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ATP Tour | Hong Kong Tennis Open Day 2 (Hong Kong) | Dec 31st | Victoria Park Tennis Stadium
Dec 31, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
Explore Hong Kong Tennis Open ATP 250 Day 2 sporting information for 31st December, as well as links for Tennis tickets and more with Fixture Calendar. The Hong Kong Tennis Open is one of the most highly anticipated sporting events in the world of tennis. This prestigious tournament attracts top players from around the globe, including some of the biggest names in the sport such as Naomi Osaka, Simona Halep, and Angelique Kerber. Held at the impressive Victoria Park Tennis Stadium, the Open features intense matches on both the hard courts and grass courts, providing a diverse and challenging playing experience for the players. The tournament not only showcases world-class tennis skills, but also offers a unique cultural experience with its location in the vibrant city of Hong Kong. With its strong line-up of players and top-notch facilities, the Hong Kong Tennis Open is a must-see event for any tennis enthusiast.
Information Source: fixturecalendar.com
Hong Kong Paintings in Sai Yuen Lane’ at the Sun Museum | Sun Museum
Oct 4, 2024–Feb 16, 2025 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
Sun Museum is entering its tenth year and is moving from Kowloon to a new location in Sai Yuen Lane, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong Island, marking the beginning of a new phase of development. The museum has always aimed to promote Chinese culture and support Hong Kong's art scene. In celebration of the opening of the new venue and to continue its mission, the museum began preparing for a special exhibition entitled "Hong Kong Paintings in Sai Yuen Lane" in early 2024."Hong Kong Paintings in Sai Yuen Lane" invited a diverse range of Hong Kong artists to exhibit their works, aiming to showcase the breadth and depth of Hong Kong's artistic landscape and reflect the diverse styles and perspectives of local artistic talent. The response was overwhelmingly positive, and we extend our heartfelt thanks to the artists for their enthusiastic support.The exhibition features over 130 outstanding works by 92 artists and is presented in two phases. The first phase features 66 works by 44 artists, including ink, acrylic, charcoal, and mineral pigments paintings. The second phase showcases 66 works by 48 artists, including oil, watercolour, pastel, and marker pen drawings. All the works are recent creations from the past two years by the participating artists.
“Voices of the Walls" Exhibition | Blue Lotus Gallery
Oct 16–Dec 1, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
Blue Lotus Gallery is pleased to present Voices from the Walled City, a new joint photography exhibition exploring the unique history and culture of Kowloon Walled City through the work of photographers Ian Lambot, Greg Girard, Bianca Tse and Keeping Lee.
The exhibition runs from 17 October to 1 December 2024, providing a rich visual history of a controversial and peculiar community.
Photographs are an important medium for collective memory and preservation of heritage, especially in the Walled City, a place that will disappear. Few people are willing to venture into the Walled City to document it. However, Ian Lambot and Greg Girard did so in the years leading up to its demolition, culminating in the publication of the book City of Darkness, which has sold over 20,000 copies to date. The series not only preserves the cultural heritage of the walled city through photos and stories, but also provides inspiration for contemporary artists, such as Bianca Tse, who showcases a series of artificial intelligence digital art works, and the latest hit movie "Kowloon Walled City: The Besieged City".
Mika Tajima:Penumbra | Pace Gallery
Oct 31–Dec 21, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
Penumbra refers to the edges and blurred areas created when only partial light is shining, or the incomplete shadow between full shadow and full light. For the artist, this phenomenon is about the shifting nature of perception and nuance, and the fluid entanglement of control and freedom. The works in the exhibition will explore existential questions about human agency through the metamorphosis of color, form and energy.
Yang Dingliu:Main Switch | Hong Kong
Nov 2–Dec 14, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
This is the artist's first solo gallery exhibition and the second collaboration between the artist and the gallery after their collaboration in the "Art Discovery" section of Art Basel Hong Kong in 2023. The exhibition presents a series of recent video works by Yang Dingliu on the theme of free diving. The "Master Switch" is a metaphor for the free diver's need for absolute self-control.
