Suggestions and charm, traditions and stories from the past, beauty and wonder. You can feel all this while walking through the streets of Erice, a village among the most beautiful in Italy. Its history is enhanced by the poet Virgil, who cites Erice in his most famous work, the Aeneid, making it a stop in the Trojan hero Aeneas’s journey; the hero is also the mythical founder of Rome.
To discover Erice, let’s begin our tour from Porta Trapani and walk through the alley streets and the squares, bordered by churches and palaces that, in open spaces, reveal majestic landscapes. Erice is famous for its numerous churches, indeed it was known as the city with a hundred churches. However, in reality there are less but many must be visited. Besides the Church of San Martino, in Norman style, and the Church of Sant’Albertino degli Abbati, we will highlight the oldest, the Mother Church, dedicated to the cult of Santa Maria Assunta. Its quadrangular bell tower is embellished with mullioned windows; it is a structure with the function of defending and sighting. There are nine crosses in the right wall of the church: legend has it that those crosses came from the temple of Venus, carried by Frederick of Aragon, who was a runaway and refugee in the city during the War of the Vespers.