danau dendam tak sudah
The Lake of Revenge is Not Already. It is located between Teluk Segara District, Selebar, Gading Cempaka, Bengkulu City and Talang Empat District, North Bengkulu Regency. It is said that the name Lake Dendam Tak Already comes from the legend of a young couple who committed suicide by throwing themselves into the lake because their relationship was not approved by the woman's parents. There are also other stories that people believe. During the Dutch colonial era, residents made lakes to create a greener and more organized environment. However, after independence, the construction of the lake was neglected. Regardless of the origin of the lake, you can make it a tourist destination when visiting Bengkulu. Now, Lake Dendam Tak has been used as a conservation area to protect various biodiversity, water sources for irrigation, water reserves, as well as a medium for learning nature for scientific purposes. In addition, it is also used as a conservation area that protects various biodiversity, water sources for irrigation, water reserves, and also as a natural learning media for scientific purposes. There are various flora growing around the lake, such as pencil orchids, sun orchids, sun orchids, daffodils, nipah, pulai, ambacang rawa, stretched, plawi, brosong, gelam, ferns, and sikesaat recorded inhabiting this lake area. Then, there are also various fauna that you can find here, namely long-tailed macaques, langurs, finches, wild boars, pythons, gibbons, snails, and various types of fish including rare fish such as daffodils and palau.
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