Featured Events in Hong Kong in December, 2024 (March Updated)

Event Status
Start Time

Underdog Fight Night 3.0 | Underdog Gym

Dec 14, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
Sports & Fitness
Join us at Underdog Gym's third Fight Night for a plethora of thrilling fights, complimentary food and drinks, exclusive limited edition Fight Night Merchandise, and a promise of an unforgettable experience filled with excitement and camaraderie. Get ready to immerse yourself in an evening of sportsmanship, entertainment, and community at its finest! Information Source: Underdog Gym | eventbrite

Ukrainian Christmas Concert | Tai Po Arts Centre

Dec 15, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
Get ready for a captivating concert featuring an incredible lineup of Ukrainian and local Hong Kong artists! Experience the rich tradition of Ukrainian Christmas singing culture and join us in a joyful sing-along. Delight in performances by Hong Kong musicians who blend contemporary sounds with folk Ukrainian melodies. For the first time in Hong Kong, hear beautiful Ukrainian poetry recited by a national reading competition winner. Plus, enjoy an exciting dance program from our award-winning Ukrainian dancers, champions of international ballroom competitions. This is an event you won’t want to miss! Please note that shoes are not allowed in any of the studios at Tai Po Art Center. We recommend wearing something comfortable and easy to slip off Information Source: The Ukrainian Society of Hong Kong | eventbrite

Monchhichi 50 Anniversary Run | Hong Kong

Dec 15, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
Sports & Fitness
The "Monchhichi 50th Anniversary Celebration Run" to be held at Xisha GO PARK in December will have two major sections: professional run and fun run. There are four categories: 1,600m individual run, 3,200m individual run, 800m fan light run, and 800m family run. It is suitable for children, beginners and professional runners.

【Hong Kong】VH (Vast & Hazy) Concert Tour | Freespace

Dec 19, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
"I forgot how to start. The harder I try, the weaker I feel." In a chaotic moment, have you ever felt trapped, but you don't know where you are trapped, as if you were imprisoned and unable to move forward? You begin to feel numb and feel that you may have to live your life like this, but deep in your heart, you still want to get rid of everything and regain your freedom. Now, what you need is an antidote to rescue you from the mud, end this endless cycle (Loop), and break out of the cocoon and be reborn. Following "Civilization", the Taiwanese "Export System" duo VH (Vast & Hazy) brought "The Five Constant Principles" to Hong Kong. At the end of the year, learn to organize your life well, discard unhealthy relationships, plan and position your daily life, and maintain a bright and clean mentality. After organizing, tidying up, and cleaning, practice adjusting your own pace, gradually approaching the appearance you want to be the most, and finally establish your own pace, free yourself from being trapped, and gain true freedom. Use the 5S management rules "Five Constant Principles" to examine the mind and life, Discard unhealthy relationships, plan and position for daily life, Keep a bright and clean mind..., Learn to optimize the emotional soul in a rational way and adjust the pace, We can gradually get closer to what we want to be. Only by consciously establishing self-order can we gain true freedom. Are you ready to take this antidote specially designed for you?


