Featured Events in Berlin in November, 2024 (February Updated)

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Art in Berlin 1880 – 1980. From the Collection | Berlin

Jan 1, 2023–Dec 31, 2026 (UTC+1)
The Berlinische Galerie has devoted over 1000 square metres to presenting its collection. Waiting to be discovered among the roughly 250 works on show are paintings, prints, photographs, architecture and archive materials rarely or never displayed before. Walking around this exhibition is like time travel and takes visitors through Berlin in 17 chapters: the Kaiser’s era, the Weimar Republic, the Nazi dictatorship, the new beginnings after 1945, Cold War in the divided city, and the counter-cultures and unconventional lifestyles that evolved in East and West under the shadow of the Wall. In East Berlin, an alternative art community developed from the late 1970s. In West Berlin from the late 1970s, aggressive art by the “Neue Wilden” placed the divided city back in the international limelight.

LAS presents: Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg: Pollinator Pathmaker | Berlin

Jun 20, 2023–Nov 1, 2026 (UTC+1)
LAS Art Foundation is pleased to present Pollinator Pathmaker, a living artwork and participatory project conceived by artist Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg. This impactful initiative in interspecies art uses algorithmic technology to generate planting schemes for gardens, computed to support the greatest diversity of pollinating insects possible. It signals a shift toward the post-anthropocentric thinking necessary to face the current climate and biodiversity crises, and toward the non-human aesthetics and experimental formats that pave the way. Ambitious and future-minded, it is exemplary of how art can act as a driver for change, and offer new perspectives on our shared planet. Growing in the forecourt of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, the LAS- commissioned garden will be the first edition outside of the UK. LAS has committed to amplifying Pollinator Pathmaker’s impact by undertaking an extensive public campaign, which calls upon local communities, hobby gardeners and activists to get involved in pollinator protection by planting their own version of the artwork – what the artist refers to as DIY Editions – via Ginsberg’s free online tool: Responding to the alarming decline in pollinator populations in recent decades, Ginsberg has worked with horticulturalists, pollinator experts and an AI scientist to devise an algorithmic tool that designs bespoke gardens for pollinating insects. Supported by the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, the LAS Edition will be customised for Continental Europe, and will feature more than 7,000 plants of 80 different varieties, planted over a 722-square-metre plot.

Nan Goldin This Will Not End Well | Neue Nationalgalerie

Nov 23, 2024–Apr 6, 2025 (UTC+1)
With the Retrospective in the Neue Nationalgalerie, a comprehensive insight into the work of Nan Goldin from 1980 to the present day is given for the first time. Her individual series of works will be shown in the form of slide shows and films in pavilions designed by Hala Wardé in the upper hall of the Neue Nationalgalerie – each of these “buildings” is conceived in relation to the respective series of works; together they form a kind of village. After the opening in Stockholm and Amsterdam, the exhibition will now be shown in Berlin and will travel to Milan and Paris.
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zkm_gameplay. the next level | Berlin

Sep 29, 2022–Dec 31, 2025 (UTC+1)
The exhibition is aimed at gamers of all ages, but also at visitors who have little experience with computer games. The fact that computer games have developed into a leading medium is no longer a daring thesis. The social and aesthetic significance of the interactive and multimedia medium can no longer be overlooked. The computer game has freed itself from its origins as a laboratory experiment and toy and has become "the" medium of digital society, somewhere between pop culture, entertainment and art. With the opening of the exhibition »The World of Games« in the fall of 1997, the ZKM was one of the first art institutions worldwide to give video game culture a permanent public platform in an art context. Since then, the ZKM has repeatedly reshaped the presentation of games in a series of different exhibitions.

ICEF Berlin 2024 | InterContinental Berlin

Nov 3–Nov 5, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
Education & Career
ICEF Berlin 2023 is the leading international networking forum focused on education and a must-attend for all industry professionals ICEF Berlin is the leading international networking forum focused on education and a must-attend for all industry professionals. There is no comparable event in terms of size and opportunity anywhere in the world. ICEF Berlin participants may attend various seminars, expert panels, and presentations each providing valuable insights into the latest trends and research affecting international education. In addition, event attendees benefit from numerous informal networking opportunities including lunches, coffee breaks, a cocktail reception, and an official gala dinner. These social events give participants the chance to make further contacts and extend business relationships on a more personal level. Information Source: ICEF GmbH | expotobi

Textile Masters to the World: The global desire for Indian cloth | Berlin

The Asian Civilisations Museum presents Textile Masters to the World: The global desire for Indian cloth with a selection of exquisite garments and textiles at its Fashion and Textiles Gallery. Featuring 27 pieces from the National Collection and loans, the exhibition spotlights the historic global impact of textile production in India, and its role as evidence of trade and cultural exchange between India and regions such as the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Europe from the fourteenth to nineteenth century. From fashion and furnishing, to gift exchange and heirlooms, visitors can marvel at the artistry and craftsmanship of early textile masters, and discover how Indian textiles influenced local designs, materials and fashions wherever they were traded.

