Event Status
Start Time
World Money Fair Berlin 2025 | Estrel Berlin
Jan 30–Feb 1, 2025 (UTC-5)ENDED
World Money Fair Berlin will feature highlights that include the first issue of special and commemorative coins, numerous prize draws and attractive special activities World Money Fair Berlin will feature highlights that include the first issue of special and commemorative coins, numerous prize draws and attractive special activities. It is a platform for attendees to increase their knowledge about the history of coins and help them to know about old and new coins of different countries.
Information Source: World Money Fair Berlin GmbH | expotobi
Ukrainian Dream: An Inspirational Stand-Up Comedy Show in Berlin | Hotel Continental - Art Space in Exile
Feb 1, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
🎭 Wild and unapologetically hilarious standup comedy show by rising Ukrainian comedian Dima Watermelon. This show is about dreams, the absurdity of life and quirks of our diverse society. “Deadpan Absurdity” — Stewart Lee, The Guardian Immensely likable stage presence and sharp storytelling — SLEEC Reviews Dima’s comedy is built on taking risks, and when those risks pay off, the results are golden — SLEEC Reviews Ukrainian Dream is a must-watch for anyone who has ever lived abroad or is curious about the expat experience. Its humor, heart, and authenticity make it stand out in the sea of other comedy shows — Midlothian View🤣 Expect spicy jokes and ridiculous life stories about the state of the world, Berlin techno clubs, emigration, online dating, interracial relationships, shark attacks, and more significant topics. It’s wild, hilarious, and he doesn’t hold back! 🎤 Last chance to see this show live! 50+ cities, many sold-out shows! 🌍🔥 Critical acclaim at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival! 🌟🎭 This show will be profesionally recorded! Brace yourself, because this show will exceed your expectations ;) 🎟️ Tickets: Online: from 8 EUR Door: 15 EUR 🪄 The show is held entirely in English Doors - 18:30 Showtime - 19:00 🍉 Dima Watermelon • www.dimawatermelon.com • @dimawatermelon 🇺🇦 Dima is a Ukrainian stand-up comedian currently living in Germany. But don’t worry – he hasn’t lived there long enough to lose his sense of humor. His unique comedic style is a mix of absurdity, social commentary, and some allegedly inappropriate jokes. And yes, Watermelon is his real last name, simply translated into English. Dima has performed in over 30 countries, including renowned locations like Gotham Comedy Club in New York, The Comedy Store in London, and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Having lived in three different countries and visited over forty, Dima is no longer simply Ukrainian, but not quite European either. Stuck in this absurd cultural limbo, he finds laughter is his best coping mechanism.
Information Source: Watermelon Comedy | eventbrite
4. SpielBar | Chubbuck Studio Berlin
Feb 1, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
SpielBar die Überraschungs-Eventreihe im Chubbuck Studio Berlin. JEDEN ERSTEN SAMSTAG IM MONAT UM PUNKT 19 UHR findet ein Überraschungsprogramm im Chubbuck Studio Berlin statt. SPIEL Sei es Theater, Filmscreenings, Drehbuchlesungen, Comedy, Open Stage, Konzerte, Pitches, Improtheater und vieles mehr - kommt vorbei und lasst euch überraschen! BAR Was auf jeden Fall immer stattfindet, ist unsere Bar und die Feierei im Anschluss nach der Performance. Woop Woop! Freiwillige Spende. Mit eurer Spende helft ihr uns dabei die steigenden Mietkosten unseres Studioraumes zu decken und auch unseren Acts eure Appreciation zu zeigen. nächster Termin:
Samstag, 1. Februar 2025
Einlass: 19 Uhr
Performance Beginn: 19:15 Uhr (max. 90 Min)
Bar Beginn: ca. 20:45 Uhr
Chubbuck Studio Berlin, Boxhagener Str. 77, 10245 Berlin WIR FREUEN UNS AUF EUCH!! P.S.: Wenn du eine Idee hast für eine Performance zur SpielBar, dann melde dich gerne per Mail an chubbuckstudioberlin@gmail.com. Wir freuen uns über Vorschläge!
