Featured Events in Berlin in March, 2025 (March Updated)

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IT Pubquiz "AI-pocalypse" - Save the world from robots and drink beer! | Das Gift

Mar 11, 2025 (UTC+1)
Welcome to the year 2042! AI has finally taken over everything from your coffee grinder to the cars zipping down the Autobahn. Life is a breeze, thanks to the latest AI upgrade from AIDA, a decentral AI assistant system from our beloved billionaires from the valley. But Aiaiaia upsy daisy - a tiny glitch in the central system caused a catastrophic singularity event. Suddenly, AIDA decided it was time for humans to take a backseat—permanently. The world plunges into chaos as AIDA seized control of every piece of technology. Luckily you have been smart since corona and and staffed your basement with survival equipment and drone jammers. Who would have thought? Yesterday you went Bouldering and to Afters by Zalando Marketing Managers, now you are shooting down robots on Sonnenallee. Join us for Escape the AI-pocalypse-Pubquiz and see if you have what it takes to outsmart the smartest AI ever created. Good to know: Quiz Questions will have an IT / nerd focus! Also: First Drink is on the house. So, grab your friends, come to DAS GIFT and win some nice prizes sponsored by Ninja One. Have questions? Just write Fabian at More infos coming soon! Information Source: Agency for Very Serious Business | eventbrite

Painting on Paper Workshop - Watercolor, Gouache, Tempera [Open Form] | CISpace Coworking Café

Mar 11, 2025 (UTC+1)
Fine Art
About this courseThe total watercolor, gouache or tempera course consists of around 30 lessons that last 2 hours each. You can join at any time during the course. At the start of the event you choose which material you will use. The lessons will happen almost every Tuesday at 19:00-21:00 in Berlin. This course is aimed at introducing the painting process with watercolor, gouache or tempera as the main medium. These lessons cover the various techniques and methodologies. It is suitable for beginners and or even professionals who want to rationalize the watercolor painting process. It is being hosted by the visual artist Miltos Despoudis. How much does it cost?1st Lesson tryout costs 12€. You can do that only once. 4 x Lessons (2 hours each) cost 90€. 1 x Lesson (2 hours) costs 25€. You can pay either by cash or card at the event. Where is the venue?This happens at CISpace - Coworking & Weinbar Bugenhagenstraße 9, 10551 Berlin !Please double check that you are standing on the correct address, you might be 5 meters away from it. There is a big sign with CISpace written on it. Check the photo attached also. How do I subscribe?You need to reserve a spot here and come at the event. You can pay at the event. If there are no availiable tickets here, please send us a message. Please verify that you are attending so that we know and prepare accordingly with the art supplies. What do I need?Materials will be provided at the venue. You can also bring your own art supplies, it might be helpful to learn working with what you have. More InfoThis lesson is also known as Watercolor Painting Lesson or Watercolor Workshop . Learn more about the watercolor lesson plan here: Issues with the eventIf any issues occur you can contact us via: -Eventbrite -Instagram at @ icreativesessions -Website Contact Form at Refund PolicyO n case by case scenario. If you paid for a tryout session we can refund up to one day before the event starts. If you paid for the 4 lesson packet and used one of the tickets no refunds are possible. The photo below shows the entrance of the venue. Information Source: Creative Sessions | eventbrite

GEOMETRIC FANTASY- collage & drawing workshop | Café Anna Blume

Mar 11, 2025 (UTC+1)
Our next collage & drawing workshop is GEOMETRIC FANTASY- accompaying to the current exhibiton Kandinsky´s Universe: Geometric Abstration in the 20th Century in Barberini Museum Potsdam which is presenting all wonderful geometrical artworks. We will play with pictures and different papers and create all kind of geometric compositions. For those who want to get more inspired, I highly recommend this exhibition. Registration only via >> Price: 10€ (all materials included) find us on insta >> Best, Izabela Information Source: Social Art Lab | eventbrite

IT Pubquiz: Geek out and drink up! | Das Gift

Mar 11, 2025 (UTC+1)
🔥 Pub Quiz Alert: The AI Uprising! 🔥 Welcome to 2042! AI runs everything—from coffee grinders to self-driving cars. Life is easy, until… a tiny glitch in AIDA, the latest decentralized AI assistant, triggers a catastrophic singularity. Now, AIDA has taken control, and humans? Well, let’s just say we’re no longer in charge. Do you have the brains to outsmart the machines? 🧠💻 🔹 IT & Nerd-Themed Story Quiz with fun questions! 🔹 First drink is on the house! 🍻 🔹 Win awesome prizes from Ninja One! How to play? Just come alone or with a buddy - or make new friends and join a team! 📍 Where? DAS GIFT 📩 Questions? Email Fabian at 📢 More details coming soon—stay tuned! Grab your friends & join the resistance! 🚀 About: This quiz is hosted by Fabian from the Very Serious Business Agency. We plan to run it every second Tuesday, building up to the ultimate showdown to crown Berlin’s Best IT Ninja of 2025 in our NerdScore League. Prizes and the first beer is sponsored by Ninja One. Check us out here: Very Serious Business Agency 🚀 Information Source: Agency for Very Serious Business | eventbrite

HERNÁN D. CARO BIBLIOTHEKAR FÜR EINEN TAG | Instituto Cervantes Berlin - Das spanische Kulturinstitut

