
Hua Nai Nai Suan Mei Tang Review

4.5 /595 Reviews

Hua Nai Nai Suan Mei Tang

Posted: Dec 27, 2017
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  • wbclawyer
    Original Text

    The storefront of Huamai Grandma's sour plum soup is not big. I accidentally walked past it on the bustling Dapiyuan Street. The flower grandma's sour plum soup tastes strong, the goods are real, the big cup of sour plum soup, old yogurt, etc. tastes very good, and the price is fair.

    Posted: Mar 15, 2020
  • 小雪Snow酱
    Original Text

    Go to the corner to find the stalls in the flower grandmother car, but there are signs on the high place, you can see it from afar, the first time I went at night, I saw the flower grandmother, the second time I was a big sister, you can choose hot or cold flower grandmother sour plum soup is really the taste of childhood, refreshing thirst, sour and sweet, The mouth is surrounded by the aroma of licorice, it will not be particularly sweet, and it is really different to drink it in peace. There is also sour plum powder for sale, which can be taken homemade.

    Posted: Nov 12, 2019
  • qmxc
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    I have looked for it before, and I have not been able to find it for various reasons. I have been able to taste it recently. 1. Service: The first time I passed by with my mother, I took a chance. Fortunately, it was the grandmother of the flower. She looked very good and spoke very well.

    Posted: Sep 14, 2019
  • 小小世界 123 加油
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    Three telegraph poles, babe beef clips, are so delicious. Casserole "Three Days and Two Nights to Eat Xi'an" Special soldiers food guide Xi'an ate 18 meals in three days. It was so delicious! ! ! Red list: Mutton Bubble, Beef Bubble, Water Pot Mutton, Zhen Cake, Casserole, Casserole, Elbow Bubble, La Beef Bubble, Biangbiang Noodles, Fumiao Little Camel Barbecue, Spicy Pot Helmet, Meat Bubble, Small Fried Bubble, Liangpi, Vegetable Bubble, Oil Splash Noodle, Three Electric poles 2 General: Flower Grandma Sour plum Soup, Chang'an food stall, powder steamed meat sandwich black list: oil tea twist (not used to eating, salty, paste mouth) mirror 3 cakes (very ordinary) milk glutinous (I don’t know if we went to which one did not do well, very sweet and the fishy smell of eggs, meatballs spicy soup (eat two, the two tastes different, I don't like it very much) #Food Raiders #Food Collection #City Exploration Plan #Go to the Streets and Lanes to find food #Xi'an Food #Xi'an Raiders #Xi'an Food Recommended

    Posted: Apr 2, 2024
  • 牛牛旅行社🍀

    🔘爱骅裤带面🔘马健酱汁烤肉🔘赵记素斋绿豆饼🔘石家包子🔘穆萨砂锅🔘花奶奶酸梅汤🔘馍麻哒土豆片夹馍🔘马继光玫瑰糍糕🔘香酥牛肉饼🔘甄糕🔘刘明柿子塔糊🔘李唯一胡辣汤🔘老米家泡馍(避雷 48一碗两片牛肉千万别吃)🔘子午路张记肉夹馍🔘佳宝甜食🔘马二酸汤水饺🔘哈桑烤肉/#西安必打卡 #西安美食 西安·陕西 。

    Posted: Mar 28, 2024
  • Wi逛逛吃吃看看

    西安美食之旅:碳水控的乐园,你准备好开启味蕾狂欢了吗?#周末去哪儿 #尝一尝地道老字号 🎉 西安,这座让碳水控们梦寐以求的美食圣地,是时候来一场说走就走的味蕾狂欢了!今天,就跟着我的脚步,一起深入西安的碳水天堂,探索那些让人垂涎三尺的美食吧!🍜🥙 子午路张记肉夹馍:这家可是肉夹馍中的佼佼者!🥇 别以为只有纯瘦肉才好吃,他们的肥瘦相间才是绝配!咬一口,肉汁四溢,香醇可口。而那丸子汤,简直是美味爆棚!丸子鲜嫩多汁,汤底鲜美无比,让人一尝难忘!🍲🍜 大皮院美食一条街:这里简直是美食的殿堂!🏛️ 花奶奶酸梅汤酸甜适中,一口下去,瞬间驱散夏日炎热!盛志望麻酱酿皮口感爽滑,麻酱的香气扑鼻,每一口都让人陶醉其中!🍶🥐 赵记素斋:这家绿豆饼可是本地人的心头好!尤其是绿豆山楂味,简直是味蕾的盛宴!绿豆的清香与山楂的微酸相互融合,口感层次丰富,让人欲罢不能!🌱🌶️ 宇泽盖浇面:如果你喜欢挑战辣味,那这家双椒鸡捞面绝对不容错过!🔥 面条筋道有弹性,双椒鸡肉香辣可口,辣得直戳你的味蕾,让你欲罢不能!🔥🥞 洒金桥美食一条街:这里汇聚了众多美食,让你大饱口福!🍽️ 胖子甑糕、刘明柿子糊塌、老金家蛋菜腊肉夹馍……每一家店都有自己的招牌美食,让你流连忘返!🤤🌅 小南门早市:清晨的阳光洒在热闹的早市上,各种美食香气四溢,让人垂涎欲滴!油茶麻花、粉汤羊血、肘子夹馍……每一样都是早餐的绝佳选择,让你一天都充满活力!🥣🍜 爱骅裤带面:这家店铺的裤带面绝对是西安的一大特色!🍜 面条筋道有嚼劲,汤汁浓郁香醇,再配上他们家的凉菜,清爽解腻,让你吃得满足又舒服!🥗好啦,这次的美食之旅就到这里啦!🎈 希望你们也能在西安的碳水天堂中找到属于自己的味蕾狂欢!🥳#当地才能吃到的美食 #西安旅游攻略 #和朋友出去撒欢儿

