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The Met au Louvre : Near Eastern Antiquities in Dialogue | Louvre Museum
Feb 29, 2024–Sep 28, 2025 (UTC+1)
The Louvre’s Department of Near Eastern
Antiquities is hosting ten major works from New York’s Metropolitan
Museum of Art, whose Department of Ancient Near Eastern Art is currently
closed for renovation. The Louvre and The Met have created a unique
dialogue between these two collections, which is displayed in the
Louvre’s permanent galleries. These ‘special guest’ artworks from The
Met, dating from between the late 4th millennium BC and the 5th century
AD, show some remarkable connections with the Louvre’s collection. In
some cases, a pair of objects has been reunited for the first time,
while in others, pieces complement each other by virtue of specific
historical features of their respective collections. Representing
Central Asia, Syria, Iran and Mesopotamia, this dialogue between
collections is (re)introducing visitors to these extraordinary, age-old
works of art and the stories they tell.
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Art on the rocks / Pavé de Paris 🇫🇷 | Paris
Mar 31, 2024–Mar 31, 2025 (UTC+1)
Stephane Jaspert paints mainstream images on old paving rocks picked from the streets of Paris (pavé de Paris) in his tiny studio at Montmartre.
Tableau de Guillaume Bottazzi à Paris | Paris
Mar 19, 2020–Mar 18, 2030 (UTC+1)
Guillaume Bottazzi a réalisé un tableau fruité en face du parc Montsouris.
Il est visible de l’extérieur, au 34-36 avenue Reille, à Paris dans le 14ème arrondissement. Ce tableau apporte l’art ou on ne l’attend pas forcément et accompagne le quotidien des habitants.
Cette huile sur toile de lin mesure 0,90m de haut par 1,80m de large. Elle a été conçue pour habiller l’entrée d’un bâtiment et dialogue avec les éléments qui l’entourent.
L’artiste a déjà créé plus de 65 œuvres dans des espaces publics, comme un polyptique de 100m² à Paris La Défense, à Hong-Kong ou au Japon où il est l'auteur de la plus grande peinture du Pays, commandée par le Musée International d'Art Miyanomori. Ses œuvres font partie de collections muséales, notamment en Asie et aux Etats-Unis.
Tableau de Guillaume Bottazzi à Paris | Paris
Mar 19, 2020–Mar 18, 2030 (UTC+1)
Guillaume Bottazzi a réalisé un tableau fruité en face du parc Montsouris.
Il est visible de l’extérieur, au 34-36 avenue Reille, à Paris dans le 14ème arrondissement. Ce tableau apporte l’art ou on ne l’attend pas forcément et accompagne le quotidien des habitants.Cette huile sur toile de lin mesure 0,90m de haut par 1,80m de large. Elle a été conçue pour habiller l’entrée d’un bâtiment et dialogue avec les éléments qui l’entourent.
L’artiste a déjà créé plus de 65 œuvres dans des espaces publics, comme un polyptique de 100m² à Paris La Défense, à Hong-Kong ou au Japon où il est l'auteur de la plus grande peinture du Pays, commandée par le Musée International d'Art Miyanomori. Ses œuvres font partie de collections muséales, notamment en Asie et aux Etats-Unis.
Site internet de Guillaume Bottazzi : https://www.guillaume.bottazzi.org
AWARE annonce les quatre rapporteur·euse·s des Prix 2024 | Paris
En 2024, pour la 8e édition des prix AWARE, deux prix seront attribués : le prix Nouveau Regard, récompensant une artiste en milieu decarrière et le prix d’honneur, attribué à une artiste justifiant de plus de 40 ans decarrière. À nouveau cette année, quatre rapporteur·euse·s – professionnel·le·sengagé·e·s du monde de la culture – présélectionneront chacun·e un duo d’artistes, nommées respectivement au prix Nouveau Regard et au prix d’honneur, et présenteront et défendront leur travail devant un jury composé de sept figures majeures du monde de la culture. Les quatre rapporteur·euse·spour l’édition 2024 sont Simona Dvorák, Antoine Idier, Noelia Portela et Olivier Zeitoun.
