Vacay or Permanent Stay?!
Getting There - Flight via Allegiant Air
Attractions - Fort De Soto, Tarpon Springs, Hillsborough Nature Park
Hotels/Motels - Bon-Aire Resort Beachfront, Comfort Inn Pinellas
Food & Restaurants - GiGi's Italian Restaurant, Brass Monkey, Tibby's New Orleans Cajun Grill, Portillo's, Quaker Steak & Lube, The Cheesecake Factory
Shopping - The Rock Shop, Freaky Tiki
After visiting friends who reside in Valrico, FL in Feb 2021, my husband & I mulled quiting our IL jobs to move to Florida. The weather, friendly FL folk, employment opportunities were intriguing. Before taking a faith leap, we took a 2nd vacay for an in-depth look. Should we vacay or stay? Midwest is home for our entire lives. Subtropical life - could we handle it? Two weeks in St. Pete/Clearwater area in July provided an answer. Life moves fast- traffic is no exception. Toll costs add up quickly. Ongoing road construction & U-turns are norm!! Interesting, gracious people of diff ethnicities abound. Numerous food options, breathtaking beach views, hot weather, and service-based job opps await. Wildlife and nature reserves are plentiful. We love Florida! Our Midwest roots, particularly family & job history, will keep us planted here - for now! Today, we vacay but one day, we may just stay!