00 am. The venue is located at 186 Carrer de París, 08036 Barcelona. This event promises an unforgettable experience in the vibrant city of Barcelona. Admission is free for all attendees. Come and immerse yourself in a night of music, dance, and entertainment at RavenWave Ep1.
BIG • Improv Comedy • Double Trouble, The Duo Jam • EN | Barcelona Improv Group
Nov 29, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Whether you're a total newbie or a seasoned pro, drop your name in the hat to be paired up for a delightful duo scene. Nervous about getting up there? We'll pair you with an expert. Just wanna get on stage and do stuff? This scene work jam is for you! 8.00pm Signups & Bar Opens
8.30pm Jam Starts 7€ presale / 9€ on the door
BIG Students receive a 30% discount
Information Source: Barcelona Improv Group | eventbrite
Shut Up, B¡tch! • Stand-Up Comedy in English | The Comedy Clubhouse
Nov 29, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Shut Up, B¡tch!Shut Up, Bitch! is a stand-up comedy show featuring wonderful local and international comics, and one male comic (they are like standard comics, but male), AKA The Mansplainer. Come see these comics tell us their most bitchy stories and compete for the “Bitch of the month” title. Do you consider yourself a bigger bitch? Share your story with the rest of the audience and get their vote to walk away with the crown! You don´t have to be b¡tch to be funny, but you have to be funny to get the title of B¡tch of the Month👑 Hosted by Mila Kopaeva @shutupbitchcomedy Last Friday of the month Show starts at 8pm (come early to grab a drink and find your seat) Tickets: 12 euros online, 10 euros group discount (4+), 15 Euros on the door Language: English Lateness/Refund Policy: If you don’t come on time, we may resell your ticket and not refund you, and you may not be allowed into the show. (see below for full late and refund policies) Come early to grab a drink. We have a full bar available (open 1 hour before the first show of the day) with beer, wine, mixed drinks, free snacks, and table games! Where?At The Comedy Clubhouse - Barcelona's dedicated English Comedy Club. At The Comedy Clubhouse we're committed to providing a space for people to relax, chat, meet new people, make mistakes, develop their craft, say stupid things, laugh, cry, detox from the internet AND learn that stepping outside your comfort zone doesn't have to be that uncomfortable. Basically we're bringing community back baby! How?We run 20+ different shows a week of all different types and have had massive stars like Louis CK & Michelle Wolf perform at our club. We produce sketches and funny videos every day on our Instagram of us goofing around. We have Improv jams, Improv Workshops, Open Mics, Friendly Bartenders, Yoga Lessons, Writing Sessions & More! What People Say About Us?We have an average rating of 4.9 Stars on Google across OVER 500 REVIEWS! People that come here love the friendly tone that we set, and they enjoy having a place they can relax and be themselves. Here are some nice things people have said recently 'Pure laughs and silliness every time! Love the weekly Fat Goose shows, nice mix of newcomers and comedy pros :)' - Joe 'Funky chunky is a great plan to enjoy comedy on a Monday night. Mixed new and professional comedians trying out their jokes and brilliantly hosted by Luke and Hannah' - Albert 'A kind of hotspot for English speaking Comedy in Barcelona. A pleasant friendly bar in the main floor and a middle sized show venue in the basement. What I have seen had a nice atmosphere and was full of laughter as well. Especially the Midweek Crisis on Wednesday was a hilarious show where also little or bigger problems of audience members became funnily solved away.' Stephen Some People Don't Like Us!Some people don't like us, that's ok, we're not for everyone. Around 1% of the people that come here, find something they don't like. Sometimes people complain about the lack of drink variety, or about the chaotic feel of the place. Other people find that the open mic comedy event they attended didn't meet the standards they are used to on Netflix. If you come to The Comedy Clubhouse, please understand that it is a work in progress. We are constantly changing & improving and trying to develop new talent. - It's the Sagrada Familia of comedy. Just give us another 140 years and it'll be perfect :) Get Involved?Join our WhatsApp regulars chat for a weekly update on all the different things we have going on. Or Follow us on Instagram (@TheComedyClubhouseBcn) or subscribe on YouTube... Or just come and hang out. We're here every day :). POLICIESLATE POLICY: Due to frequent sell outs and demand for door tickets, we are implementing a new ticket policy. All shows will now start on time. Please arrive AT LEAST 15 minutes before show time (listed event time) to check in, get a drink, and find a seat. If the show is sold out and you haven’t been checked in by show time, we will assume you are a no show and will sell your seat to the waiting list with no refund. If you will be late, please notify us via email (info@thecomedyclubhouse.es), Instagram (@thecomedyclubhousebcn), or WhatsApp (+34 665 46 91 55) and we will hold your tickets up to 10 minutes after showtime. We will close the doors 10 minutes after showtime. If you arrive after that, we may deny entry without a refund. REFUND POLICY: If you want a refund for any reason, you must request it BEFORE the show starts. Requests made after the show will not be refunded.
Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite
BCN's Funniest FICer Grand Final | Red Garter Barcelona - Karaoke, Burgers & Steakhouse
Nov 30, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Experience the pinnacle of comedy at BCN's Funniest FICer Grand Final in Barcelona. Taking place at Red Garter Barcelona - Karaoke, Burgers & Steakhouse on 23 Passeig de Colom, 08002 Barcelona, this event promises an evening filled with laughter and entertainment. Mark your calendars for November 30, 2024, and secure your tickets for €11.32 to witness the best comedic talent compete for the top spot. Don't miss out on this unforgettable night of hilarity and fun!
BIG • Improv Comedy • SNL: Comedy Double Bill • EN | Barcelona Improv Group
Nov 30, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Saturday Night Laughs is high energy improv at its best - a double bill featuring two hilarious improv sets to get your weekend started right! In the first half, some of Barcelona’s finest improvisers create hilarious scenes and sketches in the moment based on their own true stories. Each show features a new cast who are thrown together to explore truth in comedy, and all its possible interpretations. In the second half, Helix embark on a freeform journey into the unknown. They unfold the spiralling connections between different worlds, some which appear and blink out in an instant and others which last until the end of time. The only thing connecting these twists and turns is a thin strand, spun from one single idea. 8.00pm Doors & Bar Open 8.30pm Show Starts Tickets:12€ online presale 15€ on the door *30% discount for current students of BIG!
Information Source: Barcelona Improv Group | eventbrite
Mélange Expo - ART, LIVE MUSIC, PAINTING, FASHION, DJS and much more | Món Real
Nov 30, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
@melangeexpo – A Celebration of Art, Music, and Culture An unforgettable day/night on 30th November, from 4 PM to 11 PM at Monreal Club (C/Casp 39)! Tickets are just 8€ at the door, and each entry includes a chance to win 2 prints from an artist of your choice, plus special treats. Mélange Art Expo brings together artists from around the world for a vibrant display of creativity and live performances (all art is for sale). Experience: • Live art and digital drawings in action • A dynamic mix of live music and DJs all night long • Fashion and jewelry • A variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks • And much more to be revealed! Sneak Peak at line up .. much more to come @helga_hunter - Opening with soulful 60s and 70s funk and disco with a vibrant rhythms of Ukrainian dance music infused with ethnic elements. @anounamuisic - Singersongwriter whos music is a fusion of warm nostalgia and sweet darkness as she takes the listeners into her enchanted world of love and illusions ending in self-care. DJ 3D - Hitting the decks, ready to spin old school hip hop tracks that'll blow your mind. @lucyph3r_ aka Diabla Mami - An artist born in Argentina, is the new sensation in the Spanish music scene, uniquely blending the genres of rap, hip-hop, trap, and pop. Her distinctive style is marked by fresh melodies that capture the essence of the moment and elements that challenge conventions, offering a unique listening experience. Her team consists of two members: the main artist, Diabla Mami, and Hache on the console. @Lukemessinacomedy aka Ruggles Outbound (Mcee) Luke Messina Meginsky aka Ruggles Outbound (Mcee) is a freestyle rapper best known for producing the monthly show Bardhouse: A Night of Spoken Word, Hip Hop and Song. Luke has graced stages with his absurdest, comical, and dark lyrics in New York, Boston, and Shanghai. @ander_draw (METROVERSO) - Rapper, music producer, beatmaker, and freestyler. Dedicated to music for over 18 years. Ander aims to enhance the self-awareness of his listeners, with the intention of encouraging introspection, exploring their inner pain, and seeking self-healing. Raise Rise Rose - experimental music & AV project that explores life-based phenomena, spirituality, technology, tribalism, war, and enlightenment. @smkin_panther - Producer-songwriter-dj in various genres, mainly in experimental underground electronic and garage-alternative rock music. His main goal is to express his feelings towards his dark/melancholic lyrics and sound design. Support the artistic and musical community in Barcelona. Get your ticket now and be part of this one-of-a-kind event! ARTISTS @freebyrds1, @v1kasso, @abigailgracemarsh , @smking_panther, @skupe_arte, @theasscream, @alexfoxley, @thilli.art, @ceciliasnowart, @fer_mess, @sammy_lutaya
