A beautiful beach 🏖️
Niche tourism U.S. overseas territory virgin islands
Today, I Amway Virgin Islands, an overseas territory of the United States.
Absolute blue water and blue sky. Photos are not supported by any filters. The sea in the Caribbean is absolutely different. I don't get along with Cancun. But it's smaller than Cancun.
You can travel from the United States with your driver's license alone. But flying back to the mainland of the United States from the island requires a passport or green card.
Anyway, all the documents that can prove your legal identity.
U.S. Virgin Islands is mainly divided into three major islands, St Thomas, St John, St Croix and a small island, Water Island. Thomas is the most commercialized. St John Beach is so beautiful. St Croix is not far away. It is said that there are more casinos, adult entertainment, etc. Water island is the minority of the niche, as if there are no cars on the island.
Vehicles on the island are left-handed, that is, the driver's seat is on the left but still on the left side of the road. There is also a BVI on American virgin island, that is, British virginislands, which is also left-hand. It can be arrived by ferry. It is an international travel and requires a passport.
You can take a ferry hopping island between st thomas and stjohn. There are bus Safari on both islands, like tuk tuk on call in Thailand. $1 US dollar.
Secret harbor beach recommended on st thomas
Take a boat from st thomas to st john. You will see a lot of Safari when you get off the boat. Decide which beach you want to go to, and then ask the driver for the price. Get out of the car and pay. Special treatment John# i-magen bay, trunk bay, cinnamon bay.