Ferdinand Dölberg:Working is the Beginning of all evil | Berlin

Oct 16–Dec 7, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Rosa Luxemburg said: "Work, hard and intense work, occupying all your brain and nerves, is the greatest pleasure in life". Ferdinand Delberg responded: "Work is the root of all evil". He has just completed his master's degree under Thomas Zipp at the Berlin University of the Arts. At the beginning of his own career, we saw a solo exhibition of Delberg's work in Anton Janiszewski's gallery on Rosa Luxemburg Square in Berlin. The bright room is located in a building designed by the great architect Hans Perziger. The surroundings are the Volksbauer, the ghost of the disappeared headquarters of the German Communist Party, the public art of Erich Mielke, Hans Haacke, the ghosts of German history, the ghost of the labor movement.

Ламповый Стендап в Reforum Space | Reforum Space

Nov 1, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Приходите в пятницу послушать свежие, лучшие шутки резидентов комиктива Стендап Берлин! Единственное русскоязычное юмористическое шоу Берлина в пятницу. Сбор гостей 19:30, начало 19:45 Information Source: Стендап Берлин | eventbrite

Candida Höfer: Käthe-Kollwitz-Preis 2024 BERLIN ART BREAK | Akademie der Künste

Nov 1–Nov 12, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Fine Art
Candida Höfer – Architektur der Stille in der Akademie der Künste Freut Euch auf außergewöhnliche Fotokunst! Menschenleere Räume, die dennoch voller Geschichte und Bedeutung stecken – das ist die Essenz der Fotokunst von Candida Höfer. Mit ihrer Ausstellung „Architektur der Stille“, die anlässlich der Verleihung des Käthe-Kollwitz-Preises 2024 in der Akademie der Künste gezeigt wird, präsentiert Höfer ihre über fünf Jahrzehnte gewachsene Bildsprache, die heute zur fotografischen Avantgarde zählt. Ihre großformatigen Arbeiten umfassen öffentliche und halböffentliche Räume: von historischen Bibliotheken und Museen bis hin zu Palästen, Opernhäusern und zoologischen Gärten. Diese Orte – Räume der Begegnung, Erinnerung und des Wissens – faszinieren durch ihre monumentale Stille, in der das Fehlen von Menschen eine besondere Spannung schafft. Candida Höfer geht jedoch noch weiter: Selbst architektonische Details wie Lüftungsschächte oder Wandstrukturen finden Platz in ihren Werken. Ihr zentrales Interesse gilt dabei der Frage, wie Menschen durch Architektur geleitet oder zurückgehalten werden – und wie Räume die Besucher*innen, die sie betreten, beeinflussen. Candida Höfer, 1944 in Eberswalde geboren, studierte an der renommierten Becher-Schule der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf und gehört heute zu den bedeutendsten Fotografinnen der Gegenwart. Ihr präziser, klarer Stil, der auf Symmetrie, Licht und Raum beruht, hat ihr weltweite Anerkennung eingebracht und ihre Werke sind unter anderem im MoMA in New York und in der Tate Modern in London ausgestellt. Sie beschreibt ihre Arbeit nicht als klassische Architekturfotografie, sondern als Porträts von Räumen. Annette hatte die Ehre vor einigen Jahren mit Candida Höfer eine Ausstellung in Bremen zu kuratieren und ist seitdem tief beeindruckt von der Art und Weise, wie Höfer Räume auf eine ganz eigene, unverwechselbare Weise porträtiert. Eine Führung durch die Ausstellung wird uns einen tiefen Einblick in die Arbeiten dieser preisgekrönten Künstlerin geben und im Anschluss gibt es wie immer Gelegenheit beim Gespräch in lockerer Runde die Eindrücke zu vertiefen. Geplant ist ein Essen in einem Restaurant in der Nähe (Selbstzahlerbasis). Sagt uns bitte, ob Ihr mitkommt, damit wir entsprechend einen Tisch reservieren können. Wir freuen uns auf Euch! Im Eintrittspreis inkludiert ist: Eintritt in die Ausstellung in der Akademie der KünsteExklusive Führung durch die Ausstellung Architektur der StilleOrganisation des anschließenden Treffens interessierter TeilnehmerInnen im Restaurant (Selbstzahlerbasis)Betreuung durch und Austausch mit dem Team von ART BREAKERS und anderen kulturbegeisterten MenschenFotocredits: Akademie der Künste, Pariser Platz © Erik-Jan Ouwerkerk Porträt Candida Höfer © Ralph Müller I Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin IV 2021, C-Print, 184 x 255,6 cm (gerahmt) © Candida Höfer / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024 Goethe-Nationalmuseum Weimar II 2006, C-Print, 205 x 255 cm (gerahmt) © Candida Höfer / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024 Komische Oper Berlin V 2022, C-Print, 184 x 144 cm (gerahmt)© Candida Höfer / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024 ART BREAKERS - Kultur gemeinsam erleben! Die ART BREAKERS GbR mit Sitz in Berlin, 2022 gegründet von der Marketingexpertin Andrea Kaul und der Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaftlerin Annette Schneider veranstaltet mit Begeisterung, Herzblut und Leidenschaft Kulturveranstaltungen online und vor Ort. Die als ART BREAK bezeichneten Events werden von sorgfältig ausgewählten professionellen Guides durchgeführt, die Inhalte unterhaltsam und lebendig vermitteln. ART BREAKS bieten immer auch die Gelegenheit zum Austausch innerhalb der Community und schaffen so gemeinsame, spannende Entdeckungsreisen in unterschiedliche Kulturwelten. Hinweis in eigener Sache: Damit Ihr immer über unsere aktuellen ART BREAKS informiert seid, nehmen wir Euch automatisch in unsere ART BREAKERS LIST auf, wenn Ihr über Eventbrite ein Ticket bei uns bucht. Solltet Ihr dies nicht wollen, schickt bitte eine Email an - Ihr könnt Euch auch jederzeit mit einem einfachen Klick von unserem Newsletter abmelden. Bei Fragen stehen wir sehr gerne zur Verfügung. Herzlichen Dank! Information Source: ART BREAKERS | eventbrite

