Front Row Support's Clubhouse Presents... Kyle Amor! | The Motorist,

Front Row Support's Clubhouse Presents... Kyle Amor! | The Motorist,

Sep 26, 2024 (UTC+0)
The Motorist,


Hosted by Front Row Support at The Motorist in Leeds, we'll be starting with breakfast after which our very own Charlie Beech will be joined for a chat by Kyle Amor, who has played for Leeds Rhinos, Wakefield, Warrington and has represented Ireland on the international stage. He's now a popular pundit on Sky Sports, and we can't wait to have him joining us. We'd love to see you there; there's plenty of parking and your breakfast is included in the ticket price! Information Source: Front Row Support | eventbrite

Provided by JairoKing|Published Sep 20, 2024


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