Simona Dvorák
Simona Dvorák est curatrice et historienne de l’art basée à Paris. Elle s’intéresseà des pratiques performatives, sonores, radiophoniques et vidéo, en mettanten valeur un travail collectif à long terme. En tant que curatrice au sein de l’Initiative for Practices and Visions of Radical Care, elle étudie la manière dont nous pouvons créer des espaces communs et solidaires dans la sphère culturelle. Son travail souligne l’importance des « processus d’exposition » qui anticipent les futurs possibles : antisexistes, antiracistes, inclusifs. Plus récemment, elle a été boursière du programme Art et éducation à la documenta fifteen à Kasselet a collaboré sur la conception du programme public Walking with Water, imaginé en relation avec le pavillon serbe de la 59e Biennale de Venise. Elle a été également chargée de programmation au Centre Pompidou à Paris ouelle a notamment travaillé sur le programme Cultures d’avenir. Actuellement, Dvorák est curatrice invitée, avec Tadeo Kohan, pour le programme « actes delangage » à la Maison populaire de Montreuil. Parallèlement, elle développe un projet de recherche sur la politique des archives au Rockbund Art Museum, Shanghai, en collaboration avec Merv Espina.
Antoine Idier
Antoine Idier est maître de conférences en science politique à Sciences Po Saint-Germain-en-Laye, où il coordonne les enseignements « Art & culture » et dirige le Master Politiques de création. Il a publié de nombreux ouvrages, dont Les Vies de GuyHocquenghem. Politique, sexualité, culture(Fayard, 2017), Archives des mouvements LGBT+ (Textuel, 2018), Pureté etimpureté de l’art. Michel Journiac et le Sida (Sombres torrents, 2020) ou encore Résistances Queer. Une histoire des cultures LGBTQI+(avec Pochep, Delcourt/La Découverte, 2023). Il a édité des écrits de Guy Hocquenghem (Un journal de rêve, Verticales, 2017) et de yann beauvais (Agir le cinéma, Presses du réel, 2021). En 2022-2023, il a été commissaire de l’exposition Dans les marges. Trente ans du fonds Michel Chomarat à la bibliothèque de Lyon. Pour un projet en cours d’écriture, il a également reçu une bourse de recherche de la fondation Robert Rauschenberg.
Noelia Portela
Noelia Portela est commissaire d’exposition indépendante et coordinatrice de projets culturels basée à Paris. Noelia Portela est diplômée de l’école d’Architecture et de Design de l’université Victoria de Wellington en Nouvelle-Zélande. En 2017, elle fonde Persona Curada, un projet curatorial itinérant et expérimental à but non lucratif qui vise à promouvoir l’art contemporain latino-américain, mis en perspective avec la scène artistique française. Avec Persona Curada, elle organise des expositions, des projections, des performances et des débats en collaboration avec des institutions et des espaces d’art contemporain. Ses textes ont été publiés dans des revues comme Artishock Magazine (Chile), Relieve Contemporaneo (Argentina) et Obra Latinoamericana (Suisse).
Olivier Zeitoun
Olivier Zeitoun est attaché de conservation au département Design et Prospective industrielle du Musée National d’Art Moderne, Centre Pompidou, à Paris. Diplômé en philosophie, histoire de l’art et en sciences sociales, il est l’auteur de nombreux articles et essais sur les enjeux liés aux champs du numérique et du vivant, dans l’art et le design. Il a été co-commissaire des expositions « La Fabrique du Vivant » (Centre Pompidou, 2019), « Réseaux-Mondes » (Centre Pompidou, 2022), « Mimésis, un design vivant » (Centre Pompidou-Metz, 2022), avec Marie-Ange Brayer, et a co-dirigé les catalogues les accompagnant. Il poursuit ses activités de commissariat, d’enseignement, de recherche et de publications en tant que commissaire et critique indépendant. Il ouvrira prochainement au Huidenclub, à Rotterdam, avec Léo Orta, l’exposition « Design Sediments ».