Dec 19–Dec 20, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong

Legends Assemble | Hong Kong Stadium

Dec 20, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
Sports & Fitness
赛事介绍 Legends Assemble — 一个为香港球迷带来国际级传奇球星表演赛的新赛事品牌! This December, Legends Assemble will hold a grand Spanish Football League final - Real Madrid players and Barcelona legends. Legendary players from different historical periods will celebrate with 40,000 fans at the Hong Kong Stadium, creating a historic moment of "NOW OR NEVER". 20 years, Legends Assembl specially invited many stars who visited Hong Kong that year, together with famous players from Barcelona, ​​a total of more than 30 international football stars from both sides will once again stage an unrepeatable and wonderful confrontation at the Hong Kong Stadium full of collective memories. 巴塞傳奇隊球員包括: 沙維(Xavi Hernandez)、大衛韋拿(David Villa)、佩奧爾(Carles Puyol)、哥利斯馬(Ricardo Quaresma)、文迪達(Gaizka Mendieta)、路爾斯加西亞(Luis Garcia) 、古利(Ludovic Giuly)、域陀·拜亞(Vitor Baía)、沙治(Sergi Barjuan)、沙維奧拿(Javier Saviola)、費特歷斯·德胡(Frédéric Déhu)、高高( Francesco Coco)、艾美臣( Edmilson)、祖菲奧.馬特(Jofre Mateu)、達妮埃爾·托爾託萊羅(Dani Tortolero)、古華特(Patrick Kluivert) 皇馬球星隊球員包括: 費高(Luis Figo)、羅拔圖·卡路士(Roberto Carlos)、卡斯拿斯(Iker Casillas)、米高·奧雲(Michael Owen)、費蘭度·摩連迪斯(Fernando Morientes) 、卡華拿路(Fabio Cannavaro)、 基斯頓·卡林保(Christian Karembeu)、艾斯特賓·甘比亞素(Esteban Cambiasso)、阿方素·佩雷斯(Alfonso Perez Munoz)、艾雲·甘保(Iván Campo Ramos)、柏度·康特拉斯(Pedro Contreras)、勞爾·巴禾(Raúl Bravo Sanfelix)、帕雲,巴朗拿(Francisco Pavon Barahona)、魯賓·迪拿列特(Rubén dela Red Gutierrez)、阿馬維斯卡( Jose Emilio Amavisca Garate) 20-12-2024 时间:20:00pm 地址:香港大球场 门票价钱 (每张门票另需支付HK$48服务费,邮寄费用为到付):HK$2480 HK$1980 HK$1680 HK$1180 HK$680 特别体验套票介绍 Experience Set (皇马球星) - HK$6880 1张HK$2480门票 主题特别版皇马球星卡 (1套15张) + 海报 + 精美周边 Meet & Greet Session (皇马球星) Experience Set (巴塞传奇) - HK$6880 1张HK$2480门票 主题特别版巴塞传奇球员卡 (1套15张) + 海报 + 精美周边 Meet & Greet Session (巴塞传奇) Bundle Set (皇马球星) - HK$2880 1张HK$2480门票 主题特别版皇马球星卡 (1套15张) + 海报 + 精美周边 Bundle Set (巴塞传奇) - HK$2880 1张HK$2480门票 主题特别版巴塞传奇球员卡 (1套15张) + 海报 + 精美周边 条款及细则 All entrants must abide by the Hong Kong Football Association's Ticketing Rules and the rules set by the stadium. 1. Entrants must comply with the Stadium Regulations and other rules of the venue. 2. 入场人士必须经由特定入口进场,并出示有效门票或通行证。 3. 入场时一人一票入场,不占座位之2岁以下幼童除外。 4. 售出之门票恕不退款或退换。 5. 遗失球票,恕不补发。 6. 门票不可转让 7. 如因任何情况下(例如台风或暴雨)节目顺延48小时内举行,主办机构将不接受退款申请。 8. If the stadium is unable to hold the match on the day of the event due to venue problems or the police believe that the match needs to be interrupted, the organizer will not accept the refund application. 9. 10. All persons who bring in unauthorized items such as plastic, glass, metal bottles or containers, bottled or canned drinks and food (Except baby food and medicines lang="EN-US"); items with discriminatory, political, racist, xenophobic, charitable or ideological content or that may deviate from the original purpose of holding the relevant sports activities, endanger public safety, hinder objects, flags, banners, bunting, posters, leaflets, pamphlets and displays that could damage the view of other spectators or bring the event into disrepute; any object, substance or material that could be used as a weapon or could be harmful to health; mechanical or non-mechanical any sound-making instruments of a sexually manipulated nature, such as loudspeakers, drums, gongs; any remote-controlled flying device or toy and any other device which could constitute a violation of the Stadium Regulations, Chapter 132BY or the FIFA Stadium Regulations Items required by safety and security regulations are not allowed to enter the venue. 11. 12. Throwing objects, using foul language or behaving in an indecent manner on the court is prohibited. 13. Umbrellas shall not be used in the venue so as to cause danger, unnecessary obstruction and /or interference. 14. All seating areas in the stadium have been designated as non-smoking areas. During the event, spectators are not allowed to smoke in non-smoking areas, otherwise they may be ejected. 15. The Organiser does not guarantee that ticket holders will have unobstructed views from their seats. 16. Tickets may not be used for any promotional activities without the consent of the organizer. 17.Without the consent of the organizer, no promotional materials, souvenirs or gifts may be distributed in the venue, and no publicity, promotion or sales activities in any form may be carried out in the venue.Without the consent of the organizer, no promotional materials, souvenirs or gifts may be distributed in the venue, and no publicity, promotion or sales activities in any form may be carried out in the venue. 18. Photography and recording are prohibited without the consent of the organizer. 19. 主办机构保留任何变更赛事日程的权利。 20. 任何未经许可人士进入限制区域(包括但不限于草地范围),主办机构将保留一切追究权利。 21. ;

