Latest Events in White(March Updated)

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Salsa in the City, Bachata Too, Latin Dance! @ Mama Juanas! | Mama Juana Latin Fusion

Oct 11–Oct 12, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
Get your FRIDAY Salsa Dance Tickets here! - Friday, Sept. 13. 8pm-1am @ Mama Juana Latin Fusion, 1600 John B White Sr. Blvd. #1008 Spartanburg SC 29301.-No Partner Needed! Come Meet new people and make new friends! No dance experience needed!- 8-9p COME EARLY and enjoy dinner & drinks!- 9:00-9:45pm: Salsa Dance Lesson with Dance Coach Natalie Foreverland- 9:45p-1am: Latin Dance (DJ: Natalie Foreverland)- Music: Salsa, Bachata, Merengue, Cumbia, Cha Cha- Dance & Lesson ONLY: $9 Online/ $12 @ the Door(Entry Fee is the same regardless of whether you take the lesson)___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 Custom Cocktails: $194 Custom Cocktails: $37Vesper - The James Bond Favorite!Flirtini - Strawberry, Cucumber, VodkaFiesta Latina Entree : $24 (Regularly: $28)____________________________________________________________________________________________ Information Source: Natalie Foreverland | eventbrite

StrongFirst Workshops: Kettlebell 101 - 201 - 301—Napoli, Italy | White Dog - CrossFit, Calisthenics Powerlifting, Functional training - Napoli

