Latest Events in Berlin(December Updated)

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Berlin Ladies Open 2025 | Berlin

Jun 16–Jun 22, 2025 (UTC+1)
Sports & Fitness

Scotch College Symphony Orchestra in Concert | Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche

Jan 21, 2025 (UTC+1)
The Scotch College Symphony Orchestra has been part of Scotch College for some fifty years. It first developed an enviable reputation for excellence under George Logie-Smith in the 1970s. Chris Latham took over from George, and brought with him a more holistic participation approach. From 1987, Dick Sheriffs conducted for the last four years of his extensive career at Scotch. The orchestra has been conducted by the current Director of Music, Dr John Ferguson, since 1991. The orchestra rehearses for two hours on Fridays after school, with weekly sectional rehearsals on Wednesdays for about 40 minutes. Places in the orchestra are determined by audition and staff recommendation, with minimum standards for string players set at above AMEB grade 8. Most first violins would normally have A.Mus.A. or L.Mus.A. diplomas. The aim of the orchestra is to give the students an opportunity to play classical repertoire in its original form in a properly balanced orchestra of some 70 or 80 players, comprising 40 – 50 string players, along with the required wind and brass. Parts are not ‘doubled’ (except when specified by the composer), so wind players learn the art of solo playing in an orchestral context. Symphonies and large-scale works are generally performed in their entirety, and recent repertoire has included Dvorak’s symphonies No 8 and 9 ‘New World,’ Franck’s Symphony in D minor, Tchaikovsky’s 2nd, 4th and 5th symphonies, and Elgar’s Enigma Variations. Other works include a host of concertos and overtures. The orchestra receives invitations to accompany various artists and organisations, including a performance of Yeomen of the Guard, presented by the Gilbert and Sullivan Society of Victoria. It also accompanied the Eton College Choir in a performance of Parry’s Blest Pair of Sirens in 2013. The orchestra has also received invitations to perform for festivals and events beyond the school. In recent years these have included an invitation to perform for the Governor of Victoria, an anniversary dinner for Ford cars, the Woodend Winter Arts Festival and a Tait Memorial Trust benefit concert. The orchestra has been broadcast within Australia as well as by the BBC, by Singapore Radio and by China Central Television. Most recently, the orchestra was selected to perform for the 2022 International Society of Music Education conference. It performed Elgar’s Enigma Variations in entirety. The orchestra often tours internationally. The first was a tour of Asia in the 1979 under George Logie-Smith. Other notable tours include China in 1986, England France and Belgium in 1995, 2005 and 2013, tours to Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Spain, a wonderful tour of five cities in China in 2010, and two tours to the USA (the last in 2020). The Symphony Orchestra Chamber Players have also performed in Zimbabwe, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Shanghai. Information Source: Free Concerts Europe | eventbrite

Hans Zimmer Tour | Berlin

Oct 24, 2025 (UTC+1)

Babykonzert - Highlights der Filmmusik | Palas/Gotischer Saal

Jan 11, 2025 (UTC+1)
🤩🥳🪩 Unser Großes Film-Spezial! 🦁 Musik & MEHR für Klein und Groß 🎵 - kommt vorbei für einen musikalischen Rückblick auf die besten Film-Klassiker aller Zeiten! So schöne Erinnerungen, die Ihr mit Euren Babys teilen könnt. #Programm 60 Minuten schönste Live-Musik (100% Babyerprobt 🍼❤️) inkl. Überraschungsgäste - seid gespannt wer diesmal wieder mit dabei ist! Es gibt drei Mal die gleiche Vorstellung, die erste um 11 Uhr, die zweite um 13 Uhr und die dritte um 15 Uhr. 🚨Die 15 Uhr Vorstellung findet als Familienkonzert explizit auch für ältere Musik-begeisterte Kinder statt! Alle Informationen: #Einlass freier Eintritt für Babys und Kinder bis 18 Jahre Einlass beginnt jeweils 30 Minuten vor der Vorstellung Einlass nur mit Ticket ☝️Bitte achtet darauf, dass euer Ticket nur für die Vorstellung gilt, für die ihr ein Ticket gekauft habt! Das steht im Titel des gekauften Tickets 🎫 #WasBrauchtIhr Krabbeldecke und alles was euer Baby braucht ✅ Herumkrabbeln, Spielen, Lachen, Weinen, Stillen, Wickeln und Schlafen ist natürlich ausdrücklich erlaubt! Zugang barrierefrei. Bei Fragen, schreibt uns gern bei Instagram oder unter ❤️ #Location Zitadelle Spandau - Gotischer Saal Am Juliusturm 64 13599 Berlin Information Source: Babyevents Berlin | eventbrite