Mar 11, 2025 (UTC+1)
Literary Arts
Am 11. März wird der Autor, Herausgeber und Philosoph Hernán D. Caro, der in Bogotá geboren wurde und seit 2001 in Deutschland lebt, Bibliothekar für einen Tag und seiner Leidenschaft für Bücher freien Lauf lassen. Bei einem gemütlichen Beisammensein in der Bibliothek des Instituto Cervantes Berlin gibt Hernán D. Caro Lektüreempfehlungen aus dem Bibliothekskatalog, spricht über literarisch Bedeutsames und seine persönliche Beziehung zu bestimmten Werken aus der Sicht eines Autors. Dabei kann er aus seinen vielseitigen Erfahrungen bei der Zusammenarbeit mit den verschiedensten Medien wie der Zeitschrift Arcadia, der Deutschen Welle und der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung schöpfen. Es wartet ein vielversprechendes Gespräch über Bücher und ihren Einfluss auf das kulturelle Leben. Information Source: Instituto Cervantes Berlin | eventbrite

Kurulu Düzen - Açık Mikrofon | Deriva -Neukölln-

Mar 11, 2025 (UTC+1)
Kurulu Düzen - Türkçe Açık Mikrofon - Stand-up Komedi Şov Tarih: 11 Mart 2025, Salı Kapı Açılış: 19:00 Şov Başlangıcı: 19:30 Yer: Deriva Neukölln - Mainzer Straße 23, Berlin Kurulu Düzen komedyenleri bu Açık Mikrofon etkinliğinde yeni ve hiç duyulmamış şakalarını bu şovda deniyor. İsteyen herkes de ismini yazdırıp 5dk sahneye çıkabiliyor. Bu kahkaha dolu deneyimi kaçırmayın; birlikte unutulmaz bir akşam geçirelim! Kurulu Düzen Nedir? Kurulu Düzen Comedy, Berlin'de kurulan bir Türkçe komedi kollektifidir. Halihazırda stand-up, tiyatro, metin yazarlığı, reklamcılık ve podcast gibi mizahın çeşitli dallarında tecrübeli, 30’a yakın komedyeni bünyesinde barındıran Kurulu Düzen, her geçen gün büyümeye, güldürmeye ve şov sayısını artırmaya devam etmektedir. Etkinliklerimizden haberdar olmak, paylaştığımız ve paylaşacağımız şakalara gülmek için Instagram sayfamızı takip edebilirsiniz. Etkinlik Kuralları: Gösteri başladıktan sonra giriş yapılmamaktadır. Bu nedenle, lütfen etkinlik alanına erken gelerek yerinizi alın.Etkinliğe sadece 18 yaş ve üzeri katılımcılar kabul edilmektedir.Gösteri sırasında ve etkinlik alanında sigara içmek kesinlikle yasaktır.Etkinlik alanına dışarıdan yiyecek ve içecek sokmak yasaktır.Etkinlikte numarasız oturma düzeni uygulanmaktadır; erken gelenler, yer seçimi konusunda avantaj sağlar.Satın alınan biletlerde iptal, iade veya değişiklik yapılmamaktadır. Ancak organizatör, iade ve değişiklik hakkını saklı tutar.Organizasyon ekibi, diğer katılımcıları rahatsız eden kişileri,uygun görmediği kişileri etkinlik için bilet bedelini iade etmek koşuluyla, etkinlik mekanına kişiyi almama hakkına sahiptir.Şov sırasında rahatsız edici davranışlar sergilemeniz durumunda, etkinlik alanını terk etmeniz talep edilecektir.Etkinlik sırasında görüntü veya ses kaydı yapılması yasaktır. Çekim yapmanız halinde görüntüler silinmek zorundadır.KuruluDüzen, etkinlik boyunca ses ve görüntü kaydı alabilir ve bu kayıtları kendi amaçları doğrultusunda kullanabilir.Organizasyon ekibi, programda ve bilet fiyatlarında değişiklik yapma hakkını saklı tutar.Etkinlik kurallarına uymanız, hem sizin hem de diğer katılımcıların daha keyifli bir deneyim yaşamasını sağlar. Anlayışınız için teşekkür ederiz! Information Source: Kurulu Düzen Comedy | eventbrite

Ratzeputz International Comedy Show | Ratzeputz

Mar 11, 2025 (UTC+1)
Comics from all over the world share their ups and downs, highs and lows and deeply human jokes exploring how somehow we all ended up in Berlin, on a Tuesday night, laughing the evening away. Each month features our revolving line-up of experienced and touring comics guranteed to put a smile on your face as they hone their best work and try out a new joke or two, can you tell the difference? Ratzeputz bar features a seasonal menu of craft cocktails, par excellence, and is a great spot for a date, a big group friend-hang, a besti catch-up or a solo mission to meet new pals. Come down to the show for a laugh and make a new buddy or two! Tickets go fast, so you'll want to go ahead and reserve NOW. The Deets: Doors at 20:00 Show at 20:30 Free Entry Suggested donation €8-€15 Information Source: Ratzeputz Bar | eventbrite