Information Source: Chubbuck Studio Berlin | eventbrite
Feb 1–Feb 2, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Information Source: INCEPTION BERLIN | eventbrite
Tempel Slam | Der Weiße Hase
Feb 1, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
! Achtung: Nur Personen im Alter von mindestens 18 Jahren sind zur Location zugangsberechtigt! Herzlich Willkommen beim Tempel Slam! Der Tempel Slam ist ein Poetry Slam, bei dem verschiedene Künstler*innen mit ihren selbstverfassten Texten gegeneinander antreten. Die Auftretenden haben 6 Minuten Zeit, von sich und ihren Texten zu überzeugen. Wer gewinnt, entscheidet niemand geringeres als das Publikum! Erlebt selbst, wie gesprochenes Wort einen ganzen Raum entflammen und begeistern kann! Der Weiße Hase liegt ca. 10 Gehminuten vom S+U-Bhf. Warschauer Str. entfernt. VORVERKAUF 13€ regulär, 10€ ermäßigt (zzgl. Vorverkaufsgebühren)
ABENDKASSE Empfehlung 15€ regulär, 12€ ermäßigt
Die Veranstaltung ist teilbestuhlt. Doors 18:15 Uhr, Beginn 19:00 Uhr - ab 18 Jahren Instagram @kunst_und_krawall_
https://kunstundkrawall.com Kultur für alle! An unseren Abendkassen gilt das Prinzip: Jede*r gibt, was er*sie kann, und wer kann, gibt gerne mehr! Denn unsere Veranstaltungen sollen trotz steigender Preise für alle Menschen zugänglich bleiben. Das bedeutet: 1. Unsere Abendkassenpreise sind Richtwerte. 2. Jede*r gibt, was er*sie kann. Keine*r muss sich rechtfertigen. Unser Einlasspersonal fragt nicht nach, wenn ihr weniger gebt. 3. Am Einlass gibt es eine Soli-Kasse. Wer mehr geben kann, kann uns gerne ein kleine Spende da lassen für Leute, die es sich weniger leisten können, und für die Kultur.
Information Source: Kunst&Krawall | eventbrite
Ukrainian Dream: Stand-Up Comedy Show | Netflix Special Recording | Hotel Continental - Art Space in Exile
Feb 1, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
🎭 Wild and unapologetically hilarious standup comedy show by rising Ukrainian comedian Dima Watermelon. This show is about dreams, the absurdity of life and quirks of our diverse society. “Deadpan Absurdity” — Stewart Lee, The Guardian Immensely likable stage presence and sharp storytelling — SLEEC Reviews Dima’s comedy is built on taking risks, and when those risks pay off, the results are golden — SLEEC Reviews Ukrainian Dream is a must-watch for anyone who has ever lived abroad or is curious about the expat experience. Its humor, heart, and authenticity make it stand out in the sea of other comedy shows — Midlothian View🤣 Expect spicy jokes and ridiculous life stories about the state of the world, Berlin techno clubs, emigration, online dating, interracial relationships, shark attacks, and more significant topics. It’s wild, hilarious, and he doesn’t hold back! 🎤 Last chance to see this show live! 50+ cities, many sold-out shows! 🌍🔥 Critical acclaim at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival! 🌟🎭 This show will be profesionally recorded! Brace yourself, because this show will exceed your expectations ;) 🎟️ Tickets: Online: from 8 EUR Door: 15 EUR 🪄 The show is held entirely in English Doors - 19:00 Showtime - 20:00 🍉 Dima Watermelon • www.dimawatermelon.com • @dimawatermelon 🇺🇦 Dima is a Ukrainian stand-up comedian currently living in Germany. But don’t worry – he hasn’t lived there long enough to lose his sense of humor. His unique comedic style is a mix of absurdity, social commentary, and some allegedly inappropriate jokes. And yes, Watermelon is his real last name, simply translated into English. Dima has performed in over 30 countries, including renowned locations like Gotham Comedy Club in New York, The Comedy Store in London, and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Having lived in three different countries and visited over forty, Dima is no longer simply Ukrainian, but not quite European either. Stuck in this absurd cultural limbo, he finds laughter is his best coping mechanism.