Dein Mitmach-Märchen mit den Improvisionären | Brotfabrik

Nov 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Mach mit & gestalte mit uns eine Welt, die wir dann gemeinsam zum Leben erwecken. Zusammen erleben wir spannende Abenteuer! Deiner Fantasie sind dabei keine Grenzen gesetzt! Manchmal sind wir Einhörner, manchmal Schornsteinfegerinnen, dann reisen wir als Marienkäfer ins Hasen-Möhrenzauberland oder jagen dem Regenbogen hinterher, werden zu Zauberblumen oder helfen den Elfen. weitere Infos: Eintritt: 8,- € / Kinder & erm. 6,- € Information Source: BrotfabrikBühne / Glashaus e.V. | eventbrite

2-Days »RESOLUTION WORKSHOP« WITH KIRK BALTZ at UE Berlin | Dessauer Str. 3-5

Nov 2–Nov 3, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
In this workshop you will learn how to get to know your artistic identity and hence find compelling stories and archetypes that you can draw from as a filmmaker, director, or actor. Writing should always be an important part of creatives working in film. When we write, our head, our heart, and our hand connect. A flow takes place. We get out of our own way and the mind settles. We uncover raw truth that we may not have seen before. For this workshop you will be using material from your own life to write and act from your gut which will then be professionally shot on video for you to add to or create a demo reel. It begins here: Write a letter to someone with whom you have an unresolved issue. Someone important to you from your past or present. I encourage you to write it by hand. Don’t pull any punches… let ’em have it. And don’t worry, you won’t be mailing it. State your issue at the start of your letter. Cut to the chase. Let the pen go… this is not meant to be high art. Spill onto the page what your body needs to say. Yes, I invite you to write your letter to that one person you don’t want to. When finished, set it off to the side and step into their shoes having just read your letter. Write you back. Drop in. Let them speak from your gut not your brain. Trust me when I say “They are within you”. Let them write out all they need to say. Your head may say “they would never respond” or “they would have nothing to say.” Give them the ability and willingness to (maybe for the first time in their life) respond truthfully and hold nothing back. When finished, set this one aside as well. You now have 2 strong self-written monologues. Don’t rewrite or critique. Trust they are enough… as are you. Bring them to our first day of class on November 2nd and be prepared to create a 60-90 second monologue of work that resounds with change, truth, and a powerful aspect of who you are that you will have on video. It’s time for you to be seen, heard, and recognized. About KirkKirk Baltz is an actor, coach and educator. From the start of his career, Kirk has studied extensively in NYC and LA with such noted teachers as Sandra Seacat, Greg Zittle, Susan Batson, Tony Greco, and John Markland. These teachers are responsible for the training (and in some cases the continued coaching), of such actors as: Ryan Gosling, Nicole Kidman, Andrew Garfield, Remme Malik, Scoot McNairy, Laura Dern, Mickey Rourke, Jessica Lange, Harvey Keitel and Phillip Seymour Hoffman. He has appeared in such noted films as: Reservoir Dogs, Bulworth, Natural Born Killers, Face/Off, and Dances With Wolves. In recent years, he's appeared in Taylor Hackford’s Parker, Deniz Erguven’s Kings, and the critically acclaimed short films The Armoire by Evan Cooper, and Demon by Caleb Slain. He's appeared in the television shows: Snowfall and NCIS:Los Angeles as well as 24, The Fugitive, Will & Grace, The Shield, Without A Trace, NYPD Blue. Kirk will soon be seen in Redheaded Stranger and Tug of War, both written and directed by Jack Depp and Dexter Demme, By The Grape of God written by Kevin Hickey and directed by Colmcille Donston as well as Muscle Beach written and directed by Jacob Hurwitz-Goodman. Represented by Metropolitan Talent Agency and Endorse Management Group in Los Angeles. Information Source: University of Europe for Applied Sciences | eventbrite