Oct 19–Oct 20, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Sports & Fitness
Leggi e scegli il workshop che fa per te, oppure risparmia partecipando a più di uno!Kettlebell 101: Simple & SinisterIntroduci il kettlebell, l’unico attrezzo per l’allenamento in grado di sviluppare tutti gli aspetti del fitness estremo senza compromessi. Potenza e condizionamento. Forza e flessibilità. Essere un atleta ed apparire tale. Nessuno sa come maneggiare questo attrezzo meglio di StrongFirst, l’epicentro del kettlebell. Partecipare al workshop Kettlebell 101 è come entrare nelle pagine del libro rivoluzionario di Pavel Kettlebell Simple & Sinister. Imparerai la tecnica corretta degli esercizi con il kettlebell che offrono grandi guadagni con la curva di apprendimento più rapida. Lo swing: costruisci una schiena d’acciaio, i glutei del velocista, il condizionamento del combattente e una presa forte come una morsa d'acciaio. Il get-up: costruisci spalle resistenti e addominali a prova di proiettile. Il goblet squat: sviluppa una miscela micidiale di forza e flessibilità. Inoltre apprenderai una serie di nozioni aggiuntive che porteranno le tue sedute di allenamento al livello successivo. Come usare il kettlebell in massima sicurezza e le altre cose “noiose” che i professionisti seguono ossequiosamente e i dilettanti ignorano a proprio rischio. Strategie per un allenamento sostenibile nel lungo termine per raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi. La programmazione “Alt-S&S” di Pavel, totalmente in linea con il libro, ma con dettagli unici. Il giorno dopo il workshop sarai in grado di allenarti correndo verso i tuoi obiettivi. Kettlebell 201: The Rite of PassageUna volta apprese le basi dell'allenamento con i kettlebell, hai delle scelte da fare. Rimanere su una dieta monastica di swing e get-up, oppure passare al livello successivo e aggiungere al tuo arsenale lo snatch, il clean e il military press, che assieme sono il fondamento del classico Rite of Passage . Lo Snatch è “lo Zar delle alzate con il kettlebell”. Grazie a più muscoli che lavorano e al doppio della distanza percorsa, consente di ottenere risultati superiori anche dello swing. Ottieni una potenza esplosiva totale del corpo, un condizionamento spietato e una presa simile a una morsa. Brucia il grasso come mai prima d’ora. Tutto questo anche con un kettlebell più leggero: risparmia spazio in casa, nel bagagliaio dell’auto o nel kit di missione. Una volta che ti avremo insegnato le abilità con la nostra consueta attenzione ai dettagli, ti manderemo ad avere successo con un programma di snatch basato sui principi di Strong Endurance™. Il Clean & Press a un braccio rivaleggia qualsiasi altro esercizio di press quando si tratta di forza delle spalle e sviluppo muscolare. È intoccabile quando si tratta di salute delle spalle, grazie alla sua perfezione ergonomica. Per il military press è fornita la programmazione di tipo “Rite of Passage”, forse la progressione più affidabile di sempre. Tre potenti versioni del programma ROP: “Jurassic”, “907 Hypertrophy” e “Heavy”, ti faranno ottenere risultati per molto tempo. Il workshop Kettlebell 201 fissa obiettivi ambiziosi e ti fornisce le competenze e la tabella di marcia per raggiungerli. Kettlebell 301: SFG ReadyTi sei allenato con i kettlebell per un po’ ed è giunto il momento di puntare in alto: la certificazione SFG Kettlebell Instructor. Tra le tante sfide che dovrai affrontare in questo evento che ti cambierà la vita ci sono gli esercizi con due kettlebell, i “double trouble”. Se sei soddisfatto delle tue forza e massa muscolare, continua pure ad allenarti con un singolo kettlebell. Se non lo sei, continua a leggere. Nonostante tutte le buone argomentazioni dei sostenitori dell'allenamento funzionale a favore dell’allenamento di un lato del corpo alla volta, questi hanno perso un punto chiave. Una volta raggiunto un certo livello di forza e sviluppo muscolare, è difficile andare oltre se si continua a lavorare con un carico unilaterale, sia con un solo kettlebell, sia con qualche altra modalità. Non troverai guardalinee della NFL che hanno raggiunto il loro livello di forza e preparazione facendo solo Bulgarian squat ad una gamba. Le persone più forti si reggono su entrambi i piedi e spingono e tirano con entrambe le mani quando sollevano. Perché nessun esercizio unilaterale può replicare lo scossone dato al tuo sistema endocrino fornito da un pesante carico bilaterale. (Nulla di quanto riportato sopra intende sminuire il valore di allenare un lato alla volta per perseguire la simmetria del corpo mentre ci si prepara per l’asimmetria della vita. Non ha senso incolpare il cacciavite per essere un pessimo martello.) L’allenamento con due kettlebell ha una barriera d’ingresso spietatamente alta: mobilità, stabilità e simmetria di un sollevatore di pesi olimpico o di un esperto di yoga. Hai dovuto pagare il dazio di Kettlebell 101 e 201 prima di affrontare il 301. Al workshop Kettlebell 301 imparerai: Il Double Swing: “rende la teoria reale”IL Double Clean: un fantastico costruttore di tutto il corpo e una grande espressione di potenza atleticaIl Double Front Squat: brutale sulle gambe, gentile verso le articolazioni; inaspettatamente, un esercizio massacrante per gli addominaliIl Double Military Press: un classico test di forza e sviluppo della parte superiore del corpoUn modello di allenamento “plug-and-play” basato sulla metodologia Plan Strong™ per ottenere guadagni nei tuoi squat e press per molti mesi a venireUna versione 2.0 del piano di allenamento “GPR”, leggendario per la sua capacità di mettere massa su spalle, schiena e avambracci, aumentare la potenza dell’anca e bruciare i grassi, tutto in uno!Un programma di allenamento totale meticolosamente progettato che ti preparerà per la certificazione SFG: gli esercizi esatti, i pesi, le serie, le ripetizioni, i periodi di riposo e la periodizzazione che portano al successo nell’impegnativa certificazione SFG I Kettlebell InstructorInutile dire che rivedremo anche tutti gli esercizi testati alla certificazione SFG I, inclusi lo swing, il get-up e lo snatch. Dopo Kettlebell 301 sei quasi arrivato: hai tutti gli strumenti per prepararti per la certificazione gold standard SFG Kettlebell Instructor. Per diffondere la parola di forza agli altri o per sfidare te stesso semplicemente “perché è lì”. Materiale DidatticoAl termine di ogni workshop StrongFirst riceverai un codice di accesso all'area riservata del portale dello studente StrongFirst dove protrai scaricare: Il tuo Attestatodi PartecipazioneStrongFirst®Il Manuale in formato pdf completo di istruzioni su tutte le abilità, le progressioni e le regressioni insegnate durante il workshop, link diretti a video descrittivi degli esercizi insegnati durante il workshop e programmi di allenamento infallibili che ti permetteranno di mettere in pratica da subito quanto appreso durante il workshop e raggiungere i risultati che desideri.Iscriviti e che la forza sia con te!IstruttoriStefano Massa, StrongFirst Certified Team LeaderOrariKettlebell 101: sabato 13:30-18:00Kettlebell 201: domenica 08:30-13:00Kettlebell 301: domenica 13:30-18:00*le registrazioni iniziano 30 minuti prima dell'inizio di ogni workshop CostoKettlebell 101: 99€Kettlebell 201: 99€Kettlebell 301: 99€Approfitta dell'offerta Combo e risparmia!Combo Kettlebell 101 + Kettlebell 201: 149€ (risparmi 49€!)Combo Kettlebell 101 + Kettlebell 301: 149€ (risparmi 49€!)Combo Kettlebell 201 + Kettlebell 301: 149€ (risparmi 49€!)Combo Kettlebell 101 + Kettlebell 201 + Kettlebell 301: 198€ (risparmi 99€ e partecipi a 3 workshops al prezzo di 2!)Chiusura IscrizioniImportante: per motivi organizzativi, le iscrizioni al workshop chiuderanno alle 23:59 del giovedì che precede la data di inizio dell'evento. Informazioni e ContattiQuesto workshop è concesso in licenza XFAB S.r.l. e organizzato da Stefano Massa. Per informazioni contattare Maurizio Brigida. Email: mauriziobrigida@gmail.comCellulare e/o WhatsApp: +39 328 423 6625Termini e CondizioniLe quote di iscrizione non sono rimborsabili e non saranno concessi rimborsi in caso di mancata partecipazione. I partecipanti possono trasferire la loro iscrizione ad un'altra persona, senza alcun costo aggiuntivo, previa comunicazione tramite email all'organizzatore, non meno di 5 (cinque) giorni lavorativi prima dell'inizio dell'evento. In caso di cancellazione dell'evento da parte dell'organizzatore i partecipanti riceveranno un rimborso completo della quota versata. Information Source: NLS—StrongFirst Italy | eventbrite

