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That Time of the Month All Women Comedy Showcase - Fringe Bcn - EN | Teatro Metamorfosis
Nov 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
The That Time of the Month All Women Comedy Showcase at Fringe Bcn in Barcelona is a must-see event. Hosted at the Teatro Metamorfosis on 12 Carrer de Tapioles #Local, 08004 Barcelona, this comedy showcase will take place on November 2, 2024. Featuring an all-female lineup of talented comedians, this event promises a night of laughter and entertainment. Best of all, admission is free, making it accessible to all comedy enthusiasts. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to support and enjoy female comedy talent in the vibrant city of Barcelona.
Josep Català - Decadència i Caiguda - Fringe Bcn - Català | Secret Comedy Club Barcelona
Nov 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Després de més de 10 anys arrossegant-se pels escenaris més infectes de Catalunya, el pioner i pràcticament pare fundador de l’escena catalana de stand-up Josep Català finalment rep el reconeixement que es mereix: actuar en un sòtan del Raval a canvi d’una quantitat indeterminada de diners. “Decadència i Caiguda” és un compendi (una “summa”, si es vol) dels millors moments de la seva carrera (lol), barrejats amb nous fragments directament extrets del pou inesgotable que és el seu enginy (improvisarà merdes i insultarà el públic). Secret Comedy Club Junta del Comerç 28 Dissabte 2 de novembre 22:00 Entrada: 10€ Aquest espectacle forma part del Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, un festival multilingüe de comèdia i arts escèniques amb més de 200 espectacles en diversos espais de Barcelona. Consulta el programa complet i les entrades aquí: https://barcelonafringefestival.com/fringe-festival-events
Information Source: Secret Comedy Club | eventbrite
Yoan Bertetto: Une Belle Surprise • Stand Up Comedy • BCN Fringe • FR | The Clubhouse Cafe
Nov 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Yoan évolue depuis plusieurs années sur la scène humoristique Nantaise. Co-fondateur du Micro Comedy Club, il puise dans son quotidien, entre scène, bar et business pour un spectacle où chaque blague est ancrée dans sa réalité. Avec son rythme dynamique, son écriture fluide et ses moments d’interactions avec le public, on ne voit pas le temps passer. Si t’hésite encore, dis toi qu’il a remporté 4 prix en festival d’humour. Que Yoan est passé à la télé (le truc avant internet) et qu’il a fait les premières parties de Franjo, Shirley Souagnon, Pierre Thevenoux, Waly Dia, Marina Rollman, Paul Mirabel et Haroun. Il a 1200 d’Elo aux échecs, toujours 12 points sur son permis et il sait jouer Wonderwall à la guitare. (chant approximatif mais ça passe) Saturday November 2nd @ 18:00 - The Comedy Clubhouse Cafe (Upstairs)
Shows will be starting on time, so please plan to come 20 minutes in advance to grab a drink and find your seat. Latecomers may be denied entry with no refund (so please please please, come on time!!!) Pay What You Want:This is a free (pay what you want) show. You will be invited to make a donation at the end of the show based on how much you thought it was worth. Please bring cash to donate at the end! If you'd like to avoid the ticketing fees, you can buy tickets on our website: https://thecomedyclubhouse.es/barcelona-fringe/
Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite
BIG • Improv Comedy • SNL Special • BCN Fringe •EN | Barcelona Improv Group
Nov 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Saturday Night Laughs is high energy improv at its best - a double bill featuring two hilarious improv sets to get your weekend started right! In the first half, some of Barcelona’s finest improvisers create hilarious scenes and sketches in the moment based on their own true stories. Each show features a new cast who are thrown together to explore truth in comedy, and all its possible interpretations. In the second half, Helix embark on a freeform journey into the unknown. They unfold the spiralling connections between different worlds, some which appear and blink out in an instant and others which last until the end of time. The only thing connecting these twists and turns is a thin strand, spun from one single idea. Saturday November 2nd at 8:30pm. Doors open at 8.00pm
Shows will be starting on time, so please plan to come 20 minutes in advance to grab a drink and find your seat. Latecomers may be denied entry with no refund (so please please please, come on time!!!) Tickets: €12 in advance and €15 on the door Barcelona Fringe Festival This show is part of the Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, a multilingual comedy and performing arts festival with 100+ shows across multiple venues in Barcelona. Find the full program and tickets here: https://barcelonafringefestival.com/fringe-festival-events/
