Cebu is very hot, delicious and fun
FirstTravelDestinationInSouthEastAsia,Cebu – Hot and humid, but it’s okay because it’s a fruit paradise🍍
The first Southeast Asia I set foot on was Cebu. I was surprised by the heat + humidity combo that hit me as soon as I got off the plane, but thanks to the fruits, everything was forgiven. Mango, pineapple, mangosteen… For me, a fruit lover, it was like heaven.
+ Mango sandwiches are a must.
And my first hopping tour!
I snorkeled in the clear blue sea, and I loved the feeling of just hanging out on the boat. But… the current was crazy. It was so strong that my waterproof bag ripped, and my phone ended up getting submerged (ㅠㅠ).
Plus, the water was really salty.
My phone got corroded, but so did my hair. My dyed hair got all dissolved in the seawater. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ But strangely enough, even these incidents(?) were all so much fun.
So do you want to go again? Of course. Kota Kinabalu is great, but for me, Cebu is more exciting for hopping tours! Where did you have the most fun hopping tours? 🚤💙