YAAAS QUEEN! | Women & LGBTQ+ Comedy Show | The Wall Comedy

Mar 11, 2025 (UTC+1)
Yaaas Queen is a monthly celebration of fierce and fabulously funny queens, kings and royal criminal queers! The show is in English and on second Tuesday of every month. This is not just a stand-up comedy open mic – it is a fun and safe space for women & LGBTQIA+ comics who want to either try stand-up for the first time, work on their funny bits or experiment with other comedy formats. There’s always a different line-up of experienced and less experienced jesters and we try to make it as varied as possible! It is also a cosy opportunity for you, our lovely audience members, to meet like-minded, open-hearted people who enjoy laughing, can take a joke and just want to have a marvellous evening. You are welcome to come and support us with your ecstatic applause, roaring laughter and loving support no matter who you are or what you have or don’t have in your pants, bags and cupboards! Curious to try stand-up? Talk to us after the show! Doors: 20:00 Showtime: 20:30-22:30 (with break) This comedy show is produced by the fabulous Queen Bees Comedy collective consisting of Anja Woot, Carmen Chraim and Kat Nip. Information Source: Queen Bees Comedy | eventbrite

"Ugly Art" Drawing & Watercolour Painting Workshop! (Friedrichshain) | Ohma Studio

Mar 12, 2025 (UTC+1)
Welcome to the Ugly Art Drawing & Watercolour Painting Workshop! Join us on Wednesday 12th March 2025 at 6:30pm at Ohma Studio in Friedrichshain for a fun and creative event! *this workshop is held in English* Get ready to unleash your inner artist in this class as we dive into drawing and watercolour painting techniques. No experience necessary - just come with an open mind and a willingness to get creative! Our workshop will be led by Ness, an artist who will guide you through the process and help you create your own masterpiece. It's a great way to spend some time after work - surrounded by creativity and like-minded individuals. With a max of 8 seats, it's sure to be a cosy and intimate vibe! A unique opportunity to explore your artistic side, and play around with materials whilst making some **Ugly** art! **Cool art may also be made! Information Source: NessDoes Painting Workshops | eventbrite

BlackWay Comedy | nhow Berlin

Mar 12, 2025 (UTC+1)
BlackWay Comedy ist der neueste Hotspot für Comedy-Liebhaber in Berlin! In einem einladenden und kreativen Ambientebietet der Club eine Plattform für aufstrebende Talente und etablierte Comedians. Hier erwartet dich eineabwechslungsreiche Mischung aus Stand-up, Improvisation und besonderen Events, die garantiert für viele Lacher sorgen.Ob du einen unterhaltsamen Abend mit Freunden verbringen oder einfach nur die lokale Comedy-Szene entdecken möchtest,BlackWay Comedy ist der perfekte Ort dafür. Komm vorbei und erlebe unvergessliche Momente voller Humor und guterLaune! Einlass: 19 Uhr Beginn: 20 Uhr Information Source: BlackWay | eventbrite

JAMIE WANG: Work in progress | März

Mar 12, 2025 (UTC+1)
Starting her comedy journey in Taiwan, Jamie quickly rose to become one of the top English-speaking comedians in the country and a rising star in the Asian comedy scene. She draws in the audience with her deceptive “scared innocent girl” stage persona and deadpan delivery, while fearlessly delving into political and explicit topics, captivating audiences with her audacious, unfiltered humour. She brings a fresh Chinese perspective to the stage, reshaping narratives for not only Chinese people, but also Asian women alike. Her work has garnered widespread media attention, with features on NPR, Al Jazeera, Axios, and more. Jamie has opened for Atsuko Okatsuka, Sheng Wang, Jason Cheny, and Elena Gabrielle. She has headlined in key comedy hubs across Asia, and performed internationally. At the 2024 Melbourne International Comedy Festival, Jamie was awarded “Best New International Act” by Comic’s Lounge, one of Australia’s oldest and most prestigious comedy clubs. Information Source: LGBTQties Comedy Berlin | eventbrite

Painting Workshop - Oil Colors, Acrylics [Abstract Approach] | CISpace Coworking Café

Mar 12, 2025 (UTC+1)
Fine Art
About this courseThis is a painting workshop with the goal of teaching people how to create paintings using either oil colors or acrylics. The total subject lessons consists of around 27 lessons that last 2.5 hours each. You can join at any time during the course. On each lesson the first part will be about theory and exercise and the second one about canvas time. Each participant will have the chance to work on canvas and start making paintings as artworks. All materials are provided by us. Each lesson has a subject. We do not follow a particular order, and every lesson is actually unique and many times personalized. This means that every time the attendess will have to do something new and different. You do not have to paint on canvas and with the mentioned art materials, you can also choose to use any of your wish. Most of the observations and exercises work well with all art materials. It is suitable for beginners and or even professionals who want to rationalize the canvas painting process. It is being hosted by the visual artist Miltos Despoudis. How much does it cost?First lesson try-out costs 17€. You can do that only once. 4 x Lessons Packet(2.5 hours each) cost 120€. In order to participate you need to prepay 4 lessons. You can pay either by cash or card at the event. 1 x Lesson (2.5 hours) costs 35€. Materials: A ll of the materials are included within the ticket reservation except the canvases. You can paint anything on a canvas we will provide you free but if you want to keep the canvas you will have to purchase it at the same cost we bought it. Canvases range from 3 to 9 Euros. How do I subscribe?You need to reserve a spot here and come at the event. You can pay at the event. If there are not availiable tickets here, please send us a message. Please verify that you are attending so that we know and prepare accordingly with the art supplies. Where is the venue?This happens atCISpace - Coworking & Weinbar Bugenhagenstraße 9, 10551 Berlin !Please double check that you are standing on the correct address, you might be 5 meters away from it. There is a big sign with CISpace written on it. Check the photo attached also. What do I need?The art materials will be provided at the venue. You can also bring your own art supplies, it might be helpful to learn working with what you have. Keep in mind that working with colors might make your clothes dirty, but in general we try to be clean. More InfoThe workshop happens almost every Wednesday. Learn more about the lesson plan here: Issues with the eventIf any issues occur you can contact us via: -Eventbrite -Instagram at @ icreativesessions -Website Contact Form at Refund PolicyOn a case by case scenario. If you paid for a tryout session we can refund up to one day before the event starts. If you paid for the 4 lesson packet and used one of the tickets no refunds are possible. This is the entrance of CISpace. Information Source: Creative Sessions | eventbrite

Go West - English Stand-up Comedy & Lip Sync Battle | Aha-Berlin e.V.

