Latest Events in Delft(March Updated)

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Schoonhoven Workshop | Rotterdamseweg 205

Dec 11, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Op zaterdag 14 december van 10:00 tot 17:00 uur organiseert DelftDesign een workshop rondom het werk van Jan Schoonhoven. Onder begeleiding van architect Jeffrey Reule duiken we in het beeldend werk van Schoonhoven. De workshop biedt de kans om zelf een eigen interpretatie van Schoonhovens reliëfs te maken. Delftenaar Jan Schoonhoven (1914 – 1994) is een van de meest toonaangevende Nederlandse beeldend kunstenaars van na de oorlog. Met zijn zo kenmerkende witte monochroom reliëfs gemaakt van eenvoudige materialen als papier-maché, papier, karton en plaatmateriaal, verwierf hij in de jaren zestig erkenning in binnen- en buitenland. Schoonhoven was betrokken bij zowel de Nederlandse Nul-beweging en de internationale ZERO-beweging. Delft is een onuitputtelijke bron van inspiratie geweest, want zijn werk is gebaseerd op de architectuur en de patronen uit de binnenstad. Grote lijnen, kleine details en herhalende reliëfs zijn inspiratie die hij opdeed tijdens zijn dagelijkse wandelingen door de stad. Schoonhoven zei: “Ik kan niet buiten Delft”. Jeffrey Reule: “Als geboren Delftenaar deel ik met Schoonhoven ook de diepgewortelde liefde voor ritmiek en geleding van gevels, pleinen, maar ook de geschiedenis in Delft. Deze voorliefde probeer ik ook tot uiting te brengen in mijn werk, het is een blik op het onopgemerkte en het alledaagse wat tot uiting komt in het verstilde oppervlak, architectuur.” De workshop is inclusief workshopmateriaal, koffie, thee en lunch, daarvoor vragen we een eigen bijdrage van €45,- De workshop wordt gehouden in het kader van de jaarafsluiting van DelftDesign. Om 17:00 uur gaat de workshop over in de eindejaarsborrel van DelftDesign beide in het Arts Centre Delft. Information Source: DelftDesign | eventbrite

Comedy Twister | Three Sisters delft

Dec 19, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Come out for the Comedy Twister 🌪 at Three Sisters Pub in Delft @threesistersdelft An English Comedy Show Brought to you by Quips And Bits Comedy @QuipsAndBitsComedy. This is a free event, so reserve your spot before the room fills up!🎊 🤩Book your Free ticket now for a chance to win a Free drink! 🤯 🌪️ Get ready to be blown away! 🌪️ Join us at Three Sisters Pub on Thursday at 7:30 PM for an unforgettable night of laughter and good times. We're thrilled to present Comedy Twister, a hilarious event brought to you by the talented folks at Quips And Bits Comedy! Prepare to be swept off your feet as our lineup of top-notch comedians takes the stage, delivering a whirlwind of jokes and side-splitting anecdotes that will leave you gasping for air. 🤣💨 Whether you're a comedy connoisseur or just looking for a fun night out, Comedy Twister promises to be an evening like no other. Gather your friends, grab a drink, and brace yourselves for a hurricane of laughter that will blow away all your worries. Don't miss your chance to be part of this comedic storm! Mark your calendars, invite your pals, and secure your spot at Three Sisters delft for the ultimate Thursday night extravaganza. Tickets are selling fast, so grab yours before they're gone! Get ready to laugh until you're blown away at Comedy Twister. See you there! 😄🌪️ 😎The fun starts at 19:30. 🌪Witness these acts take the town by storm: MC: Cid Clementine @cidnyclementine #comedyclub #lol #lmao #standupcomedy #comedyshow #humor #comedy #standup #fun #funny #cidnyclementine #threesisterspubdelft #delft #netherlandscomedy #comedytwister #thingstodoindelft #livevents #nightout #laugh #friends #standupcomedy #tudelft #studentlife #comedian Three Sisters Pub is bringing a whirlwind of fun to your Thursday nights🌪: A wind of comedic change brought to you by Quips And Bits Comedy.🎊 Information Source: Quips And Bits Comedy | eventbrite

Comedy Twister | Three Sisters delft

Jan 16, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Come out for the Comedy Twister 🌪 at Three Sisters Pub in Delft @threesistersdelft 🌪️ Get ready to be blown away! 🌪️ Join us at Three Sisters Pub on Thursday at 7:30 PM for an unforgettable night of laughter and good times. We're thrilled to present Comedy Twister, a hilarious event brought to you by the talented folks at Quips And Bits Comedy! Prepare to be swept off your feet as our lineup of hilarious comedians takes the stage, delivering a whirlwind of jokes and side-splitting anecdotes that will leave you gasping for air. 🤣💨 Whether you're a comedy connoisseur or just looking for a fun night out, Comedy Twister promises to be an evening like no other. Gather your friends, grab a drink, and brace yourselves for a hurricane of laughter that will blow away all your worries. Don't miss your chance to be part of this comedic storm! Mark your calendars, invite your pals, and secure your spot at Three Sisters delft for the ultimate Thursday night extravaganza. Tickets are selling fast, so grab yours before they're gone! This is a free event, so reserve your spot before the room fills up!🎊 🤩Book your Free ticket now for a chance to win a Free drink! 🤯 Get ready to laugh until you're blown away at Comedy Twister. See you there! 😄🌪️😎The fun starts at 19:30. 🌪Witness these acts take the town by storm: MC: Cid Clementine @cidnyclementine An English Comedy Show Brought to you by Quips And Bits Comedy @QuipsAndBitsComedy. #comedyclub #lol #lmao #standupcomedy #comedyshow #humor #comedy #standup #fun #funny #cidnyclementine #threesisterspubdelft #delft #netherlandscomedy #comedytwister #thingstodoindelft #livevents #nightout #laugh #friends #standupcomedy #tudelft #studentlife #comedian Three Sisters Pub is bringing a whirlwind of fun to your Thursday nights🌪: A wind of comedic change brought to you by Quips And Bits Comedy.🎊 Information Source: Quips And Bits Comedy | eventbrite