Art on the rocks | Paris
Mar 31, 2024–Mar 31, 2025 (UTC+1)
Stephane Jaspert paints mainstream images on old paving rocks picked from the streets of Paris (pavé de Paris) in his tiny studio at Montmartre.
Visiteur Fashion Week Collaborative + REGGAETON ROLLER PARTY XXL | Galeries Montparnasse
Mar 25–Mar 26, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
The highly anticipated Visiteur Fashion Week Collaborative + REGGAETON ROLLER PARTY XXL is back for its second edition in Paris. This time, the event will take place on Saturday night at the prestigious Galeries Montparnasse, located at 22 rue du départ, 75015 Paris. The evening promises to be exceptional, following the success of the previous edition which attracted over 1000 participants. The lineup includes a Roller Dance class at 19:00, a Reggaeton class at 19:00, and the main event starting at 20:00, featuring a fashion show at 21:00. The doors will close at 02:00, ensuring a night filled with music, dance, and fashion. Don't miss this one-of-a-kind experience on March 25th to March 26th, with ticket prices ranging from 8,12 € to 107,79 €. Join fashion and music enthusiasts for a night to remember at Visiteur Fashion Week Collaborative + REGGAETON ROLLER PARTY XXL in Paris.
Paris Konpa Festival | La Maison de la Conversation
Mar 31–Apr 1, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Experience the vibrant Festival de danse Konpa at the Paris Konpa Festival, presented by Afro Caribbean Nation. This unique event spans two days, allowing for 22 hours of dance while still respecting your sleep schedule. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned party-goer seeking new festive vibes, this festival is for you.
On Sunday, March 31st, enjoy Semba, Konpa, and Gouyad dance workshops, followed by social dancing sessions until 11:00 PM. Then, continue the fun on Monday, April 1st, with Ladystyling, Semba, and Gouyad workshops, leading into more social dancing until late. Prices start at 65,14 € for a full day of workshops and dancing, with options for a two-day pass available.
The festival takes place at La Maison de la Conversation, located at 12 Rue Maurice Grimaud, 75018 Paris. Accessible via public transport, the venue is near the Porte de Clignacourt metro station in Paris 18. For more information or to secure your spot, contact 0651967351. Join the Paris Konpa Festival for an unforgettable dance experience in the heart of the city.
Crazy Horse Paris | Paris
Crazy Horse (formerly known as Crazy Horse Saloon) is a cabaret located at 12 avenue George V, in the Champs-Élysées district of Paris. It was founded by Alain Bernardin in 1951. The name "Crazy Horse" comes from the English name of the Sioux chief Thašunka Witko and subsequently became famous. It is one of the three great spectacles of Paris, alongside the Lido and the Moulin Rouge. The Crazy Horse show is known for its exquisite, elegant, and alluring performances, which are artistic displays incorporating the concepts of "sound, light, color, and nudity." The entire show is typically comprised of beautiful dancers with well-proportioned and consistent bodies, who use gorgeous and fantastic lights and smoke as their clothing, presenting a three-dimensional song and dance show that combines sound, light, and sensory effects under colorful lighting and music.
