World's top hotel Ritz Paris World's top hotel
🛫 Ritz Paris
🌈 It's where Mademoiselle Chanel lived for thirty years, it's the last hotel Princess Diana left, 🏭 it has Hemingway's favorite world's best bar, it's the birthplace of The Great Gatsby 🌁, this is Ritz Paris, one of only three Ritz in the world.
✅ In 1898, a hotel manager named Cesar Ritz opened a hotel in Paris's ◎ Vendome Square that was famous throughout Europe--Ritz Paris. On the day of its opening 🏭, European nobles and tycoons, including Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, gathered at the Ritz to experience this luxurious hotel comparable to a palace.
🌈 On the day of its opening, a director of the Ritz Hotel complimented Cesar Ritz in this way: 'Kings will be jealous of you, you are teaching them how to live!' When Marriott Group was preparing to establish its own brand, it hoped to buy the name Ritz from Mr. Cesar. One of the conditions was that any city that opens a Ritz cannot open a Ritz Carlton. However, now Ritz Paris has no connection with Ritz Calton, so don't get confused~
💯 From Chopin to Proust, from Mademoiselle Chanel to Kate Moss, the long list of guests alone is enough to attest to its century-long history.
Cesar Ritz also became a god because of the hotel named after him, becoming the founder and helmsman of Europe's top luxury hotels, and Ritz Paris is also known as 'the roof of the world' for its extremely exquisite palace-like luxury decoration and 'the customer is always right' service quality. Silk
King Edward VII of Britain even gave the praise as the king of hoteliers and hotelier of kings💯, meaning the king of hotel practitioners.
The hotel's motto--we are ladies and gentlemen serving ladies and gentlemen, emphasizing the personalization and human touch of the service🏝️