Featured Events in Barcelona in November, 2024 (March Updated)

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Las palabras son islas: Marieta Sánchez & María Lilia Cano. | Llibreria Byron

Nov 23, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Literary Arts
Maria Lilia Cano, piano y dirección musical Marieta Sánchez, voz y dirección artística. @marietactriz@maria_lilia_cano¡Si te perdiste su primera función, ésta es tu oportunidad! Palabras son Islas es un viaje desde la palabra hacia una identidad, “la cubana”, con la voz de dos mujeres creativas contada a traves de anécdotas cotidianas y música. Marieta y Maria Lilia evocan con su música y la palabra una mirada sobre la cultura cubana llena de sentimientos, alegrías y nostalgias, a lo que esencia de la mujer cubana. Un acercamiento divertido y nostálgico a traves de la poesia a las voces de otras mujeres, voces atemporales, voces mestizas, voces ancestrales, voces como gritos, voces que son Islas. En este atrevido recorrido encontraremos poemas de escritoras y escritores cubanos como Dulce Maria Loynaz , Carilda Oliver, Odette Alonso, Georgina Herrera, Wendy Guerra, Emilio Vallagas, Nicolas Guillen, Virgilio Piñera, José Lezama, acompañados de la musica de clásicos cubanos entre otros Ernesto Lecuona y canciones cubanas y de Maria Lilia Cano. Maria Lilia Cano. Pianista y cantante, graduada en Pedagogía Musical por los conservatorios Manuel Saumell y Amadeo Roldan e Interpretación por el Conservatorio Superior de Música del Liceo de Barcelona obteniendo diversos reconocimientos internacionales en diferentes festivales y como intérprete de música clásica. Ha realizado diferentes conciertos de música cubana en Barcelona y creado la música original de series , documentales y obras de teatro . Es integrante del grupo Ultramar trío y Sus Trabajos discográficos son; “Danzas cubanas para piano” y “Under the blades” Marieta Sánchez Dirección Artística. Actriz y directora, Graduada del Instituto Superior de Arte de Cuba, su trayectoria artística de más de 30 años la ha llevado a representar obras en diferentes teatros de Barcelona y Madrid, como Tancats, Teatro Gaudí, Adossat, Teatro. Romea , La Tanca Teatro Versus , Fortuna accidental Teatro Villarroel, Migracions .es , Teatro, Versus, Las Entretenidas , Teatro Opera de Madrid , Cacao Teatro Victoria, etc. ha realizado varias películas, Como dios manda, Matusalén, Secuestro, Oh quina ioia , Que se nos perdió en Cuba, Animals, Violeta, Forasters, etc. y series como Black Mirror, Vidas Perfectas, La Riera, La que se Avecina, El Cor de la ciutats , Plats Bruts, Hospital central, Comisario, entro otras, como Narradora Oral ha participando en varios Festivales Nacionales e Internacionales. Marieta Sánchez . Actriz y directora, Graduada del Instituto Superior de Arte de Cuba, su trayectoria artística de más de 30 años la ha llevado a representar obras en diferentes teatros de Barcelona y Madrid, como Tancats, Teatro Gaudí, Adossat, Teatro. Romea , La Tanca Teatro Versus , Fortuna accidental Teatro Villarroel, Migracions .es , Teatro, Versus, Las Entretenidas , Teatro Opera de Madrid , Cacao Teatro Victoria, etc. ha realizado varias películas, Como dios manda, Matusalén, Secuestro, Oh quina ioia , Que se nos perdió en Cuba, Animals, Violeta, Forasters, etc. y series como Black Mirror, Vidas Perfectas, La Riera, La que se Avecina, El Cor de la ciutats , Plats Bruts, Hospital central, Comisario, entro otras, como Narradora Oral ha participando en varios Festivales Nacionales e Internacionales. Information Source: BYRON, Literatura, Arte & Ensayo | eventbrite

Comedy Experience Barcelona w/ Rachman Blake | The Social Hub Barcelona Poblenou

Nov 28–Nov 30, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Discover the ultimate comedy experience in Barcelona with Rachman Blake, renowned for his appearances in the world-touring comedy show Story Party | True Dating Stories. Brace yourself for an evening of uproarious laughter as Rachman takes the stage at The Social Hub Barcelona Poblenou, located at 49 Carrer de Cristóbal de Moura, 08019 Barcelona. From November 28th to November 30th, immerse yourself in an unforgettable performance filled with crazy stories, funny songs, and general ridiculousness. As you join the audience, be prepared to burst into tears of laughter or at least crack a smile once or twice. Rachman Blake's comedic talent has garnered over 10 million views on YouTube and his popularity spans across 65 countries, with more than 100,000 tickets sold. Secure your spot for this side-splitting event for just €25. Don't miss your chance to experience the Comedy Experience Barcelona w/ Rachman Blake, the hilarious event that will leave you gasping for breath from laughter.