Paola Angelini:IMAGE OUTSIDE OF TIME | Hong Kong
Nov 14–Dec 31, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
Kwai Fung Hin Gallery is pleased to announce that it will represent the Italian emerging painter Paola Angelini in Asia. The gallery will also host the artist's first exhibition in Asia, "Original Image", and an art lecture in November to explore her artistic creation in depth. Angelini is famous for her symbolic language. Her canvases are full of the atmosphere of interlaced time and space. Her aesthetics exude a discordant silence, stagnating space but subverting the audience's vision.
Her dreamlike images use ancient symbols and metaphors to examine our image-dominated information culture, prompting us to find the original image of life. The exhibition advocates a view and imagination that transcends the constraints of time and framework thinking through the artist's tense works.
Susumu Kamijo: Table for Us | PERROTIN HONG KONG
Nov 16, 2024–Jan 4, 2025 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
In Susumu Kamijo’s latest exhibition, Table for Us at Perrotin Hong Kong, the artist steps sideways into the realm of still life, only to transform the genre with a sleight of hand that feels at once candid and elusive. Known for his playful, abstract paintings of poodles and other sentient forms, Kamijo here shifts gears into a more intimate space, where florals and creatures coalesce in arrangements that hover between fantasy and familiarity. What appears to be a traditional still life at first blush—Morandi-esque vases, plates of food, large goldfish with petal-like fins bulging in their bowls—quickly dissolves into into riddles of texture and composition, pulsating with a strange vitality, even a glint of poison in Summer Blossoms (2024).
Howardena Pindell Deep Sea, Deep Space | White Cube Hong Kong
Nov 20, 2024–Jan 8, 2025 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
White Cube is pleased to present a solo exhibition of new paintings by American artist Howardena Pindell. With a career spanning over five decades, Pindell lends a dynamic materiality to the canons of painting. Drawing from a profound childhood memory, the circular motif has become one of the most enduring elements in Pindell’s body of work, manifesting in diverse forms such as ellipses, perforations and hole-punched dots. In the late 1960s, the artist pioneered her iconic spray-painting technique, in which the motif is atomised and accrued, resulting in generative stipples of light and colour. This exhibition marks the inaugural presentation of Pindell’s work since the gallery announced representation of the artist in May 2024.
deTour 2024 – design festival | Hong Kong
Nov 29–Dec 15, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
The Hong Kong deTour 2024 Design Festival will be held from November 29 to December 15. The theme of this design festival is "Have → Exist: Inner Design", exploring the unknown possibilities of design and emphasizing how design can enrich people's inner strength. The event will feature 17 installations and exhibitions, more than 40 workshops and 13 design dialogues, as well as more than 100 guided tours and various exciting programs, allowing everyone to experience new design concepts in person while exploring and understanding how designers respond to personal inner needs through design.
11月30號 荷蘭天才DJ Cesqeaux @ Space Club | Space Club
Nov 30–Dec 1, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
準備好迎接一場震撼全場嘅音樂盛宴吧!🥳 @cesqeaux 🌟 **DJ Cesqeaux** 即將喺蘭桂坊 Space Club 登場!呢位來自荷蘭嘅天才 DJ、製作人同表演者,絕對係電子音樂界嘅一顆閃耀明星。佢嘅音樂風格獨樹一幟,曾經同 Justin Bieber、David Guetta 等巨星合作,創作出無數金曲!🎧 其中最具代表性嘅歌曲包括《2U》和《Hot Drum》, 等你嚟現場感受佢嘅音樂魅力! 🔊 今晚,Cesqeaux 將會以震撼嘅節奏同澎湃嘅音樂,為大家帶嚟一場前所未有嘅視聽盛宴。唔好錯過呢個難得嘅機會,快啲嚟同我哋一齊享受呢場無與倫比嘅音樂派對! 📅 日期: 30 Nov 2024 📍 地點:蘭桂坊 Space Club 🎉 準備好同我哋一齊瘋狂,感受 Cesqeaux 帶嚟嘅無限音樂魅力!#DJCesqeaux #Spaceclub #Spacehk #LanKwaiFong #音樂派對 #香港 期待見到你哋!💃🕺
Information Source: Space.hkg | eventbrite
Arts in the Park 2024 | Hong Kong
Nov 30–Dec 1, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
Art Carnival 2024 is Hong Kong’s most iconic large-scale outdoor youth art event of the year. This year's Art Carnival 2024 will be based on the adventure novel "Around the World in Eighty Days" by French writer Jules Verne. It will feature two days of exciting programs, including a majestic giant puppet parade, an exhibition of more than 1,000 art works, Interactive art booths and stage performances will provide you with an artistic feast that shocks your audio-visual senses.
