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Drawing Cafe [#9] Coffee & Sketching in Berlin | CISpace Coworking Café
Mar 2, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
We meet and sketch each other in Berlin. This is just an art gym that we also exercise our social skills. Afterwards usually we go for lunch as a group. How Does It Work?This event is simple, we meet and sketch each other doing portraits. Most of the participants use pencils or watercolors. Main aim is to socialize while we draw. There will be plenty of time to talk and get to know each other. We have to mention that this event is suitable for all levels. Many have started to draw in our event actually. StructureA. Warmup Phase: We pose to each other for 1 minute. B. Main Phase: We pose to each other for 10 minutes. C. Showcase Phase: We show some of the drawings we did to each other. Who We AreCreative Sessions is an art events group located in Berlin. Where?This happens at CISpace - Coworking & Weinbar Bugenhagenstraße 9, 10551 Berlin !Please double check that you are standing on the correct address, you might be 5 meters away from it. There is a big sign with CISpace written on it. Check the photo attached also. Is it Free?The event is free of charge. I t is advisable to get a drink though. This is a cafe, we need to have at least half of the people on each table with a drink. They accept only cash and most hot drinks cost from 2.50 to 3.50. Art Materials?Bring your own art materials. How to donate?By cash at the event or with a Donation ticket here on Eventbrite. Issues with the eventIf any issues occur you can contact us via: -Eventbrite -Instagram at @ icreativesessions -Website Contact Form at https://creativesessions.art/contact Our Instagram ProfileFollow us on instagram @icreativesessions Use the hashtag #icreativesessions on your post description there to find out drawings from the event! The entrance of the venue looks like this.
Information Source: Creative Sessions | eventbrite
Museum Island Sketch Walk | James Simon Gallery
Mar 2, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Join us every First Sunday of the Month for a creative and cultural adventure on Museum Island! Explore the island’s renowned sculptures and unleash your creativity with a guided sketching session. We'll meet at 12 noon at the main entrance of the James Simon Gallery. Bring your sketchbook, pencils, and passion—perfect for all skill levels.
Information Source: Saman Art Session | eventbrite
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Sacred Bellydancing Workshop – Module 2 | MahaYoga Zentrum
Mar 2, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Only for Women | Workshop | March 2nd 2025 | 14:30 – 17:30 | MahaYoga Zentrum Berlin AboutThe workshop is structured in two modules. The first module took place in November 2024. Module 1: Earth & Water
Grounding movements to connect with stability and strength, followed by flowing sequences to awaken sensuality and softness.Module 2: Fire & Air
Dynamic, powerful steps to ignite passion and inner fire, transitioning into light, graceful movements to invoke freedom and heart awakening.This workshop also includes theory on the qualities and symbolism of each element, as well as meditations to connect with the specific energies of each element, helping you deepen your inner exploration. No prior dance experience is required – just an open heart and a willingness to explore! What to expect
Insightful discussions on the symbolism and energy of Earth, Water, Fire, and AirMeditations designed to help you connect with each element’s energyGuided bellydance sequences tailored to each elementFeminine embodiment practices to enhance self-awareness and confidenceA nurturing, supportive space for all levels of experienceA connection to the upcoming Tantra Yoga for Women course, fostering deeper self-discovery and empowermentReserve your spot now and dance with us in celebration of the elements and the divine feminine within! The workshop instructorNiluma Anne For about 5 years, I am engaging myself in spiritual Women groups, also called Shakti groups, in which we amplify our femininity and work on our spiritual development in order to use the full potential as a woman, with which we are naturally endowed and which is worth to be awaken at a maximum in this lifetime. I am participating in the Tantra Yoga for Women Intensive Training, which is a Training to lead spiritual Women Groups and close to my graduation. This journey helped me very much to blossom up myself and now I would like to share this knowledge with other women. PriceNormal: 20,00 € AddressDeutsche Akademie für traditionelles Yoga e. V.