Information Source: Barcelona Improv Group | eventbrite
Serena Smart · Never Met a Girl Like Me · BCN Fringe · EN | Belgian Beers and Food Bar & Cafe - IMPRFCTO
Nov 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Serena Smart is your new best friend, you just don’t know it yet. Equal parts loveable and chaotic, Serena’s blend of witty observations and surprising stories has been described as “unusually sharp and distinctive” (Chortle) and “usually just weird” (her ex). In this rip-roaring 45 minute show, Serena explores how her determination to be positive and see the best in people has filled her life with chaos, whimsy and a healthy dose of danger. From boxing men in the streets of Barcelona, to going skinny dipping with 5 Albanians she met in the club, her stories will leave you laughing, crying and absolutely convinced that you’ve never met a girl like her. **Show times** Tickets are free/ pay what you can. 2nd November 9pm: Imprfcto Parallel3rd November: 2pm: Comedy Clubhouse Cafe4th November: 7:30pm: Comedy Clubhouse Cafe5th November: 7:30pm: Comedy Clubhouse Cafe6th November: 7pm: Imprfcto Parallel8th November 6pm: Imprfcto Parallel9th November 6pm: Imprfcto ParallelThis show is part of the Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, a multilingual comedy and performing arts festival with 200+ shows across multiple venues in Barcelona. Find the full program and tickets here: https://barcelonafringefestival.com/fringe-festival-events/
Information Source: Andy Casper | eventbrite
LOS OTROS - FRINGE BCN - CAST | Secret Comedy Club Barcelona
Nov 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
¿Tienes ganas de reír con cómicos que aún no los conoce nadie, PERO SI QUE SON GRACIOSOS? ¡El show de LOS OTROS es lo que buscas! En este show, cuatro de los mejores cómicos del circuito de comedia de Barcelona presentan 15 minutos de sus mejores chistes, en un formato que mezlca el stand-up, los monológos, la inteligencia artificial y un más recursos raros que estamos incluyendo para convencerte de que vengas a vernos. Lo que si te podemos decir es que TE VAS A REÍR... ¡Y MUCHO! ¿Sigues leyendo? Bueno... La verdad es que no esperábamos que alguien se enganche tanto con este texto. Por favor... Solo compra tu entrada y ven a vernos :) Precio 7 Euros Fecha 2 de noviembre, 15:30 hrs Lugar: Secret Comedy Club Este espectáculo forma parte del Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, un festival multilingüe de comedia y artes escénicas con más de 200 espectáculos en varios espacios de Barcelona. Consulta el programa completo y las entradas aquí: https://barcelonafringefestival.com/fringe-festival-events/
Information Source: Secret Comedy Club | eventbrite
Yoan Bertetto: • Stand Up Comedy • BCN Fringe • FR | The Clubhouse Cafe
Nov 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Long Description Saturday November 2nd @ 18:00 - The Comedy Clubhouse Cafe (Upstairs)
Shows will be starting on time, so please plan to come 20 minutes in advance to grab a drink and find your seat. Latecomers may be denied entry with no refund (so please please please, come on time!!!) Pay What You Want:This is a free (pay what you want) show. You will be invited to make a donation at the end of the show based on how much you thought it was worth. Please bring cash to donate at the end! If you'd like to avoid the ticketing fees, you can buy tickets on our website: https://thecomedyclubhouse.es/barcelona-fringe/
Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite
Facce da Mandillä • Open Mic in Italiano | The Comedy Clubhouse
Nov 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Il primo ed unico open mic in italiano a Barcellona! Per un sabato pomeriggio da spendere tra risate, demenzialità e tanta voglia di stare insieme! Questo è uno spettacolo allo sbaraglio: aperto a chiunque voglia partecipare attivamente, proponendo pezzi comici (inediti o collaudati), poesia e canzoni. Non mettiamo freno alla creatività! Venite alla Comedy Clubhouse e sentitevi come a casa! Presenta la Wendy! Per maggiori informazioni contattate @wendylafortu su ig
Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite
Lucky Dip Mystery Show | The Comedy Clubhouse
Nov 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
This show is part of the Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, a multilingual comedy and performing arts festival with 200+ shows across multiple venues in Barcelona. Find the full program and tickets here: https://barcelonafringefestival.com/fringe-festival-events/ Pay What You Want: This is a free (pay what you want) show. You will be invited to make a donation at the end of the show based on how much you thought it was worth. Please bring cash to donate at the end!
Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite
Reece Kidd: 1 *Irishman • Stand Up Comedy • BCN Fringe • EN | The Comedy Clubhouse
Nov 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
A stand-up comedy show in English. Reece Kidd has 40 million views online, 30K+ followers on Instagram and 15+ on Tiktok. He had five sold out shows at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2024. Reece Kidd's Full Schedule: Nov 1 @ 7:30: The Comedy Clubhouse Nov 1 @ 12.AM: Imprfcto Parallel Nov 2 @ 1:30pm: The Comedy Clubhouse Nov 2 @ 6pm: Imprfcto Parallel Nov 3 @ 1:30pm: The Comedy Clubhouse Nov 3 @ 9pm: Barcelona Improv Group Nov 3 @ 6pm: Imprfcto Parallel Nov 4 @ 7:30pm: Imprfcto Parallel Nov 5 @ 7:30pm: Imprfcto Parallel Nov 7 @ 7pm: Secret Comedy Club Nov 8 @ 12AM: Imprfcto Parallel Nov 9 @ 1:30pm: The Comedy Clubhouse Nov 10 @ 1:30pm: The Comedy Clubhouse November 2, 3, 9, and 10 at 1:30pm
Shows will be starting on time, so please plan to come 20 minutes in advance to grab a drink and find your seat. Latecomers may be denied entry with no refund (so please please please, come on time!!!) Tickets: PWYW If you'd like to avoid the ticketing fees, you can buy tickets on our website: https://thecomedyclubhouse.es/barcelona-fringe/ Barcelona Fringe Festival This show is part of the Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, a multilingual comedy and performing arts festival with 100+ shows across multiple venues in Barcelona. Find the full program and tickets here: https://barcelonafringefestival.com/fringe-festival-events/
Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite
Gong Wild Fringe Special • A Comedy Gong Show • BCN Fringe • EN | The Comedy Clubhouse
Nov 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Gong Wild Fringe Special - Watch The Bravest Comedians in Town Go Up Against The Gong
Comedians Must Last 4 Minutes On Stage, But if they don’t make you laugh, they will be GONGED OFF STAGE! 20+ Comedians Take Up The Challenge and Stand To Win 10 Euro if they pass The Gong! FREE Drinks to be won for audience judges! Saturday November 2nd - 10:30pm at The Comedy Clubhouse!
Anyone who wants to sign up will be allowed on stage!
10 Euro Tickets online/12 Euro on the door
Skip fees by buying through The Comedy Clubhouse Website here
This show is part of the Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, a multilingual comedy and performing arts festival with 200+ shows across multiple venues in Barcelona. Find the full program and tickets here: https://barcelonafringefestival.com/fringe-festival-events/
Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite
"Tres Tristes Tíos" – Un show de comedia alternativa - Fringe Bcn - Cast | Secret Comedy Club Barcelona
Nov 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
¡Prepárate para una noche única de comedia! Tres Tristes Tíos llega para ofrecerte una experiencia diferente y auténtica en el mundo del stand-up. Este show reúne a tres de los cómicos más originales de la escena emergente de Barcelona: Jorvil, Marcel Berenguer y Matías 'elbadfunny'. Cada uno con su propio estilo, pero unidos por una melancolía cómica que da vida a un show alternativo, impredecible y tremendamente divertido. Durante 1 hora y 20 minutos, serás testigo de tres perspectivas únicas sobre la comedia, basadas en la tristeza y el sarcasmo. Empezamos con una presentación que calienta el ambiente, seguida de 15 minutos de stand-up por cada cómico, donde descubrirás lo mejor de su humor cargado de ironía y situaciones inesperadas. El gran final llega con un segmento de improvisación interactiva, donde los tres cómicos responderán a las quejas vitales del público, creando un espacio donde la risa nace de las frustraciones y problemas cotidianos. Si eres amante de la comedia y buscas algo diferente, Tres Tristes Tíos te invita a descubrir las infinitas variantes del stand-up, con una propuesta que mezcla lo absurdo, lo amargo y lo hilarante. Una noche que te hará ver que incluso en la tristeza, hay siempre algo de lo que reírse. No te lo pierdas, ¡hazte con tus entradas ahora! Este espectáculo forma parte del Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, un festival multilingüe de comedia y artes escénicas con más de 200 espectáculos en varios espacios de Barcelona. Consulta el programa completo y las entradas aquí: https://barcelonafringefestival.com/fringe-festival-events/
Information Source: Secret Comedy Club | eventbrite
Aprendiz de Todo • Stand-Up • BCN Fringe • ESP | The Clubhouse Cafe
