Seoul's Two-Michelin-Star Restaurant Mingles: Masterfully Blending Korean Cuisine with Foreign Cultures
Korean fine dining experience
Observing others to reflect on oneself.
First visit to Korea, discovering how 'Korean' Korea is.
I believe Seoul's two-Michelin-star restaurant 'Mingles' is a great reference. I thoroughly enjoyed this meal because it perfectly encapsulated Korean cuisine for a foreign diner.
Mingles is modern. The minimalist space and contemporary aesthetics keep up with the times, yet everywhere you look, it speaks of Korea. The hardware is impeccable; I walked into a tastefully designed contemporary hanok, with solemn and sturdy beams, overlapping window lattices, and gleaming brass tableware, all meticulously sculpting a visual Korean style. The flavors are even more impressive. High-quality ingredients and precise cooking are a given. The chef masterfully blends Korean cuisine with foreign cultures, showcasing a skill that is both evident and subtle. The entire meal was harmonious and elegant, leaving me physically and mentally refreshed.