Comedy Twister | Three Sisters delft

Feb 20, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Come out for the Comedy Twister 🌪 at Three Sisters Pub in Delft @threesistersdelft 🌪️ Get ready to be blown away! 🌪️ Join us at Three Sisters Pub on Thursday at 7:30 PM for an unforgettable night of laughter and good times. We're thrilled to present Comedy Twister, a hilarious event brought to you by the talented folks at Quips And Bits Comedy! Prepare to be swept off your feet as our lineup of hilarious comedians takes the stage, delivering a whirlwind of jokes and side-splitting anecdotes that will leave you gasping for air. 🤣💨 Whether you're a comedy connoisseur or just looking for a fun night out, Comedy Twister promises to be an evening like no other. Gather your friends, grab a drink, and brace yourselves for a hurricane of laughter that will blow away all your worries. Don't miss your chance to be part of this comedic storm! Mark your calendars, invite your pals, and secure your spot at Three Sisters delft for the ultimate Thursday night extravaganza. Tickets are selling fast, so grab yours before they're gone! This is a free event, so reserve your spot before the room fills up!🎊 🤩Book your Free ticket now for a chance to win a Free drink! 🤯 Get ready to laugh until you're blown away at Comedy Twister. See you there! 😄🌪️😎The fun starts at 19:30. 🌪Witness these acts take the town by storm: Sadaf Nazimi @sadafnazimi Daniel Finica @d.r.finica Aldert @aldert3000 Angus Pere @anguspere Sarath Gopinath @sarathnotsarah Carlos Alberto Montoya @thecarloscomedy Anjuli Meilinger @anjuli_luana Tito Liebowitz @Titoliebo Nik Rebecca Kingston @beckykingston MC: Cid Clementine @cidnyclementine An English Comedy Show Brought to you by Quips And Bits Comedy @QuipsAndBitsComedy. #comedyclub #lol #lmao #standupcomedy #comedyshow #humor #comedy #standup #fun #funny #cidnyclementine #threesisterspubdelft #delft #netherlandscomedy #comedytwister #thingstodoindelft #livevents #nightout #laugh #friends #standupcomedy #tudelft #studentlife #comedian Three Sisters Pub is bringing a whirlwind of fun to your Thursday nights🌪: A wind of comedic change brought to you by Quips And Bits Comedy.🎊 Information Source: Quips And Bits Comedy | eventbrite

Indelftnesia | X TU Delft

Feb 22, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
InDelftnesia 2025Welcome to the InDelftnesia 2025 event at X TU Delft! Get ready for a day filled with exciting activities, inspiring talks, and networking opportunities. Join us for a unique experience that will leave you feeling motivated and energized. Don't miss out on this chance to connect with like-minded individuals and learn from industry experts. Mark your calendars and be part of something special at InDelftnesia 2025! Information Source: eventbrite

Opening Reception of ‘In the Beginning was the’: an exhibition | TU Delft Library

Feb 27, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
There’s only one way to know what was ‘In the beginning…’ Join Katarina Petrović and library curators for an artist talk and conversation about ArtScience, algorithms, and what the negation of seminal texts like the Bible and Darwin offers us. She will also overview her ongoing collaborations with TU Delft researchers and institutes like Stephen Pickens (Applied Sciences) and QuTech. The discussion will be followed by a reception and the chance for audience members to interact with the artist, words, and works. ABOUT THE ARTISTKatarina Petrović(NL/RS) is an artist and researcher working at the intersection of art, science and humanities. Her work focuses on generative and creative processes, from meaning-making, poiesis, and organizational systems to physics of sound, light, and vacuum. She creates systems, procedural works that are presented as modular installations in an online and offline space, using media such as generative text, poetry, sound, software, and performance. Katarina holds a MMus degree from ArtScience Interfaculty, Royal Conservatoire and Royal Academy of Arts in The Hague, and an MFA equivalent from the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade. She is an affiliated researcher at the transdisciplinary research Center Leo Apostel (VUB) in Brussels where she initiated the ArtScience research group and lectured at the postgraduate School of Thinking (VUB). Katarina presents and lectures internationally and is currently working as a guest teacher at ArtScience Interfaculty, The Hague. Recent exhibitions include ‘Poetics of Prompting’ (MU Hybrid Art Space, Eindhoven 2024) and ‘Approaching Zero’, solo exhibition at DISPLAY University Jaume I, Castellon (2024) & Cultural Center of Belgrade (2023). | Information Source: Studium Generale TU Delft | eventbrite

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