Astréas Winter Showcase | Rayson Huang Theatre
Dec 1, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
Welcome to Astréas Winter Showcase! Come join us for a magical evening filled with music, dance, and art. Our talented performers will dazzle you with performances that will leaving you wanting more. Get ready to be swept away by the creativity and passion of our artists. Don't miss this opportunity to experience a night of wonder and beauty with friends and family. See you there!
Information Source: Astréas | eventbrite
PSA Squash Tour | Hong Kong Squash Open Day 1 (Hong Kong) | Hong Kong
Dec 2, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
Explore Hong Kong Squash Open Platinum Day 1 sporting information for 2nd December, as well as links for Squash tickets and more with Fixture Calendar. The Hong Kong Squash Open is a prestigious sporting event that takes place annually in the vibrant city of Hong Kong. It is recognized as one of the most competitive and renowned squash tournaments in the world, attracting top players from all over the globe. The event has been held since 1985 and is organized by the Hong Kong Squash Association. The tournament features both men's and women's matches, with players competing in singles and doubles categories. The games take place at the Hong Kong Squash Center, a state-of-the-art facility with 11 glass-backed courts. With a prize money of USD $165,000, the Hong Kong Squash Open is a highly anticipated event in the world of squash.
Information Source: fixturecalendar.com
PSA Squash Tour | Hong Kong Squash Open Day 2 (Hong Kong) | Hong Kong
Dec 3, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
Explore Hong Kong Squash Open Platinum Day 2 sporting information for 3rd December, as well as links for Squash tickets and more with Fixture Calendar. The Hong Kong Squash Open is a prestigious sporting event that takes place annually in the vibrant city of Hong Kong. It is recognized as one of the most competitive and renowned squash tournaments in the world, attracting top players from all over the globe. The event has been held since 1985 and is organized by the Hong Kong Squash Association. The tournament features both men's and women's matches, with players competing in singles and doubles categories. The games take place at the Hong Kong Squash Center, a state-of-the-art facility with 11 glass-backed courts. With a prize money of USD $165,000, the Hong Kong Squash Open is a highly anticipated event in the world of squash.
