Featured Events in Amsterdam in October, 2024 (Continuously Updated)

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De Klassieke Duif: openingsconcert tweede seizoen | De Duif

Oct 4, 2024 (UTC+1)
Experience the grand kickoff of the new season at the enchanting De Duif in Amsterdam. Witness a mesmerizing dance performance by talented artists Timothy van Poucke, Erica Horwood, and Conor Walmsley from Het Nationale Ballet. Immerse yourself in the beauty of classical dance and music at the "De Klassieke Duif: openingsconcert tweede seizoen" on October 4, 2024. Don't miss this extraordinary event filled with grace, artistry, and passion. Tickets are available for €12.50 - €24.50.

Butoh Festival Amsterdam | Teatro Munganga

Oct 4, 2024 (UTC+1)
Experience the Butoh Festival Amsterdam at the renowned Teatro Munganga in the vibrant city of Amsterdam on the 4th and 5th of October 2024. Witness a showcase of unconventional, experimental, and controversial performances by 14 talented artists from around the globe. Immerse yourself in the world of Butoh, a unique and avant-garde form of Japanese dance theatre that challenges traditional norms and pushes boundaries. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of a truly captivating and thought-provoking event that promises to leave a lasting impression on all who attend.

Tum Abhi Sote Raho - "Blijf slapen" 5 October 20:00 | Mike's Badhuistheater

Oct 5, 2024 (UTC+1)
“Tum Abhi Sote Raho”, “Blijf Slapen” is geschreven door Waqar Shaikh. Een stuk in het Urdu dat gaat over de hoofdrolspeler Mirza Mazloom Jalaluddin Khan, een schrijver die verstrikt raakt in het leven van zijn karakters. In het stuk komen zijn geschreven karakters tot leven, en confronteren de schrijver over zijn motieven en doelen in het leven. Thema’s zijn vroegere slavernij en de effecten op de huidige, moderne wereld. Information Source: Stichting Beheer Badhuis | eventbrite

Hoes of Amsterdam: An English Stand-Up Comedy Show for Your Inner Hoe | Comedy Café Amsterdam

Oct 6, 2024 (UTC+1)
Who is Gauri B? You probably know her from her viral videos on social media. Gauri B is an up and coming standup comedian who has taken the internet by storm. With over 50 million views and 200,000 followers on Instagram and TikTok, Gauri B's magnetic presence and relatable humour have captured the hearts of audiences around the globe. She performs to sold-out shows in Berlin, London and New York. About this show Sure s3x is cool but have you gotten it in 6 months? Is he your soulmate or can he play one song on the guitar? Is she hot or is it it because she is violent? Do you need love or just xanax? No matter where you are in your love life, this one hour show will be packed with hilarious dating stories to help you ease your pain! Bring your single friends, your boyfriends/girlfriends or the fboy that wasn't anything serious. Bring his mom too! Join us for a night of unstoppable laughter, in Vienna's most hip comedy club! This show is a statement of defiance, rebellion and the spirit of zero f###s to give. Advice Special:Write down your dating problems, relationship problems, hoe problems and get advice from Gauri B About Gauri B For those of you who already don't know her from her social media, here is an introduction: 'Gauri B is an unapologetic and provocative comedian breaking stereotypes and commenting on cultural scenarios and challenging societal norms using edgy punchlines while not being afraid to talk about personal experiences. She fearlessly tackles taboo topics and pushes boundaries. Her material dives deep into the experiences of marginalized bodies. Her material is a bold and satirical commentary on political scenarios, infused with hilarious personal anecdotes. With a devilish sense of humor, Gauri fearlessly takes on societal norms and challenges the status quo, delivering her material with an unmatched charisma and sharp wit. She has the remarkable ability to tackle morbid subjects and infuse them with strong punchlines.' - CHAT GPT This sounds a bit over the top so come see for yourself if CHAT GPT got it right or wrong? The show is a statement of defiance, rebellion and the spirit of zero f###s to give She has succeeded in hosting one of the most popular comedy nights in Berlin, showcasing a diverse lineup of comedians. A middle finger to society, the night is aptly titled Hoes of Berlin. A safe space for us all. The show will be in English. Doors open: 6:30pm Show starts: 7:00pm sharp. Check out Gauri B on Social Media! Instagram: itsgaurib Tiktok: gauri_b Get your tickets before we sell out! By buying the ticket you hereby give your consent to be photographed and/or filmed at the event and consent that the resulting recordings may be shared/published to various media outlets. Information Source: Gauri B | eventbrite

World Drug Safety Congress Europe 2024 | Hilton Amsterdam

Oct 9–Oct 10, 2024 (UTC-5)
The World Drug Safety Congress will bring the key players from the drug safety community, providing the attendees with an unrivaled opportunity to expose and address the drug safety The World Drug Safety Congress will bring the key players from the drug safety community, providing the attendees with an unrivaled opportunity to expose and address the drug safety challenges facing the industry.  Information Source: Terrapinn Holdings Ltd. | expotobi