Kool Savas - 50 Jahre Kool Savas | Max-Schmeling-Halle

Feb 21, 2025 (UTC+1)

C2C Germany 2025 | Berlin

Mar 7–Mar 9, 2025 (UTC+1)
Music Festivals

BONEZ MC - GAMEBOY TOUR 2025 | Max-Schmeling-Halle

Mar 28, 2025 (UTC+1)

Sex Pistols Concert | Spandau Citadel

Jul 4, 2025 (UTC+1)

Sex Pistols Concert | Spandau Citadel

Jul 4, 2025 (UTC+1)

Art in Berlin 1880 – 1980. From the Collection | Berlin

Jan 1, 2023–Dec 31, 2026 (UTC+1)
The Berlinische Galerie has devoted over 1000 square metres to presenting its collection. Waiting to be discovered among the roughly 250 works on show are paintings, prints, photographs, architecture and archive materials rarely or never displayed before. Walking around this exhibition is like time travel and takes visitors through Berlin in 17 chapters: the Kaiser’s era, the Weimar Republic, the Nazi dictatorship, the new beginnings after 1945, Cold War in the divided city, and the counter-cultures and unconventional lifestyles that evolved in East and West under the shadow of the Wall. In East Berlin, an alternative art community developed from the late 1970s. In West Berlin from the late 1970s, aggressive art by the “Neue Wilden” placed the divided city back in the international limelight.

Nan Goldin This Will Not End Well | Neue Nationalgalerie

Nov 23, 2024–Apr 6, 2025 (UTC+1)
With the Retrospective in the Neue Nationalgalerie, a comprehensive insight into the work of Nan Goldin from 1980 to the present day is given for the first time. Her individual series of works will be shown in the form of slide shows and films in pavilions designed by Hala Wardé in the upper hall of the Neue Nationalgalerie – each of these “buildings” is conceived in relation to the respective series of works; together they form a kind of village. After the opening in Stockholm and Amsterdam, the exhibition will now be shown in Berlin and will travel to Milan and Paris.
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Alper Emeklier: Layer by Layer | Under the Mango Tree Gallery

Nov 29, 2024–Jan 24, 2025 (UTC+1)
For the second time, the gallery Under The Mango Tree presents the Berlin artist Alper Emeklier (*1967). The solo exhibition, entitled Layer by Layer, explores the complexity of hybrid identity, with a focus on memories and longings that are shaped by the experience of migration, but cannot be attributed to it alone. On display is a range of paintings in oil on canvas that draw the viewer into Emeklier’s poetic perception of existence that come to life through his expressionist appropriation and exaggeration of the formalist concept of layering in painting.