"Try It" One Time Wheel Throwing Class 10/22 7pm | White Oak Barn at Fritz Farm

Oct 22, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
Wheel-throwing class for the beginner or for the potter that needs a quick refresher of basic concepts and techniquesCentering, pulling walls, shaping, and trimming wet clay on the wheel will all be coveredEach student will attempt to make 2 pieces1.5 hour classIncludes glazes and firings, studio tour and overview of the firing processAges 13 and upPieces will be ready for pickup 3-5 weeks after completion of classRefund/Cancellation Policy: With at least 48 hours notice before your class starts you may: Reschedule/credit your session for another time (pending availability of spots) or cancel for a refund.After the 48 hour period we are unable to offer either of these two options, for any reason, including COVID, illness, injury or unexpected travel.Eventbrite fee is non-refundable. No credit for no call/no shows.There is no public restroom on site (porta potty only). Short fingernails are recommended :) Some of our farm animals may make guest appearances (miniature horses, turkeys, chickens, goats, dogs, cats). Please let us know of any animal allergies. Please arrive 10 minutes prior to class start time. Information Source: Common Clay at White Oak Barn | eventbrite


Oct 27, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Get ready to unleash your creativity at the upcoming CARTOON DRAWING WORKSHOPS in White Peak. Hosted at the prestigious Bill Hemsley Centre on Radcliffe Concourse, this event will take place on October 27, 2024. Immerse yourself in a fun and educational atmosphere as you learn the art of cartoon drawing from skilled instructors. Whether you're a beginner or have some experience, this workshop is suitable for all skill levels. Tickets are priced at an affordable A$11.90, making it accessible to everyone interested in honing their cartoon drawing skills. Don't miss this opportunity to learn and have fun – book your spot now!

Allstars Outdoor Leadership Introduction | White Street Coach Park, Coventry, CV1 5FY

Oct 29, 2024 (UTC+0)ENDED
Sports & Fitness
Welcome to the Allstars Outdoor Leadership Introduction event hiking through The Peak District! Come along to experience being an outdoor adventure leader for the day. Experience the beauty of a hike through the Peak District, with stops for lunch, hot chocolate making and marshmallow roasting in the big outdoors!!! This event is for care experienced young people as part of the Virtual Schools programme. This is an age restricted event due to the activities taking place on the day: 13 - 25 years. Please compete our PARTICIPATION FORM for you or your young person here --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Event Details Allstars Outdoor Adventure Leadership Tuesday 29th October 2024 13-25years 8:45am minibus pickup, 7pm return Pool Meadow Bus Station, Coventry, CV1 5AD --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DRESS CODE Please bring appropriate clothing for weather conditions including waterproofs, extra layers, a hat and sturdy boots or hiking shoes (no trainers, crocs, flipflops or inappropriate shoes). Please bring a rucksack with water bottle and waterproof jacket & trousers, hat, & gloves to carry, snacks and any other essentials. Walking boots/ Sturdy boots (not fashion boots) will be required. You should wear leggings/ jogging bottoms, thick socks i.e walking socks or fluffy bed type socks, t-shirt (not cotton material) and fleece/ tracksuit top/ hoodie.Spare clothes/ trainers in a carry bag to change into for the return journey if necessary. Please DO NOT wear jeans or trainers. Please let us know sizes if you don’t have suitable clothing/footwear and we may be able to arrange this on your behalf. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **PLEASE NOTE** Booking a space and not attending may result in you being blacklisted from future events. Be aware that you may be taking a space away from a young person that wants to attend and there is a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes in terms of making events like these available. Information Source: Think Active | eventbrite