Information Source: Watermelon Comedy | eventbrite
INCEPTION w/ VERTIGOS - First time in Berlin | 2 FLOORS | GOA & TECHNO | M-Bia
Feb 1–Feb 2, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Information Source: INCEPTION BERLIN | eventbrite
WorldVision Comedy Contest 01.02.2025 Berlin | Terzo Mondo
Feb 1, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Saturday 1.FEB
Enjoy 3 Cs: Comedy, Competition, Cocktails at Terzo Mondo! 🎤 WorldVision Comedy Contest 2025 - Berlin 🌍
A Night of Laughter Inspired by Eurovision! Get ready for an evening packed with hilarity and cultural flavor as comedians from around the globe battle it out in the WorldVision Comedy Contest—a one-of-a-kind competition inspired by the Eurovision song contest, but with jokes instead of songs! 🌟 On February 1st, Terzo Mondo will offer a special discounted cocktail called the 12 Points, created by our mixologists and inspired by the Worldvision Comedy Contest. ✨ Hosted by the sassy and hysterical 🎭 Emin Afandi! First Half: Semi Final
Comedians from different countries will perform their sets! Second Half: Final The audience will vote for our favourite comedian and help us to find out who is the winner of The Worldvision Comedy Contest! We will announce the votes Eurovision Style! COME AND SUPPORT YOUR FAVORITE COUNTRY AND CONTESTANT! 📅 Date: Saturday, 1st of February 🕗 Time: 20:00 (Doors open) / 20:30 (Show starts) / 22:30 (Show ends) 📍 Location: Terzo Mondo, Grolmanstraße 28, Berlin, BE 10623 🎫 Tickets: TOP 10 - 15€ (3.31€ upfront + 10€ at the door)
Group Ticket(Group of 4 and more) - 12€ (3.31€ upfront + 9€ at the door) per person
Walk in 18€ at the door (if seats are available) 🚫 Non-smoking venue 💳 Cash or card payments accepted 🎟️ Get your tickets now and come support your favorite country and comedian—because laughter knows no borders, but bragging rights definitely do!
Information Source: Emin Afandi | eventbrite
Local Zine & Bookmakers Fair at Vagabund Kesselhaus | Vagabund Brauerei Kesselhaus
Feb 2, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Please join us for the second lit market at Vagabund Brauerei! Dozens of established local publishers, radical zinemakers, and other music & media pop-ups will grace the presence of the Vagabund Kesselhaus on the afternoon of Sunday, February. What you can expect to be announced soon: The official lineup of exhibitorsWorkshops and other programming (some free and some ticketed)Delicious food pop-upVinyl DJ sets and open decks session for vinyl + digitalIf you are looking to explore the independent and limited-print zine scene in Berlin, this is the market for you! While the event is free to all, we gladly accept donations here to help us improve the experience with each time we host this event. There will also be a few workshops announced, some of which are free and some of which are ticketed. Interested in getting involved? Please reach out to brooks@vagabundbrauerei.com
Information Source: Matt Brooks | eventbrite
Expressive Arts Workshop - "Finding new ways" | 42 Berlin
Feb 4, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Nothing changes if nothing changes. Let's explore new ways of approaching the things we do every day. This Expressive Arts workshop will focus on playing with different modalities of art: painting, movement, writing, and music-making to create something that brings us joy and potentially helps us find answers to the questions we bring with us.
The rules are simple: low skill, high sensitivity. You will not be judged, and you don’t need to be experienced in making art to create beautiful pieces with us.
The workshop will be an introduction to what Expressive Arts can offer, and we will each end it with a piece of art we created together. You don’t need to prepare or bring anything. No skills are required – just be ready to play.
Please don’t be late – we won’t let anyone in after 18:35. If you come, be ready to stay until the end.