MahaYoga Zentrum
Brunnenstr. 147
10115 Berlin
(directly at underground station Bernauer Str. (U8) – elevator exit)
Information Source: Deutsche Akademie für traditionelles Yoga e.V. in Berlin | eventbrite
Berlín en Español Comedia Stand-up OPEN MIC #62 - Temporada 4 | Valentin Stüberl
Mar 2, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
¡Muchos comediantes en escena! Aquí es donde nacen los nuevos comediantes de habla hispana en Berlín. Un espacio donde los veteranos acompañan de la mano a los nuevos talentos para entregarnos una fantástica noche de risas. El show de stand-up en Español con más ediciones y más sold out de la ciudad. Este show ya se ha convertido en un espacio de encuentro para que la comunidad latina e hispana de la ciudad disfrute de gran un espectáculo siempre cambiante en su idioma. Así como un punto de encuentro para conectar con otra gente buena onda de la zona. ¿Quieres sumarte? ¿Quieres probar suerte en el escenario? Súbete a mostrarnos tus 5 minutos y vuélvete la estrella de la noche. Anotate al llegar. También nos puedes pedir un espacio en Instagram: @Standupcomedyberlin o por correo electrónico al email info@standupcomedyberlin.com - CUPO LIMITADO - Nuevos talentos cada mes. HORARIO: Puertas 7pm - Inicio del show 7:30pm TICKETS: Tickets en preventa: 12€ Tickets precio regular: 14€ (D´´ia del evento) NOTA: El show suele estar completamente lleno, por lo que existe la posibilidad de que no haya venta de tickets en la puerta. Por favor consideren comprar sus tickets en línea, así garantizan su acceso al evento. - Evento 18+ ya que es un un bar. No se permiten menores. Información importante: -El line-up del evento puede llegar a variar en el día del show por causas de fuerza mayor. -En los shows se toman muchas fotografías donde puede aparecer el público, al asistir a cualquiera de nuestros shows aceptan que pueden salir en dichas fotografías. Estas fotografías pueden ser utilizadas en redes sociales con fines de difusión de nuestros eventos. Para cualquier duda o solicitud referente a dichas fotografías nos pueden contactar en Instagram @Standupcomedyberlin o en el correo info@standupcomedyberlin.com -No se hacen reembolsos. Creado por: Chadmax, el standupero No. 1 de habla hispana de Alemania. Más de 11 años de experiencia y fundador del colectivo The Comedy Fire . Este show es una producción de Stand-up Comedy Berlin y The Comedy Fire .
Information Source: The Comedy Fire | Stand-up Comedy Berlin | eventbrite
⭐ Stand-Up Comedy Show ⭐ Göre – Comedy Club ⭐ Stars und Sternchen ⭐ Gratis | Die Göre - Berlin Friedrichshain
Mar 2, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
⭐ Original Berlin Stand-Up Comedy Show ⭐ Comedy Club nähe Alexanderplatz ⭐ Regelmäßiges Open Mic (offene Bühne) mit stets wechselnden Profis und NewcomernSonntag von 17:30 Uhr bis 18:45 UhrGöre Comedy Club, Palisadenstraße 48, 10243 Berlin-FriedrichshainIm Untergeschoss vom Berliner Kriminal Theater und dem Umspannwerk Ost Freier Eintritt (Spende erwünscht, Vorschlag: 5-10 €)Empfohlenes Mindestalter 16 Jahre, nicht für Schulklassen geeignet⭐ Reservierung nicht notwendig (aber empfohlen): Einlass ab 17:00 Uhr (genügend Zeit für leckere Drinks und Snacks an der Bar)Der Anspruch auf die kostenlose Sitzplatz-Reservierung verfällt nach 15:15 Uhr!17:15 Uhr Einlass ohne Reservierung (falls noch freie Plätze vorhanden sind)17:30 Uhr Show-Beginnca. 18:45 Uhr Show-EndeComedy, wie sie sein soll – direkt, witzig und authentisch! Erlebt original Berliner Stand-Up Comedy im gemütlichsten Club der Stadt, dem Göre Comedy Club! Lasst euch von Stars und Sternchen der Szene zum Lachen bringen und genießt einen unvergesslichen Abend in entspannter Atmosphäre unter den Straßen von Friedrichshain, im Untergeschoss vom Berliner Kriminal Theater sowie dem Restaurant Umspannwerk Ost . Ein Standup Comedy Open Mic ist eine offene Bühne, das bedeutet, diese Show ist ein Trainingsraum für Comedians, ein Testlabor für Jokes: Hier präsentieren euch sowohl erfahrene Profis als auch frische Newcomer ihre neuesten Gags. Bitte seid bis 17:15 Uhr im Club, danach verlieren die Reservierungen ihre Gültigkeit und wir können euch keinen Sitzplatz mehr garantieren. Es gibt eine Bar, es gibt Musik – und so sichert ihr euch die besten Tische. Reserviert jetzt eure Plätze und macht euch bereit für eine Show, die euch die Schuhe ausziehen wird!
Information Source: Berlin Stand-Up Comedy | eventbrite
URBAN COMEDY - Das Comedy Open Mic mit Hip-Hop Vibe | Die Apotheken Bar
Mar 3, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
URBAN COMEDY Das verrückteste Comedy Open Mic Berlins. Es erwarten euch 6 verschiedene Comedians, sowohl Newcomer als auch Profis, die ihren neuesten, heißesten Scheiß testen. Als wenn das noch nicht reichen würde, gibt es jede Menge Musik-Gewinnspiele mit einzigartigen Preisen. Also Spaß ohne Ende und Gewinne, Gewinne, Gewinne!!! Jeden ersten Montag im Monat, in der Apotheken Bar Kreuzberg!