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Moulin Rouge | Paris
The Moulin Rouge is located in the Pigalle area of the Montmartre district of Paris. The Moulin Rouge is not big from the outside, and the red windmill on the roof is his symbol, which is very conspicuous. Historical background The Moulin Rouge was founded in 1889. It is a historic show in Paris. Now it can accommodate more than 2,000 people and attract audiences from all over the world. In 2001, Nicole Kidman starred in "Moulin Rouge" to make it more famous. The exciting cabaret show Moulin Rouge is also known as the birthplace of modern cancan, which incorporates more acrobatic and athletic skills. Lively rhythm, kicking high thighs, amazing, slightly crazy. In addition, the sky show is also very attractive. The exquisite costumes of the dancers are tailor-made by Italian design masters. The stage design is quite elegant, and the scenes are varied. The dancers come from all over the world, and the performance level is very high. During the period, acrobatics and magic are interspersed. Waiting for the performance, amazing and exciting. Night performances The Moulin Rouge song and dance show usually starts at 7 pm, and there are two to three performances every night. The performance time is about 1 hour and 30 minutes. The performances including dinner are generally around 7 pm. Please refer to the official website for the specific time. When watching the performance, the Moulin Rouge does not allow coats and coats to be brought into the room, and coats must be stored before entering the venue
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AWARE célèbre ses 10 ans | Paris
Dix années que l’association, co-fondée en 2014 par l’historienne de l’art Camille Morineau, travaille à rendre visibles les artistes femmes des XIXe et XXe siècles par différents moyens : un site Internet proposant plus de 1 100 textes biographiques gratuits et entièrement bilingues, rédigés par plus de 500 chercheur·euses, curateur·rices, historien·nes de l’art féministes, critiques d’art et activistes ; des colloques, tables-rondes et séminaires en partenariat avec différentes structures à l’international ; des publications régulières ; des prix récompensant des artistes femmes ; un centre de recherche et de documentation, mais aussi le développement de réseaux dans le monde entier. Cette année anniversaire sera rythmée au long de l’année par de nombreux événements en France et à l’étranger.
« AWARE est un acronyme que j’ai envie, pour ce 10ème anniversaire, de décliner parfois autrement.
A comme Archives. Celles qui m’avaient manquées lorsque, fin 2007, je commençais à travailler sur « elles@centrepompidou » ouvert en 2009 : les 300 artistes et 1 000 œuvres qui étaient dans les collections du MNAM étaient peu documentées. Il était difficile de montrer celles sur qui presque rien n’avait été écrit. Depuis, la visibilité des artistes femmes ne fait plus de doute et le cercle vicieux d’absence d’information est devenu vertueux avec le nombre d’expositions, de publications.
Mais aussi A comme Anniversaire et le petit frisson de souffler tant de bougies - car comment aurais-je pu rêver que le projet, né en 2014, puisse durer et que l’utopie d’un outil à la fois utile et qui transforme, se transforme en réalité ? Plus de 1 000 biographies, plus de 100 000 connexions par mois ? AWARE reste unique au monde dans son ambition géographique et sa chronologie.
On les soufflera à plusieurs, ces bougies. Une petite équipe parisienne si engagée, et ma grande équipe internationale qui l’est tout autant, se réjouiront de cet exploit. Une diversité de voix, un projet collectif et horizontal, où le « plusieurs » produit le meilleur.
Le W de Women, femmes, dont la parole libérée, libératrice, radicale et politique, transforme en profondeur le XXIe siècle. Tandis que la fluidité des genres, la non binarité ouvrent des portes vers d’autres continents. Un double V de victoire ? De l’émerveillement (Wonder), en tout cas. Nous vivons une révolution anthropologique dans laquelle AWARE est un des personnages vivaces, vivants. Révolution dont le sujet est la parole, la visibilité. Ne pas être vue, pour une artiste, c’est une violence. Rendre visible, c’est rendre justice.
Les Artistes femmes ont été présentes partout, elles ont composé, réalisé, écrit, et c’est porté par cette conviction que le projet d’AWARE s’est développé à la fois progressivement, de plus en plus international et chronologiquement large. Il s’est ouvert d’abord au XIXe, et maintenant au XVIIIe, pourquoi ne pas remonter aux origines? Il est limité, aujourd’hui, aux arts visuels, mais l’architecture, le cinéma, les arts appliqués, peut-on en rêver ?
R comme Rêve. Car on continue à rêver. AWARE se définit d’abord comme un centre de recherche, un partage effectif de celui-ci en temps réel. Car trop de temps a été perdu à penser que les artistes femmes n’existaient pas, qu’il y en avait si peu. Aujourd’hui, leur masse critique invite à écrire une autre histoire, avec d’autres mots, d’autres mouvements, d’autres avant-gardes.