Just be – Lass es raus! Kreativ-Workshop | Playground - Creative Space / Event Space / Photo Studio

Dec 28, 2024 (UTC+1)
Just be – Lass es raus! Kreativ-Workshop Ich glaube, dass jeder Mensch von Natur aus kreativ ist. Wir lieben es eigentlich, Dinge zu erschaffen, mit unseren Händen, unserer Stimme, unseren Gedanken. Aber oft ist unsere Kreativität wie verschüttet. Begegne deiner Kreativität wieder! Lass raus, was in dir schlummert! Dabei geht es vielleicht weniger darum, was du erschaffst, sondern eher darum, DASS du erschaffst. Beim Kreativ-Workshop gehört der Tag deiner Inspiration und Kreativität. Wir arbeiten mit Meditation und Visualisierung, und natürlich hast du ganz viel Zeit, um dein Creative Flow Bild zu gestalten. Meditation Wir beginnen mit einer Meditation. Komm in Ruhe an. Lass hinter dir, was du heute nicht brauchst. Stell eine erste Verbindung zu deinen Farben und Formen her. Visualisierung Nimm dir Zeit, um deine Ausdruckskraft entstehen zu lassen. Nimm wahr, was sich zeigen möchte, und spüre hinein, welche Gefühle oder Absichten dahinterliegen. Malen XXL Let it flow! Mach dein Bild zu deinem Bild. Lass raus, was kommt, ohne Wertung, ohne Druck. Nimm an. Genieße das Fließen im Entstehen und die Einzigartigkeit deiner Schaffenskraft. Genieße dein persönliches Erleben und den Austausch mit anderen. Gut zu wissen: Die Gruppe umfasst 20 TeilnehmendeEinlass ab 11:00 Uhr / Beginn 11:30 Uhr / Ende 16:30 Uhr inklusive 60 Minuten MittagspauseDu brauchst keine Mal- und keine sonstige VorerfahrungZiehe dir bequeme angenehme Kleidung an, nicht die Neuste.Ein Buch für deine Notizen mitbringen.Malutensilien und Malschürze werden bereitgestellt.Kleine Snacks sind vor Ort / Getränke werden nach Verzehr abgerechnet. Bringe dir gerne einen kleinen MIttagssnack mit oder greife auf die Möglichkeiten im Umkreis des Moritzplatzes in Kreuzberg zurück. Wir machen eine 60 minütige Pause.Auch buchbar als Gruppenseminar (z.B. für Unternehmen) oder als Einzeltermin. Anfragen direkt an oder hierentlang Drück dich aus, let it flow! Eine große weiße Wand wartet auf dich und dein Anliegen. Wir kombinieren Coaching, Meditation, Visualisierung und Kreativität. Wir freuen uns auf Dich und Euch und einen wundervollen gemeinsamen Tag. Janet und Team Information Source: ´TSF* TEAM SPIRIT FACTORY, Janet Friedel | eventbrite

DINNER FOR ONE not the same procedure as last year | Brotfabrik

Dec 29, 2024 (UTC+1)
In Ber­lin gibt es ganz eigen Tra­di­tio­nen: Zu Sil­ves­ter läuft der wohl berühm­tes­te und meist­ge­se­he­ne Fern­seh­sketch bei uns in einer ganz eige­nen und ande­ren Thea­ter­fas­sung in der Brotfabrik und das seit nun 25 Jahren! Und - wie im jedem Jahr - ist alles wie­der dabei: Alte Bekannte, geplatz­te Träu­me, neue Plä­ne, Über­ra­schun­gen und Ver­än­de­run­gen und – natür­lich – das unver­meid­li­che Din­ner vol­ler Schwung, Alkohol und dem musi­ka­lischs­ten Tiger, den das Din­ner je erlebt hat! Information Source: BrotfabrikBühne / Glashaus e.V. | eventbrite

BODIES x Candyflip x Bipolar Club Night | Æden

Dec 31, 2024 (UTC+1)

SHINE BRIGHT - INTO 2025 - at the GRACE | GRACE Restaurant & Bar, Kurfürstendamm, Berlin, Deutschland

