[Hong Kong 🔛 Macau] If price is your priority, travel by bus🚌
If you are looking to travel between Hong Kong and Macau and are looking for a cheap option, I recommend taking the bus.
There are other ways to get there, such as by ferry, but I chose the bus because it was affordable.
This time, I will introduce the process of traveling from Hong Kong to Macau.
1. First, take a city bus from the city to immigration. The price varies depending on the departure point and route, but I went from Mong Kok. Bus 34.6HK$
2. When you arrive at the Hong Kong immigration "Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge Hong Kong Port", go through immigration.
📷️1st and 2nd photos The terminal is very clean✨
3. Purchase a bus ticket 65HK$
📷️3rd photo
4. Arrive at the Macau immigration "Macau Border Police Building"
5. Once you pass through Macau immigration, there is a bus heading to the city center. 📷️6th photo
We were staying at a hotel close to Sedona Square, so we took the 101X bus to Sedona Square♪ Sedona Square is at Shin-Ma-Ryu.
Bus 6MOP
It was surprisingly easy to get there😄