天羽 * 星蓮 ~ 免費現場表演 Wings of Sky * Star Lotus ~ Free Live Performance | 香港視覺藝術中心展覽廳 Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre

Dec 20, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
Don't miss the 天羽 * 星蓮 ~ 免費現場表演 Wings of Sky * Star Lotus ~ Free Live Performance in Hong Kong. The event will take place at the 香港視覺藝術中心展覽廳 Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre. Mark your calendars for December 20, 2024, and head to 7 Kennedy Road, Hong Kong, HKI to enjoy this free live performance. Join the audience for an unforgettable experience filled with captivating performances and entertainment.

創意工作坊: 讓你的想像盡情翱翔!Creative Workshop: Let your Imagination Soar | 香港視覺藝術中心展覽廳 Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre

Dec 20, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
創意工作坊: 讓你的想像盡情翱翔!在雲上畫畫 藝術家將引導您了解不同顏色和品種的蓮花以及鳥類、蜻蜓和蝴蝶的多彩象徵意義。蓮花雲鳥與愛的信息您可用的紙張和顏色為您所愛的人製作獨特的雲花聖誕卡/冬至星星裝飾或為您所愛之人表達愛意的紀念品。如果您願意,您也可留下您的創作,成為星軌展覽的一部分。 在 12 月 22 日星期日的特別活動中,工作坊將涵蓋即興創作以及舞蹈/身體動作繪畫。 Creative Workshop: Let your Imagination Soar ~ Drawing on the Clouds As part of your imaginative journey, the artist will guide you to look at the different colors and varieties of lotus flowers and the colorful symbolism of birds, dragonflies and butterflies. Use papers and colors provided to create a unique cloud-shaped Christmas lotus card, Winter Solistice star decoration or a memento with messages of love for your loved ones. If you wish, you may also leave your creation behind to become part of the star trail of the exhibition. In the special art event on 22 Dec Sun, the workshop will involve improvisation and drawing with dance and body movement. (需要預先註冊, 如果未註冊,名額將按照先到先得的原則分配) (Pre-registration required. If not registered, places will be given on first come first served basis) (活動現場將進行紀實攝影以供存檔,您參與活動即視為同意。)(There will be documentary photography at the event for the purpose of archive, your participation at the event is taken as an expression of consent.) Information Source: Maria Pinn Young Chan | eventbrite

【Hong Kong】Accusefive World Tour | Asia World-Expo

Dec 21, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
The universe is interesting Do you want to fly there? Or walk there? The universe is even more interesting Will it be fun to go there every day? The universe is interesting Let's go together in Hong Kong .

Wong Tai Sin Winter Lantern Carnival "FUN" | Hong Kong

Dec 21, 2024–Jan 5, 2025 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
于启德河沿岸布置节日灯饰,并在附近的摩士公园(一号公园)举办以圣诞为题的市集活动,场内亦设有小食和游戏摊位以及表演节目,以期与黄大仙区的居民及参与人士欢度圣诞。 2024年12月21日(星期六)- 2025年1月5日(星期日)灯FUN市集:2024年12月21 - 2024年12月25日冬日灯饰2024年12月21 - 2025年1月5日

