Walking Street, Fun Square, Mukdahan
Walking Street, Lan Sanuk, Mukdahan
Thai-Laos Friendship Bridge 2
A place to chill at night, where you can see the view of the second Thai-Laos Friendship Bridge, connecting Mukdahan and Savannakhet Province. It is outstanding with the identity of the Naga Shrine.
In the evening, vendors in the community will set up stalls to sell their products, changing the atmosphere to a walking street. Add more fun by sitting around eating grilled pork, shabu by the Mekong River, super chill.
Coordinates: Thai-Laos Friendship Bridge 2
GPS: https://goo.gl/maps/UJh41uRBohbPQF7j7
#WhereToTravel #Thai-LaosFriendshipBridge2 #MukdahanWalkingStreetLanSanuk #VisitMukdahan