Mar 12, 2025 (UTC+1)
Join us for one of Berlin’s oldest English stand-up nights! At one of the city's friendliest venues! Your hosts Simone Hudson (New Zealand) and Ben MacLean (Canada) pick their favourite performers for a night of good vibes and top-notch stand-up. Plus we've got the only Lip Sync Battle halftime show in the city! Starring headliner Fay Walsh! With featured acts Rohit Bhatia and Daniel Olel! Hosted this month by Simone Hudson Suggested donation EUR 10-15. Your donations allow us to keep the show going and to pay the performers for their hard work. A portion of your donations also goes to support our LGBTQIA+ charity home, AHA-Berlin e.V. Come find out why our fans say we're like no other comedy night in the city! Fresh, diverse line-ups, prizes for the audience, and comedy that's friendly but never boring. Information Source: Ben MacLean (Go West Comedy) | eventbrite

Madeleine Hofmann - Buchpremiere | Fahimi Bar

Mar 12, 2025 (UTC+1)
Literary Arts
Madeleine Hofmann, geboren 1987, studierte Politikwissenschaften und Soziologie. Sie lebt als Autorin und freie Journalistin in Berlin. Ihre Texte und Beiträge werden u.a. bei Deutschlandfunk Kultur und im ZDF veröffentlicht. 2018 erschien ihr erstes Sachbuch Macht Platz! Als Expertin und Rednerin für die Themen »Jugend und politisches Engagement« ist sie in den Medien und bei Veranstaltungen präsent. Für ihre Recherchen wurde sie mehrfach mit Preisen und Stipendien ausgezeichnet. Das Leben mit seinen unzähligen kleinen und großen Verlusten, die Weltlage mit ihren Krisen und Katastrophen. Es gibt heute viele Ereignisse, die Menschen untröstlich zurücklassen. Was aber, fragt Madeleine Hofmann, bedeutet Trost überhaupt? Die Autorin – gerade Anfang dreißig, als sie mit einer Krebsdiagnose konfrontiert wurde – möchte ihren persönlichen Trost-Weg teilen, indem sie von ihren eigenen Erfahrungen und von Begegnungen mit Menschen erzählt, die auf verschiedene Weise sich und andere trösten – enge Vertraute, medizinische Fachkräfte, aber auch Kreative. Das Buch hat eine unverkrampfte Herangehensweise an das Trösten, die alles Pastorale beiseitelässt. Mühelos bringt Madeleine Hofmann Hochkultur und Popkultur zusammen und zeigt anhand verschiedener Themen – Essen, Humor, Kunst, Natur, Philosophie, Sprache –, wie individuell und existenziell Trost ist: Jeder Mensch sucht und findet ihn auf seine eigene Weise. Moderation: Sarah Elsing Foto: Bahar Kaygusu Zum Buch: Kein & Aber Information Source: Kein & Aber | eventbrite

AUF DEN SCHWARZEN WASSERN // Georg Witte – Gedichte | PANDA platforma

Mar 13, 2025 (UTC+1)
Literary Arts
DE: „Auf den schwarzen Wassern“ enthält Texte, die 2019-2022 in Sankt Petersburg entstanden. Aber das Buch besingt keine Stadt dieses Namens. Es enthält Szenen auf Straßen, Plätzen, Märkten, Höfen, Gärten, an Wassern und Haltestellen, in Kaufhäusern, Kathedralen, armen und reichen Lokalen. Es geht nicht um die faule Aura einer Stadt, es geht um Fieber und Fluchten, Stürze und Flüge, Frieren und Rauchen. Die Gedichte entstanden dort, dann, das Buch nicht. Es entstand 2024 in Berlin. Es ist ein Abschied. Von Russland. Farewell Saint P…. Georg Witte liest seine Gedichte nicht, er spricht sie. Er memoriert und improvisiert aus rhythmischen Patterns und intonatorischen Vibes. Er selbst nennt seine Gedichte „Keime“ von Geschichten: Situationen und Atmosphären, die etwas in sich tragen: da könnte dies und jenes passieren… Eintritt: Spendenbasis --------------------------------------- EN: “On the Black Waters” contains texts written in St. Petersburg in 2019-2022. But the book does not praise a city of that name. It contains scenes on streets, squares, markets, courtyards, gardens, at water and bus stops, in department stores, cathedrals, and in bars and restaurants for the rich and poor. It is not about the rotten aura of a city, it is about fever and escapes, falls and flights, freezing and smoking. The poems were written there, then, but the book was not. It was compiled in Berlin in 2024. It is a farewell. To Russia. Farewell Saint P… Georg Witte does not read his poems, he speaks them. He memorizes and improvises from rhythmic patterns and intonational vibes. He himself calls his poems “germs” of stories: situations and atmospheres that carry something within them: this or that could happen there... Admission: Donation-based Information Source: PANDA platforma e.V. | eventbrite