Nov 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Jac Cicerone es un cómico, podcaster e ilustrador italiano, host del mejor open mic italiano de Barcelona: @faccedamandilla . Se estrena con su primer show de comedia “Aprendiz de Todo”. Llegó aquí buscando el trabajo de sus sueños y acabó siendo una aventura tras otra. Un viaje de ida y vuelta entre dos países, intentando sobrevivir a los tópicos entre Italia y Catalunya. Jac Cicerone estará en el Barcelona Fringe: (ESP) Sábado 2 de noviembre a las 15:00 en The Comedy Clubhouse Taquilla inversa (solo efectivo) Pay What You Want:This is a free (pay what you want) show. You will be invited to make a donation at the end of the show based on how much you thought it was worth. Please bring cash to donate at the end! If you'd like to avoid the ticketing fees, you can buy tickets on our website: https://thecomedyclubhouse.es/barcelona-fringe/
Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite
Bone Man Rides Again · BCN Fringe · EN | Belgian Beers and Food Bar & Cafe - IMPRFCTO
Nov 2–Nov 3, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Bone Man has returned to ride once again. Who is Bone Man? What does he want? What does he have in his bag? The only way to know is to attend his one hour show, Bone Man Rides Again. ’’By taking a character who might otherwise seem scary and making him humble, insecure, and naive instead, the audience warms to Bone Man’s authentic persona. Bone Man also finds the funny funny, the scary scary, and the sad sad. Bone Man feels deeply. Bone Man questions the confusing and invites the audience to do the same.’’ - European Comedy 'Most dedicated to nonsense' - The Clubbies, 2022 'A fantastic performer' - Viggo Venn Barcelona Fringe Festival This show is part of the Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, a multilingual comedy and performing arts festival with 100+ shows across multiple venues in Barcelona. Find the full program and tickets here: https://barcelonafringefestival.com/fringe-festival-events/
Information Source: Andy Casper | eventbrite
Silvano/Naz: • Stand Up Comedy • BCN Fringe • EN | The Clubhouse Cafe
Nov 3, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Sunday 3rd November @ 18:00 - The Comedy Clubhouse Cafe (Upstairs)
Shows will be starting on time, so please plan to come 20 minutes in advance to grab a drink and find your seat. Latecomers may be denied entry with no refund (so please please please, come on time!!!) Pay What You Want:This is a free (pay what you want) show. You will be invited to make a donation at the end of the show based on how much you thought it was worth. Please bring cash to donate at the end! If you'd like to avoid the ticketing fees, you can buy tickets on our website: https://thecomedyclubhouse.es/barcelona-fringe/
Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite
TIKTAKERS - FRINGE BCN - CAST | Secret Comedy Club Barcelona
Nov 3, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Tiktakers: un show de stand up comedy a tres voces Tiktakers es un show de stand up comedy creado por Santi Rou, Elefantana e Ingmar Kroonenberg, tres humoristas cincuentones habituales del circuito de comedia alternativa de Barcelona. Inquietos por el ritmo del tic tac del reloj, o sea que se hacen viejos, y cada uno con su estilo único, los tres cómicos se ríen con acidez de su propia decadencia y de los choques generacionales con sus hijos tiktokers. El Secret Comedy Club es una sala de stand up underground. Literalmente underground. Está ubicada en el sótano del restaurante chileno Torres del Paine en pleno barrio del Raval de Barcelona. Este espectáculo forma parte del Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, un festival multilingüe de comedia y artes escénicas con más de 200 espectáculos en varios espacios de Barcelona. Consulta el programa completo y las entradas aquí: https://barcelonafringefestival.com/fringe-festival-events/ Fecha: Domingo 3 de noviembre de 2024 | 15.30h Duración: 75 minutos Sala: The Secret Comedy Club Junta de Comerç, 18 Ba Precio: 10 € Idioma: castellano
Information Source: Secret Comedy Club | eventbrite
Yoan Bertetto • Stand-Up • BCN Fringe • FR | The Comedy Clubhouse
Nov 3, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Saturday November 2nd @ 18:00 - The Comedy Clubhouse Cafe (Upstairs)
Shows will be starting on time, so please plan to come 20 minutes in advance to grab a drink and find your seat. Latecomers may be denied entry with no refund (so please please please, come on time!!!) Tickets 10 Euro Each (suggested) If you'd like to avoid the ticketing fees, you can buy tickets on our website: https://thecomedyclubhouse.es/barcelona-fringe/
Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite
Sunday Bread: • Stand Up Comedy • BCN Fringe • RUS | The Clubhouse Cafe
Nov 3, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Sunday 3rd November @ 16:30 - The Comedy Clubhouse Cafe (Upstairs)
