
This place is like a forest out of a Hayao Miyazaki film!!

After a trip to Xinjiang, my heartfelt feeling is! Apart from Xinjiang, the rest is elsewhere, no other place can replace it! Xinjiang is about to enter the most beautiful summer, this summer, you must go to Xinjiang 🌲 · ✈ Chengdu - Yining, rent a car for a self-driving tour 🚙 Total cost per person is 6k (excluding airfare) May in Yili has just entered spring, there is still snow in many places, the biggest advantage is that during the off-season, air tickets and hotel prices are cheap, and you can enjoy both the snow-capped mountains and some early blooming flowers🌼. June is the best time, with blooming flowers and green grass, but the snow mountains have melted, and the consumption is moderate. July and August are the peak tourist seasons, with all the lavender in Huocheng in full bloom, and the consumption is relatively high. · 🚙 My favorite places throughout the journey 【Nalati】 Self-driving 300/person, although the price is not cheap, it is truly worth it, I love Nalati the most, there are herds of cattle and sheep on the grassland, as well as snow-capped mountains and streams, you must wait for the sunset at the nomadic homes 【Qiaxi Forest Park】 Compared to Kuerdening, I prefer Qiaxi, it's as romantic as an oil painting, just like the movie scene of 'Heidi and Grandfather', I suggest staying in Gongliu 【Qiongkushitai】 The road to Qiongku is extremely beautiful, there is a snow mountain swing in front of the mountain, there is no need to be stubborn about the back mountain, the stay at Qingkong Jiyi is awesome 【Fairy Lake】 Although it requires hiking, the scenery is absolutely worth it 【Sailimu Lake】 Get up at 5 am to go to S bay to watch the sunrise, an unforgettable experience, it is a beautiful scene that will be remembered for a lifetime . 🚙12-day trip recommendation 1. Chengdu - Urumqi 2. Huocheng - Sailimu Lake (must see the sunrise) 3. Sailimu Lake - Guozigou Bridge - Huocheng Lavender, stay in Yining or Huanghuang Village 4. Yining - Tekes - Qiongkushitai 5. Qiongkushitai 6. Qiongkushitai - Kalajun Grassland - Stay in Zhaosu 7. Xatage scenic area - Stay in Tekes Bagua City at night 8. Tekes - Tekes River - Qiaxi Forest Park - Nalati, stay in the town 9. Nalati Grassland Scenic Area 10. Nalati - Northern section of Duku Highway - Tangbula - Fairy Lake, stay in Tangbula 11. Tangbula - Northern section of Duku Highway - Urumqi · 🌟Precautions 1. Prepare mosquito repellent 2. Choose an SUV for car rental, the roads to Qiongkushitai and Qiaxi are not very good 3. The temperature difference between morning and evening is large, you can experience four seasons in one day 4. If you want to take pictures of the sunrise at Sailimu Lake and don't want to stay in the scenic area, you can enter from the east gate before 9 am (the south gate does not check tickets)
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Jun 18, 2024
26 people found this moment helpful
I went on a honeymoon 10 years ago, and I think I have to prepare for my 10th anniversary.
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