Information Source: fixturecalendar.com
蒂卡寧弦樂大師班 Strings Master Class by Antti Tikkanen | Lee Hysan Concert Hall
Dec 3, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
今年12月,誼樂社很榮幸邀請了芬蘭演奏家及庫赫莫室樂節的聯合藝術總監蒂卡寧(Antti Tikkanen)來港主持大師班。蒂卡寧是國際知名的芬蘭弦樂四重奏 Meta4 的創始成員之一,現於西貝流士音樂學院任教,亦以領奏身份與眾多樂團合作,包括芬蘭各大樂團,以及歐盟青年管弦樂團、不來梅德意志室樂愛樂樂團、荷蘭室樂團芬蘭各大樂團等。他近年曾擔任芬蘭巴洛克樂團的藝術總監及恩蘇管弦樂團的藝術夥伴。
蒂卡寧屆時將會在大師班上親授多位本地音樂學生。歡迎公眾免費登記及蒞臨現場旁聽。(名額有限,先到先得) 日期︰3.12.2024(二) 時間︰上午 10 時至中午 12 時 地點︰香港中文大學利希慎音樂廳(崇基學院利黃瑤璧樓地層地下 -- 查看地圖) 語言︰英語主講
*特別鳴謝香港中文大學音樂系師生的參與,並為大師班提供場地及技術支援。 大師班為「賽馬會樂・憶古蹟人・情・事」計劃活動之一,計劃由香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助。任何情況下,捐助機構皆不會對任何人或法律實體因此載內容而作出或沒有作出的任何行為負上任何法律責任。 Musicus Society is honoured to invite Antti Tikkanen, a virtuosic string player and co-artistic director of Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival, to host a strings master class in Hong Kong this December. As well as being a founding member of the Finnish string quartet Meta4 and teaching at the Sibelius Academy, he also works as an orchestra leader with top Finnish orchestras, as well as the European Union Youth Orchestra, The Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, the Netherlands Chamber Orchestra, and others. He had served as artistic director of the Finnish Baroque Orchestra and artistic partner of the Joensuu Orchestra in recent years. Don’t miss the chance to observe a world-class chamber music expert coaching local music students. Register now! (Limited seats on a first-come-first-served basis.) Date: 3.12.2024 (Tue) Time: 10am–12nn Venue: Lee Hysan Concert Hall, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (LG/F, Esther Lee Building, Chung Chi College -- View Map) Language: Conducted in English
*Special thanks to everyone from the Music Department of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, for the collaboration, venue and technical supports. This master class is part of the Jockey Club Musicus Heritage Stories program, funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. In no event shall the Funder have any liability of any kind to any person or entity arising from or related to any actions taken or not taken as a result of any of the contents herein. ________________________________________________ 注意事項︰ 活動只招待六歲或以上人士。活動不設劃位。一人一票,憑票入場。已成功登記人士,請於大師班開始前15分鐘到場出示門票(電子或列印均可)。如需使用輪椅座位,請聯絡誼樂社 5721 2291 或電郵至enquiries@musicussociety.org。遲到者及中途離場人士須待節目適當時間方可進場或離場。場地內嚴禁攝影、錄影及飲食。主辦單位有權使用活動期間所拍攝的照片、錄像及錄音作任何用途。如遇特殊情況,主辦單位保留更改節目及表演者的權利。主辦單位保留對門票安排之最終決定權。如節目因場地關閉或其他原因有任何變動,屆時相關安排將於主辦單位的網站(musicussociety.org) / Facebook / Instagram 公布。Important Note: For ages 6 and above.Free Seating.Each ticket admits one person only. Limited seats on a first-come-first-served basis.Please arrive at the venue 15 minutes before the master class with the printed / digital ticket for check-in.For ticketing arrangements for wheelchair users, please contact Musicus by 5721 2291 or enquiries@musicussociety.org.Latecomers will not be admitted until a suitable break or the intermission. The Presenter reserves the right to refuse admission and readmission of any latecomers.Unauthorized photography, audio and / or video recording, food and beverages are not permitted in the master class venue.The Presenter shall have the right to use any photos, videos and sound recordings taken during the event participated by the audience.The Presenter reserves the right to change any program and substitute artists should unavoidable circumstances make it necessary.The Presenter shall have the right to make final decision on ticket arrangement.In case of any changes due to the venue closure or other reasons, details will be announced on the website (musicussociety.org) / Facebook / Instagram of the Presenter.
Information Source: Musicus Society | eventbrite
Mipim Asia 2024 | Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hongkong
Dec 3–Dec 4, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
Mipim Asia 2024, set to take place from December 3rd to 4th at the prestigious Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, promises to be a pivotal event in the real estate industry. Nestled in the heart of Hong Kong, this premier gathering will bring together influential leaders, visionary developers, and key stakeholders from across the Asia-Pacific region. With a focus on innovation, sustainability, and investment opportunities, Mipim Asia 2024 will offer a platform for insightful discussions, networking, and strategic partnerships. Attendees can expect a comprehensive program featuring keynote speeches, panel discussions, and exclusive presentations, all designed to address the latest trends and challenges in the real estate market. The event's serene yet dynamic setting at the Grand Hyatt Hong Kong provides an ideal backdrop for fostering meaningful connections and exploring new business prospects. Mipim Asia 2024 is not just an event, but a cornerstone for shaping the future of real estate in Asia.
