
Myeongdong Kyoja Main Review

4.5 /5343 Reviews

Myeongdong Kyoja Main

Posted: Jul 10, 2017
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  • 没有蜡olling
    Original Text

    Seeing a lot of people recommended Korean dumplings, I ran to Korea Street with my friends all the way, and the best result was the meat! Pork slices lean meat is fat and not greasy, a soft piece with chewy crispy bone, and spicy radish silk, garlic slices, peppers are filled with lettuce, bite a large mouthful of sweet and spicy fresh fragrance.

    Posted: Nov 28, 2021
  • M29***48
    Original Text

    The menu of the dumpling shop has a total of 4 categories (soy milk noodles are only available in April ~ October), and the price is 8,000 won. When ordering, you have to give the money to the waiter first. In addition, the renewal of meals or noodles is free, which is a very happy service for guests who are hungry. very good!

    Posted: Apr 12, 2020
  • M30***77
    Original Text

    The menu of Myeongdong dumpling shop has 4 categories (soy milk noodles are only available in April ~ October). You have to give the money to the waiter when ordering. In addition, the renewal of meals or noodles is free, which is a very happy service for hungry guests. Very satisfied!

    Posted: Apr 12, 2020
  • 一起去云游天下
    Original Text

    1️⃣ [Niuweiwu 우미옥]: This Hanniu store is definitely cost-effective! Roasted to the right Hanniu, the entrance is instant! In addition to beef, there are delicious roasted pork belly, fresh and delicious! 🥩📍 Location: Exit 8 of Myeongdong Station of Metro Line 4 ⏰ Business hours: 10:30~01:00 (all year round) 💰 Price: 45,000 won for beef rib eye / 200 grams; 55,000 won for plate stew / 200 grams 2️⃣ [Meat Leader 육통령]: This is the elite of the charcoal fire barbecue community! Even Koreans love barbecue! The charcoal fire dish is very close to the meat, making the meat cooked faster and the gravy more delicious! Eat barbecue in Myeongdong, you must not miss this one! 🍖📍 Location: 1st Street Zhongwu Road, Central District, Seoul 25-36🚇 Metro Line 4 Myeongdong Station Exit 5⏰ Business hours: 11:30~01:00 (latest order time 00:30, closed on public holidays) 💰 Price: Black pork 14,000 won / 150g; White pork 12,000 won / 150g 3️⃣ [No. 1 beef intestines 일번지곱창대창]: The secret seasoning of this store with the first-class beef intestines is perfect! If you haven't tried Korean sausage yet, I highly recommend this! 🌭📍 Location: 2nd Street, Ezhi Road, Central District, Seoul 199-64 3rd floor 🚇 Metro Line 2 Ezhi Road Entrance Station Exit 5⏰ Business hours: weekdays 16:00~01:00, weekends and public holidays 16:00~24:00💰 Price: Han Niu Xiao / large intestine 15,000 won / 200g 4️⃣ [Baiji Ginseng Chicken Soup 백제삼계탕]: This is a nearly 50-year-old Yuanzu Ginseng chicken soup shop! Whether it is the ingredients or the taste is first class! Friends who don't like spicy food must not miss it! 🍲📍 Location: Myeongdong 2nd Street, Central District, Seoul 50-11🚇 Exit 6 of Myeongdong Station of Metro Line 4 ⏰ Business hours: 09:00~22:00 (No rest throughout the year) 💰 Price: Ginseng chicken soup 16,000 won 5️⃣ [Shell 조가비]: Friends who like seafood pay attention! This home is used for fresh seafood of the day, all kinds of shellfish, can be steamed and roasted! 🦪📍 Location: Exit 5 of Ezhi Road Entrance Station of Metro Line 2 in Myeongdong, Central District, Seoul 38-1🚇 Business hours: 11:00~02:00 (no rest throughout the year) 💰 Price: roast / Steamed shells 37,000~65,000 Korean won 6 ️⃣ [Afternoon Pavilion 오후정]: Japanese family-style gourmet restaurant that is both good-looking and delicious! Korean couples like to come here very much! 🍱📍 Location: Myeongdong 1st Street, Central District, Seoul 7-2🚇 Metro Line 2 Ezhi Road Entrance Station Exit 5⏰ Business hours: 11:00~22:00 (Year-round) 💰 Package A/B 14,900 ROK 7️⃣ [Myeongdong dumplings 명동교자]: This is one of the Michelin restaurants in South Korea in 2019! Signature dishes are hand-cut noodles and dumplings! 🥟📍 Location: Exit 8 of Myeongdong Station of Metro Line 4 ⏰ Business hours: 10:30~21:30 (No business on Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival) 💰 Price: Knife noodles 8,000 won, dumplings 10,000 won 8 ️⃣ Hanniu Sushi Shop in Myeongdong: On the way out of Myeongdong to twotwo fried chicken, There is a small barbecue restaurant, many Japanese people have eaten in the past, Han Niu is superb. In addition, there is also a chain store's pork and roast pork skin is also very delicious ...🍖🍚# Myeongdong Travel #Korea asks me if you go to Myeongdong, remember to collect these addresses to make your food trip more colorful! Enjoy the trip to Korea! ✨😊

