Closed. If this location has reopened, please let us know.Permanently Closed
Recommended sightseeing time:
5 hours
🇦🇺 EkkaNITES in Brisbane, Australia
💞Reasons to Recommend: Attending EkkaNITES this year is the best decision ever! Aside from discounted ticket prices, we were able to enjoy the extravagant display of lights with this year's theme of neon lights. We were also able to enjoy roaming around the event area with fewer crowds, bought delicious treats, played games, and rid the ferries wheel. But my favourite part of the night is the fireworks, which lasted more than 15 minutes. It was awesome!
📍Address: Gregory Terrace, Bowen Hills QLD 4006
#localguides #familytrip #australia #brisbane #ekkanites