WorldVision Comedy Contest 02.11.2024 Berlin | Terzo Mondo

Nov 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Saturday 2.NOV Enjoy 3 Cs: Comedy, Competition, Cocktails at Terzo Mondo! 🎤 WorldVision Comedy Contest 2024 - Berlin 🌍 A Night of Laughter Inspired by Eurovision! Get ready for an evening packed with hilarity and cultural flavor as comedians from around the globe battle it out in the WorldVision Comedy Contest—a one-of-a-kind competition inspired by the Eurovision song contest, but with jokes instead of songs! 🌟 ✨ Hosted by the sassy and hysterical 🎭 Emin Afandi! Participating countries: 🇦🇿 Azerbaijan | 🇬🇷 Greece | 🇹🇷 Turkey | 🇺🇬 Uganda | 🇺🇸 USA | 🇧🇦 Bosnia and Herzegovina | 🇮🇹 Italy | 🇦🇱 Albania | sd Sasha Dolgopolova First Half: Semi Final Comedians from different countries will perform their sets! Second Half: Final The audience will vote for our favourite comedian and help us to find out who is the winner of The Worldvision Comedy Contest! We will announce the votes Eurovision Style! COME AND SUPPORT YOUR FAVORITE COUNTRY AND CONTESTANT! 📅 Date: Saturday, 02th of Novenber 🕗 Time: 20:00 (Doors open) / 20:30 (Show starts) / 22:30 (Show ends) 📍 Location: Terzo Mondo, Grolmanstraße 28, Berlin, BE 10623 🎫 Tickets: TOP 10 - 13€ (3.31€ upfront + 10€ at the door) Big Five - 10€ (3.31 € upfront, 7€ at the door for 4 or more people) Walk in 15€ at the door (if seats are available) 🚫 Non-smoking venue 💳 Cash or card payments accepted 🎟️ Get your tickets now and come support your favorite country and comedian—because laughter knows no borders, but bragging rights definitely do! 😆 Information Source: Emin Afandi | eventbrite

Weltpremiere Juliet im Xelor | Xelor Kesselhaus

Nov 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Juliet 400 yıl sonra hala aramızda… Shakespeare’in ölümsüz kahramanı artık bambaşka bir hayatta sonsuzluğun yorgunluğuyla boğuşuyor. Ölümün kapıları JULIET’e bir türlü açılmıyor. Tam da bu noktada kaderin cilvesiyle yolu Can ile kesişiyor! Ölümsüzlüğün yükünü sırtlayan Juliet ve her işi eline yüzüne bulaştıran Can’ın kaotik ilişkisi absürt olaylarla dolup taşıyor. Zamanın ötesinde bir hikâye, sürreal bir atmosferde felsefi sorgulamalar ve bitmek bilmeyen bir komedi şöleni! Hayatın anlamsızlıklarını komik bir dille sorgulayan ikili birbirlerinin içsel çatışmalarını keşfederken ölüm ve yaşam arasındaki ince çizgide dans ederler. Sonuçta kim bilir belki de en karanlık anlarda bile gülümsemenin bir yolunu bulmak mümkündür! Kahkaha garantili bu postmodern komedide hayatın anlamı ve ölümün çekiciliği hiç bu kadar eğlenceli anlatılmamıştı. Information Source: Xelor Event Location GmbH | eventbrite

Nevermore, A Night To Die For ... | Cabaret Berlin

Nov 2–Nov 3, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
Experience the chilling allure of Nevermore, A Night To Die For in the vibrant city of Montréal. This haunting event will take place at the renowned Cabaret Berlin, located at 1982 Rue Sainte-Catherine Est. Immerse yourself in the eerie atmosphere on November 2nd and 3rd, 2024. Tickets are priced at a range of CA$11.98 to CA$17.31, offering an affordable opportunity to partake in this macabre affair. Join fellow enthusiasts for an unforgettable evening of mystery and intrigue at Nevermore, A Night To Die For.