    Posted: Dec 21, 2023
  • 境无界
    Original Text

    Myeongdong dumplings (명동교자 본점) have been opened for more than 40 years, is the main store of Myeongdong dumplings brand, and can be regarded as the most authentic Korean dumplings. There is a lot of reputation among locals and foreign tourists, and even favored by successive presidents. Myeongdong dumpling restaurant has two floors. There are only 4 dishes on the menu, and they are only 10,000 won/piece. Renewing meals or noodles are free. Now the store also offers Chinese menus, and most of the waiters speak Chinese. The signboard is knife noodles and steamed dumplings (the selling is very similar to Xiaolongbao), and there is also dumpling soup. Myeongdong dumplings can be described as a famous restaurant in Myeongdong area. The Korean drama "Originally Beautiful Male" that is obsessed with countless young men and girls has been filmed here, and the degree of popularity can be seen. So to eat at Myeongdong dumplings, long queues are common. The dumplings in Myeongdong dumplings look more like Xiaolongbao, pork and vegetables stuffing, one is only the size of a spoon; and the knife-cut noodles look more like glazed noodles; The other two dishes are Korean noodles and soy milk noodles (soy milk noodles are only available from April to October). It should be noted that smoking is not allowed in the store.

    Posted: Feb 20, 2023
  • 金同学银生

    明洞为首尔知名购物商圈,想找首尔必逛、必买、必吃,这里集中了首尔吃喝玩乐的各种特色,逛吃逛吃[!][One]小众、文艺的明洞漫画街city walk,看首尔塔,漫步充满童趣的街道逛[Two]明洞聖教堂感受神圣的氛围,让心灵缓缓安静[Three]明洞小吃街吃特色韩国美食,根本吃不过来[Four]明洞乐天——首尔最大免税店[Five]明洞饺子韩国人自己都钟爱的米其林餐厅吃料理 #明洞步行街 #首尔自由行攻略

    Posted: Feb 16, 2024
  • 王师傅水二

    🌴夏日首尔游记攻略🛫🌈首尔明洞,美食与购物的绝佳结合!不必忧心地图庞大,一天即可畅游尽兴!提前预定🦈韩铁GIFT15,轻松行程往返,无忧交通。🍧别错过的必逛店铺🍭1、Olive Young2、다 이 소 DAISO明洞马路对面3、BLING BOX / TTO(饰品)4、Sappun (鞋店)5、明洞地铁出口处,激情CD店(必逛)6、ALAND (男女装大型集合店)7、新世界免税店8、Rainbow(平价衣饰)9、乐天百货(附近)🍜明洞美食必品推荐🍹1、Myth猪蹄(鲜香可口!)2、河东馆(百年老店 牛骨汤)3、随心所欲的咖啡4、安东鸡(不容错过)5、雪容汤(鲜美绝伦)6、别具风味的明洞饺子7.、冰镇饮料搭Issac三明治(绝佳组合!)8、olive young的贝果(精致美味!)趁着明媚阳光,享受首尔明洞的美食购物之旅,尽情沉醉于这个华丽都市的独特魅力!

    Posted: Nov 30, 2023
  • M48***69

    四天三晚的明洞逛吃逛喝之旅 🍗🥟🥩1⃣ 釜饭 🍙抵达韩国后的第一顿饭,选择了一家特色的石锅拌饭店。我点了他们的招牌双份牛肉拌饭。店面很小,先是将饭搅拌均匀,然后倒入碗中,再配上清汤(我个人不太习惯喝)。花费约80元左右人民币。2⃣ 广藏市场-生章鱼、生牛肉拌饭、糖饼 🌟晚上前往广藏市场,整个市场非常热闹,人流络绎不绝。尽管不知道吃什么,但还是推荐大家去逛逛。我选择了一家备受推崇的糖饼摊位,尝了一下,真的很好吃,价格大约在10元左右人民币。之后选择了一家人气较高的饭店,点了生章鱼和生牛肉拌饭,尽管一开始有点犹豫,但结果却意外发现口感还不错,特别是搭配蘸料更加美味。对于生牛肉,由于口感不太习惯,只品尝了一小口。此外,还尝试了一款瓶装酒,味道非常好,值得推荐。总花费大约在270元左右。3⃣ 韩牛 🥩随意选择了一家人气旺盛的烤肉店,一般来说他们的点菜起点是两份。店家会帮助烤肉,味道还不错,吃得非常满足。小菜也非常丰盛,满桌子都是。总花费约为600元左右。4⃣ 参鸡汤-土俗村参鸡汤点了乌鸡参鸡汤,价格有点贵,汤的口感比较浓稠,个人非常不喜欢。烤鸡也一般般,感觉家里做的烤鸡都能超越它。总花费大约在320元左右。5⃣ 饺子 🥟-明洞饺子非常好吃!店里的菜品相对简单,好像只有五种选择。我们点了一份饺子汤面和蒸饺。饺子很大个,皮薄馅多!虽然饺子汤面一般般,但也美味可口。总花费约为130元左右。6⃣ 炸鸡随意找了一家路边大排档,结果证明只有环境不错,味道并不好。还是建议大家前往专门的炸鸡店享用。总花费约为100元左右。7⃣ 章鱼锅-釜山元祖明朴火锅这是一种我回国后仍会怀念的美食!特别下饭!章鱼、牛肉、虾仁一起煮,粉条非常入味,名为釜山元祖明朴火锅。强烈推荐大家一定要去尝试!花费约为120元左右。总的来说,明洞四天三晚的逛吃逛喝之旅非常丰富多彩,满足了我的味蕾和探索欲望。无论是韩国特色的石锅拌饭、广藏市场的美食还是饺子、炸鸡,都让我留下了深刻的印象。在这次旅行中,我不仅品尝了当地的美食,还感受到了明洞的独特魅力。

    Posted: Oct 21, 2023
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