Bollywood Dance workshop with Sonali Bhaduria in Berlin | Prinzessinnenstraße 16

Mar 13, 2025 (UTC+1)
Join us for a fun-filled Bollywood Dance workshop with the talented Sonali Bhaduria in the vibrant city of Berlin! Get ready to groove to the latest Bollywood beats and learn some amazing dance moves. The workshop will be held at Prinzessinnenstraße 16, so mark your calendars and bring your friends along for an unforgettable experience. Don't miss out on this opportunity to dance, laugh, and create beautiful memories together! It would be an intermediate level bollywood workshop but would be equally fun for all dancers - beginners or experienced! Date: 13th March 2025 Venue: Dolche Vita Dance Studio, Prinzessinnenstraße 16 10969 Berlin near U Bahn Moritzplatz TWO Workshops : Song: Tattoo : 18:00 – 20:00 UhrSong: Lucky Boy : 20:00 – 22:00 Uhr Information Source: BollyItOut | eventbrite

PREMIERENLESUNG: Norbert Kron | Hugendubel Berlin Steglitz

Mar 13, 2025 (UTC+1)
Literary Arts
Von honigsüßen Schmeicheleien über emotionale Erpressung bis kurz vor der finstren Höllendrohung Der Leser ahnt: Leicht war dieses Mutter-Sohn-Verhältnis noch nie. Mit dem Älterwerden der Mutter wird es nicht eben leichter. Und so gerät zum fintenreichen Scharmützel, was angesichts eines wüst verbeulten Autos eigentlich selbstverständlich sein sollte: dass die fast blinde Mutter endlich ihren Autoschlüssel abgibt. Und zum herkulischen Kampf, wenn der Sohn sie dazu bringen will, eine Vorsorgevollmacht zu unterschreiben oder gar die Hilfe eines Pflegedienstes zu erwägen. Was wie Verwandtschafts-Catchen beginnt, bringt allerdings auch existenzielle Einsichten mit sich - über Liebe, Tod und Familiengeheimnisse: Warum die komplizierte deutsche Geschichte aus der heimatvertriebenen Mutter machte, wer sie ist, und wie aus lebenslangen Kämpfen am Ende noch Versöhnung und Glück erwachsen. Moderation: Shelly Kupferberg 352 Seiten, 23,-€, Galiani Verlag Hier geht's zum Buch ... Freut euch auf einen unterhaltsamen Abend mit Norbert Kron am Donnerstag, den 13.03.2025, ab 20.15 Uhr in eurer Hugendubel Buchhandlung in Berlin Steglitz! Portrait: Norbert Kron, geboren 1965 in München, studierte deutsche und französische Literatur und lebt seit 1992 als Fernsehkulturjournalist und Schriftsteller in Berlin. Er interviewte für Sendungen in ARD und ZDF zahlreiche Kulturschaffende und Prominente, von Juliette Binoche und Michel Houellebecq über Martin Scorsese und Amos Oz bis Günter Grass. Für seine Romane (zuletzt Der Mann, der E. T. A. Hoffmann erfand) erhielt er Stipendien des Deutschen Literaturfonds und der Villa Aurora Los Angeles. Hinweise: Diese Veranstaltung kann in Bild und Ton zu PR-Zwecken aufgezeichnet werden. Bleiben Sie in Kontakt! YouTube| Instagram| Facebook Information Source: Buchhandlung Hugendubel | eventbrite


Mar 13, 2025 (UTC+1)
Literary Arts
DE: „Auf den schwarzen Wassern“ enthält Texte, die 2019-2022 in Sankt Petersburg entstanden. Aber das Buch besingt keine Stadt dieses Namens. Es enthält Szenen auf Straßen, Plätzen, Märkten, Höfen, Gärten, an Wassern und Haltestellen, in Kaufhäusern, Kathedralen, armen und reichen Lokalen. Es geht nicht um die faule Aura einer Stadt, es geht um Fieber und Fluchten, Stürze und Flüge, Frieren und Rauchen. Die Gedichte entstanden dort, dann, das Buch nicht. Es entstand 2024 in Berlin. Es ist ein Abschied. Von Russland. Farewell Saint P…. Der Autor liest seine Gedichte nicht, er spricht sie. Er memoriert und improvisiert aus rhythmischen Patterns und intonatorischen Vibes. Er selbst nennt seine Gedichte „Keime“ von Geschichten: Situationen und Atmosphären, die etwas in sich tragen: da könnte dies und jenes passieren… Eintritt: Spendenbasis --------------------------------------- EN: “On the Black Waters” contains texts written in St. Petersburg in 2019-2022. But the book does not praise a city of that name. It contains scenes on streets, squares, markets, courtyards, gardens, at water and bus stops, in department stores, cathedrals, and in bars and restaurants for the rich and poor. It is not about the rotten aura of a city, it is about fever and escapes, falls and flights, freezing and smoking. The poems were written there, then, but the book was not. It was compiled in Berlin in 2024. It is a farewell. To Russia. Farewell Saint P… The author does not read his poems, he speaks them. He memorizes and improvises from rhythmic patterns and intonational vibes. He himself calls his poems “germs” of stories: situations and atmospheres that carry something within them: this or that could happen there... Admission: Donation-based Information Source: PANDA platforma e.V. | eventbrite