Information Source: Oskar Wolf Comedy | eventbrite
WIR ARBEITEN DRAN x STAND UP COMEDY x KREUZBERG x 03.03.25 | Oblomov Kreuzkoelln
Mar 3, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
STAND UP COMEDY x KREUZBERG Die besten Comedians der Stadt testen ihre neuen Jokes! Wenn du Lust auf einen richtig witzigen Abend hast, dann ist diese Comedy-Show genau das Richtige für dich! Die besten Comedians der Stadt präsentieren ihre neuesten Jokes – live und ohne Filter. Du kennst sie aus TV, YouTube oder Instagram, und jetzt hast du die Chance, sie hautnah auf der Bühne zu erleben, wie sie ihre frischen Gags ausprobieren. Also, schnapp dir deine Tickets, bring ein paar Freunde mit, und sei dabei, wenn die besten Comedians der Stadt ihr neues Zeug spielen! Killer Line Up, kompromisslose Empfehlung! Moderiert von: Daniel Wolfson 🎟️ Ticket-Info und Reservierungen: Reserviere hier bei Eventbrite kostenfrei und spende dann am Ende der Show. Bitte gehe verantwortungsvoll mit der Reservierung um:) solltest du reserviert haben und nicht mehr können, kannst du die stornieren, so dass andere dann eine Chance auf den Platz bekommen. Die Plätze sind sehr begrenzt! Die Reservierungen sind kostenfrei und die Show läuft mit dem pay as much as you can Konzept. Ihr zahlt einfach am Ender der Show. (unsere Empfehlung ca. 10-12€) 📍Lenaustraße 7, 12047 Berlin EINLASS: 19:45 SHOWSTART: 20:00 ⚠️ Die Veranstaltung ist für Kinder unter 16 Jahren nicht geeignet. Der Veranstaltungsraum ist rauchfrei.
Information Source: Daniel Wolfson | eventbrite
International Media Marketplace 2025 | The Ritz
Mar 3, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
The International Media Marketplace 2025 is set to be a pivotal event in the media industry, taking place on March 3rd at the prestigious Ritz-Carlton in Berlin, Germany. This highly anticipated gathering will bring together leading media professionals, innovative content creators, and influential industry stakeholders from around the globe. Attendees will have the unique opportunity to engage in insightful discussions, explore emerging trends, and forge valuable connections within the dynamic media landscape. With Berlin's rich cultural backdrop and The Ritz's luxurious setting, the International Media Marketplace 2025 promises to be an unparalleled experience, fostering collaboration and driving the future of media forward.
Dragoholic by Judy LaDivina | Tipsy Bear, Eberswalder Straße, Berlin, Germany
Mar 3, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
<3 WELCOME TO TIPSY BEAR BERLIN <3 this event, like any event at Tipsy Bear Berlin, is a safer space designed and operated by and for LGBTQIA+ people and BIPOC. We stand firmly against racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and hate of any kind. We stand FOR abundance, consensual pleasure, communal joy, and full presence. Come with respect and kindness. Our bar is wheelchair accessible. We are a smoking bar, guests must be 18+ to enter. Doors open at 18h everyday. Happy Hour from 18h-19h daily, 2-4-1 on Pils, Wine, and Spritz NOTE: A ticket for this event does not guarantee entry. Our staff has the final say. If you are not respectful to our safer space - if there is any complaint from our staff, artists, or guests - then you will be turned away or asked to leave and your ticket will be refunded. --- It's DRAGOHOLIC time welcome to the iconic stage for emerging drag talents, brought to you by the beautiful birthing hips of Berlin's most prolific drag mother, Judy LaDivina. this is a show to celebrate each other and celebrate the art of drag! for newcomers and superfans alike. Dragoholics don't need rehab, they just need more drag. LINEUP TBA
Doors at 6pm Showtime 19:30
Tell your babes, come together 😻
#dragoholicberlin #dragshow #berlin #berlindrag #dragberlin #dragqueen #dragking #dragthing #queerart #tipsybearberlin #queerberlin #childrenoftherevolution #wearefamily #dragfamily #freedom #beauty #truth #love ❤️
Information Source: Tipsy Bear Berlin | eventbrite
Ausstellung - BRUTALIST ITALY. | Istituto Italiano di Cultura/ Italienisches Kulturinstitut
Mar 3, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Ausstellungsdauer: bis 28. April 2025
immer montags (außer Feiertage) 16 – 18:30 Uhr
Eintritt bis 18 Uhr Die Ausstellung ist eine Initiative von: Direzione Generale per la Diplomazia Pubblica e Culturale – Unità per il coordinamento degli Istituti Italiani di Cultura
Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale - -------------------- Mit der Anmeldung über die Plattform Eventbrite erklären Sie sich mit den Datenschutzbestimmungen von Eventbrite einverstanden. https://www.eventbrite.de/help/de/articles/363929/f-a-fragen-und-antworten-zum-eu-datenschutz-von-eventbrite/
Information Source: Italienisches Kulturinstitut Berlin | eventbrite
The Kook's Nest Comedy Open-Mic 3 Mar | The Brazen Squirrel
Mar 3, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