E comme Étonnement, comme Énorme. S’adresser à tous les publics, y compris les non spécialistes, rester gratuit, c’est une gageure. Partager, transmettre, un objectif majeur et difficile. Exposition : sur le site d’AWARE, on les montre, ces œuvres, avec de nombreuses reproductions. L’équilibre entre texte et image, la présence du son, de l’animation, sont essentielles. »
Camille Morineau, Directrice générale d'AWARE
Alex Miller w/ Jake and Mikayla | Ernie Eveland Gym, 306 South Central Avenue, Paris, IL 61944, USA
Mar 16, 2024 (UTC-6)ENDED
Don't miss the chance to experience the captivating live music event featuring Alex Miller with special guests Jake and Mikayla. The performance will take place at the prestigious Ernie Eveland Gym on March 16, 2024, at 306 South Central Avenue, Paris, IL 61944, USA. Immerse yourself in a night filled with exceptional melodies and a vibrant ambiance. This is an opportunity to enjoy an unforgettable musical evening. Tickets for the event are priced between $20 and $30. Mark your calendars for a night of musical excellence with Alex Miller, Jake, and Mikayla at the Ernie Eveland Gym in Paris, Illinois.
Le lait noir - Lecture musicale | Palais de la Porte Dorée
Mar 23, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Experience a captivating musical reading of the book "Le lait noir" by Fanny Michaelis at the Palais de la Porte Dorée in Paris. Delve into a narrative that blends memory and fantasy, following the story of Peter, the author's grandfather, born in 1920s Berlin to a Jewish family. Witness the journey of a young man forced into exile amidst the turmoil of a continent at war. The timeless exploration of terror, totalitarianism, and persecution resonates universally, inviting reflection on current issues. Actor Patrick Michaëlis breathes life into the text, accompanied by live music from Ludovic Debeurme and Fanny Michaëlis, along with illustrated projections. This immersive experience offers a unique insight into the narrative, immersing the audience in the exiled paths of young Peter. Attend this exceptional event on March 23, 2024, at Palais de la Porte Dorée, 293 Avenue Daumesnil, 75012 Paris. Admission is free for all.
Metishima Run : La course de l'unité - 4km pour la diversité le 23 mars | Bois de Vincennes
Mar 23, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Metishima association is proud to present the inaugural Metishima Run: La course de l'unité, a charitable event taking place on March 23, 2024, at the scenic Bois de Vincennes in Paris. This event aims to support individuals who have been displaced, with the goal of aiding them in achieving their dreams in 2024. The Metishima Run is a 4km solidarity race that welcomes participants to join in promoting a worthy cause. The event will not only feature the race but also include live concerts and an artisanal fair, offering a day of support and enjoyment with colleagues, friends, and loved ones. Practical details include the race starting at 9:30 am, followed by concerts and the fair from 10 am to 1 pm at Bois de Vincennes, Paris 12th arrondissement. With a manageable level of difficulty, participants can choose to run or walk the course. Every registration contributes to making a tangible impact in supporting those in need. Don't miss this opportunity to be a part of the Metishima Run and contribute to a cause that truly matters.
MILENA - Release Party | La Péniche Anako
Mar 23, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Come and celebrate the debut EP release of MILENA at the upcoming event, MILENA - Release Party. Immerse yourself in a delightful evening of music set in a warm and welcoming atmosphere at La Péniche Anako in Paris. Get ready to groove to the beats and toast to Milena's success as you enjoy an unforgettable night. Mark your calendars for this special occasion on March 23, 2024, starting at 8:00 PM. Secure your spot by RSVPing now and be sure to extend the invitation to your friends for what promises to be the party of the year. Let's come together to make Milena's release a standout moment in time. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be part of a truly memorable experience. Ticket price is 22,50 €.