Shows will be starting on time, so please plan to come 20 minutes in advance to grab a drink and find your seat. Latecomers may be denied entry with no refund (so please please please, come on time!!!) Pay What You Want:This is a free (pay what you want) show. You will be invited to make a donation at the end of the show based on how much you thought it was worth. Please bring cash to donate at the end! If you'd like to avoid the ticketing fees, you can buy tickets on our website: https://thecomedyclubhouse.es/barcelona-fringe/
Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite
Naz & Silvano: Down to Be Brown • Stand Up Comedy • BCN Fringe • EN | The Clubhouse Cafe
Nov 3, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
1 hour, 2 comedians, 30 minutes each! Mysterious, super-exotic brown comedians Naz and Silvano obviously have a lot of ancient, spiritual wisdom to share with you. And they have traveled all the way from Raval to do just that! Through witty stories about topics ranging from brown culture, nagging insecurities, religious trauma, and flaccid love lives, they take you on a trip into their world so you can experience life in their shoes (jk they can't afford footwear). Sunday 3rd November @ 18:00 - The Comedy Clubhouse Cafe (Upstairs)
Shows will be starting on time, so please plan to come 20 minutes in advance to grab a drink and find your seat. Latecomers may be denied entry with no refund (so please please please, come on time!!!) Pay What You Want:This is a free (pay what you want) show. You will be invited to make a donation at the end of the show based on how much you thought it was worth. Please bring cash to donate at the end! If you'd like to avoid the ticketing fees, you can buy tickets on our website: https://thecomedyclubhouse.es/barcelona-fringe/
Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite
Raul Kohli Makes It Up As He Goes Along • Stand-Up Comedy • BCN Fringe • EN | The Comedy Clubhouse
Nov 3, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Raul Kohli returns to Barcelona with his sell-out cult hit! No material, no plan, no sad bit at the 45th minute where his pet chinchilla dies... Just one hour of straight improvised comedy based on who the audience are and what the audience tell him!
*** (Guardian). ‘Funny, Moving, Powerful’ - Mike Reiss, Writer of the Simpsons Best Show Nominee - EdFringe 2024 ‘The worst comedy I have ever seen' (EdFringeReview.com Sunday November 3rd at 9pm at The Comedy Clubhouse Barcelona! Tickets: 10 Euro
This show is part of the Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, a multilingual comedy and performing arts festival with 200+ shows across multiple venues in Barcelona. Find the full program and tickets here: https://barcelonafringefestival.com/fringe-festival-events/
Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite
Antonio Lorente - Foquita Impostora - Fringe Bcn - Cast | Secret Comedy Club Barcelona
Nov 3, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Antonio Lorente no es el ‘Lorente’ más famoso, hay un actor que hizo del Cid apellidado así, ni siquiera es el Antonio Lorente más famoso, hay un Ilustrador muy top que responde también a ese nombre pero ha grabado varios monólogos en canales como ‘Comedy Central’ o ‘Phi Beta Lambda’. También es guionista de comedia televisiva. Ha trabajado en programas como 'La Resistencia' (Movistar+) o 'José Mota Live Show' (RTVE), así que… ¡Menos risitas! Este espectáculo forma parte del Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, un festival multilingüe de comedia y artes escénicas con más de 200 espectáculos en varios espacios de Barcelona. Consulta el programa completo y las entradas aquí: https://barcelonafringefestival.com/fringe-festival-events/
Information Source: Secret Comedy Club | eventbrite
Serena Smart: • Stand Up Comedy • BCN Fringe • EN | The Clubhouse Cafe
Nov 3, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Long Description. Sunday November 3rd @ 15:00 - The Comedy Clubhouse Cafe (Upstairs)
Shows will be starting on time, so please plan to come 20 minutes in advance to grab a drink and find your seat. Latecomers may be denied entry with no refund (so please please please, come on time!!!) Pay What You Want:This is a free (pay what you want) show. You will be invited to make a donation at the end of the show based on how much you thought it was worth. Please bring cash to donate at the end! If you'd like to avoid the ticketing fees, you can buy tickets on our website: https://thecomedyclubhouse.es/barcelona-fringe/
Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite
Raul Kohli • Stand-Up Comedy • BCN Fringe • EN | The Comedy Clubhouse
Nov 3, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Raul Kohli is a widely respected stand-up comedy on the UK circuit. He has had smash hit Edinburgh Fringe shows over the years and now brings his talents to Barcelona!