Dec 31, 2024–Jan 1, 2025 (UTC+1)
Erleben Sie eine unvergessliche Silvesternacht in der GRACE Bar! Freuen Sie sich auf den Höhepunkt des Jahres und begrüßen Sie das neue Jahr mit einem spektakulären Knall. Freuen Sie sich auf eine Nacht voller Glanz, Glamour und purer Lebensfreude: Tanzen Sie durch die Nacht, genießen Sie exquisite Cocktails und prickelnden Champagner. In einer atemberaubenden Atmosphäre, umgeben von Freunden und guter Laune, erwartet Sie das wohl glamouröseste Silvester-Event der Stadt. Wir freuen uns darauf, mit Ihnen zu feiern! Hinweise: Einlass zur Bar und ins Restaurant ist ab 18 Jahren gestattet.Eine Reservierung garantiert keinen Einlass.Bei dieser Veranstaltung werden professionelle Bild- und Videoaufnahmen gemacht. Mit dem Kauf eines Tickets erklären Sie sich mit der Veröffentlichung dieser Aufnahmen einverstanden.Das Hausrecht obliegt dem Veranstalter.Tischreservierungen sind online möglich unter: www.grace-berlin.com____________________________________ Celebrate an unforgettable New Year's Eve at GRACE Bar! Get ready for the highlight of the year and welcome the new year with a spectacular bang. Look forward to a night full of glamour, style, and pure joy: dance the night away, savor exquisite cocktails, and toast with sparkling champagne. In a stunning atmosphere, surrounded by friends and good vibes, experience the most glamorous New Year's event in the city. We can't wait to celebrate with you! Important Information: Entry to the bar and restaurant is permitted for guests aged 18 and over.A reservation does not guarantee entry.Professional photos and videos will be taken at this event. By purchasing a ticket, you consent to the use and publication of these recordings.The organizer reserves the right of admission.Table reservations can be made online at: Information Source: HOTEL ZOO BERLIN X GRACE | eventbrite

Berlinda Materna - Confra | Curious Fabrications

Jan 4, 2025 (UTC+1)
Discover the exquisite world of Berlinda Materna at the upcoming event "Berlinda Materna - Confra" in Berlin. Hosted at Curious Fabrications on Greifswalder Straße, this event is scheduled for January 4, 2025. Immerse yourself in a unique experience that showcases Materna's exceptional talent and creativity. Admission is free, offering a rare opportunity to witness her work up close. Don't miss this chance to explore the artistry of Berlinda Materna in the heart of Berlin.

An Evening with Lee Harris in Berlin | Urania Berlin e. V.

Jan 5, 2025 (UTC+1)
An Evening with Lee Harris Accompanied by Davor Bozic Join acclaimed transformational teacher Lee Harris in Berlin for his first event in Germany in over 8 years. At this workshop, Lee will weave together his gifts of intuition, channeling, humor and music to guide you on a journey of self-discovery and provide you with valuable insight on how to handle some of life’s most common challenges. With a keen ability to read the energy of the room, he will directly address the core topics and themes relevant to those in attendance and will provide a heart-centered approach to fostering less stress, more happiness, and a greater sense of purpose. Sharing the stage with Lee is composer and musician Davor Bozic, who will craft a live musical soundtrack for the evening, adding a layer of depth, resonance and healing to the experience. Join us for an unforgettable night and take the next step in your spiritual evolution. Information Source: Lee Harris Productions Inc. | eventbrite

Pilates mit Miriam // Move with Miri | Osteo Atelier Krüger Lemke GbR Integratives Bewegungs- und Gesundheistzentrum - IBUG

Jan 9, 2025 (UTC+1)
Sports & Fitness
Pilates mit Miriam Pilates ist eine ganzheitliche Methode, die Körper und Geist in Einklang bringt. Durch präzise Bewegungen, eine bewusste Atmung und die Aktivierung der Tiefenmuskulatur werden Kraft, Flexibilität und eine aufrechte Haltung gefördert. Mein Fokus in unserer gemeinsamen Pilates-Praxis liegt voll und ganz auf der Förderung der Muskel Stabilität, dem Erlangen von mehr Flexibilität und einem Leichtigkeitsgefühl für jeden Tag. Ich lege großen Wert auf die korrekte Ausführung und die funktionale Wirkung unserer Übungen. Du lernst, wie du durch bewusste Atmung und gezielte Kontrolle in deinen Bewegungen ein besseres Körpergefühl entwickelst und deine innere Stärke aufbaust. Ob du deinen Körper kräftigen, deine Beweglichkeit steigern oder einfach eine kleine, bewusste Pause im Alltag einlegen möchtest – bei mir bist du bestens aufgehoben! 💪✨ Wann und wo? Start: 09.01.2025 📅 Donnerstag,s 19:00 Uhr 📅 Samstags, 10:00 Uhr 📍 Osteo Atelier Friedrichshain Komm vorbei und erlebe, wie Pilates dein Wohlbefinden verändern kann. Ich freue mich sehr auf dich! 🙌💫 Information Source: Move with Miri | eventbrite