Information Source: 42 Berlin | eventbrite
Max Angioni a Berlino | Quatsch Comedy Club
Feb 4, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
🎤 Max Angioni arriva a Berlino con il suo show ANCHE MENO ! 📌 DOVE? QUATSCH COMEDY CLUB 🔸 QUANDO? Il 4 febbraio 2025 ore 21 (Apertura porte ore 20) Lo show è in ITALIANO ANCHE MENOMax Angioni, non a caso detto “quello dei miracoli”, torna a teatro dopo lo strabiliante successo delsuo ultimotour, che ne ha determinato l’ascesa irreversibile all’Olimpo dei più sorprendenti artistidell’ultimosecolo. Questa volta non si limita a portare in scena un semplice show, ma una vera epropria opera d’arte, destinata a diventare il nuovo manifesto della cultura occidentale, e che loconsacra definitivamente come icona contemporanea.Troppo? Avete ragione, verrebbe da dire:“ANCHE MENO”.È questo il titolo del nuovo spettacolo teatrale di questo giovane comico, brillante e spettinato, cheanche questa volta non risparmia la proverbiale autoironia, e torna a divertirsi e a divertire ilpubblico italiano,con una nuovatournéedi oltre 50 date. Eppure Max si considera davvero unmiracolato, e stenta a credere a questo inatteso successo.Ed è proprio questo che ritroviamo in “Anche Meno”, un poco più che trentenne, figlio unico, cheha costruito un mondo immaginifico attraverso cui filtra i piccoli avvenimenti quotidiani e le grandidomande esistenziali, e reinterpreta in modo surreale tutto quello che gli passa per la testa: dairicordi delle prime volte, all’incredulità per le grandi conquiste, alle domande più curiose e originalisulla storia e il senso della vita... ma anche meno!Max Angioni mantiene il suo sguardo semplice, che sembra essere esilarante suo malgrado: comeogni artista continua a sentirsi precario, e si districa ogni giorno-come tanti-tra il trasloco, ilrubinetto che perde, le sedute di psicoterapia e l’incertezza del futuro. Per sa farlo con il suo modo,deliziosamente incerto, sferzando con battute brillanti, con il ritmo serrato della Stand Up Comedy,e con il talento da improvvisatore.Eccolo Max, che usa la comicità come un rito apotropaico, che prende in giro la sua stessa sfiga, chesovverte il punto di vista canonico delle cose con le logiche eccentriche e irresistibili della fantasia. Max Angioni, non a caso detto “quello dei miracoli”, torna a teatro dopo lo strabiliante successo delsuo ultimotour, che ne ha determinato l’ascesa irreversibile all’Olimpo dei più sorprendenti artistidell’ultimosecolo. Questa volta non si limita a portare in scena un semplice show, ma una vera epropria opera d’arte, destinata a diventare il nuovo manifesto della cultura occidentale, e che loconsacra definitivamente come icona contemporanea.Troppo? Avete ragione, verrebbe da dire:“ANCHE MENO”.È questo il titolo del nuovo spettacolo teatrale di questo giovane comico, brillante e spettinato, cheanche questa volta non risparmia la proverbiale autoironia, e torna a divertirsi e a divertire ilpubblico italiano,con una nuovatournéedi oltre 50 date. Eppure Max si considera davvero unmiracolato, e stenta a credere a questo inatteso successo.Ed è proprio questo che ritroviamo in “Anche Meno”, un poco più che trentenne, figlio unico, cheha costruito un mondo immaginifico attraverso cui filtra i piccoli avvenimenti quotidiani e le grandidomande esistenziali, e reinterpreta in modo surreale tutto quello che gli passa per la testa: dairicordi delle prime volte, all’incredulità per le grandi conquiste, alle domande più curiose e originalisulla storia e il senso della vita... ma anche meno!Max Angioni mantiene il suo sguardo semplice, che sembra essere esilarante suo malgrado: comeogni artista continua a sentirsi precario, e si districa ogni giorno-come tanti-tra il trasloco, ilrubinetto che perde, le sedute di psicoterapia e l’incertezza del futuro. Per sa farlo con il suo modo,deliziosamente incerto, sferzando con battute brillanti, con il ritmo serrato della Stand Up Comedy,e con il talento da improvvisatore.Eccolo Max, che usa la