Best Restaurants in June in Wurzburg (Updated 2024)

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Joan爱旅行What kind of restaurant can be rated as the first place in the Sichuan cuisine praise list in Changning District 🥇, and I went to try it on the weekend. 📌 Location | Donghongqiao Center This is a joint venture business square between China Eastern Airlines Holdings Investment and China Merchants Shekou, close to Hongqiao Airport T1. The location is good, basically all business guests, naturally need a decent taste and good restaurant, and this Jingyichuan meets these needs. 🍃 Environment | This restaurant basically occupies half of the row on the second floor of the mall. It is nearly 2,000 square meters. The door of 48 blue and white porcelain is very conspicuous. The auction-grade porcelain is made of tableware and the artistic atmosphere is directly full. 🔷🔶🔷🔶🔷🔶🔷🔶🔷🔶🔷🔶🔷🔶🔷🔶🔷 The signature roast duck duck skin is very crispy and the entrance is overflowing with grease. Lotus leaf cake skin is harder than the big Dong family, the sweet-scented sweet-scented sweet-scented sweet-scented sweet-scented sweet-scented sweet-scented sweet-scented sweet-scented sweet-scented sweet-scented sweet-scented sweet-scented sweet-scented sweet-scented sweet-scented sweet-scented sweet-scented sweet-scented sweet-scented sweet-scented sweet-scented sweet-scent The radish-based health stew is very thick, chicken soup, ham and ribs and other stews, deliciously let people spoon after spoon, the taste is sweet. Geleshan Spicy Chicken At first I heard that it was fried by Leshan Spicy Chicken. I didn't dare to eat it at first. I was afraid that it was too spicy. I simply improved it. The spicy entrance was OK, and the back strength was still enough. But the fried chicken was like a flower, and it was spicy and spicy. Gongbao prawn ball balls made by Daming shrimp, elastic feet, is also combined with the preferences of Shanghai people, slightly sweet. Fried river carp is especially fried, usually eat braised, home roast is thick oil red sauce, here is the crispy skin tender meat, and the river itself is rich and soft, a good river fresh. Chenpi Hongdou Sauce Choose Xinhui Chenpi, Red Bean Grind into fine sand, I just want to say that this Chenpi taste seems too strong. There is also a stove outside. I feel that afternoon tea is not bad to sit here. I don’t know if it’s open. I also saw a glass room with a beautiful chandelier. It is said that it will be activated when the weather is hot. #Specialties #Food Exploration #Sichuan cuisine #Romantic dating restaurant #Experience once-spicy