@fiberartmerx, @hannahperiersaucier, @artik_istik, @hola.maggi, @carolink.art, @nataly.olenich, @cjbrown_artist, @syl_paint, @artistil, @fizzyjohnlurch ES @melangeexpo – Una celebración de arte, música y cultura Las entradas cuestan solo 8€ en la puerta, y cada una incluye la oportunidad de ganar 2 impresiones de un artista a tu elección, además sorpresas especiales. Mélange Art Expo reúne a artistas de todo el mundo para una vibrante muestra de creatividad y actuaciones en vivo. • Arte en vivo y dibujos digitales en acción
• Una mezcla dinámica de música en vivo y DJs durante toda la noche
• Moda y joyería
• Una variedad de bebidas alcohólicas y no alcohólicas
• ¡Y mucho más por revelar! Adelanto del lineup... mucho más por venir: @helga_hunter - Inauguración con funk y disco lleno de alma de los años 60 y 70, con los ritmos vibrantes de la música de danza ucraniana fusionados con elementos étnicos DJ 3D - Puro Hip-Hop del clásico. @Lukemessinacomedy aka Ruggles Outbound (Mcee) - Luke Messina Meginsky, también conocido como Ruggles Outbound, es un rapero de estilo libre mejor conocido por producir el show mensual Bardhouse: Una noche de poesía hablada, hip hop y canción. Luke ha cautivado escenarios en Nueva York, Boston y Shanghái con sus letras absurdas, cómicas y oscuras. @lucyph3r_ aka Diabla Mami - Artista nacida en Argentina es la nueva revelación en la escena musical española, fusionando de manera única los géneros de rap, hip-hop, trap y pop. Su estilo distintivo se caracteriza por melodías frescas que capturan la esencia del momento y elementos trash que desafían las convenciones, ofreciendo una experiencia auditiva única. Su equipo esta compuesto por dos integrantes, artista principal Diabla Mami y en la consola Hache. @ander_draw (METROVERSO) - Rapero, productor musical, beatmaker y freestyler. Dedicado a la musica hace mas de 18 años. Pretende potenciar el autoconocimiento de sus oyentes, con la intencion de que hagan introspeccion, indaguen en sus dolores internos y busquen la autosanacion. Raise Rise Rose - Proyecto de música experimental y audiovisual que explora fenómenos basados en la vida, espiritualidad, tecnología, tribalismo, guerra e iluminación. @smkin_panther - Productor, compositor y DJ en varios géneros, principalmente en música electrónica experimental underground y rock alternativo de estilo garage. Su principal objetivo es expresar sus sentimientos a través de sus letras oscuras y melancólicas, así como en el diseño de sonido. Apoya a la comunidad artística y musical en Barcelona. ¡Consigue tu entrada ahora y sé parte de este evento único!
Information Source: Leila Colette | eventbrite
•Barcelona Improv Group• Improv Comedy • SNL: Comedy Double Bill •EN | Barcelona Improv Group
Nov 30, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Saturday Night Laughs is high energy improv at its best - a double bill featuring two hilarious improv sets to get your weekend started right! In the first half, some of Barcelona’s finest improvisers create hilarious scenes and sketches in the moment based on their own true stories. Each show features a new cast who are thrown together to explore truth in comedy, and all its possible interpretations. In the second half, Helix embark on a freeform journey into the unknown. They unfold the spiralling connections between different worlds, some which appear and blink out in an instant and others which last until the end of time. The only thing connecting these twists and turns is a thin strand, spun from one single idea. 8.00pm Doors & Bar Open 8.30pm Show Starts Tickets:12€ online presale 15€ on the door *30% discount for current students of BIG!
Information Source: Barcelona Improv Group | eventbrite
Lucha Libre Rebelión: Aura | SouLivre Poblenou
Nov 30, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Experience the thrilling Lucha Libre Rebelión: Aura event taking place in Barcelona at the SouLivre Poblenou venue on November 30, 2024. Witness the excitement as talented wrestlers showcase their skills in this high-energy spectacle. Join us for an unforgettable evening filled with action-packed matches and electrifying atmosphere. Secure your tickets now at prices ranging from 11,32 € to 16,86 € and be a part of this one-of-a-kind experience. Don't miss out on this opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of Lucha Libre.