comicità come un rito apotropaico, che prende in giro la sua stessa sfiga, chesovverte il punto di vista canonico delle cose con le logiche eccentriche e irresistibili della fantasia. Max Angioni, non a caso detto “quello dei miracoli”, torna a teatro dopo lo strabiliante successo delsuo ultimotour, che ne ha determinato l’ascesa irreversibile all’Olimpo dei più sorprendenti artistidell’ultimosecolo. Questa volta non si limita a portare in scena un semplice show, ma una vera epropria opera d’arte, destinata a diventare il nuovo manifesto della cultura occidentale, e che loconsacra definitivamente come icona contemporanea.Troppo? Avete ragione, verrebbe da dire:“ANCHE MENO”.È questo il titolo del nuovo spettacolo teatrale di questo giovane comico, brillante e spettinato, cheanche questa volta non risparmia la proverbiale autoironia, e torna a divertirsi e a divertire ilpubblico italiano,con una nuovatournéedi oltre 50 date. Eppure Max si considera davvero unmiracolato, e stenta a credere a questo inatteso successo.Ed è proprio questo che ritroviamo in “Anche Meno”, un poco più che trentenne, figlio unico, cheha costruito un mondo immaginifico attraverso cui filtra i piccoli avvenimenti quotidiani e le grandidomande esistenziali, e reinterpreta in modo surreale tutto quello che gli passa per la testa: dairicordi delle prime volte, all’incredulità per le grandi conquiste, alle domande più curiose e originalisulla storia e il senso della vita... ma anche meno!Max Angioni mantiene il suo sguardo semplice, che sembra essere esilarante suo malgrado: comeogni artista continua a sentirsi precario, e si districa ogni giorno-come tanti-tra il trasloco, ilrubinetto che perde, le sedute di psicoterapia e l’incertezza del futuro. Per sa farlo con il suo modo,deliziosamente incerto, sferzando con battute brillanti, con il ritmo serrato della Stand Up Comedy,e con il talento da improvvisatore.Eccolo Max, che usa la comicità come un rito apotropaico, che prende in giro la sua stessa sfiga, chesovverte il punto di vista canonico delle cose con le logiche eccentriche e irresistibili della fantasia.
Information Source: Marco - BeComedy UK | eventbrite
Yohay Sponder - Self Loving Jew - Berlin | Quatsch Comedy Club
Feb 5, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
For the first time in Berlin, Yohay Sponder will perform his new show, ‘Self Loving Jew’. Sponder talks about self-love, identity, and faith. He truly believes he can cure the world’s troubles one laugh at a time… but this time the joke’s on him! Doors Open: 6:30pm Showtime: 7:30pm
Information Source: Yohay Sponder - Standup Comedian | eventbrite
Elena Gabrielle - Live in Berlin | Cosmic Comedy Club Berlin
Feb 5, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Prepare yourself for an uproarious evening with the one and only Elena Gabrielle. Known for her scandalously funny tales and unfiltered stories, Elena’s here to solve all your problems—or at least make you laugh about them!Run time approx 60-75 minutes. Not sure what to expect, watch one of Elena's stories on Youtube:www.youtube.com/elenagabrielle
Information Source: elena gabrielle | eventbrite
Fruit Logistica 2025 | Messe Berlin
Feb 5–Feb 7, 2025 (UTC-5)ENDED
Fruit Logistica, a flagship event held in Germany covers every single sector of the fresh produce business and provides a complete picture of the latest innovations Fruit Logistica, a flagship event held in Germany covers every single sector of the fresh produce business and provides a complete picture of the latest innovations, products, and services at every link in the international supply chain. Fresh fruits and vegetables, Nuts and dried fruits, Product packaging & labeling, Transport and logistics systems, Goods handling and storage are some of the areas covered by the event. A number of visitors and exhibitors attend Fruit Logistica every year to realize their full business potential within the international fresh produce trade - and to write their own success story.