Conservatorium van Amsterdam: Caoba Ensemble | Posthoornkerk

Oct 1, 2024 (UTC+1)
Ontdek nieuw talent als eerste in deze serie van Stadsherstel en het Conservatorium. Meer informatie over het programma volgt z.s.m Information Source: Stadsherstel Amsterdam | eventbrite

Blockchain Europe 2024 | Amsterdam RAI

Oct 1–Oct 2, 2024 (UTC-5)
IT & Technology
Blockchain Expo Europe - Virtual will bring together key industries from across the globe for two days of top-level content and discussion across 4 co-located events Blockchain Expo Europe will bring together key industries from across the globe for two days of top-level content and discussion across 4 co-located events covering Blockchain, IoT, Cyber Security & Cloud, AI and Big data. Information Source: Encore Media Group | expotobi

IoT Tech Expo Europe 2024 | Amsterdam RAI

Oct 1–Oct 2, 2024 (UTC-5)
The IoT Tech Expo Europe is the worlds leading Internet of Things event which will introduce and explore the latest innovations The IoT Tech Expo Europe is the worlds leading Internet of Things event which will introduce and explore the latest innovations across the entire IoT ecosystem, covering Manufacturing, Transport, Health, Logistics, Government, Energy, Automotive, Insurance and more.  Information Source: Encore Media Group | expotobi

TCT TUNA - October Edition - at Marionetten Theater | Marionetten Theater Amsterdam

Oct 2, 2024 (UTC+1)
TCT TUNA - That Comedy Thing - Tiny Underground Newbie Award 🎤 Watch a comedian win their first competition 😬 10 newbie comedians compete 👏 You help decide the winner! 🎫 Seating is limited, buy your tickets now! TCT shows can sell out quick Out of 10 newbie comedians there can only be one winner of the TUNA (Tiny Underground Newbie Award). The only competition that settles the important question: Which of these newbie comedians is the funniest in the Amsterdam Underground? That Comedy Thing has been a stepping stone for beginning comedians in Amsterdam. We're all about new comedians and strive to be a propaganda machine for the exciting Amsterdam underground comedy scene. Information Source: That Comedy Thing | eventbrite

Amsterdam Scala Matters Meet-up | Wibautstraat 224

Oct 2, 2024 (UTC+1)
Welcome to the Scala Matters Amsterdam Meet-up🧑🏻‍💻 Join us for an evening of knowledge sharing, networking, and all things Scala. Whether you're a seasoned Scala expert or just beginning your journey into Functional Programming, this meet-up welcomes everyone! 📆 Wednesday 2nd October ⏰ Doors open at 18:00, talks start at 18:30 (Local Time) 📍Marktplaats office, 224 Wibautstraat,1097 DN Amsterdam 🍕Food and drinks provided! Talk 1 - Dario Amorosi, Big Data Engineer @ Adevinta Optimizing Data Transfer Kafka to BQ: let's use Scala to make it custom. I will explore how our team developed a custom solution to handle the escalating data and cost challenges faced by traditional cloud services in our data pipeline. Originally utilizing Dataflow for moving 2 billions of events daily from Kafka to BigQuery, the growing costs prompted a shift to a more sustainable model. I will detail our transition to a two-part custom application that stages data in GCP Cloud Storage before loading it into BigQuery, highlighting how Scala's features and the ZIO ecosystem significantly contributed to the performance and reliability of this application. Talk 2 - TBC Talk 3 - TBC Please note: All talks will be held in English Information Source: Scala Matters | eventbrite

