2025 Xining Travel Guide: Must-see attractions, popular food, hotels, transportation routes (updated in March)

Xining is the provincial capital of Qinghai. This is usually the first stop for many travelers en route to visit the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. This high-altitude city is home to all kinds of cultures and their respective treasures. Dongguan Mosque in downtown Xining faithfully reflects the religious beliefs of the Muslim people. Kumbum Monastery on the outskirts of the city is an important Tibetan Buddhist temple. When departing from Xining you can take a day or two to experience the wonder and charm of Qinghai Lake—the highest salt lake in the world and largest lake in China. The local delicacies of Xining are all very inviting and worth tasting, particularly the mutton spareribs and local yogurt. The city’s climate is temperate, cool and comfortable. It is an excellent place to escape the stifling heat of summer in the lowlands.
Clear -4-13℃
Popular Attractions
Kumbum Monastery (141)
Riyue Mountains (Sun and Moon Mountains) (121)
Qinghai Tibetan Culture Museum (23)
Xining Wildlife Park (8)
Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Nature Museum 
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