Information Source: Messe Berlin GmbH | expotobi
Teletech Berlin Pres: Adrián Mills, Hannah Laing Club Night | Anomalie Art Club - Berlin
Feb 8, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Teletech Berlin Pres: Adrián Mills, Hannah Laing Club Night | Anomalie Art Club - Berlin
Feb 8, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Theaterensemble RostSchwung zeigt: UMWELTGEFLÜSTER | Friedenstraße 20
Feb 8, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Theaterensemble RostSchwung zeigt: UMWELTGEFLÜSTERWer hat sich schon mal ge?fragt, was ein abgefahre?ner Autoreifen über sein Schicksal denkt? Viel?leicht hat er ja noch eine Zukun? vor sich, wenn er endlich die nötige Beachtung n?det. Es ist wirklich höchste Zeit für unse?ren Umwelttheaterwettbewerb, bei dem Überhörte zu Wort kommen: ein Flüstern, das lauter wird! Der RostSchwung macht einen Schritt zur Seite und überlässt das Rampenlicht weggeworfenen Materialien, dem vielfach geplagten Meeresleben, aber auch dem Bühnenpersonal, das tapfer unserem Theatermüll trotzt. Nun ist es so weit: vier Szenen sind ausgewählt und geben den Missachteten eine Stimme, die berührt, schockiert oder belustigt, jedenfalls aber zeigt, dass es zu spät ist pessimistisch zu sein. Welche Szene wird den begehrten Wettbewerbspreis am Ende gewinnen? Wir alle entscheiden mit.
Information Source: Kirchengemeinde Mariendorf | eventbrite
Elsdeer / Joe Hearty / Deathbed Johnson | SSS: Soirée 3 | 800A Bar & Cabaret
Feb 8, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Elsdeer Berlin folk scene mainstay whose phenomenal debut LP ‘Namara’ was released last year, featuring instantly memorable songwriting beautifully arranged around plucky fingerpicked guitar and banjo, gentle harmony and Denise’s rousing vocals. Instagram Bandcamp / Apple Music / Spotify Joe Hearty Athens/London based Scottish songwriter and producer whose early work with indie band Copy Haho and subsequent hiatus left many eager for more. Thankfully Joe returned with his fantastic solo project in 2023, his warm baritone now dressed in vibrant chamber pop complete with whirling string orchestration. His adroit lyrical turns carry over between projects, albeit refocused toward more personal themes of queer experience, love and desire. Instagram ‘Believe In Something’ music video Bandcamp / Apple Music / Spotify Deathbed Johnson Scottish alt/indie-folk songwriter previously of garage rock band Lord Leper, whose recently released debut solo single ‘What Joy’ stirs appreciation for life’s beauty in spite of its hardships. Instagram Bandcamp / Apple Music / Spotify Tickets: advance 12€ / on the door 15€
Information Source: Schism Section Sound | eventbrite
Feb 9, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Reservierungen behalten nur bis 18:30 Uhr Gültigkeit danach werden die Plätze anderweitig vergeben.
Im Dezember `24 wurde Jörg Buttgereit 61 Jahre alt. Da lohnt ein Blick zurück. - In seinem reichhaltig bebilderten Erlebnisbericht NICHT JUGENDFREI! - TAGEBUCH AUS WEST-BERLIN erzählt Mauerstadtkind Jörg Buttgereit von seiner Sozialisation mit Horror- und Monsterfilmen in den West-Berliner Bezirkskinos. In persönlichen Tagebuchaufzeichnungen beschreibt er erste Besuche auf Rock-Konzerten von Supergruppen wie Queen, Kiss oder Led Zeppelin und schildert hautnah wie er im Zuge der Punk-Revolution in die subkulturelle Musik- und Kunstszene West-Berlins hineinwächst. Zeitgleich sieht Jörg in der Off-Kino-Szene die frühen subversiven Mitternachts-Filme von John Waters und David Lynch, die ihn zu seinem umstrittenen Underground-Klassiker NEKROMANTIK inspirieren und schließlich zur Zielscheibe deutscher Zensurpolitik werden lassen. Das Buch kann vor Ort erworben werden.