Sunday November 3rd at 9pm at The Comedy Clubhouse Barcelona!
Tickets 10 Euro (Suggested)
This show is part of the Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, a multilingual comedy and performing arts festival with 200+ shows across multiple venues in Barcelona. Find the full program and tickets here: https://barcelonafringefestival.com/fringe-festival-events/
Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite
Reece Kid• Irishman• Stand Up Comedy • BCN Fringe •EN | Barcelona Improv Group
Nov 3, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Reece Kidd is a stand-up comedian from rural Northern Ireland. His stand-up, original sketches and funny videos have over 40 million views online. Before comedy he was an award winning software engineer who launched his own app. Reece tours his comedy shows around the UK, Ireland and Europe. He has two years of sold out runs at the Edinburgh Fringe. 40+ Million Views Online. 30K+ Instagram Followers . 15k+ TikTok followers Sunday November 3rd at 9.00pm. Doors open at 8.30pm
Shows will be starting on time, so please plan to come 20 minutes in advance to grab a drink and find your seat. Latecomers may be denied entry with no refund (so please please please, come on time!!!) Tickets: €15 Barcelona Fringe Festival This show is part of the Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, a multilingual comedy and performing arts festival with 100+ shows across multiple venues in Barcelona. Find the full program and tickets here: https://barcelonafringefestival.com/fringe-festival-events/
Information Source: Barcelona Improv Group | eventbrite
LA ENTREVISTA – FACTORIA DE IMPROV - Fringe Bcn -Cast | Secret Comedy Club Barcelona
Nov 3, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Dos candidatos y solo un puesto de trabajo. ¿Hasta dónde serías capaz de llegar, para conseguir tu trabajo ideal? Para conseguir dicho trabajo, deberán pasar por varias pruebas de improvisación y castigos elegidas al azar por el público. El público decide quien es el ganador, el guion de la historia y también quien debe ser castigado. Un espectáculo de improvisación diferente que os hará pasar un rato divertido y en el que el público, también es protagonista. Disfruta de una obra original como La Entrevista en el Secret Comedy Club. Artistas: David Simón, Vero Rocamora, Lorena Rodellar, Oscar Bayona Este espectáculo forma parte del Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, un festival multilingüe de comedia y artes escénicas con más de 200 espectáculos en varios espacios de Barcelona. Consulta el programa completo y las entradas aquí: https://barcelonafringefestival.com/fringe-festival-events/
Information Source: Secret Comedy Club | eventbrite
Coffee Con Comedy • A Comedy Morning Show • BCN Fringe • En | The Clubhouse Cafe
Nov 3, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
This show is part of the Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, a multilingual comedy and performing arts festival with 200+ shows across multiple venues in Barcelona. Find the full program and tickets here: https://barcelonafringefestival.com/fringe-festival-events/
Pay What You Want: This is a free (pay what you want) show. You will be invited to make a donation at the end of the show based on how much you thought it was worth. Please bring cash to donate at the end!
Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite
Alec Snook: Decomposing Live • Stand Up Comedy • BCN Fringe • EN | The Clubhouse Cafe
Nov 3, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Sunday 3rd November @ 19:30 - The Comedy Clubhouse Cafe (Upstairs)
Shows will be starting on time, so please plan to come 20 minutes in advance to grab a drink and find your seat. Latecomers may be denied entry with no refund (so please please please, come on time!!!) Pay What You Want:This is a free (pay what you want) show. You will be invited to make a donation at the end of the show based on how much you thought it was worth. Please bring cash to donate at the end! If you'd like to avoid the ticketing fees, you can buy tickets on our website: https://thecomedyclubhouse.es/barcelona-fringe/
Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite
Stefan Radovici: Comrade Radovici • Stand Up Comedy • BCN Fringe • EN | The Comedy Clubhouse
Nov 3, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
I am one out of the 18,987,892 chances that you have to meet a Romanian citizen. Some of us don’t know how to speak yet, some of us are abroad and some of us are too old to care. We live in a society, as they say. This is my take on the society I live in, the dream of living abroad, working in Europe and finally realising that no matter what you do, you’ll always be poor. Stefan Radovici's Full Schedule: Saturday November 2nd @ 16:30 - The Comedy Clubhouse Café Sunday November 3rd @ 12:00 - The Comedy Clubhouse Sunday, November 3 at 12pm
Shows will be starting on time, so please plan to come 20 minutes in advance to grab a drink and find your seat. Latecomers may be denied entry with no refund (so please please please, come on time!!!) Pay What You Want:This is a free (pay what you want) show. You will be invited to make a donation at the end of the show based on how much you thought it was worth. Please bring cash to donate at the end! If you'd like to avoid the ticketing fees, you can buy tickets on our website: https://thecomedyclubhouse.es/barcelona-fringe/ Barcelona Fringe Festival This show is part of the Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, a multilingual comedy and performing arts festival with 100+ shows across multiple venues in Barcelona. Find the full program and tickets here: https://barcelonafringefestival.com/fringe-festival-events/
Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite
Serena Smart: Never Met a Girl Like Me • Stand Up Comedy • BCN Fringe • EN | The Clubhouse Cafe
Nov 3, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
A defence of positivity, Serena explores how her determination to see the best in people has filled her life with chaos, whimsy & danger!
Serena Smart is your new best friend, you just don’t know it yet. Equal parts loveable and chaotic, Serena’s blend of witty observations and surprising stories has been described as “unusually sharp and distinctive” (Chortle) and “usually just weird” (her ex). In this rip-roaring 45 minute show, Serena explores how her determination to be positive and see the best in people has filled her life with chaos, whimsy and a healthy dose of danger. From boxing men in the streets of Barcelona, to going skinny dipping with 5 Albanians she met in the club, her stories will leave you laughing, crying and absolutely convinced that you’ve never met a girl like her. **Show times** Tickets are free/ pay what you can. 2nd November @ 9pm: Imprfcto Parallel 3rd November @ 3pm: Comedy Clubhouse Cafe 6th November @ 7pm: Imprfcto Parallel 8th November @ 6pm: Imprfcto Parallel 9th November @ 9pm: Imprfcto Parallel This show is part of the Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, a multilingual comedy and performing arts festival with 200+ shows across multiple venues in Barcelona. Find the full program and tickets here: https://barcelonafringefestival.com/fringe-festival-events/ Sunday November 3rd @ 15:00 - The Comedy Clubhouse Cafe (Upstairs)
Shows will be starting on time, so please plan to come 20 minutes in advance to grab a drink and find your seat. Latecomers may be denied entry with no refund (so please please please, come on time!!!) Pay What You Want:This is a free (pay what you want) show. You will be invited to make a donation at the end of the show based on how much you thought it was worth. Please bring cash to donate at the end! If you'd like to avoid the ticketing fees, you can buy tickets on our website: https://thecomedyclubhouse.es/barcelona-fringe/
Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite
Mila Kopaeva · Rage Baby · BCN Fringe · EN | Belgian Beers and Food Bar & Cafe - IMPRFCTO
Nov 4, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Rage baby is a show about the absurdity of everyday life, yearning for connection and struggles of fitting in. Despite the hurdles, Mila remains hopeful, and maybe even a bit defiant towards societal norms. If you’ve ever felt like a single banana separated from the bunch, or a starfish kept in an aquarium, this is a show for you! Mila Kopaeva is a comedian based in Barcelona who performs all around Europe and The Uk. She is a creator of and a regular host of several successful shows in Barcelona. Mila is twice a winner of The Biggest workhorse The Comedy Clubhouse award, finalist of The Funniest Ficer and The best reviewed show award holder . ‘Mila is a hilarious act whose jokes & perspectives are truly unique & original’ Raul Kohli She is absolutely hilarious, a joy to watch on stage! Luisa Omielan PWYW Imprfcto bar , Parallel November 4 6 pm This show is part of the Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, a multilingual comedy and performing arts festival with 200+ shows across multiple venues in Barcelona. Find the full program and tickets here: https://barcelonafringefestival.com/fringe-festival-events
Information Source: Andy Casper | eventbrite