Best of Fujii Kaze 2020-2024 ASIA TOUR in Hong Kong | Asia World-Expo
Dec 4–Dec 5, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
This performance requires real-name registration. When placing order, you need to fill in personal information, including full name showing on valid ID or travel identification and all letters and numbers of the identification. A maximum of 4 tickets can be purchased for a single venue per transaction. Please prepare in advance.
This performance issues physical tickets. When placing an order, you need to provide delivery information, so please prepare in advance.
Physical tickets will be sent out by SF Express, and the price difference for shipping needs to be paid upon receipt.
We will inform you of your corresponding seat(s) via SMS or email at the earliest opportunity.
Physical tickets are expected to be dispatched by courier at least 7 days before the performance. Please be patient and wait for their arrival.
On show day, please be reminded to bring the relevant identification and the organizer reserves the right to require them to be presented for identity verification when entering the venue.
Best of Fujii Kaze 2020-2024 ASIA TOUR in Hong Kong
Show Date: 4、5 December, 2024 (Wednesday、Thursday)
Show Time:8PM
Venue: AsiaWorld-Arena
Ticket Price:HK$1099 / HK$899 / HK$699 (All-seated)
Trip.com Exclusive First Round Priority Booking Period: 25 September 2024, 10:00-23:59 (GMT+8)
* A handling fee of HK$30 per ticket will be charged by Trip.com for the purchase of Concert Tickets and will be non-refundable.
Stay tuned for more information! Thank you for your support!
Freespace Dance 2024: Dimitris Papaioannou – INSIDE video installation (+ BACKSIDE backstage documentary) | West Kowloon
Dec 4–Dec 8, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
【Hong Kong】Juno Mak Concert | Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
Dec 5–Dec 6, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
Above the atmosphere, we all have a distance.
Chasing the closest distance,
This December, a personal appointment,
A simple sentence,
I want to see you.
Ho Ho Hong Kong 200th Episode Live Podcast | The Aftermath
Dec 5, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
Backstage Comedy Presents: Live Recording of the 200th epsiode of Ho Ho Hong Kong Podcast. This show is in English
Information Source: Backstage Comedy | eventbrite
PSA Squash Tour | Hong Kong Squash Open Day 4 (Hong Kong) | Hong Kong
Dec 5, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
Explore Hong Kong Squash Open Platinum Day 4 sporting information for 5th December, as well as links for Squash tickets and more with Fixture Calendar. The Hong Kong Squash Open is a prestigious sporting event that takes place annually in the vibrant city of Hong Kong. It is recognized as one of the most competitive and renowned squash tournaments in the world, attracting top players from all over the globe. The event has been held since 1985 and is organized by the Hong Kong Squash Association. The tournament features both men's and women's matches, with players competing in singles and doubles categories. The games take place at the Hong Kong Squash Center, a state-of-the-art facility with 11 glass-backed courts. With a prize money of USD $165,000, the Hong Kong Squash Open is a highly anticipated event in the world of squash.
Information Source: fixturecalendar.com
Vuela by Ballet Flamenco Sara Baras (Spain) | Hong Kong Cultural Centre
Dec 6–Dec 8, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
A Cappella theatrical production: Death of the Lead & The Memories of Food | Kwai Tsing Theatre
Dec 6–Dec 8, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
PSA Squash Tour | Hong Kong Squash Open Day 5 (Hong Kong) | Hong Kong
Dec 6, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
Explore Hong Kong Squash Open Platinum Day 5 sporting information for 6th December, as well as links for Squash tickets and more with Fixture Calendar. The Hong Kong Squash Open is a prestigious sporting event that takes place annually in the vibrant city of Hong Kong. It is recognized as one of the most competitive and renowned squash tournaments in the world, attracting top players from all over the globe. The event has been held since 1985 and is organized by the Hong Kong Squash Association. The tournament features both men's and women's matches, with players competing in singles and doubles categories. The games take place at the Hong Kong Squash Center, a state-of-the-art facility with 11 glass-backed courts. With a prize money of USD $165,000, the Hong Kong Squash Open is a highly anticipated event in the world of squash.