WELCOME TO THE KOOK'S NEST ABOUT THE SHOW Mondays suck but these kooky comedians are here to save the day. You wanna have a funky funny time after a stressful beginning to your work week? Come on down to Berlin's coolest new bar “The Brazen Squirrel” right by Ostkreuz and enjoy this brand new curated comedy Open-Mic, brought to you and hosted by some of Berlins kookiest newcomers Felix Jakob (@felixjakobcomedy) and Tom Strissel (@tomstrisselcomedy). See anything from a beginner loosing their comedy virginity to a professional international comedian fine-tuning their best jokes while slurping on The Brazen Squirrel's incredible assortment of drinks. This is live performance, this is live comedy, this is art, this is going to be kooky, this is The Kooks Nest Comedy Open Mic @ The Brazen Squirrel. Anything can happen. Oh I forgot, there's also video games LOCATION The Brazen Squirrel, Lenbachstr. 17, 10245 Berlin 3 min walk from Ostkreuz S HOW MUCH FREE but we accept donations ;) WHEN EVERY MONDAY SHOW: 7.30 PM HAPPY HOUR: 5-7 PM (PILS & HELLES: 2,50€; SHOTS: 2€) HOSTS Tom Strissel: @tomstrisselcomedy Born and raised in the US, Tom moved to Germany in the fall of 2022 and has been performing standup since the spring of 2023. He was a semi-finalist in the 2024 Berlin New Standup Award and is a recurring member of the Berlin-based sketch comedy group Fuster Clucks . He is also the winner of the 2016 WBIN Family Guy Impression Contest. No one knows what that is, and you probably won't find anything about it online, but it was totally a thing. People were there. Felix Jakob: @felixjakobcomedy Starting out in the Amsterdam Comedy Scene back in 2021, Felix has been equally dazzling and weirding out Berlin Comedy audiences since his move here in 2022 and quick detour to a psychiatric hospital in 2023. Off weed and high on lexapro since then, he’s been trying to perfect his abstract, dark and stupid stage presence and jokes. For good and bad, he is definitely unlike any other comedian in Berlin. According to Oxford English Dictionary: kook (noun) a mad or eccentric person.
Information Source: The Kook's Nest Comedy | eventbrite
English Comedy at The Harp in Kreuzberg | The Harp Irish Pub Berlin
Mar 4, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Join Comedy Central veteran and German-Pakistani comedian Toby Arsalan for an intimate evening of premium stand-up comedy in the heart of Kreuzberg. This isn't your typical open mic – it's a curated comedy experience where YOUR Berlin stories take center stage. What makes this night special? Share your weirdest Berlin experiences and watch them transform into instant comedyCozy venue with intimate laughs and lasting connectionsWarm comedy that brings people togetherHosted by Toby Arsalan (Comedy Central, Datteltäter) – as seen opening for Todd Barry, Godfrey and other comedy legendsFresh material every week from Berlin's alternative comedy sceneA tight show that'll make Tuesday your favorite nightThe Details: 📍 The Harp Irish Pub (Oranienplatz 15, Kreuzberg) 🕐 Doors: 8:00 PM | Show: 8:30 PM 💶 Tickets: 7€ Why This Show? Think of it as your weekly comedy sanctuary in Kreuzberg, where multicultural humor meets Berlin's beautiful chaos. Whether you're a local, expat, or just passing through, you'll leave with a smile and stories to tell. Pro tip: Come early, grab a drink, and settle in for Berlin's most memorable comedy experience. 🎫 Limited seating - advance booking recommended #berlincomedy #englishberlin #kreuzberg #standupcomedy
Information Source: Toby Arsalan | eventbrite
Nickis Comedy Couch | Theater Verlängertes Wohnzimmer
Mar 4, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Egal ob Stand-Up, Kabarett, Musik, Spoken Word oder Clownerie - auf unseren offenen Bühne sind alle Beiträge mit komischem Potenzial herzlich willkommen. Traut euch selbst ins Rampenlicht oder schmunzelt euch munter im Publikum durch den Abend. Auftretende können sich vorab gern per Mail (nicki@tvwev.de) anmelden oder ihr Glück spontan vor Ort versuchen. Wir freuen uns auch über englischsprachige Beiträge.
Information Source: Theater Verlängertes Wohnzimmer | eventbrite
Mar 4, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
DNA. Art Club present ''REGGAETON'' Andrea Medina is a berlin-based dancer and instructs this class. fell in love with dancing at an early age of 9 years old. Since she likes to surround her life with art not only as a hobby but as a way of living, she studied musical language and performing arts. Combining her knowledge with the experience of various dance styles (such as ballet, contemporary, HipHop, afro, popping, bachata, salsa, twerk, etc.): ''I ensure an exhilarating and enjoyable training session that connects You with Your body and inner strength, all set to the infectious rhythms. In each Workshop we will explore different exercises as well as choreographies that will be adapted to the level of each person. Join Us for a class full of rhythm, passion & positive energy. WHEN: Every Tuesday 7.15 - 8.15 pm DURATION: 1 h WHERE: DNA. Art House Wrangelstr. 25, 10997 Berlin WHAT DO YOU NEED: Good Vibez. LEVEL: Open Level.