Backstage Comedy Presents: Irene Tu Live! In Hong Kong | BaseHall 2

Dec 21, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
Irene Tu is a Los Angeles-based stand-up comedian, actor and writer who honed her chops in San Francisco. Her first comedy album WE’RE DONE NOW debuted at #1 on the iTunes comedy charts. Paste Magazine praised Irene’s “quick wit, relaxed stage presence, and hilariously off-the-wall observations” in this album that “ticks all the boxes of a winning introduction, and then some.” One of Netflix’s “Introducing” comics of 2022, her show in 2024 was named one of the funniest by the LA Times. She’s a regular at festivals and clubs around the country and has opened for comics like Taylor Tomlinson and Patton Oswalt. You may recognize Irene from After Midnight, Hulu, Comedy Central, Netflix is a Joke, or her viral stand up clips which have amassed over 30 million views on social media. Named one of Netflix Is A Joke: The Festival’s “Introducing…” Comics in 2022Named Vulture’s “Comedians You Should and Will Know in 2019”“She is confident onstage and offstage. Her caring demeanor belies a dark side that I can relate to.— W. Kamau Bell “She excels at pleasant—almost parental—condescension and the confident undercut.— - Portland Mercury This show is in English Information Source: Backstage Comedy | eventbrite

【Hong Kong】Kim Hyun Joong Concert | MacPherson Stadium

Dec 21, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong

【Hong Kong】CHANYEOL Tour | Asia World-Expo

Dec 21, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong

Wong Tai Sin Winter Lantern Carnival "FUN" | Hong Kong

Dec 21, 2024–Jan 5, 2025 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
于启德河沿岸布置节日灯饰,并在附近的摩士公园(一号公园)举办以圣诞为题的市集活动,场内亦设有小食和游戏摊位以及表演节目,以期与黄大仙区的居民及参与人士欢度圣诞。 2024年12月21日(星期六)- 2025年1月5日(星期日)灯FUN市集:2024年12月21 - 2024年12月25日冬日灯饰2024年12月21 - 2025年1月5日

Wong Tai Sin Winter Lantern Carnival "FUN" | Hong Kong

Dec 21, 2024–Jan 5, 2025 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
于启德河沿岸布置节日灯饰,并在附近的摩士公园(一号公园)举办以圣诞为题的市集活动,场内亦设有小食和游戏摊位以及表演节目,以期与黄大仙区的居民及参与人士欢度圣诞。 2024年12月21日(星期六)- 2025年1月5日(星期日)灯FUN市集:2024年12月21 - 2024年12月25日冬日灯饰2024年12月21 - 2025年1月5日

12月21號 星期六 DJ MAO 濱崎真緒 火熱降臨 Space Club | Space Club

Dec 21–Dec 22, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
21/12 星期六 DJ MAO 濱崎真緒 火熱降臨 Space Club 日本女神級 AV 兼著名 DJ MAO 以佢嘅澎湃音樂, 能量 和出色嘅演出 喺亞洲地區極為受歡迎 今次嚟到Space Club 演出 大家千祈唔好錯過呢個朝拜嘅機會 Information Source: Space.hkg | eventbrite

DPR Concert 2024 Hong Kong | The Dream Reborn World Tour 2024 in HONG KONG | AXA x WONDERLAND | Wonderland

Dec 22, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong

Wendy Wander 2024 Tour “Midnight Wandering” | MacPherson Stadium

Dec 24, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong

Hong Kong Interior Design & Decoration Fair 2024 | Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong, Hongkong

Dec 25–Dec 28, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
Hong Kong Interior Design & Decoration Fair 2024 is set to take the city by storm, from December 25th to 28th. This highly anticipated event will be held at the iconic Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, a prime location that's sure to draw in crowds from near and far. As the name suggests, this fair is a haven for those with a keen eye for design and a passion for decoration. Visitors can expect to be wowed by the latest trends, innovations, and creative ideas that the industry has to offer. Whether it's a professional in search of inspiration or a homeowner looking to spruce up their space, there's something for everyone at this event. And let's not forget, it's more than just a showcase; it's an opportunity to network, learn, and connect with like-minded individuals who share a love for all things interior design. So, mark the calendars and keep an eye out for updates on this not-to-be-missed event!

Hong Kong Mega Showcase 2024 | Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong, Hongkong

Dec 25–Dec 28, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
The highly anticipated Hong Kong Mega Showcase 2024 is set to take place from December 25th to 28th at the prestigious Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. This event promises to be a must-see, with an array of exhibits and vendors showcasing the latest and greatest in technology, fashion, and lifestyle. "Hong Kong Mega Showcase 2024 is an event that cannot be missed," stated a spokesperson for the showcase. "This year's event will feature cutting-edge innovations and exclusive product launches, making it a prime destination for industry professionals and enthusiasts alike." Visitors to the showcase will be treated to four action-packed days of networking, learning, and discovery. With the stunning Hong Kong skyline as a backdrop, the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre provides the perfect setting for such a grand event. "Hong Kong is a city that never fails to impress, and the Mega Showcase 2024 is poised to be a highlight of the year," added the spokesperson. "Mark your calendars and prepare to be wowed by what this event has in store." With the Hong Kong Mega Showcase 2024 just around the corner, excitement is building for what promises to be an unforgettable experience.