Conscious Paris - Cycle Art oratoire I Séance 1 | Conscious | Arts & Dialogues
Mar 23, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Join Conscious at their venue in Paris for the first session of the "Cycle Art Oratoire" with Eric Coutard. A former journalist turned media-training and crisis communication expert, Eric Coutard brings his extensive experience to guide participants in mastering the art of pitching and capturing attention. Through his renowned books and training sessions, Eric equips athletes and individuals alike with the skills needed to excel in public speaking engagements, media appearances, and facing challenging situations. The comprehensive cycle consists of four mornings of training, starting on Saturday, March 23, at 12 Rue de Normandie, 75003 Paris. Subsequent sessions cover topics such as hosting events on camera, crafting compelling responses, and managing hostility effectively. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your oratory skills with Eric Coutard. Secure your spot for €70 and elevate your communication prowess.
Podspace : Prise de parole en public x Podcast live | 29 Rue des Jeuneurs, Paris, France
Mar 24, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Discover the exclusive event "Podspace: Prise de parole en public x Podcast live" taking place in Paris at the prestigious venue located at 29 Rue des Jeuneurs. Mark your calendar for March 24, 2024, starting at 7:30 pm. The event features interactive workshops where attendees can learn valuable techniques for mastering public speaking and captivating their audience. Engage in insightful Q&A sessions with experts to receive personalized advice on delivering impactful speeches and presentations. Witness a live podcast recording showcasing behind-the-scenes moments of our special episode on public speaking, featuring dynamic exchanges and inspiring anecdotes from expert guests. Network with like-minded individuals, share ideas, and establish connections in a friendly atmosphere. Seize this unique opportunity to enhance your public speaking skills while immersing yourself in a live podcast experience. Reserve your spot now for €11.85 and join us for an unforgettable evening dedicated to the art of communication. Let's uncover the secrets of powerful public speaking together. See you there!
Mar 24–Mar 25, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Don't miss the second installment of the exclusive Lana Del Rey Paris event by Glimmering Dolls at Chipie Club on Sunday, March 24th. Experience four hours of Lana Del Rey's music, a special performance by guest artist FEVERS, access to a cocktail bar, and a chance to win a Lana Del Rey vinyl. With only 80 spots available, secure your ticket now for €16. Doors open at 8:00 pm, and remember, no tickets will be sold at the door. For inquiries, contact glimmeringdolls@gmail.com. Join us for an unforgettable evening celebrating Lana Del Rey in the heart of Paris at 134 Rue d'Aboukir.
TU ES TOUJOURS LÀ | Derrière le rideau | ACS 2024 | Université Sorbonne Nouvelle
Mar 25, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Experience a poignant space filled with memories, connections, regrets, and unfinished stories at "TU ES TOUJOURS LÀ" by Compagnie Derrière le rideau. The play unfolds on the birthday of "la fille," a young aspiring Conservatory of Music student, and her mother, who face unexpected news of "la fille's" grandmother being rushed to the hospital. Despite the weight of this news, they choose to celebrate amidst the turmoil. As "la fille" blows out her birthday candles, she silently wishes for acceptance into the Conservatory. This intimate theatrical piece delves into the inner worlds and emotions of the three characters, blending drama with poetry and incorporating musical interludes. Written by Alizée Pigeyre Alanís and featuring Raphaella Timlelt, Simon Couchot, and Helena Radanovic Gomes, with assistant director Firouzeh Louy, this performance promises a captivating exploration of human complexities. Join the audience at Théâtre pédagogique du Campus Nation for approximately one hour of profound storytelling. Admission is free for this event happening on March 25, 2024, at Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, 8 Avenue de Saint-Mandé, 75012 Paris.
MOON COMEDY CLUB | Les Blouses Blanches
Mar 25, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Join the Moon Comedy Club for a night of laughter at Les Blouses Blanches in Paris on March 25, 2024, starting at 8:30 pm. Admission is free, with the only requirement being to purchase a drink at the bar. Talented comedians will take the stage to entertain you throughout the evening. Located at 186 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine, 75012 Paris, just a short walk from the Faidherbe-Chaligny metro station, this event promises a night of humor and fun for all comedy enthusiasts. Laugh your heart out and enjoy a memorable evening with some of the best comedians in town at the Moon Comedy Club.