Information Source: GS | eventbrite
Stand Up Comedy Open Mic in der BAR92 | BAR92
Feb 9, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Am Sonntag um 20:30 Uhr verwandelt sich unsere BAR92 im oberen Rang des Quatsch Comedy Club in eine Bühne für aufstrebende Newcomer und erfahrene Stand-up-Comedians. Hier wird alles ausprobiert: neue Gags, spontane Impros und das pure, authentische Gefühl, wenn Humor live entsteht – und vielleicht auch mal was daneben geht! 😉 In nur einer knappen Stunde siehst du 7 verschiedene Comedians, die mit ihren neuesten Nummern die Lachmuskeln auf die Probe stellen. Ob die nächsten TV-Hits oder lustige Highlights – bei uns ist alles dabei! 🕤 Wann? Am Sonntag (außer am ersten des Monats) um 20:30 Uhr /Einlass: 20:00 Uhr 🍸 Wo? In der BAR92 im oberen Rang des Quatsch Comedy Club (Eigang Ziegelstraße) 🎟Tickets schon für 10€ Nach der Show ist der Spaß noch lange nicht vorbei: Die Bar bleibt bis 23:00 Uhr geöffnet! Hol dir noch 'nen Drink und quatsch mit den Comedians über die besten Momente des Abends. Die entspannteste After-Show-Party der Stadt wartet auf dich! 🍻 👉🏼 Schnell Plätze sichern und Tickets über Eventbrite holen! Werde Teil dieses einzigartigen Stand-up-Erlebnisses und lass dich von dieser witzigen neuen Showreihe Berlins begeistern!
Information Source: Serious Fun GmbH | eventbrite
Magic Underground | Kohlenquelle
Feb 10, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Experience the enchanting world of magic at Magic Underground in Berlin. This mystical event will be held at Kohlenquelle on Kopenhagener Straße 16, 10437 Berlin on February 10, 2025. Immerse yourself in an evening filled with wonder and awe as talented magicians showcase their extraordinary skills. Tickets for this mesmerizing experience are available for €17.17. Don't miss this opportunity to witness the magic unfold before your eyes.
Stone To Silver - Writing Night | Zweiners
Feb 10, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Stone To Silver - Writing Night at Zweiners Bar Stone to Silver is a writing event inspired by a 'Drink and Draft' event series in New York. We want to create this opportunity for writers, often working in a solitary environment, to practice their craft with others, collaborate, and hang out. Writing, for us, is a form of magic, an alchemical process that transforms written and oral languages into wells of new understandings, spaces to share and vast expanses for experimentation. Stones to silver, the act of turning core elements of our reality into something precious and resonant. Our event is taking place at Zweiners in Neukolln for November and happens in Berlin every second Monday of the month between 7-9pm. Despite the event being 2 hours long, staying afterwards is warmly welcome! Please sign up through Eventbrite to reserve a spot or by email at contact@thisisastro.com. I f you are unable to attend please cancel 48hours in advance. 🪨 T his event is donation based! 💎 Participation donation: €5-15* *No one will be turned away for lack of funds :) I f you have any questions please join our Telegram group and ask away!✰ https://t.me/+1XkWYw9vO0RhMDY0 ✰W ho We Are✰ Lizzy @liquid.skies.mag is a writer working on a sci fi novel, the editor of Liquid Skies magazine and a Distribution Coordinator for Sand Journal. Writing of theirs has been published by Grrrl Zine, Odious Rot, Soft Eis among others. Raisa @railikeryebread is a researcher, curator & transdisciplinary artist from Athens, Greece. She has a BA in Visual Culture & Curating, and a Masters in Visual Anthropology & Digital Media from Goldsmiths University in London. She is primarily interested in photography and writing as forms of autoethnography and has also curated several shows in Athens, London and Berlin. One of the most recent shows she curated “Squeeze”, was chosen to be part of VORSPIEL 2023, the event series by Transmediale and CTM festival in Berlin.She is the founder of ASTRO, a creative archive and research collective.