Social Presencing Theater Practice Group Amsterdam | Rumah Yoga

Oct 3, 2024 (UTC+1)
-English below- Social Presencing Theater Verbreed je blikveld. Laat nieuwsgierigheid, compassie en moed je volgende stap bepalen. Maak ruimte voor de verrassing van authentieke actie. SPT is de 'sociale technologie' van collectief bewustzijn en systemische verandering. Het helpt individuen, teams en organisaties om duurzamer, creatiever en inclusiever te werken. Het is een ervaringsgerichte methode die direct naar de kern gaat. Daarmee faciliteert het diepgaande verandering. De methode, die is ontwikkeld door het Presencing Institute onder leiding van Arawana Hayashi en Otto Scharmer, maakt gebruik van eenvoudige lichaamshoudingen die de huidige dynamiek in een situatie zichtbaar ( theater ) in de ruimte maken. Dit geeft inzicht in hefbomen voor verandering. Zo wordt SPT een praktische bron om uit te putten bij vraagstukken die aan de vergadertafel moeilijk op te lossen zijn. Het kan worden toegepast op strategische, leiderschaps- en ontwikkelingsvraagstukken. Nieuwe reeks gericht op maatschappelijke vraagstukken Ook in 2024 zijn de bijeenkomsten maandelijks op donderdagavond. Het startpunt is een (maatschappelijke) complexe vraag. tentatief onderwerp op 3 oktober: 'Ontgroeiing' ('Degrowth') De bijeenkomsten hebben geen winstoogmerk, maar er wordt wel een bijdrage gevraagd voor de gemaakte kosten. Als het bedrag te hoog voor je is, neem dan contact op en we vinden een oplossing. ___________ Social Presencing Theater Expand your view. Let curiosity, compassion and courage determine your next step. Allow for the surprise of authentic action. SPT is the 'social technology' of collective awareness and systemic change. It helps individuals, team and organizations work more sustainably, creatively and inclusively. It is an experiential method that goes directly to the core. In doing so, it facilitates profound change. Developed by the Presencing Institute under the leadership of Arawana Hayashi and Otto Scharmer, the method uses simple body postures that make visible (“theater”) in space the current dynamics in a situation. This provides insight into levers for change. SPT is a source to set in motion issues that cannot be adequately resolved at the conference table. It can be applied to strategic, leadership and development issues. New series of sessions focused on sociatal questions In 2024 you can join us monthly on Thursday evenings. The starting point for each session is session is a complex (social) issues. Tentative topic on Oct. 3: 'Degrowth' The meetings are non-profit, but there is a charge for expenses incurred. If the fee is too high for you, get in touch and we'll find a solution. Information Source: Mariëlle Slierendrecht | eventbrite