English Standup Comedy in Paris - Sasha Dolgopolov "Hot Water Tour"! | La Nouvelle Seine
Mar 26, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Experience an exceptional evening of English stand-up comedy in Paris with Sasha Dolgopolov's "Hot Water Tour" at La Nouvelle Seine on March 26, 2024. Sasha, a renowned queer alternative political comedian from Russia, will present a unique show that delves into themes ranging from migration and bureaucracy to gender and autism. Through her well-crafted and experimental performance, she offers a hilarious yet deeply personal insight into her experiences, including living in immigration and the challenges of solving a Rubik's cube.
Sasha's decade-long dedication to honing her stand-up craft has earned her recognition as one of the most provocative and significant Russian-speaking comedians in modern history. She has captivated audiences in over 24 countries, despite the challenges posed by her passport. Don't miss this opportunity to witness Sasha's first-ever English tour, where she will showcase her comedic prowess and thought-provoking content. Secure your online tickets for €25 and immerse yourself in an evening of laughter and reflection with Sasha Dolgopolov's captivating performance.
Liste d'attente - Jacques Rancière, la philosophie et l’histoire | Ecole normale supérieure
Mar 26, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Join the waiting list for the upcoming event "Liste d'attente - Jacques Rancière, la philosophie et l’histoire" taking place on March 26, 2024, at Ecole normale supérieure in Paris. This event will feature a special discussion with renowned philosopher Jacques Rancière, focusing on his perspective on history and the influence of historians on his work. The conversation will be enriched by the participation of esteemed guests including Patrick Boucheron from the Collège de France, Geneviève Fraisse from CNRS, Michelle Perrot from the university Paris-Diderot, and Jacques Rancière himself. The event is open to all, but registration is required due to limited availability. Admission is free of charge. Secure your spot to delve into the intriguing intersection of philosophy and history with these distinguished speakers.
MR. BIG VIP 2024 // Mar 26 Paris, FR | Bataclan
Mar 26, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Experience an exclusive opportunity to meet MR. BIG during their 2024 world tour at the Bataclan in Paris on March 26th. The limited VIP Experience offers a private Soundcheck Viewing, a Tour VIP Laminate and Lanyard, a unique Autographed Poster, an 8x10 Photo, and a Meet & Greet with MR. BIG. Don't miss your chance for a personal photo opportunity with the band.
Please note that the VIP Experience will take place between 3PM-6PM local time, lasting approximately 30 minutes to an hour. Ensure you plan accordingly as communication will be sent 1-2 days before the show. No additional opportunities or refunds will be provided if you miss the scheduled time. It is important to purchase show tickets separately before attending the VIP Experience.
During the Soundcheck, refrain from taking any photos or videos to avoid being escorted out of the venue. Remember that outside items for autographs are not permitted, and only one autograph opportunity is allowed. Secure your spot for this exclusive MR. BIG VIP Experience in Paris now!
Jacques Rancière, la philosophie et l’histoire | Ecole normale supérieure
Mar 26, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Join the event "Jacques Rancière, la philosophie et l’histoire" taking place at Ecole normale supérieure in Paris on March 26, 2024. This special gathering will feature an insightful discussion with Jacques Rancière on his relationship with history and the impact of historians on his work. The event will kick off with a comprehensive interview with Jacques Rancière, which will serve as a springboard for exploring the connections between philosophy and history. Esteemed guests include Patrick Boucheron, a professor at the Collège de France; Geneviève Fraisse, a distinguished researcher at CNRS; Michelle Perrot, a renowned professor of contemporary history at the university Paris-Diderot; and Jacques Rancière, a philosopher and professor emeritus at the University of Paris-VIII. Attendance is open to everyone, but registration is mandatory. Your support is appreciated by subscribing. Mark your calendars for this intellectually stimulating event.