Nov 29, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
ELVIS ON TOUR 72 WITH JIMMY HOLMES. BARCELONA Get ready to rock 'n roll with the legendary Elvis Presley as Jimmy Holmes brings his electrifying tribute show to Barcelona! Join us at Luz de Gas Barcelona on Fri Nov 29 2024 at 21:00 for a night of unforgettable music and entertainment. Relive the magic of Elvis' iconic 1972 tour with Jimmy Holmes' incredible performance. Sing along to all your favorite hits and dance the night away with fellow fans of the King of Rock 'n Roll. Don't miss out on this one-of-a-kind event in Barcelona! Grab your friends and come join us for a night you'll never forget. Information Source: CLUB ELVIS | eventbrite

Finestres - Cthulhu Books & IPC, con Catalina Imzicoz y Karol Muñozcano | Llibreria Finestres d'Art i Còmic

Nov 30, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Literary Arts
Cthulhu Books, el sello editorial del Institute for Postnatural Studies, fomenta las relaciones entre diferentes campos del conocimiento, desdibujando las fronteras entre la investigación artística y académica, la teoría y la práctica, la ciencia y el arte, la cultura y la naturaleza. *** Cthulhu Books quiere hacer visibles nuevos modos de coexistencia, imaginando otros mundos posibles que puedan ofrecer nuevos marcos y sensibilidades sobre la crisis ecológica contemporánea. Este evento en Llibreria Finestres explorará cómo el Institute for Postnatural Studies y Cthulhu Books se retroalimentan mutuamente, y ahondará sobre la importancia e impacto del vínculo de la plataforma editorial con el centro de experimentación artística. Karol Muñozcano, cofundador y director general de IPS, y Catalina Imizcoz, directora de Cthulhu Books, hablarán sobre cómo ambos proyectos exploran y problematizan la postnaturaleza como un marco para la creación contemporánea, desde diferentes puntos de partida y con resultados singulares. También presentarán su último libro, Compost Reader 2, publicado en noviembre de 2024. *** KarolMuñozcano es un agente cultural que trabaja en investigación, modelos educativos alternativos y estrategias culturales. Con raíces mexicanas y polacas, actualmente reside en Madrid, donde cofundó el Institute for Postnatural Studies (IPS) en 2020 con el objetivo de repensar la gestión cultural fusionando arte, ecología y prácticas comunitarias. Los proyectos de IPS han sido comisionados por instituciones como MACBA, Museo Jumex, la Bienal de Arquitectura de Venecia, CA2M, Galería Municipal do Porto o ARCO, entre otros. También fundó el Centro de Acercamiento a lo Rural en Madrid en 2018 para Inland-Campo Adentro y coordinó diversos proyectos en México durante su paso por el Centro Nacional de las Artes en Ciudad de México (2013-2016). Catalina Imizcoz es investigadora y editora. Es profesora asociada en el programa Exhibition Studies MRes en Central Saint Martins, Londres. Su doctorado (2020-24, AHRC) sostiene que la dicotomía sujeto-objeto no fue inventada en un espacio de exposición, pero que el espacio expositivo ha sido un vehículo a través del cual asentar dicha dicotomía en la cultura social. Su trabajo ha sido publicado por Parse, Third Text, OnCurating, entre otros. En Phaidon Press (2015-19) editó la primera monografía de Adrián Villar Rojas, así como encuestas sobre arte queer, arte coreano, mujeres artistas y muchos otros. Es editora fundadora de la revista Pina, un nuevo espacio de exposición en formato impreso, y directora de Cthulhu Books. Information Source: Llibreria Finestres | eventbrite

Escuela Barcelona Burlesque Experience | Barcelona


Tamer Kattan: Alien From New York • Stand Up Comedy • BCN Fringe • EN | The Comedy Clubhouse

Nov 1, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Muslim father. Jewish mother. Raised by a Mexican street gang - in his own words, comedian Tamer Kattan was born “an outsider,” and that’s where he stayed. This fish-out-of-water origin story made Tamer adept at finding comfort in the uncomfortable, and his material unpacks concepts ranging from identity & belonging to human nature itself. Kattans international experiences include a UN tour for the troops in Cairo during the Arab Spring as well as in the US for some of California’s most well-behaved prisoners. His lens toward life is hope-filed and brings a sense of community & enthusiasm to his live shows that you won’t want to miss. Tamer Kattan's full schedule: Nov. 1 at 9pm - The Comedy Clubhouse Nov 2 at 6pm - Barcelona Improv Group Nov. 3 at 6pm - The Comedy Clubhouse Friday, November 1 at 9pm / Sunday, November 3 at 6pm Shows will be starting on time, so please plan to come 20 minutes in advance to grab a drink and find your seat. Latecomers may be denied entry with no refund (so please please please, come on time!!!) Tickets: €10 online If you'd like to avoid the ticketing fees, you can buy tickets on our website: Barcelona Fringe Festival This show is part of the Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, a multilingual comedy and performing arts festival with 100+ shows across multiple venues in Barcelona. Find the full program and tickets here: Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite

Absolute Chaos • A Heckling Comedy Show • BCN Fringe • EN | The Comedy Clubhouse

Nov 1, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
The cult show returns! Think you can take down a comedian? Then come to Absolute Chaos – a comedy heckle show, where you the audience are given free reign to heckle comedians – just be prepared to get heckled right back. Not for the faint of heart: get plenty of liquid courage in you and do your worst! Top Shows of Edinburgh Fringe 2023 ( Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite

Down to be Brown · BCN Fringe · EN | Belgian Beers and Food Bar & Cafe - IMPRFCTO

Nov 1, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
1 hour, 2 comedians, 30 minutes each! Mysterious, super-exotic brown comedians Naz and Silvano obviously have a lot of ancient, spiritual wisdom to share with you. And they have traveled all the way from Raval to do just that! Through witty stories about topics ranging from brown culture, nagging insecurities, religious trauma, and flaccid love lives, they take you on a trip into their world so you can experience life in their shoes (jk they can't afford footwear). Barcelona Fringe Festival This show is part of the Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, a multilingual comedy and performing arts festival with 200+ shows across multiple venues in Barcelona. Find the full program and tickets here: Information Source: Andy Casper | eventbrite

BIG • Improv Comedy • Double Trouble • BCN Fringe • EN | Barcelona Improv Group

Nov 1, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Whether you're a total newbie or a seasoned pro, drop your name in the hat to be paired up for a delightful duo scene. Nervous about getting up there? We'll pair you with an expert. Just wanna get on stage and do stuff? This scene work jam is for you! Friday November 1st at 8:30pm. Doors open at 8.00pm Shows will be starting on time, so please plan to come 20 minutes in advance to grab a drink and find your seat. Latecomers may be denied entry with no refund (so please please please, come on time!!!) Tickets: €7 in advance and €9 on the door Barcelona Fringe Festival This show is part of the Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, a multilingual comedy and performing arts festival with 100+ shows across multiple venues in Barcelona. Find the full program and tickets here: Information Source: Barcelona Improv Group | eventbrite

Boneman Rides Again - Fringe Bcn - EN | Teatro Metamorfosis

Nov 1–Nov 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Bone Man has returned to ride once again. Who is Bone Man? What does he want? What does he have in his bag? The only way to know is to attend his one hour show, Bone Man Rides Again. ’’By taking a character who might otherwise seem scary and making him humble, insecure, and naive instead, the audience warms to Bone Man’s authentic persona. Bone Man also finds the funny funny, the scary scary, and the sad sad. Bone Man feels deeply. Bone Man questions the confusing and invites the audience to do the same.’’ - European Comedy 'Most dedicated to nonsense' - The Clubbies, 2022 'A fantastic performer' - Viggo Venn Information Source: Cave Comedy Club | eventbrite

Roast Battle BCN: The Comedy Purge• Roast Tournament • BCN Fringe • EN | LAUT

Nov 1, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
What if you could say whatever you wanted, to whoever you wanted, for one night only… Want to watch some of the city’s best comedians insult each other in the worst ways possible? Witness the Comedy Purge, the most extreme Roast Battle event in the world. We’ll take over the dystopian warehouse setting inside LAUT nightclub and give it a Purge-style makeover for a night of verbal violence that will leave you wondering how these comedians will ever look each other in the eye again. Think loud music, think dramatic ring entrances, this is Roast Battle on acid. No Repercussions. No Cancellations. Just Laughs The Comedy Purge will feature 4 battles, including the semi-final and final of the annual Roast Battle Barcelona Tournament. Only one comedian will survive and take home the coveted Championship Belt (Yes, we have a belt!) Winners will be decided by a star-studded judging panel including: Brian Moses - Original creator of Roast Battle in LA and host of the Comedy Central Roast Battle shows Pat Barker - Write on the Roast of Tom Brady and the Commissionar of the global Roast Battle League Ryan Cullen - Head of Roast Battle Scotland and one of the world’s top Roasters James Regal - Head of Roast Battle Barcelona and current top 10 Roaster in the World Hosted by our resident Roast Master - Fil Varney Audience is encouraged to dress for The Purge and stay after the show to celebrate the Friday of Halloween. Friday, November 1 at 8:30pm Shows will be starting on time, so please plan to come 20 minutes in advance to grab a drink and find your seat. Latecomers may be denied entry with no refund (so please please please, come on time!!!) Tickets: €12 online, €10 group discount (4+) Roast Fiesta Bundle (Guiri Invasion + Comedy Purge): €18 (€22 value) If you'd like to avoid the ticketing fees, you can buy tickets on our website: Barcelona Fringe Festival This show is part of the Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, a multilingual comedy and performing arts festival with 100+ shows across multiple venues in Barcelona. Find the full program and tickets here: Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite

Lucha Libre Rebelión | SouLivre Poblenou

Nov 1, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Lucha Libre Rebelión Get ready for an epic showdown at SouLivre Poblenou! Join us for a night of high-flying, action-packed Lucha Libre wrestling. Watch as masked wrestlers battle it out in the ring, showcasing their incredible skills and daring moves. Feel the energy of the crowd as the atmosphere heats up with each match. Don't miss this chance to witness the excitement of Lucha Libre Rebelión live and in person! Information Source: Lucha Libre Rebelión | eventbrite

Space Cowboy Comedy Showcase • Stand Up Comedy • BCN Fringe • EN | Space Cowboy

Nov 1, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Join us at one of Barcelona's hottest cocktail bars to catch some of the best comedians at Barcelona Fringe. Showcasing a new lineup every night in a lively atmosphere, join us for a night of comedy, drinks and fun. 20hr/ 8pm: Fri 1st, Sat 2nd, Sun 3rd, Fri 8th and Sat 9th November This show is part of the Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, a multilingual comedy and performing arts festival with 200+ shows across multiple venues in Barcelona. Find the full program and tickets here Information Source: MICHELLE AHERN | eventbrite

The Offenders • Naughty Stand-up Comedy in English | The Comedy Clubhouse

Nov 1, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
THE OFFENDERS is a naughty stand-up comedy show in English. Be ready to hear nasty, sexual, disgusting, dark and offensive jokes. This show is not suitable for people who are easily offended. Select Fridays Show starts at 8pm (arrive early to grab a drink and find your seat!) Tickets: 12 euros online, 10 euro group discount (4+), 15 euros on the door Lateness/Refund Policy: If you don’t come on time, we may resell your ticket and not refund you, and you may not be allowed into the show. (see below for full late and refund policies) Come early to grab a drink. We have a full bar available (open 1 hour before the first show of the day) with beer, wine, mixed drinks, free snacks, and table games! Where?At The Comedy Clubhouse - Barcelona's dedicated English Comedy Club. At The Comedy Clubhouse we're committed to providing a space for people to relax, chat, meet new people, make mistakes, develop their craft, say stupid things, laugh, cry, detox from the internet AND learn that stepping outside your comfort zone doesn't have to be that uncomfortable. Basically we're bringing community back baby! How?We run 20+ different shows a week of all different types and have had massive stars like Louis CK & Michelle Wolf perform at our club. We produce sketches and funny videos every day on our Instagram of us goofing around. We have Improv jams, Improv Workshops, Open Mics, Friendly Bartenders, Yoga Lessons, Writing Sessions & More! What People Say About Us?We have an average rating of 4.9 Stars on Google across OVER 500 REVIEWS! People that come here love the friendly tone that we set, and they enjoy having a place they can relax and be themselves. Here are some nice things people have said recently 'Pure laughs and silliness every time! Love the weekly Fat Goose shows, nice mix of newcomers and comedy pros :)' - Joe 'Funky chunky is a great plan to enjoy comedy on a Monday night. Mixed new and professional comedians trying out their jokes and brilliantly hosted by Luke and Hannah' - Albert 'A kind of hotspot for English speaking Comedy in Barcelona. A pleasant friendly bar in the main floor and a middle sized show venue in the basement. What I have seen had a nice atmosphere and was full of laughter as well. Especially the Midweek Crisis on Wednesday was a hilarious show where also little or bigger problems of audience members became funnily solved away.' Stephen Some People Don't Like Us!Some people don't like us, that's ok, we're not for everyone. Around 1% of the people that come here, find something they don't like. Sometimes people complain about the lack of drink variety, or about the chaotic feel of the place. Other people find that the open mic comedy event they attended didn't meet the standards they are used to on Netflix. If you come to The Comedy Clubhouse, please understand that it is a work in progress. We are constantly changing & improving and trying to develop new talent. - It's the Sagrada Familia of comedy. Just give us another 140 years and it'll be perfect :) Get Involved?Join our WhatsApp regulars chat for a weekly update on all the different things we have going on. Or Follow us on Instagram (@TheComedyClubhouseBcn) or subscribe on YouTube... Or just come and hang out. We're here every day :). POLICIESLATE POLICY: Due to frequent sell outs and demand for door tickets, we are implementing a new ticket policy. All shows will now start on time. Please arrive AT LEAST 15 minutes before show time (listed event time) to check in, get a drink, and find a seat. If the show is sold out and you haven’t been checked in by show time, we will assume you are a no show and will sell your seat to the waiting list with no refund. If you will be late, please notify us via email (, Instagram (@thecomedyclubhousebcn), or WhatsApp (+34 665 46 91 55) and we will hold your tickets up to 10 minutes after showtime. We will close the doors 10 minutes after showtime. If you arrive after that, we may deny entry without a refund. REFUND POLICY: If you want a refund for any reason, you must request it BEFORE the show starts. Requests made after the show will not be refunded. Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite

Friday Night Live • Stand Up Comedy Showcase • BCN Fringe • EN | The Comedy Clubhouse

Nov 1–Nov 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Our Friday night comedy showcase featuring the best acts from the BCN Fringe 2024 doing their best material, with a friendly local host. Come get a taste of what different visiting comedians have to offer, then check out their hourlong shows! Friday, November 1 & 8 at 10pm We have shows before, so it may start a little late, but it will be done by midnight. Tickets: €12 online, €10 group discount (4+), €15 at the door If you'd like to avoid the ticketing fees, you can buy tickets on our website: Barcelona Fringe Festival This show is part of the Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, a multilingual comedy and performing arts festival with 100+ shows across multiple venues in Barcelona. Find the full program and tickets here: Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite

Vidura B.R• Woodapple Jam• Stand Up Comedy • BCN Fringe •EN | Barcelona Improv Group

Nov 1, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
VIDURA BR is a Sri Lankan comedian, writer, and director based in London, via Malaysia and Berlin. His dead-pan style puts audiences at ease while challenging conventional wisdom with a unique tone that is often irreverent, at times poignant, and always hysterical. His self directed, produced, written, and performed debut show Monsoon Season garnered much online attention and critical acclaim, and was selected for syndication on Amazon Prime Video following its initial release. He is currently touring his new hour show French Kiss Tunnel across multiple countries through 2024. Vidura’s touring his new hour standup show. It’ll involve many delightful anecdotes from my childhood, an ego-death in the desert, and possibly a parable featuring a talking clay pot. We shall see. This show is part of the Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, a multilingual comedy and performing arts festival with 200+ shows across multiple venues in Barcelona. Find the full program and tickets here: Friday November 1st at 10:00pm Shows will be starting on time, so please plan to come 20 minutes in advance to grab a drink and find your seat. Latecomers may be denied entry with no refund (so please please please, come on time!!!) Tickets: €15 Barcelona Fringe Festival This show is part of the Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, a multilingual comedy and performing arts festival with 100+ shows across multiple venues in Barcelona. Find the full program and tickets here: Information Source: Barcelona Improv Group | eventbrite

Mariah Girouard is not a Good Girl · BCN Fringe · EN | Belgian Beers and Food Bar & Cafe - IMPRFCTO

Nov 1, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Anyone who knows Mariah Girouard knows she’s not a “Good Girl”. In fact, they’d probably call her a bit of a bitch. Actually, they’d call her a big bitch, a big bitch in a tiny body. And after years of trying to hide this part of herself, of trying to stunt her bitchiness and be the good girl society has always expected of her, she’s decided enough is enough. Mariah wants to lean into her unlikability and bring you along for the ride. “Good Girl” is a show for anyone who has ever felt unlikable, the haters and the hated. Described by audience members as “delightfully mean” Mariah is a champion of unlikable people everywhere, and she’s so bad you’ll love to hate her. If you’re looking for a scapegoat, for someone who will say everything you’ve always wanted to but couldn’t out of fear of being a bad person then this show is the rant that will heal you. Mariah Girouard is an American comic based in Barcelona and has received numerous awards for her comedy including the Brighton Fringe Award and Barcelona’s Comedian of the Year in 2022, and she was a semi-finalist on Romania’s Stand Up Revolution. Throughout her five-year stand-up career, she has had the opportunity to tour Europe and has opened for Michelle Wolf, Seann Walsh, and Kyla Cobbler. You can see “A Good Girl” at Imprfcto Bar (Av. del Paral·lel, 104, Barcelona) -November 1st at 18:00 -November 8th at 19:30 Mariah has found a way to frame the thoughts we’re afraid to say out loud into set-ups and punchlines that rarely miss, subverting expectations from start to finish. -European Comedy Barcelona Fringe Festival This show is part of the Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, a multilingual comedy and performing arts festival with 100+ shows across multiple venues in Barcelona. Find the full program and tickets here: Information Source: Andy Casper | eventbrite

1 *Irishman · A Stand-Up Comedy Show · BCN Fringe · EN | Belgian Beers and Food Bar & Cafe - IMPRFCTO