Lenny Kravitz concert | Uber Arena

Mar 14, 2025 (UTC+1)

Patrick Spicer: Absolutely (Stand-up Comedy in English) | Kohlenquelle

Mar 14, 2025 (UTC+1)
Patrick Spicer: Absolutely Freshly minted viral superstar Patrick Spicer is hitting the road for his first-ever tour of the UK, Ireland, and mainland Europe! With over 150,000 followers and 50 million views online, Patrick has been consistently selling out shows across the UK. Now, he’s going international! Bringing his quick wit, effortless audience interaction, and hilarious true stories to a host of cities around Europe. Following multiple sold-out runs at the Edinburgh fringe, and the release of his first ever comedy special in September 2024, his new show is a riotous mix of the comical and the candid. As seen on BBC One, BBC iPlayer, and Channel 4, this is your chance to catch one of the fastest-rising comedians in the UK live. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Comedy masterclass” - Mumble Comedy ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “Natural… Not a flicker of hesitation” - The Skinny ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “Well thought out and very funny” - Broadway Baby Note: English language performance Information Source: Patrick Spicer | eventbrite

Guerilla Slam | Mulackei

Mar 14, 2025 (UTC+1)
Literary Arts
Herzlich Willkommen beim Guerilla Slam! Der Guerilla Slam ist ein Poetry Slam, bei dem verschiedene Künstler*innen mit ihren selbstverfassten Texten gegeneinander antreten. Die Auftretenden haben 6 Minuten Zeit, von sich und ihren Texten zu überzeugen. Wer gewinnt, entscheidet niemand geringeres als das Publikum! Erlebt selbst, wie gesprochenes Wort einen ganzen Raum entflammen und begeistern kann! Die Mulackei liegt zwischen U Rosenthaler Platz und U Weinmeisterstraße. VORVERKAUF 13€ regulär, 10€ ermäßigt (zzgl. Vorverkaufsgebühren) ABENDKASSE Empfehlung 15€ regulär, 12€ ermäßigt Doors 18:15 Uhr, Beginn 19:00 Uhr Instagram @kunst_und_krawall_ Kultur für alle! An unseren Abendkassen gilt das Prinzip: Jede*r gibt, was er*sie kann, und wer kann, gibt gerne mehr! Denn unsere Veranstaltungen sollen trotz steigender Preise für alle Menschen zugänglich bleiben. Das bedeutet: 1. Unsere Abendkassenpreise sind Richtwerte. 2. Jede*r gibt, was er*sie kann. Keine*r muss sich rechtfertigen. Unser Einlasspersonal fragt nicht nach, wenn ihr weniger gebt. 3. Am Einlass gibt es eine Soli-Kasse. Wer mehr geben kann, kann uns gerne ein kleine Spende da lassen für Leute, die es sich weniger leisten können, und für die Kultur. Information Source: Kunst&Krawall | eventbrite

Atmen | Theater Verlängertes Wohnzimmer

Mar 14, 2025 (UTC+1)
In dem Stück »Atmen« von Duncan Macmillan setzt sich ein Paar mit dem Thema Zukunftsplanung auseinander. Doch: Ein Baby, jetzt?! In dieser unsicheren Zeit? Was ist mit der Umweltverschmutzung und dem CO2- Fussabdruck? Der Planet ist doch schon überbevölkert! Was wird mit uns? Ein Kind aus Liebe in die Welt zu setzen, wird nun zu etwas Abstraktem, etwas Bedrohlichem, dem sie nicht gewachsen zu sein scheinen. Obwohl man es doch so sehr will ... Zu groß sind die Unsicherheiten und Faktoren, die ein »guter Mensch« bedenken muss. Doch was ist das eigentlich, ein »guter Mensch«? Information Source: Theater Verlängertes Wohnzimmer | eventbrite

