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Edensor, the Most Beautiful Village in England | Comparable to a Fairy Tale Dream Town

Comparable to a Fairy Tale Dream Town. Edensor, the Most Beautiful Village in England | Comparable to a Fairy Tale Dream Town Sharing the World's Most Beautiful Travel Destinations Location: Edensor, England This is the filming location for the movie 'Pride and Prejudice', very close to Chatsworth House, a very quiet and quaint village. Lin Yutang said: 'The ideal life of a great harmony in the world is probably to live in the countryside of England.' England never lacks beautiful villages, but this one is definitely the most peaceful and serene. It embodies all the beauty of a British estate with plenty of ancient buildings and green spaces. Centuries-old houses seem even more charming after enduring years of weathering. Adorable sheep graze carefree on the grass, with the babbling streams and spectacular waterfalls It can be considered a fairy tale paradise in an English village. Due to the few tourists, the air in the town is exceptionally fresh, suitable for stargazing on clear nights. The soul of England is in the countryside, and it's truly not wrong. There are quaint houses, natural scenery, mountains and rivers, the aroma of coffee, colorful reed fields, leisurely afternoons, and the longing for a pastoral symphony. England has preserved its history very well, carrying the original appearance from the corridors of time. Perhaps this is the best representation of England as a gentleman's country.
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Posted: Jun 23, 2024
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