Information Source: fixturecalendar.com
Backstage Comedy Presents: Jocelyn Chia Live! In Hong Kong | BaseHall 2
Dec 7, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
Jocelyn Chia is a Georgetown Law graduate and former M&A, Capital Markets and Private Equity attorney at one of the top 10 law firms in the United States. She then became a consultant at Innosight, an Innovation Consulting firm founded by Clayton Christensen, the guru of Disruptive Innovation. She eventually ditched corporate America to tell jokes to strangers. After countless bouts of battling with self–doubt and second-guessing, while putting her time in at open mics in basements, hookah bars and even a laundromat, she is now a regular at the New York City Comedy clubs including the legendary Comedy Cellar, Gotham Comedy Club, Broadway Comedy Club, Comic Strip Live, Standup NY, West Side Comedy Club and Rodney’s. She has been featured in Vulture, South China Morning Post, CNN, BBC, New York Times, and the Independent UK. She grew up in Singapore, and has been named one of Singapore’s top comedians by Buro, is listed as the #1 comedian in Singapore by Best in Singapore as well as Simibest, and was signed by Warner Music Singapore as their first ever non musical artiste. She has been on the Howard Stern Channel of Sirius XM, MTV, AXS TV’s Gotham Comedy Live, Fox News Saturday Night, Gutfeld! on Fox News, ABC, TMZ, Vice TV, Discovery+ and Comedy Central. Supported by: Macy Kwok and Chris Musni. Hosted by Garron Chiu This show is in English
Information Source: Backstage Comedy | eventbrite
Tamar Park Outdoor & Fitness Yoga | Tamar Park
Dec 7, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
This event consists of a series of Sat afternoon classes at Tamar Park focuses on practicing flow style yoga, core workout, fitness element of arms & legs toning exercises as well as breath works to fully enhance your yoga/fitness practice at a more rejuvenated level in the open air environment. Please remember to bring along: 1) Water/ Towel 2) Yoga Mat/ Strap/Block 3) Comfortable clothings
Information Source: Tamar Park Central Outdoor Yoga | eventbrite
古琴雅集(測試) | 約克大廈
Dec 8, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
古琴雅集(測試) 日期:Sun Dec 08 2024 時間:下午2時 地點:約克大廈 歡迎大家來參加我們的古琴雅集(測試)活動!這將是一個讓喜歡古琴音樂的朋友們聚在一起分享彼此喜愛的音樂的機會。無論你是初學者還是老手,都歡迎你來參加這個活動。 我們將在約克大廈舉行這個活動,希望能夠在這個美麗的地方與大家共度一個愉快的下午。請準時到場,我們將準備一系列的節目和活動,讓大家度過一個難忘的時光。 不要錯過這個難得的機會,和我們一起享受美妙的古琴音樂!
Information Source: 瀞和琴社 | eventbrite
PSA Squash Tour | Hong Kong Squash Open Day 7 (Hong Kong) | Hong Kong
Dec 8, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
Explore Hong Kong Squash Open Platinum Day 7 sporting information for 8th December, as well as links for Squash tickets and more with Fixture Calendar. The Hong Kong Squash Open is a prestigious sporting event that takes place annually in the vibrant city of Hong Kong. It is recognized as one of the most competitive and renowned squash tournaments in the world, attracting top players from all over the globe. The event has been held since 1985 and is organized by the Hong Kong Squash Association. The tournament features both men's and women's matches, with players competing in singles and doubles categories. The games take place at the Hong Kong Squash Center, a state-of-the-art facility with 11 glass-backed courts. With a prize money of USD $165,000, the Hong Kong Squash Open is a highly anticipated event in the world of squash.
Information Source: fixturecalendar.com