Hong Kong Homex 2024 | Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong, Hongkong

Dec 25–Dec 28, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
Hong Kong Homex 2024 is set to take place in the bustling city of Hong Kong at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. This highly anticipated event will run from December 25th to December 28th, 2024. Hong Kong Homex 2024 promises to be a showcase of the latest in home innovation, design, and technology. The event will bring together industry professionals and enthusiasts from around the world to explore new products, trends, and ideas. Attendees can expect a diverse range of exhibitors, informative seminars, and networking opportunities. With its strategic location and state-of-the-art venue, Hong Kong Homex 2024 is poised to be a must-attend event for anyone involved in the home industry." "Hong Kong Homex 2024 is a highly regarded event that serves as a platform for businesses to expand their reach and connect with potential clients. It also provides a valuable opportunity for visitors to gain insights into the future of home living. The event is known for its high-quality presentations and cutting-edge displays that showcase the latest in home design and technology. Organizers are committed to ensuring that the event is more than just a trade show, but an immersive experience that inspires and educates. Mark the calendars, as Hong Kong Homex 2024 is an event that should not be missed.

e-Expo & Auto HK 2024 | Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre (HKCEC)

Dec 25–Dec 28, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
Hong Kong
e-Expo & Auto HK will showcase an extensive range of products and services, including branded cars, automotive consumable and mechanical parts e-Expo & Auto HK will showcase an extensive range of products and services, including branded cars, automotive consumable and mechanical parts, automotive beauty and care, diagnostic vehicle and product, motorbikes and automotive accessories and maintenance services. Information Source: Hongkong-Asia Exhibition (Holdings) Ltd. | expotobi

Hong Kong Mega Showcase 2024 | Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre (HKCEC)

Dec 25–Dec 28, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
Hong Kong
Consumer goods
This is one of the most reputable platforms for local and overseas visitors and gathers various stage programs such as home and houseware competition This is one of the most reputable platforms for local and overseas visitors and gathers various stage programs such as home and houseware competition, D.I.Y workshop in addition to the stage lucky draw for visitors to enjoy with. Information Source: Hongkong-Asia Exhibition (Holdings) Ltd. | expotobi

Hong Kong Food Festival 2024 | Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre (HKCEC)

Dec 25–Dec 28, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
Hong Kong
Food & Beverages
Hong Kong Food Festival will displays product from Staple Diet of Japan, Taste of Korea South East Asia Flavour Zone Hong Kong Food Festival will displays product from Staple Diet of Japan, Taste of Korea South East Asia Flavour Zone, International Wine & Luxurious Food Zone, Premium Brands Zone, New Year Food, Daily Essentials & Quality Dried Seafood Zone, Worldwide Food & Trading Zone, Healthy Green and Vegetarian Food Zone and much more. Information Source: Hongkong-Asia Exhibition (Holdings) Ltd. | expotobi

Allure Incubating Fridays: Jazz Fusion with Yukako & Nazar | allure customised hair