Jackie Jackson's Recipe for Life Theatrical Production | 467 N White Rd

Nov 3, 2024 (UTC-8)ENDED
Experience the powerful and unforgettable story of Jackie Jackson once more! Join us on an immersive journey as we vividly and creatively chronicle the life and legacy of Big Red. Don’t miss this captivating theatrical production that brings history to life! Showtime kicks off at 6 PM, but for those seeking something extra special, join us at 5 PM for an exclusive, LIMITED VIP dinner experience with the following menu: Oven Roasted Tri-Tip with mushroom gravyStuffed Chicken Breast with Cornbread DressingCajun Rubbed Blackened SalmonDirty Rice, Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Sautéed Mixed VegetablesDinner RollsSweet Tea, Lemonade, WaterPeach Cobbler and Pound CakeDon’t miss this unique opportunity to elevate your evening with a delicious meal by Jackie's Place before the show begins! Information Source: SHE'S THAT CHICK | eventbrite

R & Company + Design Miami: The Art of Exhibition Design | R & Company

Nov 4, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
Join Evan Snyderman, principal, R & Company, and Grela Orihuela, Senior Vice President, Fairs, Design Miami, as they unpack how innovative spaces transform the way we engage with art and design. They will share practical insights into crafting cohesive exhibition environments, using Objects: USA 2024 and Design Miami 2024 as case studies to illustrate the design strategies that bring multiple vignettes together into a unified narrative. The discussion will also explore the concept of Blue Sky Thinking and its importance in today’s art and design world, showcasing how visionary ideas and collaboration can elevate immersive experiences in exhibition design. This program is moderated by Maya Crowne, CEO, Alkemis Paint. Reception to follow. Alkemis Paint is the preferred paint partner of R& Company and Design Miami '24. Information Source: R & Company | eventbrite

Salsa in the City, Bachata Too, Latin Dance! @ Mama Juanas! | Mama Juana Latin Fusion

Nov 8–Nov 9, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
Get your FRIDAY Salsa Dance Tickets here! - Friday, Oct. 11. 8pm-1am @ Mama Juana Latin Fusion, 1600 John B White Sr. Blvd. #1008 Spartanburg SC 29301.-No Partner Needed! Come meet new people and make new friends! No dance experience needed!- 8-9p COME EARLY and enjoy dinner & drinks!- 9:00-9:45pm: Salsa Dance Lesson with Dance Coach Natalie Foreverland- 9:45p-1am: Latin Dance (DJ: Natalie Foreverland)- Music: Salsa, Bachata, Merengue, Cumbia, Cha Cha- Dance & Lesson ONLY: $9 Online/ $12 @ the Door(Entry Fee is the same regardless of whether you take the lesson)___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 Custom Cocktails: $194 Custom Cocktails: $37Vesper - The James Bond Favorite!Flirtini - Strawberry, Cucumber, VodkaFiesta Latina Entree : $24 (Regularly: $28)____________________________________________________________________________________________ Information Source: Natalie Foreverland | eventbrite

November Public Tour—Objects: USA 2024 | R & Company

Nov 9, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
'Objects: USA 2024' is a defining moment in the contemporary landscape of American design, art, and craft. ⁠ ⁠ Curated by Kellie Riggs and Angelik Vizcarrondo-Laboy, the landmark American design triennial brings together the work of 55 innovative artists and designers, each selected for their profound contributions to the evolving discourse of object-making in the 21st century.⁠ Information Source: R & Company | eventbrite

You Can't Take It With You - Reserved Seating Sunday | Brentwood Academy Theatre

Nov 10, 2024 (UTC-6)ENDED
Experience the classic comedy "You Can't Take It With You" with reserved seating on Sunday at the Brentwood Academy Theatre in Brentwood. The event will take place on November 10, 2024, at 219 Granny White Pike. Tickets are priced at $12. Don't miss this opportunity to enjoy a timeless play in a comfortable and exclusive setting.

John Van Hamersveld @ Cabrillo | Cabrillo Marine Aquarium

Nov 16, 2024 (UTC-8)ENDED
Fine Art
John Van Hamersveld @ Cabrillo Join us for an exciting event featuring the legendary artist John Van Hamersveld at Cabrillo Marine Aquarium! Get ready to immerse yourself in the world of art and creativity as John shares insights into his iconic work. This in-person event is a rare opportunity to meet the artist in person. We will premier a documentary short on the artist, famous for his Endless Summer poster and numerous rock n' roll album covers, JVH has also produced four beautiful murals at Cabrillo Marine Aquarium. Meet the artist and get your favorite prints autographed. The CMA gift shop will show off its new line of products featuring these stunning murals. Don't miss out on this unique experience at Cabrillo Marine Aquarium! FCMA Members get FREE PARKING and 15% off in the Gift Shop - including ALL JVH merchandise! Join today: Information Source: Cabrillo Marine Aquarium | eventbrite