Acting in Physical Theatre | Dock 11 Eden

Jan 10–Jan 11, 2025 (UTC+1)
Acting in Physical Theatre workshop in Berlin offers a unique opportunity for dancers, choreographers, actors, circus performers, and performing arts teachers to enhance their skills and creativity. Taking place at Dock 11 Eden on Breite Straße 43 from January 10-12, 2025, this intensive program focuses on Physical Theatre Techniques, Character Development, Ensemble Work, Practical Exercises, and Improvisation. Led by experts in the field, participants will explore the Ostrenko Method, incorporating techniques from Meyerhold's Biomechanics, M. Chekhov's Psychological Gesture, and Stanislavsky's Physical Action. This workshop is tailored for both seasoned professionals and aspiring talents with a background in performing arts, a commitment to collaborative work, and proficiency in English. Don't miss this chance to refine your craft in a supportive environment and connect with like-minded individuals from around the world. Secure your spot now and elevate your acting skills in physical theatre.

Showstoppers: Daisy Dick & Lady Dina | Tipsy Bear, Eberswalder Straße, Berlin, Germany

Jan 11, 2025 (UTC+1)
WELCOME TO TIPSY BEAR this event, like any event at Tipsy Bear Berlin, is a safer space designed and operated by and for LGBTQIA+ people and BIPOC. We stand firmly against racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and hate of any kind. We stand FOR abundance, consensual pleasure, communal joy, and full presence. Come with respect and kindness. Our bar is wheelchair accessible. We are a smoking bar, guests must be 18+ to enter. Doors open at 18h everyday. Happy Hour from 18h-19h30 daily. 2-4-1 Pils/Wine/Spritz NOTE: A ticket for this event does not guarantee your stay or entry. Our staff has the final say. If you are not respectful to our safer space - if there is any complaint from our staff, artists, or guests - then you will be turned away or asked to leave and your ticket will be refunded. -------------- Our Saturday night Showstoppers is a trans and queer, drag cabaret bound to leave you gagging! This week hosted the immaculate Daisy Dick and Lady Dina and featuring THE DAMES (Shirley Knott & Madame Eve) -- Doors at 18h Happy Hour 18h-19h30 Show 20h-22h Entry 10 Euro or 15 Euro Pay what you can to support our space and artists (cash entry available at the door) Fun All Night ;) Information Source: Tipsy Bear Berlin | eventbrite

Magic Underground | Kohlenquelle

Jan 13, 2025 (UTC+1)
Experience the captivating world of magic at Magic Underground in Berlin. This enchanting event will take place at Kohlenquelle on January 13, 2025. Immerse yourself in a night of wonder and mystery at Kopenhagener Straße 16, 10437 Berlin. Tickets are priced at €17.17 for an evening filled with astonishing performances that will leave you spellbound. Don't miss this opportunity to witness extraordinary feats of illusion and skill at Magic Underground.

