
Slowdown but have fun? Go to Qingzhou

Getting There - train Attractions - Zoo, memorial hall, mountains, ancient city, water slide, bbq, scenic areas and more Hotels - many to choose from depending on your budget but all fairly cheap Food & Restaurants - try the local food or head to the ancient city and eat some delicious food there Shopping - syno mall 📍 Qingzhou was a work trip for me and although i had 100’s of students to care for, it was a great trip! and i thoroughly enjoyed it. 🏔 The scenic area is probably the highlight of the trip, there are mountains, attractions, water slide, the glass bridge and more, you can even really dive deep and stay in a static RV or the 4* hotel just a 5 minute walk away from the scenic area 🦓 The zoo is great, whilst its a little rundown, some of the animals roam free like goats and pigs and they are super friendly with children and adults! whilst other animals that are unpredictable are kept safely in their environment, emu’s, bears, camels, you name it its probably theres even a funfair and places for photography shots at the entrance. #trip #sightseeing
Posted: Aug 2, 2022
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