Opening solo-expositie Sharelly Emanuelson | SHEBANG Amsterdam

Oct 3, 2024 (UTC+1)
Fine Art
De eerste midcareer overzichtstentoonstelling van Sharelly Emanuelson, Between a Dance and Sitting in a Chair, vindt plaats bij CBK Zuidoost, locatie Shebang. De kunstenaar, winnaar van onder andere de Charlotte Köhler Prize (2020) en de Volkskrant Visual Arts Audience Award, geeft in haar werk het levensgevoel van het Caribisch gebied weer – de warmte en het vrolijke eilandgevoel. Tegelijkertijd legt ze de onderliggende laag bloot van de gevolgen van het kolonialisme op de eilanden, effecten die tot in het heden doorwerken. Dat laat ze zien via thematieken als taal, ecologie, dans cq beweging, educatie, armoede, handel en toerisme. De tentoonstelling omvat tien grote (multimediale) installaties – momenteel werkt ze in de residentie van de Thami Mnyele Stichting aan nieuw werk en een mansgrote uitvoering van een eerder werk: Teduki Nobo, waarin de Antilliaanse vlag wordt verbeeld. Emanuelson is geboren en woonachtig op Curaçao, studeerde in Nederland en begon haar carrière als film- en documentairemaker. Na een aantal jaar besloot ze haar kunstpraktijk met andere technieken uit te breiden, omdat ze het gevoel had dat ze in de film niet haar hele verhaal kon vertellen. Information Source: CBK Zuidoost | eventbrite

````````Поэтический сеанс | Torpedo Theater

Oct 3, 2024 (UTC+1)
Поэтическийсеанс- это Рифмический саундхиллингДраматический спектакльСовременный перформанс... и еще множество других жанров-клише, которые мы умудрились уместить в одном представлении продолжительностью примерно три тысячи шестьсот пять секунд. Поэтический сеанс создан тремя друзьями.Один из них поэт, другие обладают множеством талантов. Первый увольнялся с каждой своей работы в мае, чтобы не пропустить лето. Второй устраивал перформанс в одном из главных музеев мира. А третий играет на восьми музыкальных инструментах (сразу в четыре руки!). Один регулярно путается в проводах, двое других называют себя отшельниками. Второй на полголовы ниже первого, но на лошадку выше третьего. Все трое играли в спектаклях, но только один переиграл. Вопрос:чего ожидать от этого вечера? Information Source: Рифмы и Ритмы | eventbrite

ACLPA- Sylvie Delacroix | Roeterseilandcampus A3.01

Oct 3, 2024 (UTC+1)
ACLPA- Sylvie Delacroix Join us for an exciting in-person event featuring Sylvie Delacroix (Inaugural Jeff Price Chair in Digital Law, King’s College London Fellow, Alan Turing Institute) . Date: 03-10-2024 Time: 15.30-17.00 Location: A3.01 Comments by Eva van der Graaf (University of Amsterdam) Afterwards: a borrel in A3.16 Information Source: Amsterdam Center on the Legal Professions and Access to Justice | eventbrite

Oct 3 - Free Improv Comedy Show | Vice Versa

Oct 3, 2024 (UTC+1)
We're not saying Kalpita auditioned for Too Hot To Handle. But we are saying at least one person who auditioned for that show got sent to Gary, Indiana instead. We're back on October 3 at Vice Versa! Show starts at 20:30, free as usual, arrive early for the good seats! We have more than 25 spots available - just show up! Information Source: Gary, Indiana | eventbrite

Together We Grow | Fashion for Good

Oct 4, 2024 (UTC+1)
Sports & Fitness
Hey Amsterdam, ready to stretch? Join us for a feel-good flex led by our one of our lululemon Hartenstraat store Ambassadors, Anna, followed by a Vision + Goals session. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, this yoga class on Friday 4 October at Fashion For Good is for everyone. At lululemon, our Vision + Goals sessions are about empowering your vision for your life that’s driven by your purpose, and to set goals that will support you in living into your potential. We become our best selves through eachother. Sign up for Together We Grow, and you’ll receive a 20% discount at lululemon Hartenstraat on one purchase between now and the class—let’s connect, positively impact wellbeing through movement and start creating your best life together! Can't wait to see you there! WHEN: 5.30pm Friday 4 October 2024 WHERE: Fashion For Good, Rokin 102, 1012 KZ Amsterdam. TIMINGS: 5.00 pm Arrival 5.30pm Yoga 6.15pm Vision + Goals 7.00pm Connection and refreshments 7.30pm Finish Find us on social media: @lululemoneurope @gratefulyoga Where to find Fashion for Good: 800 meters from lululemon Hartenstraat 13, Fashion for Good is housed in a historic building in the heart of Amsterdam’s city centre. The international hub for sustainability, fashion and innovation is easy to access on foot, bike or by public transport. The metro line M52 departs every 6 minutes in front of the building at ‘Rokin’ station. Tram lines 4, 14 and 24 also stop in front of our building, and lines 2, 11 and 12 stop at ‘Spui’, which is a 5 minute walk away. @fashionforgood Information Source: lululemon Amsterdam Hartenstraat | eventbrite

De Kunst van de Opdracht | Interactieve lezing en workshop | Emiel Heijnen | AHK Culture Club

Oct 4, 2024 (UTC+1)
‘Als je mensen maar vrijheid geeft worden ze vanzelf creatief’ Deze veelgehoorde uitspraak berust op een hardnekkig misververstand. Uit onderzoek blijkt dat wanneer er sprake is van ‘wickedproblems’, je creativiteit wordt geprikkeld, juist doordater specifieke randvoorwaarden en beperkingen gelden. Emiel Heijnen, lector kunsteducatie (AHK) en co-auteur van Wicked Arts Assignments, doet onderzoek naar de manier waarop opdrachten en instructies creativiteit en kunstzinnigheid kunnen stimuleren. Hij stelt dat het ontwerpen van opdrachten, instructies en prompts een educatieve én creatieve praktijk tegelijk is. In deze interactieve lezing + workshop laat Heijnen veel prikkelende voorbeelden zien van hoe kunstenaars en ontwerpers de meest fascinerende instructies en opdrachten bedenken en (laten) uitvoeren. Daarnaast voer je zelf experimentele instructies uit, waarbij we analyseren of je inderdaad werd uitgedaagd om je 'creatieve spieren' aan te spannen! Datum: 04/10/2024 Tijd: 15:30 – 17:00 (inloop v.a. 15:00) Locatie: AHK Culture Club Kattenburgerstraat 5, Gebouw 27K, 1018 JA, Amsterdam Information Source: AHK Culture Club | eventbrite