SAMBA 40° @ WHITE RHINO | White Rhino Bar & Eats

Nov 17, 2024 (UTC+10)ENDED
SAMBA 40° @ WHITE RHINO Come join us for a sizzling celebration at WHITE RHINO Bar & Eats for Lucas Nogaroto's 40th birthday! Get ready to dance the night away to live samba, savour a traditional feijoada, and enjoy caipiroskas in a vibrant Brazilian atmosphere. Whether you're a seasoned dancer or just looking to have a great time, this event is perfect for everyone. Don’t miss out – mark your calendars and get ready to party! Event Details: Date: 17th November, from 2 PM until lateLocation: White Rhino – Surfers ParadiseLive Music Line-Up:Raiz do Samba – 2 PM to 6 PMFolias Band – 7 PM to 10 PMDJ Fabz – spinning between band setsTicket Options:Feijoada & Caipirosca: $30 with advance ticket purchaseEntry only: $15Additional Highlights:FREE Kids' Area available (face paiting and more) Party until lateDon’t miss the chance to join us for SAMBA 40° and make unforgettable memories with friends, food, and music! Information Source: Zero 12 Events | eventbrite

Magpie Kids - Event starts at 10AM | Magpie Kids

Nov 18, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
Magpie Kids will be hosting silhouette artist, Erik Johnson!! Erik is a highly skilled, 3rd generation silhouette artist, who learned the craft from his father. Within minutes, Erik hand cuts each silhouette by just looking at the subject's profile. When he's done you'll have an amazing keepsake silhouette of you, your child, significant other, etc. Silhouettes make great gifts! Sign ups are FREE! Silhouettes are $30 each, duplicate of the same person is $15. Framing is available. Cash and credit cards accepted. Information Source: Silhouettes by Erik | eventbrite

Screenprinting with Long Trail Studio (Second Time!) | Cambridge Naturals

Nov 19, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
In this hour long class you’ll learn about the process of silkscreen printmaking, from “burning” an emulsioned mesh screen to pulling ink through the stencil. Participants will finish with pulling floral prints themselves on whatever they choose to bring (fabric or paper) or can purchase blank tote bags, tea towels, and/or napkins. All Attendees will receive a 15% off coupon to Cambridge Naturals! Liv Cappello is a silkscreen printmaker and artist based in Somerville, MA. She runs her small silkscreen print business, Long Trail Studio, out of her studio at Vernon Street Studios. She loves sharing her love of printmaking with others, and has taught workshops and classes at the Boston Public Library, Artisan’s Asylum, Boston Bouldering Project, and more. Information Source: Cambridge Naturals | eventbrite

Royal Irish Academy of Music - Competition Winners' Concert | Farmleigh House & Estate

Nov 23, 2024 (UTC+0)ENDED
The Royal Irish Academy of Music proudly presents an outstanding concert featuring prizewinners from its annual performance competitions. Performers will include winners of the Maura Dowdall, Lucien and Maura Teissier, Ursula Ui Chuinneagáin, Dublin Philharmonic, Dr. Marie McCormack, Irené Sandford and John Pollard awards. Join us in celebrating the next generation of exciting young musical talents in a varied programme of classical music. Full details of the artists and their performance programmes will be updated closer to the concert date. Doors 7.30pm, Performance at 8pm. This concert is presented as part of the OPW’s 2024 Cultural Programme at Farmleigh House. Information Source: Farmleigh House OPW | eventbrite

The White Hart Speaker Series: LIFE’S SHORT, TALK FAST | The White Hart

Dec 5, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
Literary Arts
Presented in partnership with The White Hart Inn & Scoville Library. Tickets $15Includes a complimentary glass of house wine (or non-alcoholic beverage) and a $5 voucher towards the purchase of LIFE'S SHORT, TALK FAST at this event. Editor Ann Hood talks with Tracey Minkin about a delightful celebration of a contemporary TV classic. Fast-talking, warm-hearted, and endlessly rewatchable, Gilmore Girls has bonded real-life mothers and daughters since 2000, when its iconic pilot introduced us to Lorelai, Rory, and their idyllic Connecticut town of Stars Hollow. More than twenty years later, it has become one of the most-streamed TV shows, ever. In an anthology as intimate and quick-witted as Gilmore Girls itself, best-selling author Ann Hood invites fifteen writers to investigate their personal relationships to the show. (“It’s a show? It’s a lifestyle. It’s a religion.”) Joanna Rakoff considers how Emily Gilmore helped her understand her own mother; Sanjena Sathian sees herself—and Asian American defiance—in Lane Kim; Freya North connects with her son through the show; Francesco Sedita discovers an antidote to pandemic loneliness; Nina de Gramont offers a comic ode to the unreality of Stars Hollow. For anyone who identifies as Team Logan, Team Jess, or even Team Dean, Life’s Short, Talk Fast reveals what Gilmore Girls tells us about ourselves—and why it matters. Ann Hood is the author of a dozen books of memoir and fiction, including the novels The Stolen Child, The Book That Matters Most, and The Knitting Circle, and editor of the anthologies Knitting Yarns and Knitting Pearls. She lives in Providence, Rhode Island, and New York. Tracey Minkin is the Travel Editor for Coastal Living (three-time Lowell Thomas Awards winner for general excellence) and as a Contributing Editor at VERANDA Magazine. Her writing has won regional and national awards and has appeared on websites, in magazines, and in books. The White Hart Inn is a fully wheelchair accessible space with on-site van accessible parking. Microphones and speakers will be used at this event. If you have specific questions about the space or how an event can be made more accessible to you, please do not hesitate to contact us: Information Source: Oblong Books | eventbrite

