APK. Leo 2281

Longmenhao Old Street in Chongqing

If you come to Chongqing for a tour, you must visit this niche spot. There are few people, but it's super photogenic. Make sure to go on a sunny day. Longmenhao Old Street is located in the middle section of Nanbin Road, backed by Nanshan Mountain. Many old buildings from the Republic of China period are built against the mountain, layered and scattered. During the Republic of China period, local tycoons, officials, and foreigners working in China all lived here. After being refurbished, the old street retains the characteristics of a mountain city's old street, while adding many commercial features and artistic atmosphere. As usual, start the tour from the top of the mountain and move downwards, which is easy and effortless. **Entrance to the mountain:** Turn around after exiting from Exit 2 of Shangxin Street Station, head towards Dongshuimen Bridge, and when you see the bridge tunnel of Longmenhao Yue, go in and directly up the stairs to see the gate of Longmenhao Old Street. From here, you start the top-down tour. Camera position sharing: Because there are many routes in the old street, it might be difficult to find them just by text description. The old street is divided into five levels from top to bottom. Just remember, after going down to the next level, don't rush to go down again. Walk horizontally to the left and right on each level, cover the entire level, and then move down to the next one. During this process, you can easily find the camera positions as shown in the pictures. * **Fifth level:** Longhao Old Street Gate (p2), keep walking straight after entering the gate, and you will see the glass viewing platform Lanyue Platform and Dongshuimen Bridge (p3). * **Fourth level:** Go down the stairs on the left side of the viewing platform to reach the fourth level. The platform outside the Guanjiang Lanyue Gate Tunnel is the first camera position (p4). * **Third level:** Go down the steps from the mountain gate to reach the third level. The viewing platform alongside Elevator No. 5 is a very good camera position. * **Second level:** Take the transparent elevator in front of the srebrna gate to reach the second level. You will see the archway gate tunnel of Longmen Haoyue right after exiting the elevator (p13). * **First level:** Continue walking down to Nanbin Road, where there is a large vat. You can use the water surface in the vat to capture the reflection of Dongshuimen Bridge (p18).
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Jun 27, 2024
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