INCLUDED IN PRIZE:- Dance Class - Water available: Online Tickets / Box Office LIMITED SPOTS. SAVE YOUR TICKET NOW See You Soon. Love. Andrea Medina & DNA. For more info see: www.dna-artclub.com / follow us on IG: @nightart.club :) NOTE: By purchasing a ticket for this event, you grant us permission to integrate your contact data into our Database. This allows us to securely save and utilize your contact information to keep you updated about event details, relevant communications and future events. Your privacy and data security are important to us, and we assure you that your information will be handled with the utmost care and in accordance with our privacy policy = see https://www.dna-artclub.com/privacy-policy. Thank You for Your understanding and support.
Information Source: DNA. | eventbrite
Bridge Markland: Woyzeck in the Box! | Brotfabrik
Mar 4, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Experience Büchner's masterpiece "Woyzeck" in a whole new light with Bridge Markland's innovative interpretation titled "Woyzeck in the Box!" This unique performance infuses elements of pop music, creating a modern take on the classic play. The event will take place at the Brotfabrik in Berlin on March 4, 2025. Immerse yourself in this creative reimagining of Woyzeck, brought to life by Markland's distinctive vision. Tickets are priced between €11.33 and €19.68, offering an affordable opportunity to witness this groundbreaking theatrical experience in person.
Neuköllner Brett - Literatur und anderer Bums | Broschek
Mar 4, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Experience a unique blend of literature and performance at the Neuköllner Brett - Literatur und anderer Bums event in Berlin. Taking place at the Broschek venue on Weichselstraße 6, 12043 Berlin on March 4, 2025, this event offers a platform for artists to showcase their talents in a welcoming and engaging atmosphere. Admission is by voluntary donation, making it accessible to all. Immerse yourself in a night of creativity and expression at this must-attend literary event in the heart of the city.
Laute Post | Mulackei
Mar 5, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
PREMIERE!!! Am 5. März feiern wir ein Debut! Jin Jason, Karl Kelschebach und Birdy - Bühnenautor*innen und Wortkünstler*innen - laden zur ersten Ausgabe ihrer Lesebühne in die Mulackei.
Immer am ersten Mittwoch des Monats lüften die drei das Briefgeheimnis - und verraten euch, was sie Menschen und anderen Sonderbarkeiten per Post gern einmal mitteilen würden.
Gemeinsam mit wechselnden Gäst*innen präsentieren sie euch unüberhörbare Textvielfalt - von schallender Satire über markerschütternde Kurzgeschichten bis hin zu lautstarker Lyrik. Die Mulackei liegt zwischen U Rosenthaler Platz und U Weinmeisterstraße. VORVERKAUF 13€ regulär, 10€ ermäßigt (zzgl. Vorverkaufsgebühren)
ABENDKASSE Empfehlung 15€ regulär, 12€ ermäßigt Doors 18:30 Uhr, Beginn 19:00 Uhr Instagram @kunst_und_krawall_
https://kunstundkrawall.com Kultur für alle! An unseren Abendkassen gilt das Prinzip: Jede*r gibt, was er*sie kann, und wer kann, gibt gerne mehr! Denn unsere Veranstaltungen sollen trotz steigender Preise für alle Menschen zugänglich bleiben. Das bedeutet: 1. Unsere Abendkassenpreise sind Richtwerte. 2. Jede*r gibt, was er*sie kann. Keine*r muss sich rechtfertigen. Unser Einlasspersonal fragt nicht nach, wenn ihr weniger gebt. 3. Am Einlass gibt es eine Soli-Kasse. Wer mehr geben kann, kann uns gerne ein kleine Spende da lassen für Leute, die es sich weniger leisten können, und für die Kultur.
Information Source: Kunst&Krawall | eventbrite
Duck, Duck, Laugh | Birkenstraße 46
Mar 5, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
A seasoned comic and a random person (whom I love very much) walk into a basement... Want something besides the weekend to look forward to? Reward yourself for putting up with your job with a night of laughter direct from Berlin’s best comedians Join us in the basement of Tirreé (picture the inside of a clown car but there’s a fireplace for some reason) on the first Wednesday of every month to have your funny bones rattled by your hosts and 8 excellent comics. It’s not as violent as it sounds, we swear 5€ at the door, so our comedians can eat. RSVP now so you’re guaranteed a seat Hosted by two Americans who hate their home countries
Information Source: Max Elias Comedy | eventbrite
jazzwerkstatt w/VOCCIA & EBERHARD + TABORN & EVANS | Institut français Berlin
Mar 5, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
CÉLINE VOCCIA piano SILKE EBERHARD alto saxophone Die Saxofonistin Silke Eberhard und die Pianistin Céline Voccia sind feste Größen der freien Berliner Improvisationsszene und haben als Duo „Wild Knots“ ihr erstes Album aufgenommen. Ihre Musik, die vollständig frei improvisiert ist, verbindet energiegeladene Interaktionen mit klanglichen Experimenten. Während Eberhard ihr Saxofon von lyrisch bis expressiv erklingen lässt, erweitert Voccia den Klavierklang durch unkonventionelle Techniken. Ihr Zusammenspiel wechselt zwischen feinsinnigem Dialog und explosiver Eruption – stets geprägt von Spontaneität, Humor und künstlerischer Individualität. CRAIG TABORN & PETER EVANS