Gutbusters Comedy Night | NRD

Oct 5, 2024 (UTC+1)
NRD welcomes you to a stand-up comedy showcase that is a cut above the rest. Once a month, two professional comedians take to the stage. No open micers trying out new material. No surreal, hit-and-miss alt comedy. Gutbusters guarantees laughs-per-minute and brand new line-ups every show that will keep you coming back. Curated and hosted by Tim Hill, founder of The Comedy Embassy, whose shows were seen anywhere from the Comedy Cafe to Boom Chicago. All shows are in English. All ages welcome (though adult topics will be discussed). 50 parking spaces available. Buy your tickets now to get your Early Bird discount! Information Source: Tim Hill | eventbrite

Ram & Tom - Standup Comedy Special in English - Amsterdam | Bar Pekky

Oct 7, 2024 (UTC+1)
Amsterdam! Join us for a night of non-stop hilarities at Ram & Tom a world-class stand up comedy show in English. Both their birthdays happen to be on the same weekend before the show so this show is also a Birthday Special! This show will feature hilarious comedians that you've seen & heard on BBC, BBC Radio, Flagrant Podcast. Ram & Tom have been touring together for the past 2 years having sold out shows in over 15 countries. Most recently, they have headlined a comedy residency in the city of Paris during the Olympics. Come to the coziest cocktail bar in town on October 7 at 6:45 pm to witness these comedy sensations in action! Reviews for the show: “One of my favorite new acts” - Stand Up New York “The most eye-opening act of Edinburgh Fringe. Hysterically funny! - Pop Break USA “Full of boyish Charm.” Chortle 🎭 STAND-UP COMEDY in ENGLISH 🎭🎟️ The show will be held entirely in English Thomas Henry• @ThomasHenryComedy Winner of ‘New Faces at Broadway Comedy’ and featured in the New York Comedy Festival, Thomas has recently moved back to London after living and performing in New York. He has featured in The Guardian, on the BBC and at some of the most iconic venues including The Comedy Cellar, New York Comedy Club, and The Comedy Store! Thomas is an established international touring act - having performed across the USA, Europe and the UK. His charming, cheeky style has racked up millions of views online. Ram Arangi•@theramarangistory 25 year old Ram Arangi is quickly making waves across the European comedy circuit as a prolific traveling comedian that performs across The Netherlands, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, and Czech Republic. He uses the power of storytelling to unlock humor from unusual places across 5 countries. His comedy special (The Local Tourist) has sold out across Amsterdam, London, Paris, Berlin, and Edinburgh. Here are some reviews about Ram's comedy: The most eye-opening act of Edinburgh Fringe 2022 was Ram Arangi. While his show had a strong sobering message, he managed to have the crowd laughing hysterically with his personal journey. - Pop Break Live USA “Incredibly polished, immediately likeable! Ram dives straight into his storytelling and never lets up. Laughed all the way through” __________________________________ ⛔️ The show will be held entirely in English. We are only able to have a limited number of tickets. Please reserve a seat in advance. Follow Thomas on Instagram: Follow Ram on Instagram: Information Source: Thomas Henry | eventbrite

ENGLISH COMEDY SPECIAL: FRENCHY - Australian Comedy Star Live in Amsterdam | ClinkNOORD

Oct 8, 2024 (UTC+1)
Life is chaos. Comedy is chaos. At least the way Frenchy does it… The Australian rapscallion Frenchy is back with a brand-new stand-up show in which he embraces all the chaos of life, on stage. Now in his 10th year doing comedy, Frenchy has written his craziest, darkest show yet. He’s fluffed out his mullet, he’s sharpened up his abs, he’s even showered & he’s ready to tear it up in venues all over the world. Frenchy’s unique brand of comedy ain’t for the faint hearted but that's also what people love about him.He’s decided he can’t be cancelled and does not hold back in this epic new show. Along with his iconic dark jokes, there will also be rogue stories, bizarre riffs and many moments you won’t see coming. Chaos finds him no matter what he tries, so he’s decided to embrace it, and have a bloody good time doing so. Frenchy will be joined by Thomas Henry (BBC, Don't Tell Comedy, The Guardian) for this not to be missed show! Information Source: Thomas Henry | eventbrite

Art workshops Amsterdam, this night we are diving into Portraits | 10ᵉ Montessori Openbare Basisschool De Meidoorn

Oct 10, 2024 (UTC+1)
Art workshops Amsterdam 5x are a series of creative sessions where you can unleash your artistic side in a vibrant atmosphere! Join our Lessenreeks Art workshops to learn new techniques, get inspired by talented artists, and create your own masterpieces. Each workshop is inspired by a different artist/ technique. You also can join one of the workshop instead of the whole serie. Every second thursday of the month. These workshops are perfect for beginners. Immerse yourself in a world of colors, shapes, and textures as you explore different art forms. Don't miss this opportunity to express yourself and connect with fellow art enthusiasts. Dutch and English. Create, explore, connect, have fun : ) Wil je creatief bezig zijn, maar weet je niet zo goed waar je kan beginnen? Of ontbreekt je de ruimte en weet je misschien niet welke materialen je allemaal kunt gebruiken? Dan is deze lessenreeks iets voor jou! Met een groep leuke