
Tosu Premium Outlets Review

4.3 /544 Reviews
因为是晚上6点多的航班,一早去好太宰府天满宫后来到这里,对面就是停车场,规模还是蛮大的,貌似全球的奥莱建筑都差不多,由于平常日又是刚开门所以人不多,购物环境不错,这里的品牌还是蛮多的但是大牌不多,不要抱太大希望,看到Olive des Olive家有很多我喜欢的衣服,立马进店一看究竟,原价才1、2千元的还有折扣,太便宜了,挑了一件想试穿,营业员告知服装都是统一的M码的,并把我带到试衣间示意我先用摆放在里面的一次性头巾先套在头上再穿衣服,这个不错可以防止脸上的化妆品弄脏衣服,蛮周到的,试衣后还想再试试其他款式,营业员建议我先去咨询处拿Coupon,这样免税后还可以打折,太好了,马上出去找到服务中心向工作人员申请了Coupon,拿着优惠手册回到店里,在那位店员的协助下我开始了shopping,买了一堆喜欢的衣服,真是价廉物美,物有所值开心,向营业员道谢后,去了Coach,这里分男女不同两家店,都是在原价基础上打对折再打7折如果买2个包包还可以打9折优惠力度蛮大,有需要的,确实不错,因为要送人买了两个女包和一个男士的包包,在男式的店里碰到一个当地人,在这里买了相同款式的三角形的胸包斜挎包和手拿包各有5、6个两款包一共10-12个应该是作为礼物送人的,够大手笔的、逛累了,找了一家叫神户元町的餐厅吃饭稍事休息,这是一家以焗饭为特色的店,此店是蹲式服务、现点现做,餐后是自行去帐台买单的那种,差不多15:30离开了这里赶去福冈机场,此时发现还有好多店没来得及逛,这是个需要花时间的地方哈哈,现在把那个Coupon拍下来,给大家做个参考,这个活动到9月30日结束,希望对大家有用。

Tosu Premium Outlets

Posted: Jul 24, 2017
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  • 独步悠然311


    Posted: Feb 1, 2021
  • Zz 珍珍Zz

    鸟栖奥特莱斯购物城Tosu Premium Outlets位于佐贺县鸟栖市8-1 Yayoigaoka 841-0005,在九洲一个很好的购物地方,外国人可以拿护照领取减价小书,有多间商店都有折扣,甚至折上折,是旅游狂这是在九洲一个很好的购物地方,外国人可以拿护照领取减价小书,有多间商店都有折扣,甚至折上折,是旅游狂购物的好去处。还有很多美食选择,行得累还可大饱口福。

    Posted: Sep 30, 2020
  • 恭城封德彝


    Posted: Jan 25, 2020
  • Tiramisu8511

    汇集了150余间国内外名品店铺的鸟栖奥特莱斯商城,虽然没有御殿场的大 但是物丰价优,圣诞打折季绝不能错过!基本上是国内一半价,鸟栖真是个好地方 日本的奥特莱斯才是真的outlet!!

    Posted: Mar 7, 2017
  • 自由女神Min
    Original Text

    I came to Fukuoka on the first afternoon to visit the outlets of Birds, and I felt that shopping was not addictive. I came again today. Who knows that I accidentally went shopping for a whole day. My husband and I have visited almost all the shops and bought countless favorite clothes, pants and skirts. As long as there is time, it is really suitable for shopping here. The same brand in China is much more expensive. When you are tired, you can eat a cup of coffee in the restaurant or food court. information at the door has discount coupons, and some stores have additional discounts. We take JR to Tonchi Station. The 20-way bus time is always wrong. Take a taxi for about 1600 yen. Attach the bus timetable back to JR Station. You can grasp the time. Before leaving, night fell, the sky was extra blue and beautiful!

    Posted: Jun 29, 2018
  • 667***77
    Original Text

    I have been to Tohoshi Outlets once three years ago. There is a direct shuttle bus from Fukuoka Tenjin Bus Terminal, which takes 45 minutes to arrive. You can also take JR to JR Tohoshi Station and change the shuttle bus for 15 minutes. Tosu premium outlet There are about 150 shops in total, especially high-end except D&G and Armani, most of them are mid-end and sports brands. There is also Godiva chocolate shop, there is a cosmetics store body shop. If you like European and American brands, you may be disappointed, and you can't buy anything. Polo and coach are all available, but the price is expensive. There are not many choices in the middle of the food room, but there are not many people.

    Posted: May 23, 2017
  • 源龍
    Original Text

    Today, I went to Tonqi City Outlets in Fukuoka Prefecture to buy two clothes. This place is very cheap and how cheap. When you go to Tokyo to play, you must have an itinerary to Tokyo Outlets. It is super cheap. For example, a mk package with the original price of 5000 will give you a small discount. There are promotions in the store itself, you can buy more than 2,000 or lower. There are fewer outlets in this place, and there are no big brands, but the environment is still very good.

    Posted: Oct 14, 2017
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