CRAIG TABORN piano PETER EVANS trumpet Der Pianist Craig Taborn und der Trompeter Peter Evans, beide bekannte Namen der New Yorker Avantgarde-Szene, erkunden als Duo neue klangliche Territorien. Ihre Improvisationen sind voller überraschender Wendungen – mal berühren sie Jazz und Klassik, mal brechen sie radikal aus gewohnten Formen aus. Taborn fasziniert mit einem nuancierten Spiel, das die feinsten Schattierungen des Klaviers auslotet, während Evans seine Trompete in ständig neue Klangwelten führt, inspiriert von Stilen, die von frühem Jazz bis zu experimenteller Elektronik reichen. Gemeinsam schaffen sie ein dynamisches Hörerlebnis, das immer wieder neue Perspektiven eröffnet. Einlass 19:30h / Beginn 20:00h TICKETS VVK: € 30 / € 25 erm. für Studenten nur mit gültigem Studentenausweis Foto: Peter Evans © Cristina Marx / Craig Taborn © Luciano Rossetti
Information Source: jazzexzess | eventbrite
Painting Workshop - Oil Colors, Acrylics [Realistic Approach] | CISpace Coworking Café
Mar 5, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
About this courseThis is a painting workshop with the goal of teaching people how to create paintings using either oil colors or acrylics. The total subject lessons consists of around 27 lessons that last 2.5 hours each. You can join at any time during the course. On each lesson the first part will be about theory and exercise and the second one about canvas time. Each participant will have the chance to work on canvas and start making paintings as artworks. All materials are provided by us. Each lesson has a subject. We do not follow a particular order, and every lesson is actually unique and many times personalized. This means that every time the attendess will have to do something new and different. You do not have to paint on canvas and with the mentioned art materials, you can also choose to use any of your wish. Most of the observations and exercises work well with all art materials. It is suitable for beginners and or even professionals who want to rationalize the canvas painting process. It is being hosted by the visual artist Miltos Despoudis. How much does it cost?First lesson try-out costs 17€. You can do that only once. 4 x Lessons Packet(2.5 hours each) cost 120€. In order to participate you need to prepay 4 lessons. You can pay either by cash or card at the event. 1 x Lesson (2.5 hours) costs 35€. Materials: A ll of the materials are included within the ticket reservation except the canvases. You can paint anything on a canvas we will provide you free but if you want to keep the canvas you will have to purchase it at the same cost we bought it. Canvases range from 3 to 9 Euros. How do I subscribe?You need to reserve a spot here and come at the event. You can pay at the event. If there are not availiable tickets here, please send us a message. Please verify that you are attending so that we know and prepare accordingly with the art supplies. Where is the venue?This happens atCISpace - Coworking & Weinbar
Bugenhagenstraße 9, 10551 Berlin !Please double check that you are standing on the correct address, you might be 5 meters away from it. There is a big sign with CISpace written on it. Check the photo attached also. What do I need?The art materials will be provided at the venue. You can also bring your own art supplies, it might be helpful to learn working with what you have. Keep in mind that working with colors might make your clothes dirty, but in general we try to be clean. More InfoThe workshop happens almost every Wednesday. Learn more about the lesson plan here: https://creativesessions.art/workshops/painting-workshop/ Issues with the eventIf any issues occur you can contact us via: -Eventbrite -Instagram at @ icreativesessions -Website Contact Form at https://creativesessions.art/contact Refund PolicyOn a case by case scenario. If you paid for a tryout session we can refund up to one day before the event starts. If you paid for the 4 lesson packet and used one of the tickets no refunds are possible. This is the entrance of CISpace.
Information Source: Creative Sessions | eventbrite
Jules Reidy pres. Ghost/Spirit + Max Eilbacher | silent green Kulturquartier
Mar 5, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Experience a captivating musical journey at the Jules Reidy pres. Ghost/Spirit + Max Eilbacher event in Berlin. Taking place at the renowned silent green Kulturquartier on March 5, 2025, this unique performance promises an enchanting blend of electronic and experimental sounds. Immerse yourself in the innovative compositions of Jules Reidy and Max Eilbacher as they push the boundaries of contemporary music. Secure your tickets for €15.99 and witness a one-of-a-kind live experience at Gerichtstraße 35, 13347 Berlin.