Dimar Comedy Club | Le Bouillon
Mar 26, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Dimar Comedy Club at Le Bouillon in Paris presents a standout Standup comedy showcase featuring a diverse group of talented artists from the Parisian scene. With a warm and welcoming atmosphere, Dimar Comedy Club offers a platform for comedians of all levels to deliver top-notch performances for our audience. Join us on March 26, 2024, at 6 Rue Planchat, 75020 Paris, for an evening of laughter and entertainment, all at no cost. Don't miss this opportunity to experience the best of Standup comedy in the heart of Paris at Dimar Comedy Club.
Funny Women at Coucou Comedy: English Stand-Up | Le Noddi
Mar 26, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Experience a night of English stand-up comedy at the Funny Women show, featuring an all-female lineup at the charming cocktail bar Le Noddi in Paris. Taking place on March 26, 2024, this event promises an hour of laughter with talented comedians from various backgrounds and skill levels. With a pay-what-you-can policy for the show, guests are only required to purchase a single drink upon entry. The price for admission is free, making it an accessible and entertaining evening for all. Discover the next generation of comedy stars at this established event, which has launched the careers of many talented performers since its inception in 2003. The doors open at 8:00 pm, with the show starting at 8:30 pm. Don't miss this opportunity to enjoy a night of humor and fun in the heart of Paris at Le Noddi on 16 Rue des Bernardins.
À CIEL FERMÉ | Cie À quatre voix | ACS 2024 | Université Sorbonne Nouvelle
Mar 26, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Experience a captivating tale of love and resilience in "À CIEL FERMÉ | Cie À quatre voix | ACS 2024" at Université Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris. Witness Rose's journey as she navigates a world where every aspect of her life is predetermined, until a sudden upheaval forces her to confront her inner demons. Embracing solitude, she rediscovers her autonomy in the face of adversity. This unique love story unfolds against a backdrop of dance and music, highlighting the struggle for control in a society dictated by external forces. Written, directed, and visually crafted by Marina Cacciotti, the performance features a talented cast including Irène Boinet, Arthur Laurent, Hugo Fernandes Pied, and Joséphine de Castelbajac. Don't miss this poignant narrative of love, self-discovery, and resilience, with a duration of approximately 45 minutes. Join us on March 26, 2024, for a profound theatrical experience that challenges the boundaries of fate and choice. Admission is free.
Jouer l'archive, octobre-décembre 1940 | Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme (FMSH)
Mar 27, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Experience an immersive theatrical performance at the heart of history in Paris on March 27, 2024. Witness the exceptional show "Jouer l'archive, octobre-décembre 1940" at Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme (FMSH) as Théâtre Variable n°2 transports you to Vichy in December 1940. Delve into the discussions surrounding the implementation of the "Law of October 3, 1940 on the status of Jews," where high-ranking officials debated the fate of those deemed Jewish. This unique project, born from a collaboration between prestigious academic institutions and historians, aims to merge historical research with creative expression. Be part of this award-winning initiative supported by esteemed organizations. Limited seats available, so kindly cancel your reservation if unable to attend. Your privacy is respected, and any data processing strictly adheres to our Privacy Policy. By attending, you consent to potential photographic and video coverage for future use by FMSH. Don't miss this unforgettable journey through a pivotal moment in history.
Work in Progress - Stand-up Comedy Hour by Mehdi Walker (March 28th) | La Pomme D'eve
Mar 28, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Witness a captivating evening of stand-up comedy at La Pomme d'Eve in Paris on March 28th with Mehdi Walker's "Work in Progress". Mehdi, a talented Algerian comedian based in France, delves into a myriad of topics ranging from French culture to geopolitics, all with a humorous twist. Having honed his craft since 2019, Mehdi has graced stages across France and Europe, enthralling audiences with his unique storytelling and sharp wit. This event promises an hour of both tried-and-tested and fresh material, offering a glimpse into Mehdi's comedic prowess. From navigating French bureaucracy to unraveling the secrets of Algerian cuisine, Mehdi's performance guarantees an unforgettable night of laughter. Embrace this opportunity to enjoy an evening of entertainment, culminating in a hat-pass at the end of the show. Best of all, admission to this comedic extravaganza is entirely free of charge.