Fabelhaft Comedy: Stand-Up Comedy in Berlin Mitte | Z-Bar

Nov 4, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
🎤 DIE SHOW 🎤 Bei Fabelhaft Comedy teilen sich die großen Talente der Berliner Comedy-Szene eine Bühne, um ihre neuesten Jokes zu testen und alte Gags rund zu spielen. Freut euch auf authentische Stand-Up-Comedy mit gestandenen Profis und hungrigen Anfängern. EINLASS: 19:00 SHOWBEGINN: 19:30 Die Show ist spendenbasiert: Wir freuen uns über 5 - 10 Euro, die uns dabei helfen, weiterhin Shows zu organisieren. 🪑 RESERVIERUNGEN 🪑 - Ihr könnt über den Eventbrite-Link Plätze reservieren - Ihr könnt auch ohne Reservierung vorbeischauen, allerdings sind die Plätze begrenzt und die Tickets heiß begehrt - Reservierungen verlieren ihre Gültigkeit um 19:15, danach machen wir die Bude voll mit Fußvolk 🍸 DIE LOCATION 🍸 Die Show findet im schnuckeligen Kino der großartigen Z-Bar in Mitte statt. Kommt bereits vorher vorbei oder gönnt euch im Anschluss ein paar Drinks an der Bar. Adresse: Z-Bar Bergstraße 2, 10115 Füßläufig erreicht ihr die Bar z.B. von den Stationen ROSENTHALER PLATZ (U8, M1, M8) und ORANIENBURGER TOR (U6, M1). 👨‍🚀 MODERATION 👨🏻‍✈️ Moderiert wird die Show von den Berliner Comedians Rasmus & Josef Grinspun. Kommt vorbei, wir freuen uns darauf, euch kennenzulernen. Information Source: Fabelhaft Comedy | eventbrite

Belektro Expo 2024 | Messe Berlin

Nov 5–Nov 7, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
Belektro Expo 2024, held in Berlin at the prestigious Messe Berlin venue, is an industry-leading trade show renowned for its role as a platform for launching new products. With a focus on building services engineering, this event highlights the pivotal role of electricity in modern applications. From switches to connectors and a range of essential electrical products, Belektro Expo 2024 showcases the latest advancements in this crucial field. Taking place from November 5th to November 7th, 2024, Belektro Expo 2024 welcomes professionals and enthusiasts alike to explore the cutting-edge innovations shaping the industry. Attendees will have the opportunity to discover groundbreaking solutions, connect with industry experts, and gain valuable insights into the ever-evolving world of building services engineering. With its serious and official tone, Belektro Expo 2024 promises a calm and engaging environment where visitors can stay ahead of the curve and harness the power of electricity to drive their success.

Theo Eshetu: Veiled Woman on a Beachfront | Berlin

Nov 7–Dec 20, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
The exhibition Veiled Woman on a Beachfront at Galerie Barbara Thumm consists of excerpts from The Lamu Project, a multimedia collection of artworks created during a one-month stay on the Islamic island of Lamu, Kenya, in 2011. By finding points of contact, the project aims to create a meaningful dialogue between two cultures with often diverging views on the role of images in forming and representing a culture. The exhibition’s title stems from one of the video installations from the project with the same name, originally presented at the 54th Venice Biennale’s Italian Pavilion in 2011.

Von Kaulsdorf nach Kursk | Brotfabrik

Nov 7, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
VON KAUSLDORF NACH KURSK spürt einer Beziehung zwischen Kriegskind und Kriegsenkel nach und sucht dem eine Sprache zu geben, was uns bis heute nicht loslässt, uns vor dem Hintergrund neuer Kriege nicht loslassen kann. Uraufführung: 07.11.2024, 20:00 Uhr Regie, Text, Performance: Hans Morgeneyer | Musik, Performance, Bühne, Ausstattung: Johanna Walesch | Regie, Dramaturgie: Wiebke Hensle Information Source: BrotfabrikBühne / Glashaus e.V. | eventbrite

La razon de mi Drag | Theater X

Nov 8, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
ENG BELOW En este espectáculo unipersonal de comedia, la Drag Queen Grasa Guevara nos sumerge en mundos paródicos en una particular mirada sobre la historia del peronismo Argentino en un diálogo absurdo con nuestro cotidiano y el mundo del pop. Con un show que busca reirse de la propia cultura y construcción política argentina, Grasa nos sumerge en mundos donde Vogue Femme, resistencia e historia intentan ofrecer una nueva esperanza para el mundo en el que vivimos. En un collage grotesco con Evita Perón como protagonista de varios personajes construidos por une performer que nos vienen a plantear fuertemente la pregunta : ¿Qué podemos aprender del pop para repensar nuestras prácticas políticas? Duración: 70 minutos Con subtítulos en ingles **** In this one-person comedy show,Drag Queen Grasa Guevara takes us on a journey through parodic worlds, offering a unique perspective on the history of Argentine Peronism in an absurd dialogue with daily life and pop culture. Through a performance that mocks Argentine culture and political narratives, Grasa immerses us in a space where Vogue Femme, resistance, and history intertwine, offering a new glimmer of hope for the world we inhabit. In a grotesque collage featuring Evita Perón as the protagonist of various characters, the performer raises a bold question: What can we learn from pop culture to rethink our political practices? Duration: 70 minutes Spanish with english subtitles Information Source: Theater X | eventbrite

