2025 Ulaanbaatar Travel Guide: Must-see attractions, popular food, hotels, transportation routes (updated in March)

Ulan Bator is the capital of Mongolia and is a modern city with a rich grassland. Ulaanbaatar was founded in 1639, when it was called "Urg", and Mongolian was the meaning of "palace". It was the residence of the first "living Buddha" Zhebu Zumba I in Khalkha Mongolia. In the 150 years since then, "Urg" has moved to the nearby area. Since 1778, it has gradually settled near the current site, and has been named "Cullen" and "Big Cullen", and Mongolian is the meaning of "Great Temple". After the establishment of the Mongolian People’s Republic in 1924, Kulun was changed to Ulaanbaatar and was designated as the capital.
󱦴Today's Weather
Mostly clear -8-6℃
Popular Attractions
Gandantegchinlen Monastery (37)
Sukhbaatar Square (24)
National History Museum (19)
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