Dec 27, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
www.alluremusicsalon.con Join us at Allure Music Salon on Dec 27 for an enchanting evening with two talented musicians! Experience the jazz artistry of Tokyo‘s composer and pianist Yukako Yamano and the vibrant jazz expressions of Ukraine’s Nazar Tabachyshyn. Set in our century-old stone venue, don‘t miss this unique blend of cultural melodies and jazz rhythms! 邀請您12月27日來Allure 音樂沙龍,與兩位才華橫溢的音樂家共度一個迷人的夜晚。在我們的百年石屋,感受來自東京的作曲家兼鋼琴家山野友佳子的爵士藝術和來自烏克蘭的Nazar的激情澎湃。不要錯過這場文化旋律與爵士節奏的獨特融合! 招待します。12月27日にAllure Music Salonで行われます、二人の才能あふれる音楽家と一緒に魅力的な夜をお過ごしください。百年石屋で、東京出身の作曲家でピアニストの山野友佳子さんのジャズアートと、ウクライナ出身のNazarさんの情熱的な演奏を体験してください。文化の旋律とジャズのリズムが唯一無二の融合を繰り広げるこの機会をお見逃しなく! Lineup Yukako Yamano ( Piano, @yukakoyamano ) Nazar Tabachyshyn (Accordion, @naz_acco) Explore the Artistry of Musicans Yukako Yamano Yukako Yamano, a celebrated jazz pianist from Tokyo, is renowned for her emotional compositions and dynamic performances. She started her musical education at three years old and further refined her skills at the prestigious Tokyo College of Music, specializing in both classical and jazz disciplines. Her career is highlighted by various acclaimed albums and international performances that demonstrate her ability to merge complex classical piano techniques with the spontaneity of jazz. 山野友佳子,來自東京的著名爵士鋼琴家,以其情感豐富的作曲和充滿活力的表演而聞名。她從三歲開始接受音樂訓練,後來在著名的東京音樂學院深造,專注於古典和爵士兩個領域。她的職業生涯亮點包括多張受到好評的專輯和國際舞台上的表演,展示了她將複雜的古典鋼琴技巧與爵士的即興性完美融合的能力。 ユカコ・ヤマノは、東京出身の著名なジャズピアニストで、感動的な作曲とダイナミックなパフォーマンスで知られています。彼女は3歳で音楽教育を始め、名門東京音楽大学でクラシカルとジャズの両方を専攻してスキルを磨きました。彼女のキャリアは、複雑なクラシカルピアノ技術とジャズの即興性を見事に融合させた国際的なパフォーマンスや高く評価された複数のアルバムによって際立っています。 Nazar Tabachyshyn Nazar Tabachyshyn, a musician from Ukraine, has made a significant mark on the international music scene. As an accomplished accordionist and percussionist, Nazar holds a Music degree and showcases his versatility across multiple musical genres. His performances range from tango to Balkan folk, leading bands such as Hong Kong's Cafe 852. His contributions to music reflect his adaptability and deep passion for exploring cross-cultural musical fusions, earning him widespread acclaim in Asia and beyond. Nazar Tabachyshyn是烏克蘭音樂家,在國際音樂界確立了他的活躍地位。作為一位精通手風琴和打擊樂器的音樂家,他擁有音樂碩士學位。他的表演跨越多個音樂類型,從探戈到巴爾幹民謠,並通過領導如香港的“Cafe 852”等多個樂隊展示了他的多樣性。他對音樂的貢獻顯示了他的多功能性和對探索文化音樂融合的深厚熱情,使他成為亞洲及更廣地區廣受歡迎的音樂家。 ナザール・タバチシンは、ウクライナ出身の音楽家で、国際音楽シーンにおいて顕著な足跡を残しています。アコーディオンとパーカッションを得意とする彼は、音楽学位を持ち、タンゴからバルカンフォークに至るまで多岐にわたるジャンルで活動しています。香港の「カフェ852」など、複数のバンドを率いる彼の業績は、彼の適応性と異文化間の音楽融合を探求する情熱を反映しており、アジアをはじめとする世界中で高く評価されています。 Allure Music Salon: Evenings of Music and Mastery Allure Music Salon, nestled in Tai Hang's historic Century Stone House, Hong Kong, hosts enthralling musical evenings and workshops. Our Incubating series and Masters events spotlight emerging talents and seasoned maestros, fostering connections and inspiring audiences. Join us for a transformative experience where creativity shapes the future of music. Allure Music Salon 位於香港大坑歷史悠久的世紀石屋,舉辦迷人的音樂之夜和工作坊。我們的孵化系列和大師活動突顯新興才能與資深大師,促進互動並啟發觀眾。加入我們,體驗在創意塑造音樂未來的轉變性體驗。 Allure Friends Privacy Policy Allure Music Salon is committed to protecting your privacy and complies with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. This policy outlines our practices regarding the collection, use, sharing, and protection of personal data. Types of Personal Data Collected: name, email and phone number Purpose: Identity verification, Security and Activity updates Personal data is treated confidentially. We will use a third-party email system to send you emails. Personal data is retained only as long as necessary for the purpose for which it was collected and is protected using adequate security measures to prevent unauthorized access or loss. Access to and Correction of Personal Data You have the right to access and correct your personal data held by Allure Music Salon. Requests can be made to Allure Music Salon via email at or through other provided contact methods. 承諾保護隱私 Allure Music Salon 致力於保護您的隱私,並遵守《個人資料(私隱)條例》。本政策概述了我們關於收集、使用、分享及保護個人資料的做法。 收集的個人資料類型: 姓名、電郵及電話號碼 收集目的:身份驗證、保安及通知最新活動 資料會保密處理。我們會使用第三方電郵系統向您發送電郵。 個人資料僅在收集目的所需的時間內保留,並採用適當的安全措施防止未經授權的存取或丟失。 存取及更正個人資料 您有權存取和更正Allure Music Salon 持有的您的個人資料。可以通過電郵至 或其他提供的聯繫方式,提出請求。 Allure Incubating Fridays is exclusive event series (Music Appreciation Workshop) presented by Allure Music Salon. Allure Incubating Fridays 是由 Allure Music Salon 提供獨家活動系列 (音樂鑑賞工作坊)。 Information Source: Allure Music Salon | eventbrite