mensen gaan we maandelijks creëren en leren! Iedere 2e donderdagavond in Amsterdam West! De lessen vinden plaats in een prachtig oud gerenoveerd schoolgebouw. We experimenteren, ontdekken, spelen, maken foutjes, kijken naar die innerlijke criticus (zonder ons erdoor te laten beperken ; ) en gaan vooral onze eigen creatieve potentie (her)ontdekken. Less screentime, more creativity! Deze lessenreeks Art workshops bestaat uit 5 verschillende kunstlessen, waarin je iedere les met andere materialen, technieken en stijlen in aanraking komt. Samen bewegen we ons door de seizoenen. Je kan de lessen los volgen of aan de hele lessenreeks deelnemen. In iedere les staat er een ander thema centraal. Met de technieken kan je thuis verder aan de slag. Er is daarna ook mogelijkheid om deel te nemen aan het tweede deel van de lessenreeks, die bestaat ook uit 5 lessen (start februari 2025) Ervaring is niet nodig, come as you are! De kosten zijn 145 euro voor de hele lessenreeks (29,00 per workshop) of 35,00 voor een losse workshop. Inclusief materialen en heerlijke kruidenthee! Overzicht lessenreeks: 12 September Paint like Picasso In deze workshop staan kleur en beweging centraal. We werken aan een kleurrijk portret geïnspireerd door het werk van Picasso. Hij is een van de grondleggers van het kubisme, in zijn schilderijen speelt hij met vorm en perspectief. En dat is precies wat wij deze avond ook gaan doen. Picasso staat bekend om zijn speelse, kleurrijke manier van schilderen. Portretten schildert hij bijvoorbeeld uit verschillende gezichtspunten, wat het vaak ook luchtig en grappig maakt. Het leuke aan deze manier van schilderen is dat het niet hoeft te kloppen! Materialen: verf, pastelkrijt, potlood, groot papier 'To draw you must close your eyes and sing' Pablo Picasso 10 oktober Portretten In deze workshop leer je hoe je een portret kan tekenen. We kijken naar de verhoudingen en besteden ook aandacht aan schaduw en contouren. Wist je dat de ogen precies in het midden van het gezicht zitten? En dat er verhoudingsgewijs tussen de ogen precies weer een oog past? Na deze workshop zal je anders naar gezichten kijken! Materialen: tekenpotlood, houtskool, stevig papier 14 november Fine lines like Miro In deze workshop staat de kunstenaar Miro centraal. Hij combineert diepe kleurvlakken met fijne lijnen. Miro is bekend om zijn originele veelal ideogrammatische vormenwereld We gaan hier op een speelse manier mee aan het werk en combineren kleur met vorm, zowel abstract als figuratief. Materialen: fineliner, pastelkrijt, verf, stevig papier 12 december Aquarelverf In deze workshop gaan we met aquarelverf aan de slag. Aquarelverven is een verfijnde verftechniek. Het woord zegt het al; water gemengd met verf. Afhankelijk van de verhouding kan je dik of transparant werken. Eerst leer je de techniek, vervolgens maak je je eigen schilderijtje en een set van 3 ansichtkaarten. Hoe leuk is het om je geliefde met kerst een eigen gemaakt kerstkaartje te sturen? Laat je creativiteit letterlijk stromen! Materialen: aquarelverf, 300gr aquarelpapier, ansichtkaarten 9 januari Freestyle kunstavond! Het nieuwe jaar is begonnen! We gaan het samen creatief openen en maken een inspirerend kunstwerk voor het komende jaar, met alle fijne dingen die we onszelf toewensen. We beginnen met een aantal speelse oefeningen om vervolgens je idee op groter papier uit te werken, in de vorm van een Mandala. In deze workshop leer je met verschillende materialen werken, o.a. inkt, houtskool, pastelkrijt en verf. Create, explore, connect, have fun! Materialen: verf, stiften, houtskool, potloden, pastelkrijt, inkt Introductieprijs: 35,00 per workshop 145,- euro voor de reeks van 5 lessen (29,00 euro per workshop) Bij minimaal 5 deelnemers gaat de workshop door. Wij hanteren een 7 dagen annuleringsbeleid. Na die tijd berekenen wij het volledige bedrag. Je kan altijd iemand anders in jouw plaats sturen. Donderdag 12 september 2024 van 19:30 tot 21:30 10ᵉ Montessori Openbare Basisschool De Meidoorn, Chasséstraat 59, 1057 JA Amsterdam, Nederland Bekijk op kaart Boek je tickets Nederlands5 kunstworkshops 12/9, 10/10, 14/11, 12/12, 9/1Met dit ticket heb je toegang tot alle vijf workshops. In iedere workshop leer je een andere techniek, ervaring is niet nodig!€ 145, See you there! Information Source: Move to Art | eventbrite

perfectly imperfect plant pots ceramic workshop | Vespuccistraat 35h

Oct 11, 2024 (UTC+1)
friday night creative flow session making psychedelic ceramics 11th October – 19.00-22.00 – Amsterdam-West Join Harriet, creator of psychedelic ceramics, for an intimate autumn gathering Candles will be lit, snacks and drinks will be shared, and you will be guided in creating your own functional and sculptural piece Harriet will share their psychedelic ceramic technique, developed over the past four years. Psychedelic ceramics utilises nerikomi inspired techniques to produce psychedelic patterns of marbling with two clay bodies. The slow making process encourages creative flow and connection All levels of experience with ceramics welcome, including complete beginners We will use slab, coil, and pinching handbuilding techniques Tea, coffee, ginger beer, and plant-based snacks included All materials will be provided but please bring an apron or clothes that you don't mind getting some clay on (just in case)! Items created can be bisque fired, suitable for plant pots and sculptures, but not food safe. Pieces will be available to collect from the studio within 2-3 weeks Please note this is not a general introduction to clay, but an insight into an artist’s particular practice through a guided workshop. The event is priced to reflect this To increase accessibility and because everyone deserves time for creative play, a limited number of pay-what-you-can tickets are available. Please email to check availability Address: Chucks, Vespuccistraat 35, 1057 SZ Amsterdam (No psychedelics will be consumed, please contact organiser directly if this is what you are seeking) Please note if there aren't enough people booked for this workshop, I reserve the right to postpone until the following month. Information Source: Psychedelic Ceramics | eventbrite