Theatre Games | Sullivan Hall

Dec 8, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Theatre Games Come join us for a fun-filled evening of theatre games at Sullivan Hall! Get ready to unleash your creativity, improvise, and laugh with fellow theatre enthusiasts. No experience necessary - just bring your energy and enthusiasm. It's a great way to meet new people and have a blast! Don't miss out on this exciting event - see you there! Information Source: Jennipher McDonald | eventbrite

Girls Night Out the Show® The Hayloft at Hobbs Tavern ( West Ossipee, NH) | 2415 White Mountain Hwy

Dec 11, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
Ladies it’s your turn to have some Fun! Mark your calendar and bring all of your friends for an epic night of Fun and Excitement with our “MOST WANTED TOUR!” Whether you’re celebrating a Birthday, Bachelorette, Divorce, Dirty Thirty or your own Sheer Awesomeness, you don’t want to miss the most exciting ladies night out of the year! So Girls come MISBEHAVE in an empowering, fun-filled evening created just for you and embark on an unforgettable night of Fun & Excitement! After all, you deserve a night out with your girlfriends. So what are you waiting for!? Get Your Tickets Today! Check out our social media FB@GIRLSNIGHTOUTTHESHOW INSTAGRAM@GIRLSNIGHTOUTTHESHOW TIKTOK@GIRLSNIGHTOUTLIVE #liveevent #girlsnight #girlsnightout #dance #concert #bacheloretteparty #thingstodo #nightlife #ladiesnight #ladiesnightout #eventsnearme #nightlife #bachelorette #bacheloretteparty #bestnightever #magicmike #ladienightout #malerevue #bestoflasvegas NOTE: Tickets are non-refundable unless the show gets canceled. In some circumstances, the show might be rescheduled; the previously purchased tickets will be honored on the new date. In cases of rescheduling, we will inform you via email. Information Source: Girls Night Out the Show | eventbrite

Salsa in the City, Bachata Too, Latin Dance! @ Mama Juanas! | Mama Juana Latin Fusion

Dec 13–Dec 14, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
Get your FRIDAY Salsa Dance Tickets here! - Friday, Nov. 8. 8pm-1am @ Mama Juana Latin Fusion, 1600 John B White Sr. Blvd. #1008 Spartanburg SC 29301.-No Partner Needed! Come meet new people and make new friends! No dance experience needed!- 8-9p COME EARLY and enjoy dinner & drinks!- 9:00-9:45pm: Salsa Dance Lesson with Dance Coach Natalie Foreverland- 9:45p-1am: Latin Dance (DJ: Natalie Foreverland)- Music: Salsa, Bachata, Merengue, Cumbia, Cha Cha- Dance & Lesson ONLY: $9 Online/ $12 @ the Door(Entry Fee is the same regardless of whether you take the lesson)___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 Custom Cocktails: $194 Custom Cocktails: $37Fiesta Latina Entree : $24 (Regularly: $28)____________________________________________________________________________________________ Information Source: Natalie Foreverland | eventbrite

December Public Tour—Objects: USA 2024 | R & Company

Dec 14, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
'Objects: USA 2024' is a defining moment in the contemporary landscape of American design, art, and craft. ⁠ ⁠ Curated by Kellie Riggs and Angelik Vizcarrondo-Laboy, the landmark American design triennial brings together the work of 55 innovative artists and designers, each selected for their profound contributions to the evolving discourse of object-making in the 21st century.⁠ Information Source: R & Company | eventbrite

