This Songkran, let's make merit at the temple. 😆
This Songkran is the time when everyone has to plan, travel and go on vacation.
Because in 1 year, there are only 2 good opportunities to have a long holiday.
I traveled back to my hometown (once a year). The first thing that came to mind was "Where should I go for Songkran?"
As for me, I like to worship Buddha a little bit and also have a little bit of a superstition, so I decided to go to "Wat Phra That Chae Haeng".
Wat Phra That Chae Haeng, this royal temple is a temple for those born in the year of the Rabbit. You must come to this temple.
It is a temple that is a symbol of Nan people. It is probably more than 600 years old. It was built in 1891 to enshrine the relics of the Lord Buddha that were brought from Sukhothai.
You can read the history on the internet. 😅
During Songkran, from what I have been to, there were not many people at this temple. There is enough parking space behind the temple. Walk a little from the parking lot and you will reach the sand castle. Near that, I went to pour water on the Buddha statue, worship the big Bodhi tree in front of the chedi, and pay homage to the chedi. Put coins in many statues, pray to Phra Chao Tan Jai, then pray to the Buddha at the Royal Temple of Phra Chao Lan Thong, a white pagoda in Burmese art. Finally, pray to the Buddha at the Reclining Buddha Temple.
P.S. I pray to all the Buddhas mentioned here. 😂😂
I recommend that anyone who is afraid of getting dark, before getting out of the car, apply sunscreen. Anyone who is afraid of the heat, bring an umbrella.
The air is really clear and comfortable. Or maybe it's because our minds are calm too. 🥰😊😁