
Not inferior to Wudang Mountain, this is the actual filming location of 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon'

The first time I learned about Cangyan Mountain was at the end of Ang Lee's movie 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon', where the rebellious Yu Jiaolong leaps off the bridge into the bottomless abyss. Although the movie depicts the location as Wudang Mountain, the actual filming site is Cangyan Mountain in Hebei, 800 kilometers away. · Starting from Shijiazhuang, it takes more than 2 hours to drive. I have to say that Hebei is really low-key. Even during the National Day holiday, this treasure scenic spot is not crowded. · The Cangyan Mountain scenic area is actually built around the national protected Fuqing Temple, an ancient temple with a history of over 1,400 years. The main buildings are the Princess Nanyang Shrine, including the meditation rooms, ancient temples, pavilions, and steles built along the mountain, most of which are relics from the Ming and Qing dynasties. · When we went, the Cangyan Mountain cableway was not open, so we hiked the entire route, taking a large loop. The intensity was not high, some sections were steep, but the distance was not long. 🎒Route: Mountain Gate - Wanxian Hall - Qiaolou Hall - Guandi Temple - Princess Shrine - Princess Tomb - Bodhisattva Peak - Jade Emperor Peak - East Heaven Gate - Mountain Gate. ⏰Time: 3 hours+ · ✅Wanxian Hall: Built in the Ming Dynasty, it is a Buddhist hall that integrates Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism. According to the stele, it was once part of a palace complex. ✅Qiaolou Hall: The highlight of Fuqing Temple and the soul of Cangyan Mountain, it is known as one of the three hanging temples in China. It is said that the stone bridge part of Qiaolou Hall was built in the Sui Dynasty, slightly earlier than the Zhaozhou Bridge. The main hall was rebuilt during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, featuring a two-story pavilion with golden glazed tiles and red pillars spanning the cliffs, each showing its splendor. ✅Guandi Temple: The view of Qiaolou Hall is better from here, where you can capture the waterfall below and the steep peaks. If you want to take photos of people, you can go to the nearby Shuo Fa Danger Platform, where a small platform is suitable for group photos. ✅Princess Shrine: The main hall of Fuqing Temple, built on the edge of a cliff. It is said that Princess Nanyang lived here. The shrine is three rooms wide and one room deep, with a single-eaved hip roof of yellow and green glazed tiles. In the center of the shrine sits a colored statue of Princess Nanyang, with four standing maidens on each side, all vividly lifelike and presumably original. Next to the shrine is a scripture tower, estimated to be no earlier than the Jin Dynasty. ✅Princess Tomb: The Princess Nanyang stele is known as the Three Emperors' Aunt in folklore, and it is said that she passed away here. The main buildings have been rebuilt in recent years. Unexpectedly, this tomb has an underground palace, which is slightly eerie, and the statues covered with quilts inside gave me a fright. ✅Bodhisattva Peak: Built in the Ming Dynasty, the current structure is a recent reconstruction and is the largest temple complex in Cangyan Mountain, but that's about it. ✅Jade Emperor Peak: Built in the Ming Dynasty, all recent reconstructions, can be skipped if time is short. ✅East Heaven Gate: Located directly opposite Qiaolou Hall, you can capture the relationship between Qiaolou Hall and the surrounding mountains, but you need a telephoto lens. · 🏠Name | Cangyan Mountain 🎫Ticket | 65 yuan ⛳Address | Cangyan Mountain Town, Jingxing County, Shijiazhuang City 🚗Transport | Navigate to 'Cangyan Mountain Scenic Area'
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Jun 29, 2024
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Mt Cangyan Scenic Area

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