The “New” Velvettes | Farmleigh House & Estate

Dec 17, 2024 (UTC+0)ENDED
The “new” Velvettes are a new and improved version of the band that have played an exclusive Christmas season of shows at Farmleigh for over 10 years! The band were formed by multi-instrumentalist musician Fran king in 2012, and reflects his love of the great American songbook of the 1940s & 50’s onwards. It has featured some wonderful guest singers over the years (Michelle Gillies / Judy O’ Connor /Fidelma Kelly / Eleanor Kenny) as the line up evolves, interpreting intimate selections of the aforementioned greats, plus old skool Christmas favourites performed with authenticity & affection. This year the band are excited & honoured to add Irish Jazz legend Flo McSweeney to the line up as well as some fine new instrumentalists, in what promises to be two wonderful nights of Holiday favourites & timeless standards. Doors 7.30, performance 8pm! To avoid long waits for taxis after the event, we recommend booking a taxi in advance if required. Information Source: Farmleigh House OPW | eventbrite

Christian Singles Open Mic & Mingle (25+) | The White Rose

Dec 28, 2024 (UTC+0)ENDED
Join us for a heartfelt evening of creativity and connection at our Christian Singles Open Mic hosted by Wise Attraction. We welcome single Christians to share their talents through spoken word, poetry, music, comedy and more. Show off your talents or simply enjoy the vibes as local Christian singles take the stage to showcase their skills. Bring your friends, family, colleagues and immerse yourself in the vibrant sounds of faith inspired performance. From novice to professional, solo, duo or trio, poet, singer, comedian, all are welcome to perform, entertain or just listen and sing along. Whether you are a seasoned performer, just looking for a fun time out or wanting to meet single Christians this event is the place to be. Don't miss out on this opportunity to experience creativity and connection in a cozy and welcoming atmosphere. If you have any questions or would like to perform, drop me an email on Event Highlights: - Open mic performances - Speed dating opportunities to connect and mingle with other singles - An inspiring atmosphere celebrating faith and creativity Don’t miss out on this exciting evening! Reserve your spot today and join us in celebrating the power of expression and community. We can’t wait to see you there! Information Source: Wise Attraction | eventbrite

Lucha La Raza at The Commerce | 1421 John B White Sr Blvd apt g10

Dec 31, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
Sports & Fitness
Experience the action and thrills here at The Commerce Casino & Hotel. See some of the world's greatest luchadors along with live music! Information Source: eventbrite

Fight against Type 2 Diabetes in Islington with Boxercise | Claremont Project

Jan 11, 2025 (UTC+0)ENDED
Sports & Fitness
The programme aims to empower adults with or at risk of Type 2 Diabetes to improve their health and wellbeing through structured exercise based on non-contact boxing or boxercise. Our 12-week Boxing Fitness for Type 2 Diabetes Programme is expected to motivate adults of all ages to develop and sustain active lifestyles to combat health problems, such as heart disease, obesity, and the risk of Type 2 diabetes. At the start of the programme, participants will complete a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) which will identify any health issues, and allow the coaches to assess individual goals for the programme. During Phase 1 of the programme, participants will gain boxing skills in combination with fitness, endurance, and core strength. In Phase 2, participants will reassess their initial goals and set new targets which will be monitored at self-assessment and peer reviews during the latter weeks of the programme. Sustaining Active Lifestyle At the end of the programme, participants will be sign-posted to further opportunities to sustain active lifestyles, such as local gyms and boxing clubs. Anticipated outcomes include improvements in: 1. Fitness levels 2. Mental health and wellbeing 3. Blood glucose control for those with and at risk of Type 2 diabetes. This event is sponsored by Champions 4 Change Wellbeing C.I.C. Information Source: Champions 4 Change Wellbeing C.I.C. | eventbrite

Kettlebell Athletics- Unlocking Kettlebell Basics Workshop | Diamond Heart Muay Thai | Physical Culture Collective

Jan 11, 2025 (UTC-5)ENDED
Sports & Fitness
Kettlebell Athletics- Unlocking the Kettlebell Basics Come join us at Diamond Heart Muay Thai | Physical Culture Collective for an exciting Kettlebell Athletics workshop! Empower your clients with the dynamic power of kettlebells! This beginner kettlebell workshop is designed specifically for personal trainers seeking to expand their fitness repertoire and offer cutting-edge training solutions. Learn the fundamentals of kettlebell technique, proper form, and exercise progressions to safely and effectively incorporate kettlebell training into your clients' routines. Discover how kettlebells can enhance strength, power, endurance, and flexibility, while boosting metabolism and sculpting lean muscle. Gain the confidence to design personalized kettlebell workouts that cater to various fitness levels and goals. Join us for an immersive learning experience that will elevate your training expertise and inspire your clients to achieve extraordinary results. Information Source: Jason C. Brown | eventbrite