Nov 1–Nov 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
A stand-up comedy show in English. Reece Kidd has 40 million views online, 30K+ followers on Instagram and 15+ on Tiktok. He had five sold out shows at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2024. Times: Nov 1 @ 7:30: Comedy Clubhouse (Ticketed) Nov 1 @ 12.AM: Imprfcto Parallel (PWYC)Nov 2 @ 1:30pm: The Comedy Clubhouse (PWYC) Nov 2 @ 6pm: Imprfcto Parallel (PWYC) Nov 3 @ 1:30pm: The Comedy Clubhouse (PWYC) Nov 3 @ 9pm: BIG (Ticketed) Nov 3 @ 6pm: Imprfcto Parallel (PWYC) Nov 4 @ 7:30pm: Imprfcto Parallel (PWYC) Nov 5 @ 7:30pm: Imprfcto Parallel (PWYC) Nov 7 @ 7pm: Secret Comedy Club (Ticketed)Nov 8 @ 12AM: Imprfcto Parallel (PWYC) Nov 9 @ 1:30pm: The Comedy Clubhouse (PWYC) Nov 10 @ 1:30pm: The Comedy Clubhouse (PWYC) This show is part of the Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, a multilingual comedy and performing arts festival with 200+ shows across multiple venues in Barcelona. Find the full program and tickets here: Information Source: Andy Casper | eventbrite

The Art of Roasting - Comedy Writing Workshop - BCN Fringe - EN | The Comedy Clubhouse

Nov 1, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
LA-based Roast Battle legends Brian Moses and Pat Barker are in town for two monumental shows, and will hold this unique masterclass on Roast writing. This session will cover: What are the key elements to a powerful roast jokeThe importance of editing and keeping it punchyAnalysing good and not-so-good battles , showing key things to watch out forStage presence and finding your Roast personaFun anecdotes from behind the scenes of the Roast worldAlong with Jeff Ross, Brian Moses was the original creator of the infamous Roast Battle format, where pairs of comedians trade insults with each other on stage - like a boxing match with words. He went on to host the Comedy Central Roast Battle shows in the US and the UK. Pat Barker is the Commissioner of the Global Roast Battle League (RBL), which sees 16 different cities (including Barcelona) compete over several months for the World Championship. Pat recently wrote jokes for the Roast of Tom Brady on Netflix This workshop is suitable for people of all levels. Whether you’re a seasoned Roast battler, or even a non-comedian who’s a fan of Roast Battle and interested in the art of crafting the perfect insult. Dates/ Times/ Locations Friday 1 November 13.30 - 15.00 The Comedy Clubhouse C/ dels Canvis Nous, 10 Ticketing €5 Barcelona Fringe Festival This show is part of the Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, a multilingual comedy and performing arts festival with 200+ shows across multiple venues in Barcelona. Find the full program and tickets here: Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite

Imprfcto Comedy Show · BCN Fringe · EN | Belgian Beers and Food Bar & Cafe - IMPRFCTO

Nov 1, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Imprfcto Comedy ShowThe ShowThe line up will include comedians taking part in the Barcelona Fringe Festival. They will be promoting their hour shows so this is a great way to get informed as to which shows you would like to see. The adorable and very very very funny comedian Andy Casper presents a carefully curated line up of travelling comedians and local favourites every Thursday. Such big names as Kyla Cobbler, Michelle Wolf, Mike Rice, and Ric Diez have all graced our stage. The show is a collaboration between audience & performers. It is a workshop where artists are developing their craft in a playful and supportive atmosphere. It is so much fun. Come. The BarBar Imprfcto is a surrealist bar located on Avinguda Paral·lel, less than 5 minutes walk from either Poble Sec or Paral·lel metro stations. The bar is decorated in a unique dadaist style, with old washing machines as tables, a red phone box bathroom, and Dalí inspired wall art. It offers a wide selection of imported Belgian beers. The kitchen serves fries, hot dogs and other typical Belgian bar food. The HostThat's me. The one who wrote all this. Andy. I have 6 years of experience performing stand up comedy and I'm super good at it now. I have been running this particular show for 5 years, making it one of Barcelona's longest running comedy shows. It's really good. Ask my mate Kyla. Key Details📍 Bar Imprfcto, Av. del Paral·lel, 104 🕘 21:00 💸 Reverse Box Office (pay what you think the show is worth as you exit) Barcelona Fringe Festival This show is part of the Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, a multilingual comedy and performing arts festival with 200+ shows across multiple venues in Barcelona. Find the full program and tickets here: Information Source: Andy Casper | eventbrite

Fringe, Gala de apertura del festival - Castellano | Secret Comedy Club Barcelona

Nov 1, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Este es el show de apertura del Fringe Barcelona en su primera edición. Presentado en castellano, seleccionará a los mejores cómicos que formarán parte del festival. Un evento único que no te puedes perder, lleno de talento y humor de alta calidad que marcará el inicio de el festival Actuan: Adri Romeo Irene Sango Andrea Farina Antonio Lorente Chris Groves Gaby Gómez Este espectáculo forma parte del Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, un festival multilingüe de comedia y artes escénicas con más de 200 espectáculos en varios espacios de Barcelona. Consulta el programa completo y las entradas aquí: Information Source: Secret Comedy Club | eventbrite

