
The Breakfast Club(Soho-On D'Arblay Street) Review

4.5 /574 Reviews

The Breakfast Club(Soho-On D'Arblay Street)

Posted: Jun 13, 2021
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  • 红妆人Nefelibata
    Original Text

    Eating foie gras, seafood soup, Wellington steak, cheese hot pot, lava chocolate cake, red velvet cake ~ is especially delicious! Sugar oil cake and foie gras beef rice ~ awesome! Every dish is delicious, and the landscape is super invincible

    Posted: Dec 8, 2021
  • 没有蜡olling
    Original Text

    After eating this breakfast shop, I recall the meal cooked by my mother-in-law at my boarding house. There is a little taste of handmade at home, which makes people feel a little warm. After breakfast, you can stroll around for treasure.

    Posted: Apr 25, 2021
  • 摆渡修行
    Original Text

    1⃣️ Big plate chicken The middle noodles we ordered by the two of us are handmade, especially chewy and delicious 2⃣️ Caught rice carrot soft stew sweet rice grains with clear taste 3⃣️ Fried potato shreds are good recommended 4⃣️ Grilled lamb skewers ➕ Lamb chops fat and thin I like it. There are quite few people and it is very cheap. The weight is still very large, recommended

    Posted: Jan 9, 2021

    领略英国学府的独特魅力和学术氛围。丰富您的旅行体验,启发您对教育和学术的兴趣。参观学校的同时,探索英国的名胜古迹和博物馆。游玩伦敦时,我会根据景点特色和您的喜好为您量身定制行程,确保您能够尽情领略伦敦的美丽。我做伦敦的旅行定制已经多年,服务过上千人。我的专业经验和深厚的行业背景,确保您的旅行不仅独特而且令人难忘。我是您的专属旅行定制师HD·姜春雨,专业从事伦敦旅行定制服务,更多咨询请联系我。🚆🛬 欢迎来到历史悠久的伦敦,您的旅程将从希思罗国际机场开始,这里是世界上Z U I繁忙的机场之一,位于市中心西部。如果您选择高铁,伦敦的主要高铁站如国王十字车站将是您的首·选,它们连接着英国各地以及欧洲的主要城市。🏨 推!荐!您入住位于市中心的伦敦克莱蒙查令十字酒店,这家酒店K A O近查林十字车站,交通便利,且紧邻特拉法加广场和威斯敏斯特。经典双人间约19平米,提供舒适的住宿体验和早餐服务,是您伦敦之旅的理想下榻之地。🍳 早餐推!荐!您前往The Breakfast Club,这是伦敦人非常喜爱的早餐店,尽管可能需要排队,但美味的早餐绝·对值得等待。如果您想体验英式下午茶,不妨在双层巴士下午茶上享受这份传统,同时观赏伦敦的标志性建筑。🏰 在伦敦,您不仅可以参观世界L EVE L的大学如伦敦帝国理工和伦敦大学学院,还可以探索威斯敏斯特教堂和大本钟等历史悠久的地标。此外,别忘了乘坐双层红色巴士,体验这座城市的文化和历史。🌳 当您的脚步延伸到牛津和剑桥,您将沉浸在英国Z U I古老学府的书香气息中。牛津的博德莱安图书馆和剑河泛舟都是不可错过的经典体验。在杜伦,您可以体验霍格沃茨同款的学院制,而格拉斯哥和爱丁堡则以其古老的城堡和大学而闻名。🛍️ 在伦敦自由购物的日子里,牛津街和摄政街是您的Z U I佳选择。这里不仅有历史悠久的百货公司,还有各种高端品牌店,满足您的购物欲望。🚕 Z U I后,您的专属司机将在旅程结束时,驾驶奔驰V Class车型,舒适地送您前往希思罗国际机场,为您的英国之旅画上完!美!的句号。希望您在这次旅行中,不仅收获知识和历史,还有难忘的体验和美好的回忆。我是在伦敦的携程旅行定制师-HD·姜春雨,关于伦敦热门景点、门票、交通等相关问题,欢迎点我卡片咨询。无论您是S H O U发踏足伦敦,还是熟悉已久,我的定制服务将为您呈现出一个全新的伦敦,充满惊喜和新奇。 #云游伦敦文化#伦敦全攻略

    Posted: Apr 28, 2024
  • Xuefei
    Original Text

    I went to this branch called spitalfields (📍 address: 12-16 Artillery Lane, E1 7LS). In a small alley, the place is not very easy to find, a road blind, and I have been looking for Google Maps for a long time. Pushing open the door of the restaurant, what I saw was that it felt messy (sorry, my aesthetic can only be described as "mess") a very narrow aisle, the left side was full of messages from customers ✍🏻, hand-painted or photos, and on the right was an ancient Roman fighter statue 🗿 and a row of workers. Industry-style light bulb 💡. The whole restaurant is not big, more than a dozen tables look like, the lights are a bit dim, and the dining table by the window is separated by black barbed wire. 🍴 The most famous restaurant in ordering dishes is pancake, but I don't like sweet breakfast, so I chose Egg benedict. Two fresh water waves eggs 🥚 with a handful of salted bacon silk and baked just right bread 🍞, bite it down, ~ delicious ‼️ and order a cup of American coffee ☕, the taste is quite satisfactory, there are no highlights. 💁🏻‍♀️ Overall evaluation ⭐⭐⭐⭐ The taste of the meal is worthy of the name of the net red restaurant 👍🏻. However, the environment layout of this branch is personally too cramped, and the decoration is not enough. It is recommended that friends can choose other branches to experience it, such as London bridge there. 💡 tips: 🔺The breakfast club There are several branches in London, and you can choose the one closest to you and the most convenient transportation. If you are traveling with more than two people, it is recommended to go to their official website in advance to book a table. 🔺🕰️ Business hours are 08:00-15:00, and there will be no more pick-up after 14:30, so please calculate the time to avoid running in vain.

    Posted: Mar 31, 2020
  • 武当王也拜见姥天师
    Original Text

    This has been planted for a long time, today finally has time, no thunder at all, the whole process is very enjoyable

    Posted: Mar 22, 2022
  • 小小鱼的麻薯片
    Original Text

    The taste is pure and unique, the environment is clean and tidy, and the service is thoughtful.

    Posted: Mar 5, 2022
  • Vchean

    delicious food here.

    Posted: Feb 20, 2022
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