Baoji City's landmark building—Shigu Pavilion

📍Detailed address: Shigu Pavilion is located on the top of Shigu Mountain on the west side of the High-tech Development Zone in Baoji City, Shaanxi Province. 🌟Highlights: The Shigu Pavilion is 56.9 meters high with a construction area of 9,000 square meters, imitating the architectural style of the Qin and Han dynasties, with an external five and internal nine-tiered setup, mainly displaying Shigu culture and excellent calligraphy works from various dynasties. Shigu Pavilion is known as the number one pavilion in the northwest and is a landmark building in Baoji City. Historical origins: The Shigu inscriptions are pre-Qin stone carvings, discovered at the beginning of the Tang Dynasty on the ancient Shigu Mountain in Chencang, hence also known as Chencang Shigu or Chencang Hunting Stele. The Chencang Shigu Pavilion is named after it. 👍Most recommended: Take photos in front of Shigu Pavilion, appreciate the bold and simple style of the imitation Qin and Han high platform architecture, and its grand style. Visit the first-floor exhibition hall to see the ten stone drums and their inscriptions, and learn about Shigu culture. Ascend the pavilion for a bird's-eye view, enjoy the scenery of the Qinling Mountains and Wei River, and admire the cityscape of Baoji City. 🚉Transportation strategy: You can drive directly to the foot of Shigu Pavilion, and choose a parking spot by the mountain road. Opening hours: 09:00—17:00
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: May 28, 2024
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