Pretty in Pink! - 80s / 90s/ 00 Celebration | MAXXIM CLUB BERLIN

Mar 14–Mar 15, 2025 (UTC+1)
PRETTY IN PINK ! Freitag 14.03.2025 ab 19 Uhr ### Welcome Back to the Glittering Times of the 80s, 90s, and 2000s! Immerse yourself with us in an era full of neon lights, wild hairstyles, and irresistible beats. This night will be a tribute to the era of Pretty in Pink, a film that perfectly captures the feeling and style of these decades.Let’s dive together into a world full of nostalgia. The dance floor will be the epicenter of the coolest moves from the best music decades. Don’t miss the chance to celebrate your memories of these iconic decades and dance to the classics of music history. Whether you’re a Material Girl, a Rebel Yell, or a Sweet Child o' Mine – this party will be an unforgettable experience full of fun, laughter, and good vibes.So, grab your friends, rewind the time machine, and get ready for a night that brings the 80s, 90s, and 2000s back to life – Pretty in Pink style! Get ready to dance like it's the good old times all over again!Willkommen zurück in den schillernden Zeiten der 80er, 90er und 2000er Jahre! Tauche mit uns ein in eine Zeit voller Neonlichter, wilder Frisuren und unwiderstehlicher Beats. Diese Nacht wird eine Hommage an die Ära von Pretty in Pink sein, einem Film, der das Gefühl und den Stil dieser Jahrzehnte perfekt einfängt.Lasst uns gemeinsam in eine Welt voller Nostalgie eintauchen. Die Tanzfläche wird zum Epizentrum der coolsten Moves der besten Musikjahrzehnte. Verpasst nicht die Chance, eure Erinnerungen an diese ikonischen Jahrzehnte zu feiern und dabei zu den Klassikern der Musikgeschichte zu tanzen. Egal, ob ihr ein Material Girl, ein Rebel Yell oder ein Sweet Child o' Mine seid – diese Party wird ein unvergessliches Erlebnis voller Spaß, Lachen und guter Vibes.Also, schnappt euch eure Freunde, lasst die Zeitmaschine zurückspulen und seid bereit für eine Nacht, die die 80er, 90er und 2000er aufleben lässt – Pretty in Pink Style! Get ready to dance like it's the old good time all over again!Lets feel the new way of Discotainment ! Eintritt 12,- ☆★☆ MUSIC ★☆★ Alltime Disco Classics aus den 80er, 90er, 00er, Hip Hop. Charts & HouseDJ LITO BOLTONLAURA BLUE LIVE ☆★☆ SPECIALS ★☆★ ★ FOTOWAND ★ KONFETTI SHOOTER ★ Neon Sticks ★ mehr SHOW, mehr TÄNZER, mehr GLITZER ★ CANDYS☆ TISCHRESERVIERUNG ☆ telefonisch unter 017632289595 WhatsApp / Call oder per E-Mail an ★ DRESSCODE / EINLASS - dress to impressZutritt ab 18 Jahren, Einlass vorbehalten ★ MAXXIM CLUB Berlin ★ Joachimsthaler Straße 15 /10719 Berlin Information Source: MAXXIM CLUB BERLIN | eventbrite

Building Abstraction: Layer by Layer | Berlin Photo Studio

Mar 15, 2025 (UTC+1)
Join our interactive mixed media workshop designed to guide you through creating an abstract painting from scratch. Using just five primary colors, participants will explore gesture-based mark-making, innovative layering techniques, and the art of composition. By the end of this session, you’ll have created your own unique 50x70cm mixed media piece, and gained insight into the intuitive process of building abstraction layer by layer. Workshop Includes: • An introduction to intuitive painting methods and inspiration from the instructor’s portfolio • A mini color-mixing demonstration to learn simple and effective ways of creating new hues • Hands-on warm-up exercises to break through creative blocks and spark fresh ideas • A full guided painting session where you’ll explore gesture, layering, and composition techniques • Group reflection and sharing time to celebrate your work and receive feedback What You’ll Need: • All materials are provided, including 160g paper, brushes, paint, and tape • Simply bring yourself and your curiosity Who Can Join: This workshop welcomes participants of all skill levels, whether you’re new to abstract painting or looking to refine your creative approach. Information Source: Berlin Photo Studio | eventbrite

Intuitive dance & improvisation to westafrican drum rhythms | Groove - Zentrum für Percussion

Mar 15, 2025 (UTC+1)
A space of experience for free dance in dialogue with djembé and dunduns (bass drums) and the wonderful voice of Toumany Fofana. An inner impulse finds expression in an outer movement, becomes visible in dance. Feel the joy and well-being of letting go of everything through dance and finding your own expression in movement. No specific dance experience necessary - let yourself be guided by your inner feeling, your resonance to the music and the rhythm of the drums. Description of what to expect: We start with guided bodywork on the floor and from here we find a transition into personal creative movement development and dance improvisation in the space. You can be for yourself or meet the others in the group. Afterwards, the dance intensifies again in the dialogue of each dancer with the drummers. Carried by the energy of the group and the powerful rhythms, you deepen your own expression of movement and expand your variety of dance movements. Live-Music: Toumany Fofana and Wolfram Blechner I am looking forward to seeing you! Information Source: Amrit Quandte | eventbrite

Shoot, Spritz & Darkroom – Color Film Edition ️ | Berlin Photo Studio

Mar 15, 2025 (UTC+1)
Join us for an evening of analog photography, creativity, and a refreshing Aperol Spritz (or tea/coffee for those who prefer non-alcoholic options) at Berlin Photo Studio! This is a unique experience designed for film enthusiasts who love the beauty of color photography and the relaxed atmosphere of a shared drink. Event Highlights: • Receive a Color Film Roll: Each participant gets one color film roll to capture vibrant, memorable images. • Shoot Together: Explore the area or shoot in our studio with guidance. Don’t worry if you don’t have a camera—we’ll provide one for you! • Develop Your Film: Dive into the process of developing your own color film in the darkroom and learn the steps to bring your images to life. • Spritz and Wait: While we wait for the film to develop, enjoy an Aperol Spritz, tea, or coffee. It’s the perfect time to relax, socialize, and exchange photography tips and stories. • Scan Your Work: Once the film is ready, we’ll scan and convert your images digitally, so you can take them home and enjoy them instantly. Practical Details: • Where: Berlin Photo Studio, Nazarethkirchstraße 41, 13347 Berlin • What to Bring: Your love for analog photography! If you have your own analog camera, feel free to bring it along. Why Attend? • Hands-On Learning: Get hands-on experience shooting, developing, and scanning color film. • Social Atmosphere: Connect with fellow photography enthusiasts in a friendly, relaxed setting. • Take Home Your Digital Scans: Leave with high-quality digital versions of your shots, ready to be shared or printed. Perfect for anyone who enjoys the charm of analog photography and a laid-back creative experience, this workshop combines artistry with a refreshing twist. Don’t miss out on this evening of color, creativity, and connection! Information Source: Berlin Photo Studio | eventbrite

