A Foodhall in Lisbon
Time Out Market is located in Av. 24 de Julho 49, 1200-479, Lisboa, in the Mercado da Ribeira at Cais do Sodre, only 4 minutes 350 meters walk from Cais do Sodre Metro station. It is open daily from 1000-0000.
It takes up just half the space, with another half still being occupied by traditional market stalls selling fresh products like fish, fruits and vegetables. It has 36 kiosks selling regional specialties such as Portuguese Duck rice, Seafood Risotto and Bacalhau Batoteiro ( Codfish with spinach, carrots and white sauce).
All the foods i had ordered, tasted delicious, but the only problem was finding a place to sit, because the crowds are terrible, especially when you go in during lunch time.