Petty Problems: A Mock Trial Comedy Show (Berlin Prenzlauerberg) | März Bar
Mar 6, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
In this new format improvised comedy show, comedian & host Žana Fejzić (BIH/USA) with the help of local Berlin comics will determine how petty your problems are in a mock trial. You, the audience, get to play jury & decide on a guilty or innocent verdict. 👩🏼⚖️ Think Judge Judy minus the yelling & law ⚖️ Find out if the punishment fits the crime! 👩🏼⚖️ HOW TO PARTICIPATE: Before the show begins at the door you'll find a QR code to scan to submit your petty problem anonymously. Your problem remains anonymous unless you wish to state it's yours. 🗓️ WHEN: Every 1st Thursday of the month Show begins 20:30 Doors open 20:00 📍 WHERE: März Bar (downstairs) Greifenhagener Str. 17 10437 Berlin 🎟️ TICKETS: Online tickets start from €10 €17 at the door without reservation (subject to availability) 💁🏼♀️ ABOUT ŽANA (BIH/USA): Born in Bosnia, raised in Florida, and living in Berlin, Žana’s comedy mirrors her eclectic cultural background and is best described as Balkan pessimism battling delusional American positivity sprinkled in with reggaeton flair. Within 5 months of starting comedy she became a finalist in the 2022 Berlin New Stand Up Awards and is now hosting & producing shows in Berlin & across Europe. She has opened for a variety of comedians across Europe such as Dragos Christian, Rob Anderson & Elena Gabrielle. You can catch her perform regularly in Berlin to hear her fresh take on the absurdity of immigration laws, her Balkan background, and growing up in Florida. Žana hosts & produces themed & interactive comedy shows in Berlin & beyond, such as the Berlin Comedy Dating Game Show, Funny Fortunes (a comedy & live tarot reading show), Comedy Confessions (an introvert-friendly themed interactive comedy show), Petty Problems (a comedy mock trial show), & more. IG @zanafejzic www.zanafejzic.com
Information Source: Zana Fejzic Comedy | eventbrite
Visible Mending- Weave Darning Workshop | Ohma Studio
Mar 6, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
(Dieser Kurs wird auf Englisch durchgeführt, jedoch wird bei Bedarf Unterstützung in Deutsch angeboten.) Come and join this cozy and creative workshop where you’ll learn how to repair and reinforce your favorite garments or fabrics with weave darning. This colorful and practical skill helps you breathe new life into worn-out items while supporting a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle. In this beginner-friendly workshop, we’ll introduce you to the basics of weave darning. You’ll start by learning about the tools and materials we’ll use, how to choose the right ones for your project, and then dive into the fun process of darning. By the end of the session, you’ll leave with a beautifully mended garment that’s ready to be worn again. All materials needed throughout the workshop will be provided. This includes darning needles, yarn and darning mushrooms. There will also be tea and cookies for a cozy atmosphere. What to bring: It is best to start with a sock as the fabric is usually quite stable to work with. However, weave darning works on all knitted fabrics and can also be used on Cotton or linens if you'd like to make a fun patch. This Workshop is beginner friendly It will be held in English or German support offered when needed. //////////////////////////////////// Kommen Sie zu diesem gemütlichen und kreativen Workshop, in dem Sie lernen, wie Sie Ihre Lieblingskleidungsstücke oder Stoffe mit Weave darning reparieren und verstärken können. Diese farbenfrohe und praktische Technik haucht abgetragenen Kleidungsstücken neues Leben ein und unterstützt gleichzeitig einen nachhaltigeren und umweltfreundlicheren Lebensstil. In diesem anfängerfreundlichen Workshop führen wir Sie in die Grundlagen des Weave darning ein. Sie lernen zunächst die Werkzeuge und Materialien kennen, die wir verwenden, wie Sie die richtigen für Ihr Projekt auswählen, und tauchen dann in den kreativen Prozess des Stopfens ein. Am Ende des Workshops nehmen Sie ein wunderschön repariertes Kleidungsstück mit nach Hause, das wieder bereit ist, getragen zu werden. Was ist inklusive: Alle benötigten Materialien Tee und Kekse für eine gemütliche Atmosphäre Was Sie mitbringen sollten: Ein Kleidungsstück oder einen Stoff, den Sie reparieren möchten. Webestopfen eignet sich besonders gut für weave darning. If you have any more questions please feel free to contact me: sina.maker.berlin@gmail.com Come and find me at: Instagram:@ Sina.maker
Information Source: Sina.Maker | eventbrite
Ein Kammermusikabend mit Klaviersolo und ein Violine - Cello Duo | Quiche-Haus - Salon L'écritoire
Mar 6, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Experience an enchanting evening of chamber music featuring a captivating piano solo and a mesmerizing violin-cello duo in Berlin. The event will take place at the elegant Quiche-Haus - Salon L'écritoire on Schönwalder Straße 20, 13347 Berlin on March 6, 2025. Immerse yourself in the harmonious melodies performed by talented musicians in this intimate setting. Tickets for this unique musical experience are priced at €17.17. Don't miss the opportunity to be transported by the beautiful sounds of this chamber music evening.