FANGO Halloween Live | Plaza de Toros Monumental de Barcelona

Nov 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Music Festivals

The Saturday Spotlight Fringe Specials • Stand-Up Comedy • BCN Fringe • EN | The Comedy Clubhouse

Nov 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
A Barcelona Fringe Take on The Comedy Clubhouse’s Spotlight Show! 3 Killer Comics & and a friendly host! Featuring a mystery lineup of the best of Barcelona Fringe. We’ve hand selected one of our favourite local hosts, heavy hitting headliner AND a couple more killer comics for good measure. Saturday November 2nd 7:30pm - The Comedy Clubhouse Saturday November 2nd 9pm - The Comedy Clubhouse Saturday November 9th 7:30pm - The Comedy Clubhouse Saturday November 9th pm - The Comedy Clubhouse Tickets:12 Euro Standard Ticket 10 Euro Group Discount (4+) 20 Euro ALL SHOWS Ticket (a pass to come to all 4 Spotlight Shows) *Only 10 Available) If you want to save on fees, you can find this event directly on The Comedy Clubhouse Website Here This show is part of the Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, a multilingual comedy and performing arts festival with 200+ shows across multiple venues in Barcelona. Find the full program and tickets here: Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite

Vidura BR: Woodapple Jam • Stand Up Comedy • BCN Fringe • EN | The Comedy Clubhouse

Nov 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Vidura’s touring his new hour standup show. It’ll involve many delightful anecdotes from my childhood, an ego-death in the desert, and possibly a parable featuring a talking clay pot. We shall see. Vidura BR's Full Schedule: Nov 1 at 10:15pm - Barcelona Improv Group Nov 2 at 6pm - The Comedy Clubhouse Saturday, November 2 at 6pm Shows will be starting on time, so please plan to come 20 minutes in advance to grab a drink and find your seat. Latecomers may be denied entry with no refund (so please please please, come on time!!!) Tickets: €15 online If you'd like to avoid the ticketing fees, you can buy tickets on our website: Barcelona Fringe Festival This show is part of the Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, a multilingual comedy and performing arts festival with 100+ shows across multiple venues in Barcelona. Find the full program and tickets here: Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite

An Audience with President Obonjo - Fringe Bcn - ENG | Teatro Metamorfosis

Nov 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Is he a Comedian or President? join us to find out , join the President as he delivers comedy speeches or jokes at this Comedy Show. The President is known to have a compelling presence on stage , you will leave the show wondering What the fcuk did I just see. Be prepared to be mesmerised as President Obonjo delivers jokes after jokes addressing world issues. No one has left his show alive with laughing some have died laughing at his shows. Times Saturday November 2 at 9.00pm at Metamorfosis teatre (pwyw) Saturday November 2 at 4.00pm at Comedy Club House (pwyw) Sunday November 3 at 4.00pm at Comedy Club House (pwyw) These are pay what you want shows, you will be invited to donate at the end based on what you think the show was worth. Please bring cash to donate. This show is part of the Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, a multilingual comedy and performing arts festival with 200+ shows across multiple venues in Barcelona. Find the full program and tickets here: Information Source: Cave Comedy Club | eventbrite

Maratón de monólogos - Fringe Bcn - Cast | Secret Comedy Club Barcelona

Nov 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
En este lugar oculto debajo de un restaurante, disfrutarás de un ambiente íntimo y acogedor mientras te sumerges en un mundo de diversión y humor. Los monólogos seleccionados cuidadosamente te brindarán sorpresas cómicas y momentos inesperados, manteniéndose enganchado y riendo toda la noche. Asegura tus boletos en línea y prepárate para una experiencia cómica inolvidable en el Maratón de Monólogos . ¡Te esperan para compartir momentos de pura diversión y alegría en este lugar secreto que solo unos pocos conocen! Este espectáculo forma parte del Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, un festival multilingüe de comedia y artes escénicas con más de 200 espectáculos en varios espacios de Barcelona. Consulta el programa completo y las entradas aquí: Information Source: Secret Comedy Club | eventbrite

Jac Spanish Show: Stand Up Comedy • BCN Fringe • ESP | The Clubhouse Cafe

Nov 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Long Description Saturday November 2nd @ 15:00 - The Comedy Clubhouse Cafe (Upstairs) Shows will be starting on time, so please plan to come 20 minutes in advance to grab a drink and find your seat. Latecomers may be denied entry with no refund (so please please please, come on time!!!) Pay What You Want:This is a free (pay what you want) show. You will be invited to make a donation at the end of the show based on how much you thought it was worth. Please bring cash to donate at the end! If you'd like to avoid the ticketing fees, you can buy tickets on our website: Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite

An Audience with President Obonjo • Stand-Up Comedy • BCN Fringe • EN | The Comedy Clubhouse

