[Kanagawa Prefecture/Hotoku Ninomiya Shrine] A shrine dedicated to Ninomiya Kinjiro in his hometown of Odawara City
This shrine enshrines Ninomiya Sontoku (Kinjiro), a native of Odawara.
There is a bronze statue of Kinjiro 😉
He is reading a book while carrying firewood on his back.
While engaged in farming, he also acquired knowledge,
rebuilt the rural areas, and minimized damage during famines, leaving behind many achievements that are still talked about today.
The foundation stone of the worship hall is said to be the foundation stone of the rice storehouse (within Odawara Castle), where Kinjiro is said to have saved people from famine.
(By opening the rice storehouse, there were no more people starving to death in Odawara)
The grounds are surrounded by trees and have a sacred pond, creating a relaxing atmosphere.
Odawara Castle is right nearby, so it's a good idea to visit both.