
Nature's Gift: The Ninety-Nine Mile Waterfall Hot Springs of the Great Liang Mountains

Just a stone's throw away from Luoji Mountain, there lies a place even more beautiful than the mountain scenery - the Ninety-Nine Mile Waterfall Hot Springs. It's my first time seeing hot springs built right in the midst of a waterfall cluster! Waterfalls are common but maintaining a constant temperature is rare, and hot springs are common but not in the form of waterfalls. The hot spring water, around 40 degrees Celsius, cascades down from the cliffs mid-mountain, and the rugged beauty of nature is truly breathtaking! This is the largest waterfall hot spring in the world, and also the only cliff hot spring. A hundred different sized hot spring waterfalls form a hot spring waterfall cluster, with water around 40℃ gushing out from the limestone fissures, roaring in the verdant valley, with steam shrouding the area like a fairyland. The hot spring water of Luoji Mountain is radon hot spring water, which can be directly consumed. The water is rich in radon and metasilicic acid, making it a weak carbonic acid type natural mineral water, with no odd taste upon drinking. 【Travel Tips】 √Address: Ninety-Nine Mile Hot Spring Waterfall, Luoji Mountain, Qiaowo Town, Puge County, Liangshan Prefecture √Transportation: Navigation is accurate → Luoji Mountain Ninety-Nine Mile Scenic Area, 1.5H mountain road from Xichang √Bus: Buy a bus ticket to Qiaowo at the Xichang Automobile Travel Passenger Transport Center, 27/person, business car 40/person, and tell the driver to stop at the hot springs. Return trip: Just wait at the drop-off point for a bus or business car, there are many available. √Business Hours: 7:00-24:00 √About Tickets: The earlier you enter the scenic area, the cheaper it is Ticket + sightseeing car + hot spring price from 7 am to 9:30 am 💰140 yuan, 17:30-24:00 💰140, after 10 am 190, children under 1.2 meters free. After buying the ticket, queue up for the shuttle bus, the ticket price includes round-trip shuttle bus fare, and hot spring fee √Accommodation: There are only 2 hotels at the entrance of the hot springs, Yangquan Hotel and Dacao River Guesthouse
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Posted: Mar 23, 2024
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