IGW Green Week Berlin 2025 | Messe Berlin

Jan 17–Jan 26, 2025 (UTC-5)
International Green Week Berlin features a comprehensive range of international foods and luxury items fresh products of all types product markets International Green Week Berlin features a comprehensive range of international foods and luxury items fresh products of all types product markets, beer, wine and champagne, meats and sausages, seafood, teas, herbs and spices, agricultural and horticultural machinery and equipment, seeds, greenhouses and gardening supplies, breeding stock, pets, hunting and fishing supplies etc. Information Source: Messe Berlin GmbH | expotobi

Showstoppers: Dick & Danger Drive Drag Show | Tipsy Bear, Eberswalder Straße, Berlin, Germany

Jan 18, 2025 (UTC+1)
<3 WELCOME TO TIPSY BEAR <3 this event, like any event at Tipsy Bear Berlin, is a safer space designed and operated by and for LGBTQIA+ people and BIPOC. We stand firmly against racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and hate of any kind. We stand FOR abundance, consensual pleasure, communal joy, and full presence. Come with respect and kindness. Our bar is wheelchair accessible. We are a smoking bar, guests must be 18+ to enter. Doors open at 18h everyday. Happy Hour from 18h-19h30 daily. 2-4-1 Pils, Wine, and Spritz NOTE: A ticket for this event does not guarantee your stay or entry. Our staff has the final say. If you are not respectful to our safer space - if there is any complaint from our staff, artists, or guests - then you will be turned away or asked to leave and your ticket will be refunded. ----------------------------- Our weekly Saturday night show is bound to leave you gagging, this time hosted by THE GOLDEN DICK and ANGEL DYNAMO as they bring you: DRIVE! A Drive themed Divisive Theater Drag Show performed by Kings, Quings, and Creatures. Doors at 18h | Show at 19h30 Entry 10 Euro or 15 Euro, pay what you can to support our artists (cash entry also available at the door) Fun All Night ;) Information Source: Tipsy Bear Berlin | eventbrite

Blake Allure cabaret | Ballhaus Berlin GmbH

Jan 24, 2025 (UTC+1)
Experience the exhilarating Blak Allure as they bring their unforgettable Africa Cabaret show to Ballhaus Berlin! Get ready for an evening pulsing with energy, blending world class acrobatics, and jaw-dropping circus acts, Blak Allure delivers a show that celebrates joy of African beauty, and unfiltered passion. With after Show Party!! Information Source: Ballhaus Berlin | eventbrite

Kehlani - CRASH WORLD TOUR | Astra Kulturhaus

Jan 25, 2025 (UTC+1)

World Money Fair 2025 | Estrel Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Jan 30–Feb 1, 2025 (UTC+1)
"Mark your calendars – the countdown is on for the much-anticipated World Money Fair 2025! This premier event is set to take place in the bustling city of Berlin, from January 30th to February 1st, 2025. Nestled in the heart of the city, Estrel Berlin will play host to this extraordinary event, promising a spectacular experience for all in attendance. With a rich history of bringing together the who's who of the numismatic world, the World Money Fair 2025 is not to be missed. Esteemed professionals and avid collectors alike will converge at the venue, located at Berlin - Estrel Berlin, Berlin, Germany, for an unforgettable three-day extravaganza. Attendees can expect nothing short of excellence, as the World Money Fair 2025 showcases the latest trends, innovative technologies, and a treasure trove of rare collectibles in the world of money. So, brace yourselves for an event that's sure to make waves in the numismatic community!

World Money Fair Berlin 2025 | Estrel Berlin

Jan 30–Feb 1, 2025 (UTC-5)
World Money Fair Berlin will feature highlights that include the first issue of special and commemorative coins, numerous prize draws and attractive special activities World Money Fair Berlin will feature highlights that include the first issue of special and commemorative coins, numerous prize draws and attractive special activities. It is a platform for attendees to increase their knowledge about the history of coins and help them to know about old and new coins of different countries. Information Source: World Money Fair Berlin GmbH | expotobi

Ukrainian Dream: An Inspirational Stand-Up Comedy Show in Berlin | Hotel Continental - Art Space in Exile