    Posted: Mar 1, 2024
  • 做个自由旅行家
    Original Text

    📍 Xi'an "Carbon Water Paradise" is really well-deserved. Although I often eat carbon water, I almost can't eat it in Xi'an~hhhhhh today to share the Xi'an specialties that I feel delicious, and the sorting stars are completely ranked according to my preferences~1️⃣ Huzi Water Pot Mutton 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟⭕️ (Cuihua Road Head Office) This is the most satisfying meal I have eaten in Xi'an! Just eat nearby after visiting the Provincial Bo! The amount of lamb in the basin is large and delicious, the barbecue skewers are just right, and the price is super high. ❗️2️⃣ Ziwu Road Zhangji Roujiayu ⭕️ (Cuihua Road Head Office) is very hot! Long queue! Classic meat sandwiches are poured with oil and spicy seeds! 👍👍👍 3️⃣ Lao Wujia oil tea twist 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟⭕️ Oversized bowl is only 6💰! The salty oil tea is matched with soy beans, heart-wrenching eggs, soft twists and crispy burnt leaves. It is super satisfying to drink in a bowl! 💕 4️⃣ Mahon Xiaofried bubble rendering 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟⭕️ machine cut , one fried, one bubble. The fried will add more flavor, slightly spicy, sour and sweet. The mutton of the bubble is very tender, you can put some chili sauce, but as long as a little, it is too salty. 5️⃣ Weijia Liangpiji 🌟🌟🌟🌟⭕️ Before leaving, I thought that there was still this one that didn't eat. I only ordered the secret cold skin. The red oil was wrapped in the smooth cold skin, as well as gluten, millet spicy, cucumber, broccoli. It was very spicy and very tasteful. If you want to try more categories next time. 6️⃣ Aiqi pants belt noodles ⭕️ I didn't eat the difference between biang biang noodles and three-in-one. There are quite a lot of ingredients, but some oils have not been finished. 7️⃣ Fat man cakes⭕️ real materials, not too sweet, five yuan a big box, fire 🉐 is well-known. I also bought a vacuum packaging as a specialty. 8️⃣ Maxicai egg sandwich apologize ⭕️ The material is very sufficient, peanut rice, sunflower seeds, almonds, pine seeds, rose pickles, two salted egg yolks, a simple fried egg. It's a bit dry and a bit salty. 9️⃣ tea party ⭕️ local milk tea, no work, you can punch in. 🔟 flower grandmother sour plum soup 🥤⭕️ sour! Good strength! The Chinese medicine taste is very strong. 1️⃣1️⃣ Liu Ming persimmon paste collapse 🌟🌟🌟🌟⭕️ delicious, a little oil, it is better to eat while hot. 1️⃣2️⃣ Milk egg glutinous 🌟🌟🌟⭕️ Freshly cooked, you can try it, a little uncomfortable to drink. 1️⃣ 3️⃣ Li's only meatball Hu spicy soup spine 🌟🌟⭕️ material is really quite a lot, but I am not used to drinking, and there are too many hooks. 1️⃣ 4️⃣ Baijiabaozi 🌟🌟⭕️ Why is it so hot ❓ I don't understand, it's not delicious ❌ #Xi'an Food #Xi'an Discover Store #Local Foods You Can Eat #Local Special Snacks #Really Xiang Snacks Collection

    Posted: Feb 27, 2024
  • | 向自由出发 |
    Original Text

    🌟 A mouthful of sour plum soup, the taste of time ♦ Xi'an's most in authentic cold drink stall adheres to the Chinese medicine formula for more than 20 years, and the first time you arrive at Huimin Street, you must taste the sour plum soup in Xi'an's heart after "ice peak", remembering the symbol of childhood summer. Grandma flower is the top1 in the heart of the old, Grandma flower's name is flower magnolia. ♦ Childhood, youth, middle-aged people spent in Huimin Street, 53 years old, the children have already established a family, she also began her own "career", a pot, a spoon, selling hand-cooked sour plum soup, a dry is more than 20 years. For more than ten years, the square of sour plum soup has not changed, her smile has not changed, and the taste of childhood has not changed! Grandma Hua regularly purchases raw materials, freshly boiled for 8 hours a day, zero addition, now is the star stall of Dapiyuan (one of the main streets of Huimin Street), unlike other drinks, Grandma Hua sour plum soup tastes full, one mouth, ice sweet into the throat, thick smoked wumei smell instantly fills the mouth, Make your appetite open, refreshing ♦ In addition to traditional sour plum soup, there are now two drinks with glutinous rice (wine brewing) and double (sour plum soup + glutinous rice) that taste great. Especially when you are ready to eat lamb bubble dumplings, steamed meat, spicy hot, barbecue, bring a cup of absolutely refreshing and detox, the combat power doubled. In other words, do you like sour plum soup or ice peaks? 🙋 Tip: There are now two flower grandmothers, one each in the big leather courtyard, her daughter's in the east, and the old flower grandmother shop in the west. 🏠 Shop: Huamai Suur plum soup Recommended time: all day [RoundNails] Address: No. 83, Lianhu District, Xi'an City, Dapiyuan (opposite the halal Erbu Restaurant) #Collect the New Year's Good Luck Ceremony #The City of Love by your side #Discover the color of the journey #City Humanities Handbook #Capture City Humanities

    Posted: Feb 22, 2024
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