Stand-up Comedy cu Ioana State, Ioana Luiza și Milena | AMSTERDAM | 11.10 | Comedy Café Amsterdam

Oct 11, 2024 (UTC+1)
State, Luiza și Milena vin în străinătate cu bagaje la cală, dar mai ales un nou show de #standupcomedy fresh, plin de viață și cu ceva pentru toată lumea 🥂 Spre deosebire de Flori, fete și băieți, nu trebuie să alegi, doar să te bucuri de glumele proaspete pe care vi le pregătesc fetete. Ne vedem la show! ❤️ Ușile se deschid la ora 17:30 Ultima intrare: 17:55 Show-ul începe de la ora 18:00 Accesul la eveniment este permis persoanelor cu vârsta de peste 16 ani. Limbaj explicit pe alocuri. Biletele conțin un cod QR, care va fi scanat la intrare. Numele care apare pe bilet nu va conta pentru accesul la eveniment. Vă rugăm să urmăriți mailul pentru informații despre eveniment! Atenție! Atât filmatul în timpul spectacolului, cât și un comportament necivilizat sau neadecvat, nu sunt tolerate la acest eveniment! Organizatorul își rezervă dreptul de a exclude din incinta evenimentului participanții care nu respectă aceste reguli. Ioana State: Ioana Luiza: Milena Vega: Information Source: Enjoy Events | eventbrite

Art Beyond Creator | MACA Moving Arts Centre Amsterdam

Oct 11, 2024 (UTC+1)
Join Us for the Art Beyond Creator Event Discover the future of art at our groundbreaking event on October 11th at MACA, Amsterdam. Art Beyond Creator delves into the essence of art in the age of AI, offering a multi-faceted experience that challenges your perceptions and invites deep reflection. Art Perception Research Explore cutting-edge research on how we perceive art in the digital age. This segment will dive into questions that challenge the very definition of art and its role in our society. Experimental Exhibition Immerse yourself in a unique, anonymous exhibition that blends AI-generated and traditional artworks. By keeping the identity of the creators hidden, we invite you to engage with each piece without preconceived notions, challenging you to focus solely on the work itself and question the nature of artistic expression. Expert Panel Discussion Engage with top philosophers, artists, AI specialists, art experts, ethicists and art lawyers as they discuss the essence of art in today’s world. Hear diverse perspectives and gain deeper insights into the future of art. Big Reveal Experience the moment when the creators of the exhibited works are revealed. See how your perception of the artwork shifts once you know who created it. This moment is designed to explore how much context and knowledge about the creator influence our appreciation of art. Audience Q&A Join the conversation! Ask questions, share your insights and be part of a dynamic discussion that challenges your ideas about art. Networking Opportunities Take the chance to network with experts, artists and fellow attendees. This is a unique opportunity to connect, share ideas, and discuss your thoughts on the future of art in a relaxed setting Information Source: MACA Amsterdam | eventbrite

De Ring: The Preview | Space for Dance Art (Westbeat)

Oct 12, 2024 (UTC+1)
The Surrounding Program Workshops We start the evening with two energetic dance workshops of Double Skin/Double Mind and Breaking where you can shake of the day’s stress and fully immerse yourself in the music and movement (free of charge). Leave your thoughts behind and give your body the freedom to move like never before. Before you know it, you'll reach a euphoric state you didn’t even know was possible. Please register through here. Performance Art And that’s just the beginning. After the workshop, a challenging artist will take the stage, guiding you on a creative journey. Whether it's an established name or an emerging talent, this artist will surprise you with a unique performance full of passion and originality. What we have planned will stay in De Ring – will you step in? The evening concludes with an experimental DJ set that will get you moving and prepare you for Amsterdam's vibrant nightlife. The beats and rhythms of this DJ Elisa Batti will undoubtedly draw you to the dance floor, where you can release the first bit of your energy before exploring Amsterdam's night scene. In short, Space for Dance Art offers an evening program full of creativity, movement, and music – perfect for starting your night in Amsterdam on a high note. Will you join us in De Ring? Information Source: ICK Dans Amsterdam | Space for Dance Art | eventbrite

Funny Women - Open Mic | Volta

Oct 12, 2024 (UTC+1)
Funny Women - Open Mic We would love for you to join us at the Funny Women - Open Mic event for an unforgettable evening filled with laughter and entertainment. Our talented female comedians are ready to take the stage and showcase their hilarious wit and humour. So come along and let's share some joy and laughter together! Funny Women Amsterdam is an all-female presenting lineup that has been running since 2019 and delighting audiences with our diverse and dynamic lineup. It features the newest and most exciting acts from the Netherlands and beyond! We are committed to promoting gender equality in comedy and empowering women to pursue comedic dreams. By attending our event, you become part of a movement that aims to break down barriers and redefine the comedy landscape. Time: 8:00 PM (GMT+1) Location: Volta Address: Houtmankade 336, 1013 RR Amsterdam We're thrilled to invite you to an unforgettable night of laughter and entertainment! Our Funny Women - Open Mic event is a great opportunity to discover new comedic talents and support women in the comedy industry. Get ready to enjoy some incredible comedic talent with your friends as you sit back and relax. We can't wait to see you there! Funny Women was founded in 2002 by Lynne Parker, based in the UK. It is at the vanguard of nurturing and promoting female comedy talent — from finding and developing new acts through its annual competition, the Funny Women Awards — Come and find out for yourself! To participate, please follow @funnywomenams on Instagram. The upcoming spots will be announced there. Join our Patreon to attend for a bunch of exclusive goodies. Find out more information here: Information Source: Funny Women Amsterdam | eventbrite