St. Rip-It-Off: Queer Neo Burlesque | Tipsy Bear, Eberswalder Straße, Berlin, Germany

Nov 8, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
ACCESSIBILITY AND SAFETY: this event, like any event at Tipsy Bear Berlin, is a safer space designed and operated by and for LGBTQIA+ people and BIPOC. We stand firmly against racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and hate of any kind. We stand FOR abundance, consensual pleasure, communal joy, and full presence. Come with respect and kindness. Our bar is wheelchair accessible. We are a smoking bar, guests must be 18+ to enter. Doors open at 18h everyday. Happy Hour everyday 18h - 19h, flip a coin for your chance to win a free drink. ----------------------------- Welcome to ST. RIP-IT-OFF, a queer neo-burlesque cabaret event brought to you by the show producer and burlesque performer extradinaire, Lolita VaVoom. Lolita is a prolific performer, producer, and teacher in Berlin and throughout the world. She hopes to highlight the radical queer history with her femme-forward burlesque events. And this show is her lovechild, bringing together queer burlesque and burlesque-adjacent performers from across Berlin and beyond! This show is designed to be a safer space made BY AND FOR queer, FLINTA* people, so if you do not identify as such, then enter the space respectfully and tip generously! ENTRY: 15 Euro or 10 Euro for General Admission, pay what you can afford! Doors at 18h Show from 20h-22h Information Source: Tipsy Bear Berlin | eventbrite

Hans-Peter Hiby - saxophone /Willi Kellers - drums/ Reza Askari - bass | Alte KITA, Hasselwerder Str.22

Nov 8, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Experience the mesmerizing performance of Hans-Peter Hiby on saxophone, accompanied by the talented Willi Kellers on drums and Reza Askari on bass at Alte KITA in Berlin. The event is scheduled for November 8, 2024, at Hasselwerder Str.22. Immerse yourself in an evening of exceptional live music in the vibrant city of Berlin. Tickets are priced between €8.64 and €11.83, offering you the opportunity to enjoy world-class jazz in a unique setting. Don't miss this chance to witness these renowned musicians showcase their extraordinary talent live on stage.

St. Rip-It-Off: Queer Neo Burlesque | Tipsy Bear, Eberswalder Straße, Berlin, Germany

Nov 8, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Welcome to ST. RIP-IT-OFF, a queer neo-burlesque cabaret event brought to you by the show producer and burlesque performer extradinaire, Lolita VaVoom. Lolita is a prolific performer, producer, and teacher in Berlin and throughout the world. She hopes to highlight the radical queer history with her femme-forward burlesque events. And this show is her lovechild, bringing together queer burlesque and burlesque-adjacent performers from across Berlin and beyond! This show is designed to be a safer space made BY AND FOR queer, FLINTA* people, so if you do not identify as such, then enter the space respectfully and tip generously! Entry: 10 -15 Euro , pay what you can afford! Bar Open 18:00 2for1 Happy Hour till 19:30 Show from 20:00-22:00 Afterparty from 22:00 till late ----------------------------- ACCESSIBILITY AND SAFETY: this event, like any event at Tipsy Bear Berlin, is a safer space designed and operated by and for LGBTQIA+ people and BIPOC. We stand firmly against racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and hate of any kind. We stand FOR abundance, consensual pleasure, communal joy, and full presence. Come with respect and kindness. Our bar is wheelchair accessible. We are a smoking bar. Guests must be 18+ to enter. Information Source: Tipsy Bear Berlin | eventbrite