Thousand Miles Away | China Congregational Church

Dec 28, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
Join us for a heartfelt musical evening as we, Cecilia Zhang and Cherry Wong, bring our passion for music back home in Thousand Miles Away . As two Chinese-born musicians currently pursuing our studies in London, this concert is a celebration of our journey—a bridge between the cities that have shaped us as artists and individuals. Through a carefully curated program, we will share the melodies and stories that have accompanied us on our path, spanning classical masterpieces, art songs, and contemporary works. This recital is not just a performance but a homecoming—a way to reconnect with you, our cherished community, and express our gratitude for your unwavering support. Let us take you on a journey through music, bridging the thousand miles between where we are and where our hearts belong. Information Source: eventbrite

Opera "Ravel's The Child and the Enchantments" | Hong Kong Cultural Centre

Dec 29, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong

Hong Kong International Stationery Fair 2024 | Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hongkong

Dec 29, 2024–Jan 16, 2025 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
Mark your calendars, folks! The much-awaited Hong Kong International Stationery Fair 2024 is fast approaching. From December 29, 2024, to January 16, 2025, the bustling city of Hong Kong will play host to a spectacular array of stationery and office supplies at its namesake venue, the Hong Kong Convention, and Exhibition Centre. This prestigious event promises an unparalleled showcase of the latest trends and innovative products in the world of stationery. Whether it's top-notch writing instruments, creative paper products, or office essentials, visitors will be spoilt for choice. With exhibitors hailing from all corners of the globe, this fair is the go-to event for industry professionals looking to network, strike deals, and stay ahead of the competition. While the excitement builds up, it's crucial to plan ahead. Attendees should be poised to immerse themselves in a world where creativity meets practicality. Whether one represents a budding start-up or a seasoned conglomerate, the Hong Kong International Stationery Fair 2024 is the prime destination to elevate any stationery game. Don't miss out on the opportunity to be part of this remarkable gathering in the heart of Hong Kong.

Hong Kong International Stationery Fair 2025 | Hong Kong Convention And Exhibition Centre

Dec 30, 2024–Jan 16, 2025 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
Packing & Packaging
The Hong Kong International Stationery Fair, which is known as a major sourcing event in Asia-Pacific for gift stationery, prevalent art and craft supplies The Hong Kong International Stationery Fair, which is known as a major sourcing event in Asia-Pacific for gift stationery, prevalent art and craft supplies, office supply products, paper & printing goods, back-to-school items, and writing instruments and many more. 5 major zones+ DIY Supplies + Kids & School (artist supplies, children's stationery & school supplies)+ Pen & Paper + Gift Stationery+ Smart Office (office supplies, computer accessories & consumables for office equipment, computer software) Information Source: Messe Frankfurt (H.K.) Ltd. | expotobi

Hong Kong Open 2025 | Hong Kong

Dec 30, 2024–Jan 6, 2025 (UTC+8)ENDED
Hong Kong
Sports & Fitness

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