
Guanchao Shengdi Park Review

4.1 /5364 Reviews
原来在盐官古镇全年365天都可以看观钱江潮浙江海宁盐官古镇以盐官观潮最负盛名,钱塘江大潮是三大涌潮之一,是天体引力和地球自转的离心作用,加上杭州湾喇叭口的特殊地形所造成的特大涌潮。每年的中秋节后3天农历八月十八就是最佳观潮日了。农历的八月十八是钱塘江潮水最汹涌的日子的确没有错。农历八月十六日至十八日,太阳、月球、地球几乎在一条直线上,所以这天海水受到的引潮力(月球、太阳或其他天体对地球上单位质量物体的引力和对地心单位质量物体的引力之差,或地球绕地-月(日)质心运动所产生的惯性离心力与月(日)引力的合力)最大。不过有一些朋友以为钱江潮只有那一天有,那真是错了!其实,钱江潮水是天天都有的,只是每天潮水到达的时间不同,而潮水的起伏程度也不同。钱塘江大潮是三大涌潮之一,是天体引力和地球自转的离心作用,加上杭州湾喇叭口的特殊地形所造成的特大涌潮。浙江省海宁盐官镇为观潮第一胜地(最佳观潮胜地),故亦称"海宁潮"。在观潮公园内的最佳观景位,就是这座占鳌塔,塔上是观看“一线潮”的最佳场所,也叫镇海塔,始建于宋代,重建于明万历四十年(1612年)。它与镇海铁牛一样,都是为了压住潮头,镇锁狂澜。占鳌塔砖身木楼,造型巧丽,是典型的中国式宝塔,在中国浙江沿海的古塔中是最为精致的。在中国古代的神话中,“鳌”是一条巨大的鱼,它有人类般的感情,但它的喜怒会引发海啸一类的灾难。而“塔”则是佛教神圣之物,传说可以降妖伏魔,于是人们建造了“占鳌塔”, 祈求能够镇压住鳌鱼,使它不能再兴风作浪,危害人类。鳌鱼不动了,大海就安宁了,所以“占鳌塔”也称为“镇海塔”。观潮公园内沿着江边的公园名为白石坛,原为乾隆皇帝御驾观潮之处,并留下御诗一首:“镇海塔旁白石台(坛),观潮端不负斯来;塔山潮信须臾至,罗刹江流为倒回。” 此坛后毁,现白石坛广场为2002年重建,集大型节庆活动、游览观赏、文艺表演、休闲娱乐于一体,是观潮胜地公园的标志性景观。一年一度的国际钱江(海宁)观潮节均在此举行。雕塑《那一天》主要再现了1923年9月28日,徐志摩陪同朱经农、胡适、陶行知等人在海宁观潮的画面。据当时徐志摩等人观潮时候所留下的一张照片进行创作,雕塑高约2.2米,为青铜材质。现在雕塑的位置也正是当时徐志摩等人观潮的位置。潮起时,远远看见天际有一条白线,慢慢的倾来,当临近时,便听大浪滚滚,气势如宏,奔流不息的向海而去……整个过程都非常的壮观。盐官观潮公园开放时间:8:00—16:30门票:60元,也可以使用海宁盐官观潮景区古城套票交通概况1、海宁火车站可乘专线中巴到盐官镇,仅需半小时,车资10元。另有T109路旅游专线巴士往返于市区与景区之间,市区始发站海宁火车站广场,终点站盐官。2、自驾车指南: 上海方向:沪杭高速公路屠甸出口处-海宁南北大道-东西大道(即沪杭复线快速干道、01省道)-盐官镇; 杭州方向:沪杭高速公路长安镇出口处-东西大道-盐官镇。钱塘江边几处观潮点介绍1、海宁大缺口钱塘江涌潮的起潮点在海宁大尖山以下的高阳山海面。进入狭窄喇叭口,潮波推进到大缺口附近时,南北二股潮波汇合,形成交叉潮。2、老盐仓钱塘江在海宁老盐仓转弯,一线潮碰到海塘急剧回头,形成回头潮。3、萧山八工段八工段的潮水非常精彩,可以跟对岸的老盐仓相媲美。4、萧山观潮城潮水冲击丁字坝和江堤,后面的潮水又推着潮头前进,能形成壮观的“回头潮”。萧山观潮城5、下沙大桥这个观潮点,最出名的就是“一”字潮,也是潮水中最常见的那种。6、七堡杭州七堡水文站一带有个丁字坝伸入江中,潮水冲向丁字坝后潮头迅速抬高,并形成回头潮。7、三堡三堡位于杭州东部,面积1.5平方公里,地处京杭运河入钱塘江口,杭州三堡有一个丁字坝。8、九溪杭州九溪珊瑚沙一带,钱塘江由西折向南面,有一条长长的江堤伸入江中。

Guanchao Shengdi Park

Posted: Apr 11, 2020
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  • 萝卜大大大坑

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    National Day happened to encounter the famous Qiantang River tide. I decisively took the baby to the scene to see it. The tide fruit is as spectacular as the textbook, which left a deep impression on the child. I really like their parking management and there is no congestion. It goes well. Like 👍

    Posted: Feb 17, 2024
  • 瓜尔佳蚊子

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    Take the baby to check in the fourth grade Chinese textbook to watch the tide. I went on October 5. The tide was not big. I took the train from Jiaxing to Haining Station. There was a bus directly to Guanchao Park when I left the station. Although there are many orders, it is okay.

    Posted: Oct 26, 2023
  • zier9842

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    Overall, it is not bad, the scenic spot is clean and tidy, it is to catch up with the tide watching festival, parking is not allowed to stop, far from the thief, said to be 800 meters, in fact less than 2 kilometers. It is not recommended to come here to see the tide, the tide is not spectacular, but the supporting attractions are not bad, you can play all day.

    Posted: Oct 11, 2023
  • kirakira0820

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    It’s a theme park to see Qiantang Chao. It’s nothing to say that there are any play items, but the tide is quite shocking. It takes two hours to wait for the tide. It takes only a few minutes to really see the tide. However, the ticket price is not expensive. It’s also considered to have experienced Qiantang Chao.

    Posted: Feb 13, 2024
  • 雅雅JUDY

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    # Travel with children with language documents! No tide shadow, first smell the tide. There was a rumbling loud noise in my ears, and the river was still calm. The sound was getting louder and louder, like a drum of war, deafening. In the distance, a white line appeared on the foggy river, and it moved west quickly, like "the practice of the cross river, the white sand rises white rainbow". Closer, the white line became a water wall, and gradually rose, "wanting to see the tide head a few times higher, the mountain crosses the waves." As a white wall quickly moved forward, The tide came to your eyes, there is a trend of ten thousand horses running, the power of thunder and thunder, and it is not right. Among them, the front-line tide of the salt official is most famous. Watching the tide is a pleasure, listening to the tide is a reverie. No wonder some people say that "Qiantang Guoli watch the tide people until the white head is insufficient.

    Posted: Oct 4, 2023
  • Anonymous User

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    This year's National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival holiday coincide with the Qiantang tide in August of the Lunar Calendar. According to various strategies, this is a theoretical good time to watch the tide. I didn't get 10-2 and chose 10-1. I didn't expect it to burst. The crowd is comparable to the tide. I waited for more than two hours to usher in the tide. Maybe the Chinese text is too exaggerated, there is no such feeling on the scene, but the guardrails of the dark tide that day afterward are gone, this may be the power of the Qianjiang tide.

    Posted: Oct 6, 2023
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