ONEDER // Sacred Kirtan World Music Band @ Fremantle | Sullivan Hall

Jan 18, 2025 (UTC+8)ENDED
Join us for an enchanting evening of heart-stirring Kirtan / World Devotional Music and divine melodies. Immerse yourself in the captivating rhythms and ancient devotional chants that will transport you to a state of pure bliss. Such pure joy & love coming through the music. Unlike any other Kirtan we've been to! I'm no musician but found so much joy by just letting go into the songs and mantras! I experienced such an energy surge through my body and felt a deeper connection to everything. ** To be notified about future Oneder Kirtan events join the mailing list here: This music provides a chance for us to transcend our human boundaries. It speaks to the core of us, reminding us that there truly is no separation and deep within we are all one. We sing world heart mantras from the sacred traditions of India, Polynesia, Western & Native America. The word mantra derives from Sanskrit, which is divided into “man” meaning mind and “tra” meaning to free from. Mantras are quite literally tools to free the mind. Kirtan digs into the heart’s deepest well to touch and be touched by the Divine Unifying Presence. Singing these powerful healing mantras together, we have the opportunity to merge with the sound and true essence of oneness & love that these rhythmic ancient songs open within us. 🌞 7:30 -9pm. *Doors open at 7:30pm* 🌞 $15 Minimum Donation $20 At Door 🌞 Over 18 Event - We are asking that children please stay home or have babysitters so that mum and dad can get the most out of the evening. Let's get together in honour of the light within us all! This event is followed by an evening of Kirtan World Heart Music and warm tea! Book your tickets to Kirtan here. For more info on this & latest IPF events go to: Did you know there is a Truly Awakened Living Guide at the Inner Peace Foundation? Rohan offers group Satsang (Meetings in Truth) for true seekers to discover their deepest peace and Authentic Self. Information Source: | eventbrite

Hampstead Comedy Night | The Old White Bear

Jan 30, 2025 (UTC+0)ENDED
Come join us for a night filled with laughter at The Old White Bearjust a few minutes away from Hampsteadstation in Zone 2 London. Get ready to enjoy hilarious stand-up comedy acts from talented comedians. It's the perfect opportunity to unwind, have a drink, and share some laughs with friends. Don't miss out on this fantastic evening of entertainment! Featuring acts as seen on Live At The Apollo, Comedy Central, BBC, Channel 4, Prime Video Information Source: Joshua Bethania | eventbrite

The Speak Free Experience with Nico Moore At White Lilac | The White Lilac, 6th Avenue, Kenosha, WI, USA

Feb 9, 2025 (UTC-6)ENDED
Nico Moore is a poet, spoken word artist, hip hop artist, musician, fashion designer, and educator, Who also goes by the name Speak Free when sharing art. Nico was born in Racine and Raised in Kenosha, Nico is the visionary behind More Love up cycled clothing and art movement. Nico has become a well established artist in the greater Midwest, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, and Indiana, and most recently has been able to travel to other parts of the county sharing creative expression. Nico has hosted countless open mics, organized events, and facilitated community conversations, been an performing arts instructor, recruiter and mentor for education youth college tours, is a peace ambassador with peace learning circle of Kenosha, and above all a devoted and loving father and son. And now grateful to be able to serve the community as the Poet Laureate of Kenosha county for the next two years. Information Source: KmacK Productions | eventbrite

LIV Golf Invitational Series | Adelaide Day 1 (Grange) | Feb 14th | Grange Golf Club

Feb 14, 2025 (UTC+09:30)ENDED
Sports & Fitness
Explore accurate Adelaide Day 1 sporting information and times for 14th February, as well as links for Golf news, tickets and more with Fixture Calendar. The Golf sporting event in Adelaide is a highly anticipated tournament among athletes, fans, and spectators alike. The event takes place at the prestigious Adelaide Golf Course, known for its challenging layout and picturesque views. Some of the top players from around the world, including the likes of Rory McIlroy and Tiger Woods, compete in this event. The tournament showcases both men's and women's divisions, with some of the most skilled golfers from Australia and beyond participating. With a rich history and a top-notch facility, the Golf sporting event in Adelaide continues to attract a large and enthusiastic audience every year. Information Source:

LIV Golf Invitational Series | Adelaide Day 2 (Grange) | Feb 15th | Grange Golf Club

Feb 15, 2025 (UTC+09:30)ENDED
Sports & Fitness
Explore accurate Adelaide Day 2 sporting information and times for 15th February, as well as links for Golf news, tickets and more with Fixture Calendar. The Golf sporting event in Adelaide is a highly anticipated tournament among athletes, fans, and spectators alike. The event takes place at the prestigious Adelaide Golf Course, known for its challenging layout and picturesque views. Some of the top players from around the world, including the likes of Rory McIlroy and Tiger Woods, compete in this event. The tournament showcases both men's and women's divisions, with some of the most skilled golfers from Australia and beyond participating. With a rich history and a top-notch facility, the Golf sporting event in Adelaide continues to attract a large and enthusiastic audience every year. Information Source:

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