2025 Kaifeng Travel Guide: Must-see attractions, popular food, hotels, transportation routes (updated in March)

Kaifeng is located in eastern Henan. It is one of China's seven great ancient capitals and a famous historic city. Early during the Northern Song Dynasty, this was the economic, cultural and legal center of China. The famous scroll painting "Along the River During Qingming Festival" showcases the glory of Kaifeng during its era as the eastern capital of China. The current city of Kaifeng still has an ineffable air of antiquity. When searching for the ancient capital among the ruins and broken tiles, it is easy to imagine the incredible prosperity the city must have had at the time "Along the River During Qingming Festival" was painted. "Along the River" is far from the only painting Kaifeng is famous for. The city has also been home over the years to many calligraphers and painters and is known as a city of refined culture and entertainment. To stroll among the various local academies and theaters is a unique experience in and of itself.
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Popular Attractions
Millennium City Park (176)
Kaifeng Fu (Kaifeng Palace) (58)
Wanshuishanwuxiacheng (50)
Daxiangguo Temple (28)
Kaifeng Museum (11)
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