Nov 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Is he a Comedian or President? join us to find out , join the President as he delivers comedy speeches or jokes at this Comedy Show. The President is known to have a compelling presence on stage , you will leave the show wondering What the fcuk did I just see. Be prepared to be mesmerised as President Obonjo delivers jokes after jokes addressing world issues. No one has left his show alive with laughing some have died laughing at his shows. Times Saturday November 2 at 9.00pm at Metamorfosis teatre (pwyw) Saturday November 2 at 4.00pm at Comedy Club House (pwyw) Sunday November 3 at 4.00pm at Comedy Club House (pwyw) These are pay what you want shows, you will be invited to donate at the end based on what you think the show was worth. Please bring cash to donate. This show is part of the Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, a multilingual comedy and performing arts festival with 200+ shows across multiple venues in Barcelona. Find the full program and tickets here: Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite

Maga Paiva - Red Flags - Fringe Bcn - Cast | Secret Comedy Club Barcelona

Nov 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
¿Crees que lo tuyo es amor o es solo una señal gigante que estás ignorando? En mi nuevo show de comedia espiritual, vamos a hablar de todas esas 🚩Red Flags🚩que aparecen... nos flamean en la cara ¡pero que decidimos no ver! Porque, claro, ¿quién no ha confundido una señal de alerta con el universo poniéndonos a prueba ? Si alguna vez has justificado a alguien diciendo es que tiene potencial , ¡este show es para ti! Soy Maga Paiva, comediante espiritual y tu guía cómica en este camino, donde con chistes y sátiras le bajaremos intensidad al karma romántico que te atormenta. Este espectáculo forma parte del Barcelona Fringe Festival 2024, un festival multilingüe de comedia y artes escénicas con más de 200 espectáculos en varios espacios de Barcelona. Consulta el programa completo y las entradas aquí: 🎤2 de noviembre en Secret Comedy Club a las 19H entradas en Atrápalo Information Source: Secret Comedy Club | eventbrite

Gong Wild • A Comedy Gong Show in English • Saturday | The Comedy Clubhouse

Nov 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
What?Any comedian that signs up will get a chance to entertain YOU (the audience) for 6 minutes. But if they bore you, or aren't funny, a Gong will be banged and they will have to leave the stage. An emotionally high stakes roller coaster of laughs, cheers, jeers and boos at The Comedy Clubhouse on selected Saturdays at 10pm Comics that pass the Gong win a CASH PRIZE and eternal glory! How Much?5 Euro Early Bird (til Thursday) 10 Euro Online 12 Euro Door Price Who?Barcelona's Bravest Comedians (lineup TBA) Where?At The Comedy Clubhouse - Barcelona's dedicated English Comedy Club. At The Comedy Clubhouse we're committed to providing a space for people to relax, chat, meet new people, make mistakes, develop their craft, say stupid things, laugh, cry, detox from the internet AND learn that stepping outside your comfort zone doesn't have to be that uncomfortable. Basically, we're bringing community back baby! How?We run 20+ different shows a week of all different types and have had massive stars like Louis CK & Michelle Wolf perform at our club. We produce sketches and funny videos every day on our Instagram of us goofing around. We have Improv jams, Improv Workshops, Open Mics, Friendly Bartenders, Yoga Lessons, Writing Sessions & More! What People Say About Us?We have an average rating of 4.9 Stars on Google across OVER 500 REVIEWS! People that come here love the friendly tone that we set, and they enjoy having a place they can relax and be themselves. Here are some nice things people have said recently 'Pure laughs and silliness every time! Love the weekly Fat Goose shows, nice mix of newcomers and comedy pros :)' - Joe 'Funky chunky is a great plan to enjoy comedy on a Monday night. Mixed new and professional comedians trying out their jokes and brilliantly hosted by Luke and Hannah' - Albert 'A kind of hotspot for English speaking Comedy in Barcelona. A pleasant friendly bar in the main floor and a middle sized show venue in the basement. What I have seen had a nice atmosphere and was full of laughter as well. Especially the Midweek Crisis on Wednesday was a hilarious show where also little or bigger problems of audience members became funnily solved away.' Stephen Some People Don't Like Us!Some people don't like us, that's ok, we're not for everyone. Around 1% of the people that come here, find something they don't like. Sometimes people complain about the lack of drink variety, or about the chaotic feel of the place. Other people find that the open mic comedy event they attended didn't meet the standards they are used to on Netflix. If you come to The Comedy Clubhouse, please understand that it is a work in progress. We are constantly changing & improving and trying to develop new talent. - It's the Sagrada Familia of comedy. Just give us another 140 years and it'll be perfect :) Get Involved?Join our WhatsApp regulars chat for a weekly update on all the different things we have going on. Or Follow us on Instagram (@TheComedyClubhouseBcn) or subscribe on YouTube... Or just come and hang out. We're here every day :). Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite

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