Feb 1, 2025 (UTC+1)
🎭 Wild and unapologetically hilarious standup comedy show by rising Ukrainian comedian Dima Watermelon. This show is about dreams, the absurdity of life and quirks of our diverse society. “Deadpan Absurdity” — Stewart Lee, The Guardian Immensely likable stage presence and sharp storytelling — SLEEC Reviews Dima’s comedy is built on taking risks, and when those risks pay off, the results are golden — SLEEC Reviews Ukrainian Dream is a must-watch for anyone who has ever lived abroad or is curious about the expat experience. Its humor, heart, and authenticity make it stand out in the sea of other comedy shows — Midlothian View🤣 Expect spicy jokes and ridiculous life stories about the state of the world, Berlin techno clubs, emigration, online dating, interracial relationships, shark attacks, and more significant topics. It’s wild, hilarious, and he doesn’t hold back! 🎤 Last chance to see this show live! 50+ cities, many sold-out shows! 🌍🔥 Critical acclaim at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival! 🌟🎭 This show will be profesionally recorded! Brace yourself, because this show will exceed your expectations ;) 🎟️ Tickets: Online: from 8 EUR Door: 15 EUR 🪄 The show is held entirely in English Doors - 18:30 Showtime - 19:00 🍉 Dima Watermelon • • @dimawatermelon 🇺🇦 Dima is a Ukrainian stand-up comedian currently living in Germany. But don’t worry – he hasn’t lived there long enough to lose his sense of humor. His unique comedic style is a mix of absurdity, social commentary, and some allegedly inappropriate jokes. And yes, Watermelon is his real last name, simply translated into English. Dima has performed in over 30 countries, including renowned locations like Gotham Comedy Club in New York, The Comedy Store in London, and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Having lived in three different countries and visited over forty, Dima is no longer simply Ukrainian, but not quite European either. Stuck in this absurd cultural limbo, he finds laughter is his best coping mechanism. Information Source: Watermelon Comedy | eventbrite

Ukrainian Dream: Stand-Up Comedy Show | Netflix Special Recording | Hotel Continental - Art Space in Exile

Feb 1, 2025 (UTC+1)
🎭 Wild and unapologetically hilarious standup comedy show by rising Ukrainian comedian Dima Watermelon. This show is about dreams, the absurdity of life and quirks of our diverse society. “Deadpan Absurdity” — Stewart Lee, The Guardian Immensely likable stage presence and sharp storytelling — SLEEC Reviews Dima’s comedy is built on taking risks, and when those risks pay off, the results are golden — SLEEC Reviews Ukrainian Dream is a must-watch for anyone who has ever lived abroad or is curious about the expat experience. Its humor, heart, and authenticity make it stand out in the sea of other comedy shows — Midlothian View🤣 Expect spicy jokes and ridiculous life stories about the state of the world, Berlin techno clubs, emigration, online dating, interracial relationships, shark attacks, and more significant topics. It’s wild, hilarious, and he doesn’t hold back! 🎤 Last chance to see this show live! 50+ cities, many sold-out shows! 🌍🔥 Critical acclaim at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival! 🌟🎭 This show will be profesionally recorded! Brace yourself, because this show will exceed your expectations ;) 🎟️ Tickets: Online: from 8 EUR Door: 15 EUR 🪄 The show is held entirely in English Doors - 19:00 Showtime - 20:00 🍉 Dima Watermelon • • @dimawatermelon 🇺🇦 Dima is a Ukrainian stand-up comedian currently living in Germany. But don’t worry – he hasn’t lived there long enough to lose his sense of humor. His unique comedic style is a mix of absurdity, social commentary, and some allegedly inappropriate jokes. And yes, Watermelon is his real last name, simply translated into English. Dima has performed in over 30 countries, including renowned locations like Gotham Comedy Club in New York, The Comedy Store in London, and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Having lived in three different countries and visited over forty, Dima is no longer simply Ukrainian, but not quite European either. Stuck in this absurd cultural limbo, he finds laughter is his best coping mechanism. Information Source: Watermelon Comedy | eventbrite

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