Storytelling Evening with TuzBiber | W139

Oct 12, 2024 (UTC+1)
A double bill event in collaboration with TuzBiber with performances by Basak Layic and Sipan Sezgin Tekin. Divine Madness by Basak Layic is a new ritual performance where live music harmonises with theatrical storytelling, guiding the audience through the depths of madness and the divine feminine. Followed by Sipan Sezgin Tekin performing YEK/E — an interactive contemporary narrative performance conducted in the format of a language class. Başak Layic wears multiple hats as a theatermaker, storyteller, artistic director, and community builder. Born and raised in Istanbul, her endeavors continually captivate and unite audiences, highlighting the transformative influence of storytelling in bridging cultural gaps and fostering a profound understanding of humanity. After moving to the Netherlands in 2019, Başak became a household storyteller at Mezrab and later wrote her first play: The Millennial Immigrant, for the Amsterdam Fringe Festival, directed by Mara van Nes. This marked the beginning of a series of creative collaborations between the duo. Since then Basak has had the privilege of taking the stage in various Amsterdam venues as a storyteller. By infusing comedic moments into serious narratives, she strives to address the universal human condition and unite diverse audiences. Sîpan Sezgin Tekin, born in Amed, Kurdistan in 1996 and now based in Turkey and The Netherlands, is a performer, theater maker, and actor. As an artist and nomad, Tekin's exploration of meaning is expressed through a fusion of performance, choreography, sound, and documentary, drawing from an oral tradition of narrative and storytelling. His work provides dynamic reflections on political and existential realities, weaving together mythological and real stories to craft experimental narrative performances, blurring the boundaries between fiction and reality. Tekin examines the political dynamics of language as a power dynamic and delves into identity politics, exploring themes of multilingualism and the embodiment of language in performance for enhanced accessibility and narrative diversity. His artistic inquiry focuses on the embodied communicative and sensory potential of language, aiming to create immersive theatrical and performative experiences. Tickets: 15€ - full price 10€ - student Information Source: W139 | eventbrite

Urban Landscapes Masterclass | Kinkerstraat 2

Oct 13, 2024 (UTC+1)
Join us for a 2 days session to create Urban Landscapes with oil paint. We will Start of with a quick oil painting tutorial +/_ 30mins. Everyone brings a series of three pictures from an urban setting that captures there eye. Preferably a scene containing a sense of dept. A scene with a clear fore- and background. You can also use your mobile device for inspiration. We will get to know how to apply dept to a scene in a painting, both in line, layers and colors. Vital within oil color is a playful sense; a sense of experimentation. All these elements together will create the landscape. About the Artist: Casper Strietman. Graduated fine arts at St Joost Academy of Arts in Breda, Netherlands 2015. 15+ years experience with oil painting.Casper loves to work around the topic of architecture and urban culture. A building face, can often be seen as a mirror of a way people live, showing the way in which culture, society works at different places. The feeling and atmosphere a certain place provides, is leading for the level of intensity he likes to provide to the work.Practiced multiple art residencies and extended work periods abroad with both group and solo exhibitions in different countries. Casper has been also selected to participate in an exhibition at the Grachtenmuseum. A group show with different artist- and media all focused around the theme of the canals of Amsterdam. The exhibit is due to take place December 24th until end of March. Information Source: st-Art Amsterdam | eventbrite

Copy of RGB Comedy Open Mic Night | Café Batavia 1920

Oct 15, 2024 (UTC+1)
Welcome to the RGB Comedy Open Mic Night! Join us at Café Batavia 1920 for a night filled with laughter and good vibes. Whether you're a seasoned comedian or just looking to enjoy some comedy, this event is perfect for you. Come showcase your comedic talents or simply sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. It's a great opportunity to unwind, socialize, and have a blast. Don't miss out on this exciting event!. See you there! Information Source: RGB Comedy | eventbrite

Oct 17 - Free Improv Comedy Show | Vice Versa

Oct 17, 2024 (UTC+1)
We've restarted this promotional text five times, but Paul keeps looking at us like that. It's making us feel things. Want to feel things, too? Gary, Indiana is back on October 17 at Vice Versa! Show starts at 20:30, free as usual, arrive early for the good seats! We have more than 25 spots available - just show up! Information Source: Gary, Indiana | eventbrite

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