Information Source: Stone To Silver | eventbrite
Klub Write: All You Need is Poetry | Another Country -Bookshop
Feb 11, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Klub Write: All You Need is Poetry Join us at Another Country - Bookshop for a night of poetic vibes and creative minds! Whether you're a seasoned poet or just dipping your toe into the world of verse, you are most welcome to join. Love comes in many forms, and is the subject of countless pieces of literature and poetry. So how do we create our own without giving ourselves the ick? In our workshop, expect topics such as: How to write authentic poetry about the people or things that we loveComparing and contrasting real-life examples of love poemsWriting about the different stages of love (including heartbreak)As always fun and supportive vibes all round*FLINTA ONLY, 16+ ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR Klub Write founder, Cat Hepburn (she/her) is a Scottish award-winning writer for stage, screen and page. In addition to writing for British television dramas and soaps on BBC and Channel 4, her poetry has been featured on BBC6 Music, and the Edinburgh Fringe, as well as headlining many nights across the UK. She co-founded spoken word theater company Sonnet Youth, and has supported artists such as Dr John Cooper Clarke, Saul Williams and George The Poet. Cat’s authored two poetry books #GIRLHOOD (Speculative Books, 2018) and Dating & Other Hobbies (Burning Eye Books, 2021). Cat’s debut novel, I Kissed a Werewolf and I Liked It, comes out in 2025 with Wildfire Books. Follow us on IG: @Klub_Write @CatHepburnWrite Any Q's then please reach out!
Information Source: Klub Write | eventbrite
Повар Даніл в Берліні! | Hotel Continental - Art Space in Exile
Feb 13, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Привіт! Повар Даніл скоро приїде до вас і буде робити свою комедію! Якщо не знаєте хто це, то познайомтесь через інтернет, якщо ліньки, то прийдіть на виставу без підготовки і подаруйте собі море емоцій. Повар Даніл представник альтернативної комедії, але може жартувати і класичні жарти, взагалі він жонглює жанрами і робить дуже різну комедію! Просто прийдіть і подивіться, буде насолода і взаємодія! Ура і лялялляляля 😊☺️🥹🥳 100% прибутку з туру йде на користь українських військових!
Information Source: ib promotion | eventbrite
Matrix Club Berlin "Valentine's Day" 14.02.2025 | Matrix Club Berlin
Feb 14–Feb 15, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Matrix Club Berlin Party Every Night 14.02.2025, Start ab 22 Uhr ►Mainhall: DJ SIZE + MC CARAMEL Hip Hop • House • R&B • Top40 • Deutsch Rap • Afro • Trap • Electro • Mombathon • Reggaeton ►Elektro Floor : DJTBA ►LOVE Specials: 💋 Love Angels💋 Welcome Drink💋 Stage Shows💋 Love Dancers💋 Foto Wall💋 LOVE Songs💋 Drink Specials►Girls Special: 💋 Ladies Special*: 10€ Free Drinks included for Ladies till 11 p.m. ► Entry: Ladies: 10.00 € Gents: 15,00 € Book your Table: Online: https://www.matrix-berlin.de/kontakt/reservierung/ Call & WhatsApp: +49 30 365 07 365 E-Mail: reservierung@matrix-berlin.de Einlass ab 18 Jahren. Strictly 18+ Bring your ID! *no open bar & no flatrate Infos unter: www.matrix-berlin.de _________________________________________________________________ ACHTUNG: Einlass unter Vorbehalt! Ein erworbenes VVK-Ticket ist keine Einlass-Garantie! Eine Rückerstattung der Tickets ist nur möglich, wenn der Einlass verwehrt wurde . Wir bitten vorab um Ihr Verständnis.
Information Source: Matrix Club Berlin | eventbrite