English stand-up: Saturday Comedy Selection w. Elena Gabrielle (AUS) | Das Gift

Nov 9, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Headliner: Elena Gabrielle 🇦🇺 Instagram: @elenagabrielle This Australian born European based comedian appeals to sold out audiences across the globe with her witty, no-holds barred approach to stand-up comedy and because of this, has seen her go viral with 50 million plus views on YouTube to date. Her embarrassing date stories are delivered in an intuitive storytelling style which cuts through cultural divides and is enjoyed globally. After touring non-stop for 4 years with 'Story Party Tour' (which saw her perform over 700 shows in that time and in 65 countries) and a sold-out run with her first solo tour DIRRTY in 2021, Elena is now embarking on her second worldwide solo tour with her show “Addickted”. Multi-talented, she is trained in Musical Theatre at Australia’s prestigious and premier acting University NIDA (National Institute of Dramatic Art). Elena’s singing range is also impressive; from opera to rap, she weaves her passion for song into her comedy act with musical imitations from Celine Dion to Lady Gaga. She performed in ‘The Shuffle Show’, an epic musical adventure of 1000 songs in 1 hour which sold out shows at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and went on to appear on TEDx. ! ! Our Saturday shows have been SOLD OUT almost every time, so PLEASE book online and don't take chances ;) !! To start your Saturday night hangout, you deserve the best show you can get - and Neukölln's hottest comedy club is delivering just that! Come watch an extended set by a top international headliner, supported by the hottest comedy talent from Europe, UK, USA, Asia, South America and more. All in Berlin's cult theater-style venue with a bar, Oblomov Kreuzkoelln. Artisan cocktails, great local beers and amazing atmosphere of true international Berlin will help you start your weekend with a bang. Come one, come all! Google rating: 5.0 / 5.0 ★★★★★ “Laughed a lot, will come again for sure” Oliver, UK ★★★★★ “A cozy place with high quality live comedy!” Joanna, Hong Kong ★★★★★ “Great comedy show, talented comics and very nice atmosphere” Mariia, Ukraine ★★★★★ “Comedians were good, beer was good, ambiance was super nice!” Gaelle, Lebanon ★★★★★ “The humour hit us right on the spot!” Eve, China ★★★★★ “Perfect evening of laughter” Igor, Croatia ★★★★★ “Cozy stand-up venue with hilarious international artists and audience!” Elvira, Russia ★★★★★ “Great new shows at one of Berlin’s coolest venues!” James, USA Doors: 7:00 PM Show:7:30 PM Entry: Pay What You Want* (seat reservation required): you reserve your seat for free, and Pay What You Want at the end of the show, depending on how much you think the show is worth (recommended fee: €10-15). Reservations expire 10 minutes before the start of the show. *It is not within our principles to promote a show as Free Entry and ask for a not-so-voluntary donation at the end. This show is paid - we just let you decide the price ;) Information Source: East-West Comedy | eventbrite

寫作的決心——以非虛構回到人性真實 | C-SPACE Berlin gGmbH

Nov 9, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Literary Arts
「在場」獎學金始於2021年,致力於在個體與世界的連接處,鼓勵全球非虛構華語創作者,記錄下「非寫不可」的真實故事。現已舉辦四季「非虛構寫作獎學金」,2024年開啟第一季「非虛構翻譯獎學金」。 2024年11月9日,「在場」將在柏林舉辦線下活動,「寫作的決心 ——以非虛構回到人性真實」。 活動報名 Registration: (本次活動需通過 Eventbrite 報名;名額有限,先到先得) 14:30 - 15:00 楊瀟《重走⟨重走⟩:一個非虛構文本的生產》 楊瀟,非虛構作家,著有《重走》《可能的世界》等 Revisit To the Finest School I Know : How I Wrote My First Non-Fiction Book Yang Xiao, Non-Fiction Writer 15:00 - 15:30 李梓新:非虛構是新聞還是文學?海外離散華人的表達探索 李梓新,「三明治」創始人 Non-Fiction Writing: Journalism or Literature? Exploring the Ways the Chinese Diaspora Express Themselves Li Zixin, Founder of Sanmingzhi 15:45 - 17:15 【在場沙龍】 楊瀟 x 李梓新 x 林秋銘 x 樹瓊: 在個體與公共之間,寫下時代的心靈史 Yang Xiao x Li Zixin x Lin Qiuming x Shuqiong: Chronicling the Spirit of the Times at the Crossroads of Personal and Public Narratives 林秋銘,在場•非虛構寫作獎學金 第三季得獎者 Lin Qiuming, Winner of the Third Season of the Frontline Fellowship for Chinese Creative Nonfiction 樹瓊,在場•非虛構寫作獎學金 第四季「歐洲移民寫作獎」得獎者 Shuqiong, Winner of the European Migration Writing Award, the Fourth Season of the Frontline Fellowship for Chinese Creative Nonfiction 17:30 - 18:00 【在場小講】 寫作是個人之事,還是眾人之事? Frontline Fellowship Talk Is Writing an Individual Pursuit or a Collective Endeavor? 活動主持 若含與王磬會友情主持本次活動,她們是 Podcast「不合時宜」的聯合創始人與主播。 Moderators: Ruo Han and Wang Qing, Co-founders and Hosts of The Weirdo Podcast Information Source: Blaues Haus Stiftung 藍書屋基金會 | eventbrite

