
Goddess Cave Review

4.6 /58 Reviews
格姆女神洞:摩梭人称为女神居住的地方详细地址:云南省丽江市宁蒗彝族自治县泸沽湖北部格姆女神山上交通攻略:到达泸沽湖景区后,环湖徒步或骑车时都会经过。从尼赛村出发,步行约10分钟可以到达索道站,然后乘坐索道上山即可。开放时间:8:00-15:00 (1月1日-12月31日 周一-周日)门票价格:包含在泸沽湖100元门票中亮点特色:女神洞是格姆女神山山顶附近得一个石灰岩溶洞,摩梭人称其为格姆尼可洞,"格姆尼可"意为女神居住的地方。它是人们最常去朝拜的地方,洞口挂满彩色经幡,洞内空旷,叉道颇多,洞中套洞,遍布钟乳石,宛如迷宫。格姆女神山海拔3754.7米,是泸沽湖四周最高的山峰。山顶的洞里有天然形成的石钟乳女性人像,因而在摩梭神话传说中,此山是格姆女神的化身。现已开通索道缆车直达半山腰的女神洞,乘坐缆车也可以饱览泸沽湖全景了。 转山节期间,摩梭人都要上女神山祭祀女神。从山头到山脚,转山的队伍形成一条条色彩绚丽的长龙,“女神歌”响彻云天。中国名山成十上百,格姆女神山以“天人合一”别具风采。乘坐索道缆车直达半山腰,迎面就是女神洞。洞口挂满了祈福牌,洞里面挺大,布满了形状各异的奇石,加之灯光的掩映,令人遐想万千钟乳石的形成往往需要上万年或几十万年时间。由于形成时间漫长,钟乳石对远古地质考察有着重要的研究价值,在石灰岩里面,含有二氧化碳的水,渗入石灰岩隙缝中,与碳酸钙反应生成可溶于水的碳酸氢钙云南是我国钟乳石资源最丰富的主要省区,所产的钟乳石光泽剔透、形状奇特,具有很高的欣赏和收藏价值,深受人们喜爱。“洞内到处都是钟乳石,湿润清新,有的像玉柱从顶垂直到地,有的像雨云倒悬空中,有的像白浪滔滔,波涌连天,真是气象万千,蔚为奇观。”格姆女神山也叫狮子山,是泸沽湖边的一座摩梭神山,泸沽湖旅游除了游览高原明珠之外,首推格姆女神山,丽江金沙旅游的泸沽湖旅游线路也包含了格姆女神山游览。泸沽湖地区属于汉族,藏族,纳西族摩梭人、彝族都多民族聚居地,所有格姆女神山也有多种称呼,摩梭语称“格姆”,藏语称“森格格姆”,“森格”意为狮子,“格姆”意为白色女神。摩梭人把格姆山神化,看作是女性的化身,顶礼膜拜,每年的农历七月二十五日,全民祭祀女神,作为隆重的节日,已有一千多年的历史。小Tips:建议中午时段去,雾气少,能见度高。索道在泸沽湖北部尼赛村有索道通往女神洞洞口附近

Goddess Cave

Posted: Apr 22, 2020
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  • 彪标
    Original Text

    There is a limestone cave near the top of the mountain, which the Mosuo people call the "Gemniko" meaning the place where the goddess lives. Since we arrived at the same time as the staff, the hole has not yet flushed oxygen, and the oxygen-deficient staff let us in and out for a while, so we did not enter.

    Posted: Oct 25, 2019
  • 悠悠维维
    Original Text

    I didn't report much hope. I went up at 10 o'clock in the morning and only bought the ropeway ticket. The ropeway was quite long. It was a bit scary at first and it was good to adapt. When I went up the corridor, I was pleasantly surprised, a lot of monkeys, and close contact. The lower ropeway is very suitable for taking pictures, the scenery is so beautiful, I feel that it is the best attraction in Lugu Lake.

    Posted: Aug 1, 2018
  • 妮妮一个
    Original Text

    We have to do this pulley car to the next station before we can get on the ropeway! I am still sitting for the first time! Fear! Take the cable car! This cable car is originally fully open, how do you feel that this journey is an adventure! God! Goddess Gem will bless me! At the end of the day, I jumped out of the car in a hurry, and was told that I had to climb 200 meters to reach the Goddess Cave, and my sister and I gave up halfway through the difficult walk. Everyone should pay attention, there is a temple next to the goddess cave, the leader said that the temple has been privately contracted, so...

    Posted: Apr 5, 2016
  • M22***25


    Posted: Oct 6, 2017
  • _We***89

    Verified Booking


    Posted: Oct 1, 2020
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