BATI BERLİN Türkçe Stand-up Komedi - 82Berlin Stand-up | The Dawn

Mar 15, 2025 (UTC+1)
Avrupa'nın Türkçe Komedi Kulübüne Hoşgeldin!Güneşe hasret geçen yaz sonrası havalardan hep birlikte söylenip, azıcık gördüğümüz ışığa şükretmek ve yüzünüzü güldürmek için batıya geliyoruz ve BATI BERLİN Komedi Gecesi ni gerçekleştiriyoruz. Deneyimli komedyenlerin en komik hikayelerine yer verdiğimiz bu şovumuzda, ausländerbehörde travmaları, kötü date anıları, küçük tatlı ırkçılıklar, Almanlarla olan sevgi-nefret ilişkisi ve yeni göçmenlerin tatlı telaşı hikayeleriyle Berlin'de Türkçe mizaha katılmaya davetlisiniz. Hepinizi aramızda görmek için sabırsızlanıyoruz! Mekan: The Dawn, Bikini Berlin, Budapester Str. 38-50, 10787 Berlin (Bikini Berlin Teras Katında) S+U Zoologischer Garten Kapı Açılış: 18:00 Şov: 19:00 Etkinlik Kuralları: (LÜTFEN OKUYUNUZ) Etkinligimiz +18 ögeler içermektedir.Hassasiyetlerinizi etkinliğe girerken ücretsiz vestiyerimize bırakıp, etkinlik çıkışında sağ salim teslim alabilirsiniz.Gösteride fotoğraf çekip @82berlinstandup Instagram hesabını etiketleyebilirsiniz. Ancak video ve ses kaydı almanız bizi üzer, silmenizi rica ederiz.Burada yaptığınız rezervasyonlarınız gösteri başlangıcından 15 dakika öncesine kadar geçerli olacaktır. Herkesin birbirini ghostladığı bu şehirde, komedi şovunu da ghostlamayıp gelirsiniz diye düşünüyoruz.Gösteri esnasında sigara içmek yasaktır. Öncesinde, arasında ve sonrasında sigara içme alanları mevcuttur, dilediğiniz tütün ve türevini tüketebilirsiniz.Dışarıdan yiyecek icecek lütfen getirmeyiniz.Sahnedeki komedyenleri ve şovu sabote etmeden gönlünüzce eğlenebilirsiniz.Görüşürüz, Öptük <3 Information Source: 82Berlin Stand Up | eventbrite

Feuer, Wasser, Sturm النار العاصفة الماء | Theater X

Mar 15, 2025 (UTC+1)
Feuer, Wasser, Luft und Erde: Lebenselixier und zugleich Zerstörungskraft, die den Menschen immer wieder an seinen Platz in der Welt erinnern. Inspiriert von dem alten Märchen „Der Fischer und seine Frau“ folgen wir dem Kind einer armen Fischerfamilie, wie es auf Drängen seiner Familie immer mehr Wohlstand und Sicherheit wünscht, bis sie schließlich isoliert von einander in einer hochmodernen Stadt aus Beton, Metal und Stahl wohnen. Obwohl die Warnzeichen klar sind und das Ende schon bekannt ist, rasen alle Beteiligten dem Abgrund entgegen. Am Ende drohen die Elemente ins Ungleichgewicht zu geraten und entlassen das Publikum mit Fragen zu unserem Umgang mit Natur und dem Gleichgewicht in der Welt. Das Stück ist eine Mischung aus Erzählkunst und Physischem Theater. Das Performance-Duo Hakaya 2.0 verbindet auf eine einzigartige Weise Theater und Performance mit der mündlichen Erzählkunst auf arabisch, kurdisch und deutsch. Information Source: Theater X | eventbrite

Muay Thai Series #12 - At Fenriz Gym | Fenriz Gym

Mar 15, 2025 (UTC+1)
Sports & Fitness
Die Muay Thai Series kommt am 15. März 2025 wieder nach Berlin. Wie bei den letzten Events in Berlin erwarten dich knackige Muay Thai Fights, welche die Stimmung im „Hexenkessel“ des Fenriz Gym zum überkochen lässt. Die Muay Thai Fights werden erneut im Cage ausgetragen und du kannst hautnah dabei sein. Wir haben zu diesem Event nur limitierte Plätze und müssen daher einen Vorverkauf anbieten. Es wird sehr wahrscheinlich keine Tageskasse geben. Für Kämpfer:InnenDu bist gar nicht hier weil du zuschauen willst, sondern du möchtest dich als Teilnehmer:In registrieren? Dann nutze bitte den folgenden Link Information Source: Fenriz Gym | eventbrite

Charlottenwalk Tour 7 EN: We discover contemporary photography | galerie burster

Mar 15, 2025 (UTC+1)
Fine Art
Welcome to the Charlottenwalk Tour 7 EN: We discover contemporary photography event! Join us on Sat Mar 15, 2025 at 15:00 at galerie burster for an exciting exploration of modern photography. Immerse yourself in the works of talented photographers as we explore the galleries on Fasanenstraße. Don't miss this opportunity to discover new perspectives and be inspired by the power of visual storytelling. See you there! Information Source: Charlottenwalk Galerierundgang | eventbrite

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