In Tokyo! Discovered an incredibly fun fairy-tale cat town ahhhh
🌈 💚Not far from Tokyo's city center, Kichijoji hides a super interesting fairy-tale cat town‼️
🐱With whimsical dome-shaped houses, doors with treasure map designs, little castles with cat sculptures🏰, branches embedded in walls, mini cat doors, floors with cat paw prints👣, wooden openwork railings, and lush greenery, it feels like stepping into a dreamy Miyazaki fairy-tale world, everything is just too beautiful!
I want to sit quietly in such a place for a day and space out~
🌸The shop's name is Kichijōji Petit Mura, and it's actually a dessert shop that also serves salads. Sitting down for a dessert🧁 and a drink🥤 is also a great idea!
Photography is free for visitors, try not to disturb others too much🌷
🈺Business Hours
Search 'Kichijoji, Fairy-tale Cat Town, Kichijōji Petit Mura' on Google Maps. It's about a 40-minute ride from the city center on the JR to Kichijoji Station, then a 10-minute walk to get there. Plus, the streets above Kichijoji are great to explore, with fun streets like Shaohe Street and Taisho Street! A day of shopping is just too blissful!
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