[2025 Ortahisar Belediyesi ] Travel Guide for Capadoccia Hot Air Balloon (Updated Mar)
1 reviews
Capadoccia Hot Air Balloon Address:
Yukarı, 50650 Ortahisar/Ürgüp/Nevşehir, Türkiye
A view that can only be seen after three generations have accumulated virtue!!
#March travel support event
1. Turkey
I visited Turkey Cappadocia hot air balloon as a package a while ago!! According to the guide, the hot air balloon didn't fly for 13 days due to the weather, but on the day our team applied, the hot air balloon flew for the first time!! It snowed the next day! Phew
The hot air balloon seen with the sunrise was really beautiful!
2. Jungfrau, Switzerland
I've visited Switzerland twice.
The first time I went alone, and the second time I went with my family
I was able to see the clean Jungfrau!!
The place with the Swiss flag is the photo spot~
The line here is really long..
I ran and ran to take a shortcut and took a photo in 3rd place..
3. Matterhorn, Switzerland
Matterhorn located in Zermatt!
Not only was there no cloud,
but I was able to see the golden Matterhorn! It was a truly unforgettable viewㅜㅜ
4. Appenzell Ebenalp
It was selected as a place to visit before you die by the BBC in the UK!
It's a mountain hut on a cliff! Isn't it amazing?
Because it was close to the airport, I went there before catching a flight to Korea
But it was so close that it was really great❤️
5. Italian Dolomiti Seseda
A truly magnificent and wonderful rock mountain!! It was a wonderful mountain that seemed like a mountain spirit would come out. I remember taking a quick picture before the clouds covered it!
I'm a housewife who loves traveling, taking pictures, and nature!
I really hope I get selected for the event😊
🎈Welcome to Cappadocia 🎈
Iza nas je još jedno nezaboravno putovanje,poseta čarobnoj Kapadokiji. Izuzetno popularna u zadnje vreme, ali nedovoljno promovisana na pravi način, ova regija će vas bez dileme oduševiti. 🥂 Dok svi pričaju o balonima i romantičnim momentima u srcu Anadolije, često zaboravljaju da pomenu istorijsku važnost ovog mesta. 🏛 Kapadokija je mesto stotina šarenih balona na nebu iznad najneobičnijih stena i geoloških formacija nastalih vulkanskim erupcijama pre više od 40 miliona godina. 🌋
Ova oblast danas zauzima prostor od oko 80 km2 i nalazi se u centralnoistočnoj Anadoliji, na samo 200 km od turske prestonice Ankare. 🛤
Kako do Kapadokije?
Postoji nekoliko načina da stignete do nje. Najbliži aerodrom se nalazi u Nevšehiru, dok je na samo sat vremena aerodrom Kajseri. ✈️Ukoliko se odlučite za avio prevoz, iz našeg regiona, do ovih gradova se najjeftinije stiže konekcijom preko Istanbula. 🚍 Ukoliko ste pak u posetu Istanbulu došli autobusom, možete kod lokalnih agenata naći jednodnevne i dvodnevne izlete za posetu Kapadokiji. 🇹🇷 Da li znate je to što godišnje privlači preko dva miliona turista u ovu regiju? 🕊