Commercial Dance | Weinmeisterhaus - Jugendkulturzentrum Mitte
Mar 6, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Du möchtest dich zu aktueller Musik bewegen und dabei Spaß haben und wohl frühlen? Dann ist unser Commercial Jazz Kurs genau das Richtige für Dich! Hier kombinieren wir Elemente aus Hip-Hop und Jazz zu abwechslungsreichen Choreografien. Egal ob Anfänger oder Fortgeschrittener – jede*r ist willkommen! In einer motivierenden Atmosphäre verbessern wir gemeinsam Deine Tanztechnik und bringen Dich in Bewegung. Entdecke, wie viel Freude Tanzen machen kann, und lass Dich von der Energie mitreißen. Do von 17:30 - 19:00 Uhr | 14 bis 27 Jahre * an Feiertagen und in den Schulferien findet das Angebot nicht statt -----
Do you want to move to current music while having fun and feeling good? Then our Commercial Jazz course is just right for you! Here, we combine elements of hip-hop and jazz into diverse choreographies. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced dancer—everyone is welcome! In a motivating atmosphere, we will improve your dance technique together and get you moving. Discover how much joy dancing can bring and let yourself be swept away by the energy.
Thursdays 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM | 14 to 27 years old
*The workshop does not take place during school holidays.
Information Source: Weinmeisterhaus Jugendkulturzentrum | eventbrite
Lea Streisand trifft Gert Anklam | Brotfabrik
Mar 7, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Am Abend vor Frauentag lädt Lea Streisand sich nen Mann ein! Einen mit lange Haare immerhin. Und er kann Saxofon spielen. Und zwar richtig. Gert Anklam startete musikalisch Ende der 80iger Jahre in der DDR-Freejazz-Szene und bewegt sich heute zwischen asiatischer und europäischer Musiktradition. Außer Saxofon spielt er zahlreiche andere Instrumente (Mundorgel z. B.!!), komponiert für Hörspiele und Dokumentarfilme und tourt mit seinen Soloprojekten durch Indonesien, Japan, China, Indien, Afrika und die USA. Am 7. März kommt er zu uns in die Brotfabrik Weißensee und zeigt uns, wie Zirkularatmung funktioniert. Damit Lea Streisand endlich wirklich reden kann ohne Luft zu holen. Lea Streisand liest ihre neuesten radioeins-Kolumnen und erzählt, was sie sich sonst noch so überlegt hat. Der Büchertisch wird betreut von der Buchhandlung Pankebuch. Ein besonderer Abend mit lustigen Texten, spannenden Gesprächen und berührender Musik!
Information Source: eventbrite
Salsa-Konzert | Zapatissimo | Salsa Tanzschule Berlin
Mar 7, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Experience the vibrant rhythms of salsa at the upcoming Salsa-Konzert in Berlin. Taking place at the renowned Zapatissimo | Salsa Tanzschule Berlin on Kolonnenstraße 29, 10829 Berlin, this event is scheduled for March 7, 2025. Immerse yourself in a night of energetic music and passionate dancing for a ticket price of just €10.24. Don't miss this opportunity to enjoy a memorable evening filled with infectious beats and lively movements. Mark your calendars and get ready to dance the night away at the Salsa-Konzert in Berlin.
Artist's way workshop | Kulturschöpfer e.V.
Mar 7, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Guided by Julia Cameron’s bestselling book, we’ll awaken our inner artist through her 12-week program of self-reflection, artistic discovery, and creative exercises. You can follow the program on your own, but it’s much more inspiring to share the journey with like-minded people, exchanging ideas and motivation! The program blends personal work (journaling, art projects, exercises) with group meetings to reflect on our experiences. We will meet once a week, on Fridays from 6 to 8 PM. This is a series of events, starting from March 7th until May 30th. Joining the group offers connection, artistic growth, and the chance to rediscover playfulness—bringing more balance and joy into our lives. Participation during the entire workshop is on donation, we suggest 30 euro for the 12 meetings.
Information Source: Kulturschöpfer | eventbrite
Gieza's Pokehouse [A Do-It-Yourself Drag Show] | Tipsy Bear, Eberswalder Straße, Berlin, Germany
Mar 7, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Gieza's PokeHouse is back! A Friday night drag show you're sure to remember! PokeHouse is a celebration of Do-It-Yourself Drag and emerging queer drag & drag-adjacent performers, hosted by none other than the hairy, delicious, and multi-talented Scottish Auntie, Gieza Poke! Featuring a new cast of performers each time on the first Friday of every month! DATE: 7th of March BAR OPEN 18:00 2for1 HAPPY HOUR till 19h SHOW 20:00-22.00 ENTRY 15 Euro-10 Euro (Pay what you can afford to support our artists and space!) AFTERPARTY: 22:00 til laaatee *Past Pokey Pals (performers) who wish to join back in on the fun and enjoy the show from the audience can DM Gieza on Instagram for half-price list (@giezapoke) --- ACCESSIBILITY AND SAFETY: this event, like any event at Tipsy Bear Berlin, is a safer space designed and operated by and for LGBTQIA+ people and BIPOC. We stand firmly against racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and hate of any kind. We stand FOR abundance, consensual pleasure, communal joy, and full presence. Come with respect and kindness. Our bar is wheelchair accessible. We are a smoking bar. Guests must be 18+ to enter. NOTE: A ticket for this event does not guarantee entry. Our staff has the final say. If you are not respectful to our safer space - if there is any complaint from our staff, artists, or guests - then you will be turned away or asked to leave and your ticket will be refunded.
Information Source: Tipsy Bear Berlin | eventbrite