Kokura, Fukuoka. The novel "The Chicken" depicts life in this residence. "Mori Ogai Former Residence"
This is Mori Ogai's Former Residence, a Japanese house built around 1897.
It is said that this house is depicted in the novel "Tori."
It is located in the nearby area of Kajimachi, which can be reached on foot from JR Kokura Station.
The facility is open to the public free of charge and you can enter freely.
You can even take off your shoes and look around the building!
There are also exhibits of materials, so it is a recommended facility for fans of the novel.
As it is a Meiji-era house, it is a place where you can feel nostalgic.
Opening hours are
10:00 to 16:00.
Closed on the third Thursday, Monday (or the following day if Monday is a national holiday), and New Year's holidays.
500m from JR and monorail Kokura Station.
220m from monorail Heiwadori Station.
"Mori Ogai Former Residence"
1-7-2 Kajimachi, Kokurakita-ku, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka Prefecture, 802-0004
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