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Women's Museum of Australia

#australiatrip The compound housed the Alice Springs Old Goal and the Women's Museum of Australia. The entry fee is for both the "attractions". Women's Museum of Australia (formerly known as the National Pioneer Women's Hall of Fame) is dedicated to celebrating and preserving the place of women in Australian history. There are 4 permanent exhibitions include, 'Ordinary Women/ Extraordinary Lives'; 'the Signature Quilt'; 'Women at the Heart'; and 'the Aviatrix Tapestry'. Ordinary Women/ Extraordinary Lives focuses on Australian women first in their field. Women at the Heart is an exhi­bi­tion about of women with heart, women who embrace courage, endurance, resilience and resource­ful­ness, com­pan­ion­ship and compassion. The Sig­na­ture Quilt holds 342 sig­na­to­ries form­ing a Patch­work of Empowerment. The rec­tan­gles are signed by Aus­tralian women who have record­ed firsts or sig­nif­i­cant achieve­ments in their fields of endeav­our. The Aviatrix Tapestry, or Pioneer Aviation Tapestry honours the Australian wowen in aviation industry. The concept was suggested by the pioneer aviator Nancy-Biro Walton. The museum has excellent exhibits but I feel that the arrangement and lighting of the hall can be improved.
Posted: Jun 14, 2024
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Women's Museum of Australia and Old Gaol (formerly National Pioneer Women's Hall of Fame)

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