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Jemaja Travel Guide

Jemaja is a city in Riau Islands, Indonesia. It has many popular attractions, including Anambas Islands, Pantai Pulau Datu/Dewata, Masjid Al Kautsar, perfect for a trip!
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Experience Jemaja

What to Do

Looking for things to do in Jemaja? We provide up-to-date info on everything from must-see scenic spots to local hangouts.
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Anambas Islands

Anambas Islands

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Pantai Pulau Datu/Dewata

Pantai Pulau Datu/Dewata

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Padang Melang Beach
Nearby City

Padang Melang Beach

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Masjid Al Kautsar

Masjid Al Kautsar

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Jemaja Island
Nearby City

Jemaja Island

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Tugu Proklamasi

Tugu Proklamasi

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Masjid Al-Huda

Masjid Al-Huda

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Goa Impol

Goa Impol

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Pantai Kusik
Nearby City

Pantai Kusik

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"Popular Spots"
Air Terjun Neraja, Ulu Maras
Nearby City

Air Terjun Neraja, Ulu Maras

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What to Eat

Want to eat like a local? Don't miss out on these top Jemaja dishes and foodie spots.
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Kedai Pak Konyok

Kedai Pak Konyok

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"Southeast Asian"
Warung Nabila

Warung Nabila

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Wedang Jahe

Wedang Jahe

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Kedai Kopi Hawai

Kedai Kopi Hawai

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Melia Keripik Pisang

Melia Keripik Pisang

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Black Box, Coffee

Black Box, Coffee

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Sanggar Seni Jemaja (Senja)

Sanggar Seni Jemaja (Senja)

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Kedai Kopi Bandrek

Kedai Kopi Bandrek

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Dhe cofee

Dhe cofee

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Discover the Real Jemaja With a Local Expert

Situated in the South China Sea, halfway between mainland Malaysia to the west and Borneo to the east, Kepulauan Anambas falls under the sovereignty of Indonesia. Its isolated position means the islands have remained almost untouched by tourism, and very few yachts have visited the area. But with a new port authority in the capital, Terampa, all that is about to change. Anambas is the dream destination 
for many world cruisers – remote, undeveloped, sparsely inhabited and accessible only by boat. The tiny islands and their spectacular bays fringed with lively reefs provide good shelter from the prevailing winds and fetch. The warm, gin-clear water is filled with rainbow fish, turtles, rays, sharks and coral gardens. All kinds of birds, insects and other animals get on with their lives in the subtropical rainforest covering the hilly islands. #createwithtrip
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