The Ultimate Badass - The All Women's Martial Arts Tournament | Fenriz Gym

Nov 9, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Sports & Fitness
Experience the thrill of The Ultimate Badass - The All Women's Martial Arts Tournament, taking place on November 9, 2024, at Fenriz Gym in Berlin. This groundbreaking event, powered by chinkilla and Fenriz Gym, aims to showcase the strength and skills of female fighters in an environment that promotes empowerment. In a bid to address the underrepresentation of women in martial arts, this tournament provides a platform for up-and-coming talents to demonstrate their prowess in kickboxing, grappling, and MMA. Entry is free for children under 12 when accompanied by adults. Don't miss this action-packed day filled with fierce competition and female empowerment. The organizers, chinkilla and Fenriz Gym, have been championing women in martial arts for over 5 years, offering workshops, camps, and a nationwide campaign to support women in their martial arts journey and foster confidence and strength. Fenriz Gym, located at Lobeckstraße 36, 10969 Berlin, offers a range of classes beyond MMA, including Muay Thai, BJJ, boxing, wrestling, yoga, and fitness courses. Join us at this historic event celebrating women in martial arts and witness the power and determination of these talented fighters.


Nov 9–Nov 10, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Sip LoL Dance is a twist on our Home Before Dark Series, Sip and LoL. At Sip LoL Dance, we don't kick everyone out after the comedy show; we just cut the music up, turn the lights down and vibe until the either the sun comes up or the cocktails run out. Sip LoL Dance is a comedy show series designed to be a safe space for entertainment and social gathering. Prepare yourselves for a night of laughter, cocktails and smooth, groovy tunes from Vanta V Black ( with surprise guest DJs to be announced soon. Hosted by the one and only Norman Sosa (@norman__sosa) who is joined by: Hebby (@hebby_comedy) Moe Singleton (@moedinero) Olel Daniel (@oleldaniel) Tyrone Stallone (@tyronestallone) • Revalerstr. 17, 10245 • Saturday November 9th at Slap’d; Sip LoL Dance; • €15 presale ticket All; €10 Long Drinks All Night; €20 Prosecco bottles all night; After Party Begins at 2200; #slapdberlin #berlin comedy #siploldance #sipandlol Information Source: Slap’d | eventbrite

CTND Kompakt-Workshop am 10.11.2024 | Chen Taijiquan (Tai Chi) | KulturBrauerei

Nov 10, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Sports & Fitness
In einem 4-stündigen Grundkurs gewinnst du Einblicke in das ganzheitlichen Chen Taijiquan Trainingssystem: Trainingsgrundlagen und Trainingsmethoden für körperliche und geistige Potentialentfaltung. Inhalte: Was ist Taiji?Was ist Qigong?KörperwahrnehmungÜbungen zur BasisarbeitMehr Infos zu unserem Training gibt es auf unserer Berliner Seite des CTND! Eine Karte zum Trainingsraum findet ihr auf - bei Fragen schreibt uns gerne eine Email an info Unsere Schule befindet sich auf dem Gelände der Kulturbraurei auf Hof 4 im Madang . Information Source: Chen-Stil Taijiquan (Tai-Chi) Netzwerk: Berlin | eventbrite

Magic Underground | Kohlenquelle

Nov 11, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Experience the enchanting world of magic at the upcoming Magic Underground event in Berlin. Taking place at the Kohlenquelle venue on Kopenhagener Straße 16, 10437 Berlin, this mesmerizing event is scheduled for November 11, 2024. Immerse yourself in an evening filled with mind-bending illusions and captivating performances for a ticket price of only €17.17. Don't miss this opportunity to witness some of the most talented magicians in the industry showcase their extraordinary skills in a one-of-a-kind setting. Mark your calendars for a night of wonder and amazement at Magic Underground.

MadeinTYO | Berlin

Nov 12, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED

Klub Write - Creating Autobiographical Poetry | Another Country -Bookshop

Nov 12, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Literary Arts
Klub Write - Creating Autobiographical Poetry Join award-winning writer Cat Hepburn at Another Country - Bookshop for an inspiring session on crafting autobiographical poetry! Unleash your creativity and dive into the world of self-expression through words. Learn how to turn your personal experiences and memories into powerful poems that resonate with others. Whether you're a seasoned writer or just starting out, this event is perfect for anyone looking to explore the art of poetry in a supportive and welcoming environment. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with fellow poetry enthusiasts, share your work, and receive valuable feedback. Let's come together to celebrate the beauty of storytelling through poetry! *Please note the space is not wheelchair accessible and there is a set of stairs to the workshop room *Klub Write is a FLINTA only workshop NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Information Source: eventbrite

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